109 resultados para Intercultural sensitivity


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The limits to biological processes on Earth are determined by physicochemical parameters, such as extremes of temperature and low water availability. Research into microbial extremophiles has enhanced our understanding of the biophysical boundaries which define the biosphere. However, there remains a paucity of information on the degree to which rates of microbial multiplication within extreme environments are determined by the availability of specific chemical elements. Here, we show that iron availability and composition of the gaseous phase (aerobic vs. microaerobic) determine susceptibility of a marine bacterium, Halomonas hydrothermalis, to sub-optimal and elevated temperature and salinity by impacting rates of cell division (but not viability). In particular, iron starvation combined with microaerobic conditions (5 % v/v of O2, 10 % v/v of CO2, reduced pH) reduced sensitivity to temperature across the 13 °C range tested. These data demonstrate that nutrient limitation interacts with physicochemical parameters to determine biological permissiveness for extreme environments. The interplay between resource availability and stress tolerance, therefore, may shape the distribution and ecology of microorganisms within Earth's biosphere.


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Arsenate and arsenite sensitivity and arsenate influx tests were conducted for two rice cultivars of different arsenic sensitivity. Azucena and Bala. These were to establish if the mechanism of reduced arsenic sensitivity is achieved through an altered phosphate uptake system, as shown for Holcus lanatus. High phosphate treatments (>= 50 mu M) provided protection against both arsenate and arsenite. Unlike the H. lanatus tolerance mechanism, in the less sensitive cultivar Bala, arsenate influx did not decrease with phosphate treatment and phosphate transporters appeared to be constitutively upregulated; V(max) for arsenate influx remain similar when Bala was grown in the presence or absence of phosphate (V(max) - 0.90 and 0.63 nmol g(-1) f.wt min(-1) respectively). Although mean K(m) appear different, Bala did not show lower affinity to arsenate than Azucena in the absence of phosphate (K(m) - Azucena, 0.30 mM and Bala, 0.18), while in phosphate treatment, Bala arsenate affinity was half that observed for Azucena (K(m) - Azucena, 0.14 and Bala, 0.36 mM). These were low compared to a 4 and 6 fold decrease seen for similar studies on H. lanatus in the absence and presence of phosphate. Phosphate-induced arsenic protection was observed but the mechanism does not resemble that of H. lanatus. Alternative mechanisms were discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the sensitivity of a MAP configuration of a discrete probabilistic graphical model with respect to perturbations of its parameters. These perturbations are global, in the sense that simultaneous perturbations of all the parameters (or any chosen subset of them) are allowed. Our main contribution is an exact algorithm that can check whether the MAP configuration is robust with respect to given perturbations. Its complexity is essentially the same as that of obtaining the MAP configuration itself, so it can be promptly used with minimal effort. We use our algorithm to identify the largest global perturbation that does not induce a change in the MAP configuration, and we successfully apply this robustness measure in two practical scenarios: the prediction of facial action units with posed images and the classification of multiple real public data sets. A strong correlation between the proposed robustness measure and accuracy is verified in both scenarios.


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Several animals and microbes have been shown to be sensitive to magnetic fields, though the exact mechanisms of this ability remain unclear in many animals. Chitons are marine molluscs which have high levels of biomineralised magnetite coating their radulae. This discovery led to persistent anecdotal suggestions that they too may be able to navigationally respond to magnetic fields. Several researchers have attempted to test this, but to date there have been no large-scale controlled empirical trials. In the current study, four chiton species (Katharina tunicata, Mopalia kennerleyi, Mopalia muscosa and Leptochiton rugatus, n=24 in each) were subjected to natural and artificially rotated magnetic fields while their movement through an arena was recorded over four hours. Field orientation did not influence the position of the chitons at the end of trials, possibly as a result of the primacy of other sensory cues (i.e. thigmotaxis). Under non-rotated magnetic field conditions, the orientation of subjects when they first reached the edge of an arena was clustered around 309-345 degrees (north-north-west) in all four species. However, orientations were random under the rotated magnetic field, which may indicate a disruptive effect of field rotation. This pattern suggests that chitons can detect and respond to magnetism.


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The biochemical responses of Holcus lanatus L. to copper and arsenate exposure were investigated in arsenate-tolerant and -non-tolerant plants from uncontaminated and arsenic/copper-contaminated sites. Increases in lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and phytochelatin (PC) production were correlated with increasing copper and arsenate exposure. In addition, significant differences in biochemical responses were observed between arsenate-tolerant and -non-tolerant plants. Copper and arsenate exposure led to the production of reactive oxygen species, resulting in significant lipid peroxidation in non-tolerant plants. However, SOD activity was suppressed upon metal exposure, possibly due to interference with metallo-enzymes. It was concluded that in non-tolerant plants, rapid arsenate influx resulted in PC production, glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation. This process would also occur in tolerant plants, but by decreasing the rate of influx, they were able to maintain their constitutive functions, detoxify the metals though PC production and quench reactive oxygen species by SOD activity.


