134 resultados para Erythroid precursors


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The effect of the deacetylated (amine) metabolite of diamphenethide (DAMD, 10 mug ml-1) on the uptake and incorporation by adult Fasciola hepatica of radioactively labelled precursors of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis ([H-3]thymidine, [H-3]uridine and [H-3]leucine, respectively) was measured by liquid scintillation counting. Comparison was made between the effects of DAMD and those of specific inhibitors of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, namely, 5-fluorouracil, cordycepin and cycloheximide, respectively. DAMD caused a significant decrease in the overall uptake and incorporation of [H-3]uridine by F. hepatica, decreased the incorporation of [H-3]leucine and also caused a significant decrease in the overall protein content of the flukes. The effect of DAMD was similar to that of cycloheximide (I x 10(-3) M), a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis, which also caused a significant decrease in the incorporation of [H-3]leucine by the fluke and a decrease in the overall protein content of the fluke. Cordycepin(100 mug ml-1) caused a significant decrease in the protein content of the fluke, but had no effect on the uptake or incorporation of [H-3]uridine. 5-Fluorouracil (I x 10(-4) m) did not affect the uptake or incorporation of VH]thymidine, nor did it decrease the protein content of the fluke. The results indicate that DAMD inhibits protein synthesis by F. hepatica, possibly by inhibiting RNA synthesis. The results are also consistent with previous morphological investigations involving DAMD.


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Photometric and spectroscopic observations of the faint Supernovae (SNe) 2002kg and 2003gm, and their precursors, in NGC 2403 and NGC 5334, respectively, are presented. The properties of these SNe are discussed in the context of previously proposed scenarios for faint SNe: low-mass progenitors producing underenergetic SNe; SNe with ejecta constrained by a circumstellar medium; and outbursts of massive Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs). The last scenario has been referred to as 'Type V SNe', 'SN impostors' or 'fake SNe'.


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The role of net charge (Z) of thiols in their ability to radioprotect cells has been investigated in a glutathione (GSH)-deficient strain of E. coli. This strain, 7, is deficient in the enzyme gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and allows the effects of added low molecular weight thiols to be studied. Using the gas explosion system it is possible to measure the chemical repair of the free-radical precursors of lethal lesions by thiols in intact cells. The first-order chemical repair rate in strain 7 is 280s(-1) in comparison with 1100s(-1) in the wild-type strain 1157. From the measured difference in the intracellular concentration of GSH between the wild-type and the mutant, this gives a second-order repair rate, k(r)'s of 1.23 +/- 0.3 X 10(5) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1). Measurement of intracellular thiol levels after addition of various low molecular weight thiols showed that uptake was rapid, leading to stable thiol levels within 1 min. The ratios of the intracellular to extracellular concentrations (C-in/C-out) were 0.74 for 3-mercaptopropionic acid (Z=-1), 0.56 for 2-mercaptoethanol (Z=0), 1.47 for cysteamine (Z=+1) and 1.04 for WR1065 (Z=+2). The k(r)'s for these thiols were 1.3 +/- 0.5 X 10(5) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1) for 30-mercaptopropionic acid, 3.3 +/- 1.6 x 10(5) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1) for 2-mercaptoethanol, 3.9 +/- 1.1 X 10(5) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1) for cysteamine and 2.7 +/- 1.1 X 10(6) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1) for WR1065. These are lower and increase less with charge than previously published values for chemical repair in isolated pBR322 DNA, probably because of the association of nucleoproteins and polyamines with the cellular DNA of E. coli. However, the approximate three-fold increase in k(r) per unit increase in Z shows that the counter-ion condensation and co-ion depletion are important in determining the effectiveness of charged thiols in the radioprotection of E. coli.


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By using a fast reaction technique which employs H2S gas as a fast-reacting chemical repair agent, it is possible to measure the competition kinetics between chemical repair reactions and oxygen fixation reactions in model DNA and cellular systems. In plasmid pBR322 DNA irradiated with electrons, we have compared the oxygen fixation reactions of the free radical precursors that lead to the production of single-strand (SSBs) and double-strand breaks (DSBs). For the oxygen-dependent fixation of radical damage leading to SSBs, a second-order rate constant of 2.3 x 10(8) dm(3) mol(-1) s(-1) was obtained compared to 8.9 x 10(7) dm(3) mol(-1) s(-1) for DSBs. The difference is in general agreement with predictions from a multiple-radical model where the precursor of a DSB originates from two radicals. The fixation of this precursor by oxygen will require both radicals to be fixed for the DSB to be formed, which will have slower kinetics than that of single free-radical precursors of SSBs. (C) 1999 by Radiation Research Society.


