210 resultados para Biomarkers, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer


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Expression profiling of BRCA1-deficient tumours has identified a pattern of gene expression similar to basal-like breast tumours. In this study, we examine whether a BRCA1-dependent transcriptional mechanism may underpin the link between BRCA1 and basal-like phenotype. In methods section, the mRNA and protein were harvested from a number of BRCA1 mutant and wild-type breast cancer cell lines and from matched isogenic controls. Microarray-based expression profiling was used to identify potential BRCA1-regulated transcripts. These gene targets were then validated (by in silico analysis of tumour samples) by real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays were used to confirm recruitment of BRCA1 to specific promoters. In results, we demonstrate that functional BRCA1 represses the expression of cytokeratins 5(KRT5) and 17(KRT17) and p-Cadherin (CDH3) in HCC1937 and T47D breast cancer cell lines at both mRNA and protein level. ChIP assays demonstrate that BRCA1 is recruited to the promoters of KRT5, KRT17 and CDH3, and re-ChIP assays confirm that BRCA1 is recruited independently to form c-Myc and Sp1 complexes on the CDH3 promoter. We show that siRNA-mediated inhibition of endogenous c-Myc (and not Sp1) results in a marked increase in CDH3 expression analogous to that observed following the inhibition of endogenous BRCA1. The data provided suggest a model whereby BRCA1 and c-Myc form a repressor complex on the promoters of specific basal genes and represent a potential mechanism to explain the observed overexpression of key basal markers in BRCA1-deficient tumours.


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T-box 2 (TBX2) is a transcription factor involved in mammary development and is known to be overexpressed in a subset of aggressive breast cancers. TBX2 has previously been shown to repress growth control genes such as p14(ARF) and p21(WAF1/cip1). In this study we show that TBX2 drives proliferation in breast cancer cells and this is abrogated after TBX2 small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown or after the expression of a dominant-negative TBX2 protein. Using microarray analysis we identified a large cohort of novel TBX2-repressed target genes including the breast tumour suppressor NDRG1 (N-myc downregulated gene 1). We show that TBX2 targets NDRG1 through a previously undescribed mechanism involving the recruitment of early growth response 1 (EGR1). We show EGR1 is required for the ability of TBX2 to repress NDRG1 and drive cell proliferation. We show that TBX2 interacts with EGR1 and that TBX2 requires EGR1 to target the NDRG1 proximal promoter. Abrogation of either TBX2 or EGR1 expression is accompanied by the upregulation of cell senescence and apoptotic markers. NDRG1 can recapitulate these effects when transfected into TBX2-expressing cells. Together, these data identify a novel mechanism for TBX2-driven oncogenesis and highlight the importance of NDRG1 as a growth control gene in breast tissue. Oncogene (2010) 29, 3252-3262; doi: 10.1038/onc.2010.84; published online 29 March 2010


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Background: The long-term effects of adjuvant polychemotherapy regimens in oestrogen-receptor-poor (ER-poor) breast cancer, and the extent to which these effects are modified by age or tamoxifen use, can be assessed by an updated meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials. Methods: Collaborative meta-analyses of individual patient data for about 6000 women with ER-poor breast cancer in 46 trials of polychemotherapy versus not (non-taxane-based polychemotherapy, typically about six cycles; trial start dates 1975-96, median 1984) and about 14 000 women with ER-poor breast cancer in 50 trials of tamoxifen versus not (some trials in the presence and some in the absence of polychemotherapy; trial start dates 1972-93, median 1982). Findings: In women with ER-poor breast cancer, polychemotherapy significantly reduced recurrence, breast cancer mortality, and death from any cause, in those younger than 50 years and those aged 50-69 years at entry into trials of polychemotherapy versus not. In those aged younger than 50 years (1907 women, 15% node-positive), the 10-year risks were: recurrence 33% versus 45% (ratio of 10-year risks 0·73, 2p<0·00001), breast cancer mortality 24% versus 32% (ratio 0·73, 2p=0·0002), and death from any cause 25% versus 33% (ratio 0·75, 2p=0·0003). In women aged 50-69 years (3965 women, 58% node-positive), the 10-year risks were: recurrence 42% versus 52% (ratio 0·82, 2p<0·00001), breast cancer mortality 36% versus 42% (ratio 0·86, 2p=0·0004), and death from any cause 39% versus 45% (ratio 0·87, 2p=0·0009). Few were aged 70 years or older. Tamoxifen had little effect on recurrence or death in women who were classified in these trials as having ER-poor disease, and did not significantly modify the effects of polychemotherapy. Interpretation: In women who had ER-poor breast cancer, and were either younger than 50 years or between 50 and 69 years, these older adjuvant polychemotherapy regimens were safe (ie, had little effect on mortality from causes other than breast cancer) and produced substantial and definite reductions in the 10-year risks of recurrence and death. Current and future chemotherapy regimens could well yield larger proportional reductions in breast cancer mortality.


