102 resultados para HIGHLY-CHARGED IONS


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Many studies have shown that the effectiveness of radiations of varying LET is similar when yields of dsb have been measured, despite large differences in biological response. Recent evidence has suggested however, that current techniques underestimate the yields of dsb. By monitoring the fragmentation of DNA over a wide range of fragment sizes ( 6 Mbp) by pulsed field electrophoresis, RBE values greater than 1.0 for radiations of around 100 keV/mm have been determined. The data provide evidence for the production of correlated breaks produced within cells as particle tracks traverse the nucleus. The highly ordered structure of DNA within mammalian cells may lead to clustering of breaks over distances related to the repeating unit structures of the chromatin. As well as these regionally damaged sites, a major contributor to radiation effectiveness will be the localised clustering of damage in the 1 - 20 bp region. A major effort is required to elucidate the relative importance of these levels of clustering and their importance in biological response.


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Exposure to ionizing radiation can increase the risk of cancer, which is often characterized by genomic instability. In environmental exposures to high-LET radiation (e.g. Ra-222), it is unlikely that many cells will be traversed or that any cell will be traversed by more than one alpha particle, resulting in an in vivo bystander situation, potentially involving inflammation. Here primary human lymphocytes were irradiated with precise numbers of He-3(2+) ions delivered to defined cell population fractions, to as low as a single cell being traversed, resembling in vivo conditions. Also, we assessed the contribution to genomic instability of the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFA). Genomic instability was significantly elevated in irradiated groups ( greater than or equal totwofold over controls) and was comparable whether cells were traversed by one or two He-3(2+) ions. Interestingly, substantial heterogeneity in genomic instability between experiments was observed when only one cell was traversed. Genomic instability was significantly reduced (60%) in cultures in which all cells were irradiated in the presence of TNFA antibody, but not when fractions were irradiated under the same conditions, suggesting that TNFA may have a role in the initiation of genomic instability in irradiated cells but not bystander cells. These results have implications for low-dose exposure risks and cancer. (C) 2005 by Radiation Research Society.


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The linear and nonlinear properties of low-frequency electrostatic excitations of charged dust particles (or defects) in a dense collisionless, unmagnetized Thomas-Fermi plasma are investigated. A fully ionized three-component model plasma consisting of electrons, ions, and negatively charged massive dust grains is considered. Electrons and ions are assumed to be in a degenerate quantum state, obeying the Thomas-Fermi density distribution, whereas the inertial dust component is described by a set of classical fluid equations. Considering large-amplitude stationary profile travelling-waves in a moving reference frame, the fluid evolution equations are reduced to a pseudo-energy-balance equation, involving a Sagdeev-type potential function. The analysis describes the dynamics of supersonic dust-acoustic solitary waves in Thomas-Fermi plasmas, and provides exact predictions for their dynamical characteristics, whose dependence on relevant parameters (namely, the ion-to-electron Fermi temperature ratio, and the dust concentration) is investigated. An alternative route is also adopted, by assuming weakly varying small-amplitude disturbances off equilibrium, and then adopting a multiscale perturbation technique to derive a Korteweg–de Vries equation for the electrostatic potential, and finally solving in terms for electric potential pulses (electrostatic solitons). A critical comparison between the two methods reveals that they agree exactly in the small-amplitude, weakly superacoustic limit. The dust concentration (Havnes) parameter h = Zd0nd0/ne0 affects the propagation characteristics by modifying the phase speed, as well as the electron/ion Fermi temperatures. Our results aim at elucidating the characteristics of electrostatic excitations in dust-contaminated dense plasmas, e.g., in metallic electronic devices, and also arguably in supernova environments, where charged dust defects may occur in the quantum plasma regime.


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The zero-length crosslinker EDC has been widely used to make amide bonds between carboxylic acid and amine groups for bioconjugation because no residues remain in the crosslinked protein. During the conjugation process, EDC activates the carboxyl groups (negatively charged) and forms an unstable amine-reactive intermediate (positively charged). However, the process turns to be a problematic issue if it is applied to modify carboxyl-functionalized and –stabilized Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) due to the fact that the negatively repulsive forces which help to stabilize the AuNPs were disrupted leading to the colloid aggregation. Therefore, to modify the negatively carboxyl-terminated AuNPs while their stability can be maintained yet, we assume that functionalization of the AuNPs using 02 kinds of negatively charged groups which one serves as a linking agent, and the other one plays a role of negative charge maintainer could overcome the impediment.