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Lipopolysaccharide is a major component of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and provides a permeability barrier to many commonly used antibiotics. ADP-heptose residues are an integral part of the LPS inner core, and mutants deficient in heptose biosynthesis demonstrate increased membrane permeability. The heptose biosynthesis pathway involves phosphorylation and dephosphorylation steps not found in other pathways for the synthesis of nucleotide sugar precursors. Consequently, the heptose biosynthetic pathway has been marked as a novel target for antibiotic adjuvants, which are compounds that facilitate and potentiate antibiotic activity. D-alpha,beta-D-heptose-1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase (GmhB) catalyzes the third essential step of LPS heptose biosynthesis. This study describes the first crystal structure of GmhB and enzymatic analysis of the protein. Structure-guided mutations followed by steady state kinetic analysis, together with established precedent for HAD phosphatases, suggest that GmhB functions through a phosphoaspartate intermediate. This study provides insight into the structure-function relationship of GmhB, a new target for combatting gram-negative bacterial infection.


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The lipopolysaccharide O antigen of Shigella flexneri 2a has two preferred chain lengths, a short (S-OAg) composed of an average of 17 repeated units and a very long (VL-OAg) of about 90 repeated units. These chain length distributions are controlled by the chromosomally encoded WzzB and the plasmid-encoded Wzz(pHS-2) proteins, respectively. In this study, genes wzzB, wzz(pHS-2) and wzy (encoding the O-antigen polymerase) were cloned under the control of arabinose- and rhamnose-inducible promoters to investigate the effect of varying their relative expression levels on O antigen polysaccharide chain length distribution. Controlled expression of the chain length regulators wzzB and wzz(pHS-2) revealed a dose-dependent production of each modal length. Increase in one mode resulted in a parallel decrease in the other, indicating that chain length regulators compete to control the degree of O antigen polymerization. Also, when expression of the wzy gene is low, S-OAg but not VL-OAg is produced. Production of VL-OAg requires high induction levels of wzy. Thus, the level of expression of wzy is critical in determining O antigen modal distribution. Western blot analyses of membrane proteins showed comparable high levels of the WzzB and Wzz(pHS-2) proteins, but very low levels of Wzy. In vivo cross-linking experiments and immunoprecipitation of membrane proteins did not detect any direct interaction between Wzy and WzzB, suggesting the possibility that these two proteins may not interact physically but rather by other means such as via translocated O antigen precursors.


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The core oligosaccharide component of the lipopolysaccharide can be subdivided into inner and outer core regions. In Escherichia coli, the inner core consists of two 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid and three glycero-manno-heptose residues. The HldE protein participates in the biosynthesis of ADP-glycero-manno-heptose precursors used in the assembly of the inner core. HldE comprises two functional domains: an N-terminal region with homology to the ribokinase superfamily (HldE1 domain) and a C-terminal region with homology to the cytidylyltransferase superfamily (HldE2 domain). We have employed the structure of the E. coli ribokinase as a template to model the HldE1 domain and predict critical amino acids required for enzyme activity. Mutation of these residues renders the protein inactive as determined in vivo by functional complementation analysis. However, these mutations did not affect the secondary or tertiary structure of purified HldE1, as judged by fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Furthermore, in vivo coexpression of wild-type, chromosomally encoded HldE and mutant HldE1 proteins with amino acid substitutions in the predicted ATP binding site caused a dominant negative phenotype as revealed by increased bacterial sensitivity to novobiocin. Copurification experiments demonstrated that HldE and HldE1 form a complex in vivo. Gel filtration chromatography resulted in the detection of a dimer as the predominant form of the native HldE1 protein. Altogether, our data support the notions that the HldE functional unit is a dimer and that structural components present in each HldE1 monomer are required for enzymatic activity.


