98 resultados para CONTROLLED-RELEASE


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The development of self-lubricating silicone elastomeric biomaterials, prepared using the novel crosslinking agent tetra( oleyloxy) silane and having very low coefficients of friction, has recently been reported. In this study, the in vitro release characteristics of lubricious oleyl alcohol produced during the silicone curing reaction have been quantitatively evaluated for a range of tetra( propoxy) silane/tetra(oleyloxy) silane crosslinker compositions using a novel evaporative light scattering detection method in combination with high performance liquid chromatography. The mechanism of oleyl alcohol release was seen to deviate from a simple, matrix-controlled diffusion process and instead obeyed an anomalous transport mechanism. An explanation for the observed release behaviour has been proposed based on competitive reaction kinetics between the tetra( oleyloxy) silane and tetra( propoxy) silane substituents of the silicone crosslinking agents.


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Polyol sugars, displaying a plurality Of hydroxyl groups, were shown to modulate tetra hydroxyborate (borate) cross-linking in lidocaine hydrochloride containing poly(vinyl alcohol) scini-solid hydrogels. Without polyol, demixing of borate cross-linked PVA hydrogels into two distinct phases was noticeable upon lidocaine hydrochloride addition, preventing further use as a topical System. D-Mannitol incorporation was found to be particularly suitable in cicumventing network constriction induced by ionic and pH effects upon adding the hydrochloride salt of lidocaine. A test formulation (4% w/v lidocaine HCl, 2% W/V D-mannitol, 10% w/v PVA and 2.5%, w/v THB) was shown to constitute an effective delivery system, which was characterised by an initial burst release and a drug release mechanism dependent on temperature, changing from a diffusion-controlled system to one with the properties of a reservoir system. The novel flow properties and innocuous adhesion of PVA-tetrahydroxyborate hydrogels Support their application for drug delivery to exposed epithelial surfaces, Such as lacerated wounds. Furthermore, addition of a polyol, such as mannitol, allows incorporation of soluble salt forms of active therapeutic agents by modulation of cross-linking density. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose. The pH-dependent physicochemical properties of the antimicrobial quinolone, nalidixic acid, were exploited to achieve ‘intelligent’ drug release from a potential urinary catheter coating, poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) (p(HEMA)), in direct response to the elevated pH which occurs at the onset of catheter infection.
Methods. p(HEMA) hydrogels, and reduced-hydrophilicity copolymers incorporating methyl methacrylate, were loaded with nalidixic acid by a novel, surface particulate localization method, and characterized in terms of pH-dependent drug release and microbiological activity against the common urease-producing urinary pathogen Proteus mirabilis.
Results. The pH-dependent release kinetics of surface-localized nalidixic acid were 50- and 10-fold faster at pH 9, representing the alkaline conditions induced by urease-producing urinary pathogens, compared to release at pH 5 and pH 7 respectively. Furthermore, microbiological activity against P. mirabilis was significantly enhanced after loading surface particulate nalidixic acid in comparison to p(HEMA) hydrogels conventionally loaded with dispersed drug. The more hydrophobic methyl methacrylate-containing copolymers also demonstrated this pH responsive behavior, but additionally exhibited a sustained period of zero-order release.
Conclusions. The paradigm presented here provides a system with latent, immediate infection-responsive drug release followed by prolonged zero-order antimicrobial delivery, and represents an ‘intelligent’, infection-responsive, self-sterilizing biomaterial.


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Zeolites exchanged with transition metal cations Co2+, Mn2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ are capable of storing and delivering a large quantity of nitric oxide in a range of 1.2-2.7 mmolg(-1). The metal ion exchange impacts the pore volumes of zeolite FAU more significantly than LTA. The storage of NO mainly involves coordination of NO to metal cation sites. By exposing zeolites to a moisture atmosphere, the stored nitric oxide can be released. The NO release takes more than 2 hours for the NO concentration decreasing below similar to 5ppb in outlet gas. Its release rate can be controlled by tailoring zeolite frameworks and optimising release conditions.


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It is often believed that both ionic liquids and surfactants generally behave as non-specific denaturants of proteins. In this paper, it is shown that amphiphilic ionic liquids bearing a long alkyl chain and a target molecule, where the target molecule is appended via a carboxylic ester functionality, can represent super-substrates that enable the catalytic activity of an enzyme, even at high concentrations in solution. Menthol has been chosen as the target molecule for slow and controlled fragrance delivery, and it was found that the rate of the menthol release can be controlled by the chemical structure of the ionic liquid. At a more fundamental level, this study offers an insight into the complex hydrophobic, electrostatic, and hydrogen bond interactions between the enzyme and substrate.


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The objective of this work was to investigate the feasibility of using a novel granulation technique, namely, fluidized hot melt granulation (FHMG), to prepare gastroretentive extended-release floating granules. In this study we have utilized FHMG, a solvent free process in which granulation is achieved with the aid of low melting point materials, using Compritol 888 ATO and Gelucire 50/13 as meltable binders, in place of conventional liquid binders. The physicochemical properties, morphology, floating properties, and drug release of the manufactured granules were investigated. Granules prepared by this method were spherical in shape and showed good flowability. The floating granules exhibited sustained release exceeding 10 h. Granule buoyancy (floating time and strength) and drug release properties were significantly influenced by formulation variables such as excipient type and concentration, and the physical characteristics (particle size, hydrophilicity) of the excipients. Drug release rate was increased by increasing the concentration of hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) and Gelucire 50/13, or by decreasing the particle size of HPC. Floating strength was improved through the incorporation of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. Furthermore, floating strength was influenced by the concentration of HPC within the formulation. Granules prepared in this way show good physical characteristics, floating ability, and drug release properties when placed in simulated gastric fluid. Moreover, the drug release and floating properties can be controlled by modification of the ratio or physical characteristics of the excipients used in the formulation.


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We report the formulation of novel composite nanoparticles that combine the high transfection efficiency of cationic peptide-DNA nanoparticles with the biocompatibility and prolonged delivery of polylactic acid–polyethylene glycol (PLA-PEG). The cationic cell-penetrating peptide RALA was used to condense DNA into nanoparticles that were encapsulated within a range of PLA-PEG copolymers. The composite nanoparticles produced exhibited excellent physicochemical properties including size <200 nm and encapsulation efficiency >80%. Images of the composite nanoparticles obtained with a new transmission electron microscopy staining method revealed the peptide-DNA nanoparticles within the PLA-PEG matrix. Varying the copolymers modulated the DNA release rate >6 weeks in vitro. The best formulation was selected and was able to transfect cells while maintaining viability. The effect of transferrin-appended composite nanoparticles was also studied. Thus, we have demonstrated the manufacture of composite nanoparticles for the controlled delivery of DNA.