270 resultados para Gant, Tony


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We previously showed inhibition of Kir2 inward rectifier K+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes by the mitochondrial agents carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) and sodium azide. Mutagenesis studies suggested that FCCP may act via phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) depletion. This mechanism could be reversible in intact cells but not in excised membrane patches which preclude PIP2 regeneration. This prediction was tested by investigating the reversibility of the inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP in intact cells and excised patches. We also investigated the effect of FCCP on Kir2.2 expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Kir2.2 current, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, increased in inside-out patches from FCCP-treated and untreated oocytes. The fraction of total current that increased was 0.79?±?0.05 in control and 0.89?±?0.03 in 10 µM FCCP-treated (P?>?.05). Following “run-up,” Kir2.2 current was re-inhibited by “cramming” inside-out patches into oocytes. Therefore, run-up reflected not reversal of inhibition by FCCP, but washout of an endogenous inhibitor. Kir2.2 current recovered in intact oocytes within 26.5 h of FCCP removal. Injection of oocytes with 0.1 U apyrase completely depleted ATP (P?<?.001) but did not inhibit Kir2.2 and inhibited Kir2.1 by 35% (P?<?.05). FCCP only partially reduced [ATP] (P?<?.001), despite inhibiting Kir2.2 by 75% (P?<?.01) but not Kir2.1. FCCP inhibited Kir2.2 expressed in HEK cells. The recovery of Kir2.2 from inhibition by FCCP requires intracellular components, but direct depletion of ATP does not reproduce the differential inhibitory effect of FCCP. Inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP is not unique to Xenopus oocytes. J. Cell. Physiol. 219: 8–13, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Solid-state NMR and TEM were used to quantitatively examine the evolution of clay morphology upon equibiaxial stretching of polypropylene/montmorillonite (PP-MMT) nanocomposites up to a stretch ratio (?= final length/initial length) of 3.5. 1 H spin-lattice relaxation times were measured by the saturation-recovery sequence. For the nanocomposites, initial portions of the magnetization recovery
curves (e~20 ms) were found to depend on v t, indicative of diffusion-limited relaxation and in agreement with calculations based on estimates of the spin-diffusion barrier radius surrounding the paramagnetic centers in the clay, the electron-nucleus coupling constant, and the spin-diffusion coefficient. Initial slopes of these magnetization recovery curves directly correlated with the fraction of clay/polymer interface. New clay surface was exposed as a near linear function of strain. Long-time portions of the magnetization recovery curves yielded information on the average interparticle separations, which decreased slowly before reaching a plateau at ?=~2.5 as particles aligned. TEM images supported these findings and were used to define and quantify degrees of exfoliation and homogeneity from the NMR data. Exfoliation, defined as (platelets/ stack)-1, increased from 0.38 (unstretched) to 0.80 at ? = 3.5 for PP-MMT nanocomposites stretched at
150 C and 16 s-1. A lower stretch temperature, 145 C, which is slightly below melting onset, led to an exfoliation degree of 0.87 at ?= 2.8, consistent with the ability of higher melt viscosities to allow for higher shear stress transfer. Exposure of new clay surface is attributed to aggregate breakup and orientation at low strains (? e ~2) and to platelets sliding apart at higher strains.


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Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) bone cement–multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) nanocomposites with a weight loading of 0.1% were prepared using 3 different methods of MWCNT incorporation. The mechanical and thermal properties of the resultant nanocomposite cements were characterised in accordance with the international standard for acrylic resin cements. The mechanical properties of the resultant nanocomposite cements were influenced by the type of MWCNT and method of incorporation used. The exothermic polymerisation reaction for the PMMA bone cement was significantly reduced when thermally conductive functionalised MWCNTs were added. This reduction in exotherm translated in a decrease in thermal necrosis index value of the respective nanocomposite cements, which potentially could reduce the hyperthermia experienced in vivo. The morphology and degree of dispersion of the MWCNTs in the PMMA matrix at different scales were analysed using scanning electron microscopy. Improvements in mechanical properties were attributed to the MWCNTs arresting/retarding crack propagation through the cement by providing a bridging effect into the wake of the crack, normal to the direction of crack growth. MWCNT agglomerations were evident within the cement microstructure, the degree of these agglomerations was dependent on the method used to incorporate the MWCNTs into the cement.


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Connectivity mapping is a process to recognize novel pharmacological and toxicological properties in small molecules by comparing their gene expression signatures with others in a database. A simple and robust method for connectivity mapping with increased specificity and sensitivity was recently developed, and its utility demonstrated using experimentally derived gene signatures.

This paper introduces sscMap (statistically significant connections' map), a Java application designed to undertake connectivity mapping tasks using the recently published method. The software is bundled with a default collection of reference gene-expression profiles based on the publicly available dataset from the Broad Institute Connectivity Map 02, which includes data from over 7000 Affymetrix microarrays, for over 1000 small-molecule compounds, and 6100 treatment instances in 5 human cell lines. In addition, the application allows users to add their custom collections of reference profiles and is applicable to a wide range of other 'omics technologies.

The utility of sscMap is two fold. First, it serves to make statistically significant connections between a user-supplied gene signature and the 6100 core reference profiles based on the Broad Institute expanded dataset. Second, it allows users to apply the same improved method to custom-built reference profiles which can be added to the database for future referencing. The software can be freely downloaded from http://purl.oclc.org/NET/sscMap