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The O7-specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in strains of Escherichia coli consists of a repeating unit made of galactose, mannose, rhamnose, 4-acetamido-2,6-dideoxyglucose, and N-acetylglucosamine. We have recently cloned and characterized genetically the O7-specific LPS biosynthesis region (rfbEcO7) of the E. coli O7:K1 strain VW187 (C. L. Marolda, J. Welsh, L. Dafoe, and M. A. Valvano, J. Bacteriol. 172:3590-3599, 1990). In this study, we localized the gnd gene encoding gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase at one end of the rfbEcO7 gene cluster and sequenced that end of the cluster. Three open reading frames (ORF) encoding polypeptides of 275, 464, and 453 amino acids were identified upstream of gndEcO7, all transcribed toward the gnd gene. ORF275 had 45% similarity at the protein level with ORF16.5, which occupies a similar position in the Salmonella enterica LT2 rfb region, and presumably encodes a nucleotide sugar transferase. The polypeptides encoded by ORFs 464 and 453 were expressed under the control of the ptac promoter and visualized in Coomassie blue-stained sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and by maxicell analysis. ORF464 expressed GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase and ORF453 encoded a phosphomannomutase, the enzymes for the biosynthesis pathway of GDP-mannose, one of the nucleotide sugar precursors for the formation of the O7 repeating unit. They were designated rfbMEcO7 and rfbKEcO7, respectively. The RfbMEcO7 polypeptide was homologous to the corresponding protein in S. enterica LT2, XanB of Xanthomonas campestris, and AlgA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, all GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylases. RfbKEcO7 was very similar to CpsG of S. enterica LT2, an enzyme presumably involved in the biosynthesis of the capsular polysaccharide colanic acid, but quite different from the corresponding RfbK protein of S. enterica LT2.


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The skin secretions of frogs and toads (Anura) have long been a known source of a vast abundance of bioactive substances. In the past decade, transcriptome data of the granular glands of anuran skin has given new impetus to investigations of the putative constituent peptides. Alytes obstetricans was recently investigated and novel peptides with antimicrobial activity were isolated and functionally characterised. However, genetic data for the evolutionarily ancient lineage to which Alytes belongs (midwife toads; Alytidae) remains unavailable.

Here we present the first such genetic data for Alytidae, derived via the granular gland transcriptome of a closely-related species of midwife toad, Alytes maurus. First, we present nucleotide sequences of the entire peptide precursors for four novel antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). The two precursors resemble those from Bombinatoridae in both their structural architecture and amino acid sequence. Each precursor comprises two AMPs as tandem repeats, with a member of the alyteserin-1 family (alyteserin-1Ma: GFKEVLKADLGSLVKGIAAHVAN-NH2 or alyteserin-1Mb: GFKEVLKAGLGSLVKGIPAHVAN-NH2) followed by its corresponding member from the alyteserin-2 family (alyteserin-2Ma: FIGKLISAASGLLSHL-NH2 or alyteserin-2Mb: ILGAIIPLVSGLLSHL-NH2). Synthetic replicates of the four AMPs possessed minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging from 9.5 to 300 µM, with the most potent being alyteserin-2Ma. Second, we also cloned the cDNA encoding an alytesin precursor, with the active alytesin exhibiting high sequence identity to bombesin-related peptides from other frogs. All putative mature peptide sequences were confirmed to be present in the skin secretion via LC/MS.

The close structural resemblance of the alyteserin genes that we isolated for A. maurus with those of Bombina provide independent molecular evidence for a close evolutionary relationship between these genera as well as more support for the convergent evolution of the AMP system within anurans. In contrast to the more evolutionarily conserved nature of neuropeptides (including alytesin, which we also isolated), the more variable nature of the AMP system together with the sporadic distribution of AMPs among anuran amphibians fuels in part our hypothesis that the latter system was co-opted secondarily to fulfil a function in the innate immune system, having originally evolved for defence against potential macropredators.


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Erythropoietin (Epo), a glycoprotein hormone produced principally in the fetal kidney and in the adult liver in response to hypoxia, is the prime regulator of growth and differentiation in erythroid progenitor cells. The regulation of Epo gene expression is not fully understood, but two mechanisms have been proposed. One involves the participation of a heme protein capable of reversible oxygenation and the other depends on the intracellular concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS), assumed to be a function of pO2. We have investigated the production of Epo in response to three stimuli, hypoxia, cobalt chloride, and the iron chelator desferrioxamine, in Hep3B cells. As expected, hypoxia caused a marked rise in Epo production. When the cells were exposed to the paired stimuli of hypoxia and cobalt no further increase was found. In contrast, chelation of iron under hypoxic conditions markedly enhanced Epo production, suggesting that the two stimuli act by separate pathways. The addition of carbon monoxide inhibited hypoxia-induced Epo production, independent of desferrioxamine concentration. Taken together these data support the concept that pO2 and ROS are sensed independently.