In this study, the colloidal gold nanoparticles were synthesized by Turkevitch’s method, and then their surface was rationally functionalized with different molar ratios of HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)6OCH2COOH and HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)3OH (OEG6-COOH/OEG3-OH) by self assembling technique. As a result, the most appropriate molar ratio was found to be 1:10, and the AuNP aggregation was prevented not only in the activation process by EDC but also in the present of high concentration of NaCl as well as over in a wide pH range. This is the first time that extremely stable OEG derivatives-functionalized Au nanoparticles for protein bioconjugation using EDC chemistry is reported, and the results open the door for covalent bioconjugation of AuNPs in biological applications.


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Recent progress in plasma science and technology has enabled the development of a new generation of stable cold non-equilibrium plasmas operating at ambient atmospheric pressure. This opens horizons for new plasma technologies, in particular in the emerging field of plasma medicine. These non-equilibrium plasmas are very efficient sources for energy transport through reactive neutral particles (radicals and metastables), charged particles (ions and electrons), UV radiation, and electro-magnetic fields. The effect of a cold radio frequency-driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet on plasmid DNA has been investigated. The formation of double strand breaks correlates well with the atomic oxygen density. Taken with other measurements, this indicates that neutral components in the jet are effective in inducing double strand breaks. Plasma manipulation techniques for controlled energy delivery are highly desirable. Numerical simulations are employed for detailed investigations of the electron dynamics, which determines the generation of reactive species. New concepts based on nonlinear power dissipation promise superior strategies to control energy transport for tailored technological exploitations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a first principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) study of the interaction of low energy, positively charged, carbon (C+) projectiles with amorphous solid water clusters at 30 K. Reactions involving the carbon ion at an initial energy of 11 eV and 1.7 eV with 30-molecule clusters have been investigated. Simulations indicate that the neutral isoformyl radical, COH, and carbon monoxide, CO, are the dominant products of these reactions. All these reactions are accompanied by the transfer of a proton from the reacting water molecule to the ice, where it forms a hydronium ion. We find that COH is formed either via a direct, "knock-out", mechanism following the impact of the C+ projectile upon a water molecule or by creation of a COH_2^+ intermediate. The direct mechanism is more prominent at higher energies. CO is generally produced following the dissociation of COH. More frequent production of the formyl radical, HCO, is observed here than in gas phase calculations. A less commonly occurring product is the dihydroxymethyl, CH(OH)_2, radical. Although a minor result, its existence gives an indication of the increasing chemical complexity which is possible in such heterogeneous environments.


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Discrimination of different species in various target scopes within a single sensing platform can provide many advantages such as simplicity, rapidness, and cost effectiveness. Here we design a three-input colorimetric logic gate based on the aggregation and anti-aggregation of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) for the sensing of melamine, cysteine, and Hg2+. The concept takes advantages of the highly specific coordination and ligand replacement reactions between melamine, cysteine, Hg2+, and Au NPs. Different outputs are obtained with the combinational inputs in the logic gates, which can serve as a reference to discriminate different analytes within a single sensing platform. Furthermore, besides the intrinsic sensitivity and selectivity of Au NPs to melamine-like compounds, the “INH” gates of melamine/cysteine and melamine/Hg2+ in this logic system can be employed for sensitive and selective detections of cysteine and Hg2+, respectively.


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Highly anisotropic, beam-like neutron emission with peak flux of the order of 10^9 n/sr was obtained from light nuclei reactions in a pitcher–catcher scenario, by employing MeV ions driven by subpetawatt laser. The spatial profile of the neutron beam, fully captured for the first time by employing a CR39 nuclear track detector, shows a FWHMdivergence angle of ~70 deg, with a peak flux nearly an order of magnitude higher than the isotropic component elsewhere. The observed beamed flux of neutrons is highly favourable for a wide range of applications, and indeed for further transport and moderation to thermal energies. A systematic study employing various combinations of pitcher–catcher materials indicates the dominant reactions being d(p, n+p)1Hand d(d,n)3He. Albeit insufficient cross-section data are available for modelling, the observed anisotropy in the neutrons’ spatial and spectral profiles are most likely related to the directionality and high energy of the projectile ions.


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Electron-impact ionization and recombination cross sections and rate coefficients are calculated for M-shell Ar atomic ions using a configuration-average distorted-wave method. The electron-impact ionization calcula- tions are for all atomic ions in the Ar isonuclear sequence. Ionization contributions include both direct ioniza- tion and excitation-autoionization processes. Good agreement is found between theory and experimental crossed-beam measurements for moderately charged ion stages. Comparisons are made with previous theoret- ical calculations where possible.We also generate rate coefficients for neutral argon ionization, based on recent R-matrix with pseudostates calculations. Electron-impact dielectronic recombination is calculated for all M-shell ions of argon. For Ar6+ and Ar7+ the current theoretical results agree well with previous level-resolved distorted-wave calculations. In order to compare with published ionization balance results our dielectronic recombination data are combined with literature values for the higher ion stages and with recent radiative recombination data for all the ion stages. We find significant differences in our equilibrium fractional abun- dances for the M-shell ions, compared with literature values. We relate these differences to the underlying atomic data.