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Pinus sylvestris seedlings infected with either the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Paxillus involutus or Suillus variegatus were exposed to a range of Cd or Zn concentrations. This was done to investigate the relationship between the sensitivity of ECM fungi and their host plants over a wide range of concentrations. P involutus ameliorated the toxicity of Cd and Zn to P. sylvestris with respect to root length, despite significant inhibition of ECM infection levels by Cd (Cd EC50 [effective concentration which inhibits ECM infection by 50%] values were: P. involutus 3.7 μg g-1 Cd; S. variegatus 2.3 μg g-1 Cd). ECM infection by P. involutus also decreased Cd and Zn transport to the plant shoots at potentially toxic concentrations and also influenced the proportion of Zn transported to the roots and shoots, with a higher proportion retained in the roots of the seedlings. ECM infection did increase host biomass production, but this was not affected by the presence of Cd or Zn. Root and shoot biomass production by P. sylvestris, in both the presence and absence of ECM fungi, was unaffected by Cd and Zn at all concentrations tested.


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Isolates of the endomycorrhizal fungus Hymenoscyphus ericae and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme from soils uncontaminated with AsO4/3-, were compared with regard to their sensitivity to AsO4/3- in solution culture. When grown in liquid media amended with a range of AsO4/3- concentrations, H. ericae demonstrated reduced sensitivity to AsO4/3- compared to H. crustuliniforme. The concentrations causing 50% inhibition of growth (EC50) were 1.33 mol/m3 and 0.33 mol/m3, respectively, for H. ericae and H. crustuliniforme. The compound AsO4/3- is a PO4/3- analogue for the plasmalemma PO4/3- transporter. The presence of PO4/3- in the media at high concentrations ameliorated the toxic effects of AsO4/3- in both the ericoid and ectomycorrhizal fungi. This could be due to both suppression of the PO4/3- transporter under high phosporus status and competition of PO4/3- with AsO4/3- for the transport protein. The kinetics of AsO4/3- influx in H. ericae and H. crustuliniforme were also investigated. Hymenoscyphus ericae demonstrated a high K(m) value, 0.071 mol/m3, consistent with values obtained for AsO4/3- -tolerant plants. We suggest that the high K(m) value may be a mechanism used by H. ericae to express reduced AsO4/3- sensitivity. The ecological significance of this reduced sensitivity is also discussed.


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Insulin signaling to the glomerular podocyte is important for normal kidney function and is implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN). This study determined the role of the insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2) in this system. Conditionally immortalized murine podocytes were generated from wild-type (WT) and insulin receptor substrate 2-deficient mice (Irs2−/−). Insulin signaling, glucose transport, cellular motility and cytoskeleton rearrangement were then analyzed. Within the glomerulus IRS2 is enriched in the podocyte and is preferentially phosphorylated by insulin in comparison to IRS1. Irs2−/− podocytes are significantly insulin resistant in respect to AKT signaling, insulin-stimulated GLUT4-mediated glucose uptake, filamentous actin (F-actin) cytoskeleton remodeling and cell motility. Mechanistically, we discovered that Irs2 deficiency causes insulin resistance through up-regulation of the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN). Importantly, suppressing PTEN in Irs2−/− podocytes rescued insulin sensitivity. In conclusion, this study has identified for the first time IRS2 as a critical molecule for sensitizing the podocyte to insulin actions through its ability to modulate PTEN expression. This finding reveals two potential molecular targets in the podocyte for modulating insulin sensitivity and treating DN.


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Routine molecular diagnostics modalities are unable to confidently detect low frequency mutations (<5-15%) that may indicate response to targeted therapies. We confirm the presence of a low frequency NRAS mutation in a rectal cancer patient using massively parallel sequencing when previous Sanger sequencing results proved negative and Q-PCR testing inconclusive. There is increasing evidence that these low frequency mutations may confer resistance to anti-EGFR therapy. In view of negative/inconclusive Sanger sequencing and Q-PCR results for NRAS mutations in a KRAS wt rectal case, the diagnostic biopsy and 4 distinct subpopulations of cells in the resection specimen after conventional chemo/radiotherapy were massively parallel sequenced using the Ion Torrent PGM. DNA was derived from FFPE rectal cancer tissue and amplicons produced using the Cancer Hotspot Panel V2 and sequenced using semiconductor technology. NRAS mutations were observed at varying frequencies in the patient biopsy (12.2%) and all four subpopulations of cells in the resection with an average frequency of 7.3% (lowest 2.6%). The results of the NGS also provided the mutational status of 49 other genes that may have prognostic or predictive value, including KRAS and PIK3CA. NGS technology has been postulated in diagnostics because of its capability to generate results in large panels of clinically meaningful genes in a cost-effective manner. This case illustrates another potential advantage of this technology: its use for detecting low frequency mutations that may influence therapeutic decisions in cancer treatment.