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Dimethyl ether (DME) is amongst one of the most promising alternative, renewable and clean fuels being considered as a future energy carrier. In this study, the comparative catalytic performance of γ-Al2O3 prepared from two common precursors (aluminum nitrate (AN) and aluminum chloride (AC)) is presented. The impact of calcination temperature was evaluated in order to optimize both the precursor and pre-treatment conditions for the production of DME from methanol in a fixed bed reactor. The catalysts were characterized by TGA, XRD, BET and TPD-pyridine. Under reaction conditions where the temperature ranged from 180 °C to 300 °C with a WHSV = 12.1 h−1 it was found that all the catalysts prepared from AN(η-Al2O3) showed higher activity, at all calcination temperatures, than those prepared from AC(γ-Al2O3). In this study the optimum catalyst was produced from AN and calcined at 550 °C. This catalyst showed a high degree of stability and had double the activity of the commercial γ-Al2O3 or 87% of the activity of commercial ZSM-5(80) at 250 °C.


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Electrodeposition of metals onto conductive supports such as graphite potentially provides a lower-waste method to form heterogeneous catalysts than the standard methods such as wet impregnation. Copper electrodeposition onto pressed graphite disc electrodes was investigated from aqueous CuSO4-ethylenediamine solutions by chronoamperometry with scanning electron microscopy used to ascertain the particle sizes obtained by this method. The particle size was studied as a function of pH, CuSO4-ethylenediamine concentration, and electrodeposition time. It was observed that decreasing the pH, copper-ethylenediamine concentration and time each decreased the size of the copper particles observed, with the smallest obtained being around 5-20 nm. Furthermore, electroless aerobic oxidation of copper metal in the presence of ethylenediamine was successfully coupled with the electrodeposition in the same vessel. In this way, deposition was achieved sequentially on up to twenty different graphite discs using the same ethylenediamine solution, demonstrating the recyclability of the ligand. The materials thus prepared were shown to be catalytically active for the mineralisation of phenol by hydrogen peroxide. Overall, the results provide a proof-of-principle that by making use of aerobic oxidation coupled with electrochemical deposition, elemental base metals can be used directly as starting materials to form heterogeneous catalysts without the need to use metal salts as catalyst precursors.


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The formation of ATP breakdown products in chicken M. pectoralis major post-slaughter is reported. The concentrations of metabolites were followed in chicken breast throughout the carcass processing post-slaughter and during chilled storage. The concentration of glucose remains similar throughout the period whilst that of glucose-6-phosphate decreases linearly. Glucose and glucose-6-phosphate concentrations were inversely related to the pHu of the breast meat throughout chilled storage. Rapid post-mortem glycolysis and high pHu values suggest the occurrence of stress at and pre-slaughter. Whilst ATP, ADP and AMP were rapidly broken down, the concentration of IMP rose rapidly and remained high. Concentrations of inosine, ribose and hypoxanthine increased gradually post-slaughter but an initial increase in ribose phosphate was not sustained. Most of the potential ribose present in chicken meat, believed to be important for flavor formation, remains bound in the form of inosine and IMP. There is evidence that additional breakdown pathways for ribose and ribose-5-phosphate may deplete the concentrations of these precursors.


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An erythrocytosis occurs when there is an increased red-cell mass. The causes of erythrocytosis are divided into primary, when there is an intrinsic defect in the erythroid cell, and secondary, when the cause is extrinsic to the erythroid cell. An idiopathic erythrocytosis occurs when the increased red-cell mass has no identifiable cause. Primary and secondary defects can be further classified as either congenital or acquired causes. The diagnostic pathway starts with a careful history and examination followed by measurement of the erythropoietin (EPO) levels. This allows a division of those patients with a low EPO level, who can then be investigated for primary causes of erythrocytosis, and those with a normal or high EPO level, where the oxygen-sensing pathway needs to be explored further. Physiological studies in those with congenital defects in the oxygen-sensing pathway show many changes in the downstream metabolism adapting to the defect, which has a bearing on the management of the disorders. Low-dose aspirin and venesection to an achievable target are the main therapeutic options that can be considered in the management of erythrocytosis. Specific guidance on venesection options should be considered with certain causes such as high oxygen-affinity hemoglobins.


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We demonstrate that cosmic rays form filamentary structures in the precursors of supernova remnant shocks due to their self-generated magnetic fields. The cosmic ray filamentation results in the growth of a long-wavelength instability, and naturally couples the rapid non-linear amplification on small scales to larger length-scales. Hybrid magnetohydrodynamics-particle simulations are performed to confirm the effect. The resulting large-scale magnetic field may facilitate the scattering of high-energy cosmic rays as required to accelerate protons beyond the knee in the cosmic ray spectrum at supernova remnant shocks. Filamentation far upstream of the shock may also assist in the escape of cosmic rays from the accelerator.