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Astrophysics is driven by observations, and in the present era there are a wealth of state-of-the-art ground-based and satellite facilities. The astrophysical spectra emerging from these are of exceptional quality and quantity and cover a broad wavelength range. To meaningfully interpret these spectra, astronomers employ highly complex modelling codes to simulate the astrophysical observations. Important input to these codes include atomic data such as excitation rates, photoionization cross sections, oscillator strengths, transition probabilities and energy levels/line wavelengths. Due to the relatively low temperatures associated with many astrophysical plasmas, the accurate determination of electron-impact excitation rates in the low energy region is essential in generating a reliable spectral synthesis. Hence it is these atomic data, and the main computational methods used to evaluate them, which we focus on in this publication. We consider in particular the complicated open d- shell structures of the Fe-peak ions in low ionization stages. While some of these data can be obtained experimentally, they are usually of insufficient accuracy or limited to a small number of transitions.


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High power lasers have proven being capable to produce high energy γ-rays, charged particles and neutrons, and to induce all kinds of nuclear reactions. At ELI, the studies with high power lasers will enter for the first time into new domains of power and intensities: 10 PW and 10^23 W/cm^2. While the development of laser based radiation sources is the main focus at the ELI-Beamlines pillar of ELI, at ELI-NP the studies that will benefit from High Power Laser System pulses will focus on Laser Driven Nuclear Physics (this TDR, acronym LDNP, associated to the E1 experimental area), High Field Physics and QED (associated to the E6 area) and fundamental research opened by the unique combination of the two 10 PW laser pulses with a gamma beam provided by the Gamma Beam System (associated to E7 area). The scientific case of the LDNP TDR encompasses studies of laser induced nuclear reactions, aiming for a better understanding of nuclear properties, of nuclear reaction rates in laser-plasmas, as well as on the development of radiation source characterization methods based on nuclear techniques. As an example of proposed studies: the promise of achieving solid-state density bunches of (very) heavy ions accelerated to about 10 MeV/nucleon through the RPA mechanism will be exploited to produce highly astrophysical relevant neutron rich nuclei around the N~126 waiting point, using the sequential fission-fusion scheme, complementary to any other existing or planned method of producing radioactive nuclei.

The studies will be implemented predominantly in the E1 area of ELI-NP. However, many of them can be, in a first stage, performed in the E5 and/or E4 areas, where higher repetition laser pulses are available, while the harsh X-ray and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) environments are less damaging compared to E1.

A number of options are discussed through the document, having an important impact on the budget and needed resources. Depending on the TDR review and subsequent project decisions, they may be taken into account for space reservation, while their detailed design and implementation will be postponed.

The present TDR is the result of contributions from several institutions engaged in nuclear physics and high power laser research. A significant part of the proposed equipment can be designed, and afterwards can be built, only in close collaboration with (or subcontracting to) some of these institutions. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is currently under preparation with each of these key partners as well as with others that are interested to participate in the design or in the future experimental program.


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The spectroscopy and metastability of the carbon dioxide doubly charged ion, the CO 2 2+ dication, have been studied with photoionization experiments: time-of-flight photoelectron photoelectron coincidence (TOF-PEPECO), threshold photoelectrons coincidence (TPEsCO), and threshold photoelectrons and ion coincidence (TPEsCO ion coincidence) spectroscopies. Vibrational structure is observed in TOF-PEPECO and TPEsCO spectra of the ground and first two excited states. The vibrational structure is dominated by the symmetric stretch except in the TPEsCO spectrum of the ground state where an antisymmetric stretch progression is observed. All three vibrational frequencies are deduced for the ground state and symmetric stretch and bending frequencies are deduced for the first two excited states. Some vibrational structure of higher electronic states is also observed. The threshold for double ionization of carbon dioxide is reported as 37.340±0.010 eV. The fragmentation of energy selected CO 2 2+ ions has been investigated with TPEsCO ion coincidence spectroscopy. A band of metastable states from ∼38.7 to ∼41 eV above the ground state of neutral CO 2 has been observed in the experimental time window of ∼0.1-2.3 μs with a tendency towards shorter lifetimes at higher energies. It is proposed that the metastability is due to slow spin forbidden conversion from bound excited singlet states to unbound continuum states of the triplet ground state. Another result of this investigation is the observation of CO ++O + formation in indirect dissociative double photoionization below the threshold for formation of CO 2 2+. The threshold for CO ++O + formation is found to be 35.56±0.10 eV or lower, which is more than 2 eV lower than previous measurements.