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Background:We have previously demonstrated that Tcf-4 regulates osteopontin (OPN) in rat breast epithelial cells, Rama37. In this report, we have examined the importance of this regulation in human breast cancer.Methods:The regulatory roles of Tcf-4 on cell invasion and OPN expression were investigated. The mRNA expression of Tcf-4 and OPN, and survival of breast cancer patients were correlated.Results:Tcf-4 enhanced cell invasion in both MCF10AT and MDA MB 231 breast cancer cells by transcriptionally activating OPN expression. Osteopontin was activated by Wnt signalling in MDA MB 231 cells. Paradoxical results on Tcf-4-regulated OPN expression in MCF10AT (activation) and Rama37 (repression) cells were shown to be a result of differential Wnt signalling competency in MCF10AT and Rama37 cells. High levels of OPN and Tcf-4 mRNA expression were significantly associated with survival in breast cancer patients. Most importantly, Tcf-4-positive patients had a poorer prognosis when OPN was overexpressed, while OPN-negative patients had a better prognosis when Tcf-4 was overexpressed.Conclusion:Our results suggest that Tcf-4 can act as a repressor or activator of breast cancer progression by regulating OPN expression in a Wnt-dependent manner and that Tcf-4 and OPN together may be a novel prognostic indicator for breast cancer progression.


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Evidence is accumulating that breast cancer is not one disease but many separate diseases. DNA microarray-based gene expression profiling has demonstrated subtypes with distinct phenotypic features and clinical responses. Prominent among the new subtypes is 'basal-like' breast cancer, one of the 'intrinsic' subtypes defined by negativity for the estrogen, progesterone, and HER2/neu receptors and positivity for cytokeratins-5/6. Focusing on basal-like breast cancer, we discuss how molecular technologies provide new chemotherapy targets, optimising treatment whilst sparing patients from un-necessary toxicity. Clinical trials are needed that incorporate long-term follow-up of patients with well-characterised tumour markers. Whilst the absence of an obvious dominant oncogene driving basallike breast cancer and the lack of specific therapeutic agents are serious stumbling blocks, this review will highlight several promising therapeutic candidates currently under evaluation. Thus, new molecular technologies should provide a fundamental foundation for better understanding breast and other cancers which may be exploited to save lives.


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There are currently only two predictive markers of response to chemotherapy for breast cancer in routine clinical use, namely the Estrogen receptor-alpha and the HER2 receptor. The breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 is an important genetic factor in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and there is increasing evidence of an important role for BRCA1 in the sporadic forms of both cancer types. Our group and numerous others have shown in both preclinical and clinical studies that BRCA1 is an important determinant of chemotherapy responses in breast cancer. In this review we will outline the current understanding of the role of BRCA1 as a determinant of response to DNA damaging and microtubule damaging chemotherapy. We will then discuss how the known functions of this multifaceted protein may provide mechanistic explanations for its role in chemotherapy responses. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Ten to twenty per cent of breast tumours exhibit a basallike genetic profile and these tumours carry a poor prognosis. Breast tumours which contain germline mutations for BRCA1 commonly exhibit a molecular profile similar to basal breast tumours. BRCA1 is a tumour suppressor gene which is mutated in up to 5–10% of breast cancer cases and is involved in multiple cellular processes including DNA damage control, cell cycle checkpoint control, apoptosis, ubiquitination and transcriptional regulation.

Methods Microarray-based profiling was carried out using the HCC1937EV and HCC1937BR breast cancer cell lines. Basal gene and protein expression levels were analysed by qRT-PCR and western blotting. ChIP analyses were performed and demonstrated that BRCA1 regulates basal gene expression through a transcriptional mechanism involving c-myc.

Results We have previously carried out microarray-based expression profiling to examine differences in gene expression when BRCA1 is reconstituted in BRCA1 mutated HCC1937 breast cancer cells. We observed that p-cadherin and the cytokeratin 5 and cytokeratin 17 genes, which are strongly correlated with the basal phenotype, are differentially expressed when BRCA1 is reconstituted. In addition, qRT-PCR and ChIP analysis of BRCA1 reconstituted cells show that BRCA1 represses the expression of these basal genes by a transcriptional mechanism. Furthermore, abrogation of endogenous BRCA1 protein in the T47D cell line using siRNA results in reexpression of these basal genes, suggesting that BRCA1 expression levels may be important in basal gene expression. We have also demonstrated that BRCA1 is physically associated with the promoter regions of basal genes through an association with c-myc. Consequently, we have confirmed that siRNA inhibition of c-myc in T47D cells results in re-expression of these genes.

Conclusions Our results suggest that BRCA1 is involved in the transcriptional regulation of genes associated with the basal phenotype and that BRCA1 controls basal gene expression through a transcriptional mechanism involving c-myc. Further work is now concentrating on defining the relationship between BRCA1 and basal gene expression and how this may affect clinical responses to breast cancer chemotherapy.


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A local collaborative process was launched in Windsor, Ontario, Canada to explore the role of occupation as a risk factor for cancer. An initial hypothesis-generating study found an increased risk for breast cancer among women aged 55 years or younger who had ever worked in farming. On the basis of this result, a 2-year case–control study was undertaken to evaluate the lifetime occupational histories of women with breast cancer. The results indicate that women with breast cancer were nearly three times more likely to have worked in agriculture when compared to the controls (OR = 2.80 [95% CI, 1.6–4.8]). The risk for those who worked in agriculture and subsequently worked in automotive-related manufacturing was further elevated (OR = 4.0 [95% CI, 1.7–9.9]). The risk for those employed in agriculture and subsequently employed in health care was also elevated (OR = 2.3 [95% CI, 1.1–4.6]). Farming tended to be among the earlier jobs worked, often during adolescence. While this article has limitations including the small sample size and the lack of information regarding specific exposures, it does provide evidence of a possible association between farming and breast cancer. The findings indicate the need for further study to determine which aspects of farming may be of biological importance and to better understand the significance of timing of exposure in terms of cancer risk.