146 resultados para BINARY-MIXTURES


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We describe a fluidity and conductivity study as a function of composition in N-methylpyrrolidine-acetic acid mixtures. The simple 1 : 1 acid-base mixture appears to form an ionic liquid, but its degree of ionicity is quite low and such liquids are better thought of as poorly dissociated mixtures of acid and base. The composition consisting of 3 moles acetic acid and 1 mole N-methylpyrrolidine is shown to form the highest ionicity mixture in this binary due to the presence of oligomeric anionic species [(AcO)(x)Hx-1](-) stabilised by hydrogen bonds. These oligomeric species, being weaker bases than the acetate anion, shift the proton transfer equilibrium towards formation of ionic species, thus generating a higher degree of ionicity than is present at the 1 : 1 composition. A Walden plot analysis, thermogravimetric behaviour and proton NMR data, as well as ab initio calculations of the oligomeric species, all support this conclusion.


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New protic ionic liquids (PILs) based on the diisopropyl-ethylammonium cation have been synthesized through a simple and atom-economic neutralization reaction between the diisopropyl-ethylamine and selected carboxylic acid. Densities and rheological properties were then measured for two original diisopropyl-ethylammonium-based protic ionic liquids (heptanoate and octanoate) at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure. The effect of the presence of water or acetonitrile on the measured values was also examined over the whole composition range at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure. From these values, excess properties were calculated and correlated by using a Redlich-Kister-type equation. Finally, a qualitative analysis of the evolution of studied properties with the alkyl chain length of the anion and with the presence or not of water (or acetonitrile) was performed. From this analysis, it appears that selected PILs and their mixtures with water or acetonitrile have a non-Newtonian shear thickening behavior, and the addition of water or acetonitrile on these PILs increases this phenomena by the formation of aggregates in these media.


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The phase behavior of a model system of colloidal platelets and nonadsorbing polymers is studied using computer simulations and perturbation theory. The equation of state for the pure platelet reference system is obtained by Monte Carlo simulations, and the free volume fraction accessible to polymers is measured by a trial insertion method. The free volume fraction is also calculated using scaled particle theory. Subsequently, the phase diagram for platelet-polymer mixtures is calculated. For a platelet aspect ratio L/D=0.1 and a polymer to platelet size ratio d/D>0.2, we observe coexistence between two isotropic phases with different densities. For smaller polymers d/D


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We present light curves and periods of 53 candidates for short period eclipsing binary stars identified by SuperWASP. These include 48 newly identified objects with periods


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Exoplanet transit and Doppler surveys discover many binary stars during their operation that can be used to conduct a variety of ancillary science. Specifically, eclipsing binary stars can be used to study the stellar mass-radius relationship and to test predictions of theoretical stellar evolution models. By cross-referencing 24 binary stars found in the MARVELS Pilot Project with SuperWASP photometry, we find two new eclipsing binaries, TYC 0272-00458-1 and TYC 1422-01328-1, which we use as case studies to develop a general approach to eclipsing binaries in survey data. TYC 0272-00458-1 is a single-lined spectroscopic binary for which we calculate a mass of the secondary and radii for both components using reasonable constraints on the primary mass through several different techniques. For a primary mass of M 1 = 0.92 ± 0.1 M sun, we find M 2 = 0.610 ± 0.036 M sun, R 1 = 0.932 ± 0.076 R sun, and R 2 = 0.559 ± 0.102 R sun, and find that both stars have masses and radii consistent with model predictions. TYC 1422-01328-1 is a triple-component system for which we can directly measure the masses and radii of the eclipsing pair. We find that the eclipsing pair consists of an evolved primary star (M 1 = 1.163 ± 0.034 M sun, R 1 = 2.063 ± 0.058 R sun) and a G-type dwarf secondary (M 2 = 0.905 ± 0.067 M sun, R 2 = 0.887 ± 0.037 R sun). We provide the framework necessary to apply this analysis to much larger data sets.


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We present a spectroscopic analysis of an extremely rapidly rotating late O-type star, VFTS102, observed during a spectroscopic survey of 30 Doradus. VFTS102 has a projected rotational velocity larger than 500 km s(-1) and probably as large as 600 km s-1; as such it would appear to be the most rapidly rotating massive star currently identified. Its radial velocity differs by 40 kms(-1) from the mean for 30 Doradus, suggesting that it is a runaway. VFTS102 lies 12 pc from the X-ray pulsar PSR J0537-6910 in the tail of its X-ray diffuse emission. We suggest that these objects originated from a binary system with the rotational and radial velocities of VFTS102 resulting from mass transfer from the progenitor of PSR J0537-691 and the supernova explosion, respectively.


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The brightness of type Ia supernovae, and their homogeneity as a class, makes them powerful tools in cosmology, yet little is known about the progenitor systems of these explosions. They are thought to arise when a white dwarf accretes matter from a companion star, is compressed and undergoes a thermonuclear explosion(1-3). Unless the companion star is another white dwarf ( in which case it should be destroyed by the mass-transfer process itself), it should survive and show distinguishing properties. Tycho's supernova(4,5) is one of only two type Ia supernovae observed in our Galaxy, and so provides an opportunity to address observationally the identification of the surviving companion. Here we report a survey of the central region of its remnant, around the position of the explosion, which excludes red giants as the mass donor of the exploding white dwarf. We found a type G0 - G2 star, similar to our Sun in surface temperature and luminosity ( but lower surface gravity), moving at more than three times the mean velocity of the stars at that distance, which appears to be the surviving companion of the supernova.


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We present simultaneous and continuous observations of the Halpha, Hbeta, He I D-3, Na I D-1,D-2 doublet and the Ca II H&K lines for the RS CVn system HR 1099. The spectroscopic observations were obtained during the MUSICOS 1998 campaign involving several observatories and instruments, both echelle and long-slit spectrographs. During this campaign, HR 1099 was observed almost continuously for more than 8 orbits of 2.(d)8. Two large optical flares were observed, both showing an increase in the emission of Halpha, Ca II H K, Hbeta and He I D-3 and a strong filling-in of the Na I D-1, D-2 doublet. Contemporary photometric observations were carried out with the robotic telescopes APT-80 of Catania and Phoenix-25 of Fairborn Observatories. Maps of the distribution of the spotted regions on the photosphere of the binary components were derived using the Maximum Entropy and Tikhonov photometric regularization criteria. Rotational modulation was observed in Halpha and He I D-3 in anti-correlation with the photometric light curves. Both flares occurred at the same binary phase (0.85), suggesting that these events took place in the same active region. Simultaneous X-ray observations, performed by ASM on board RXTE, show several flare-like events, some of which correlate well with the observed optical flares. Rotational modulation in the X-ray light curve has been detected with minimum flux when the less active G5 V star was in front. A possible periodicity in the X-ray flare-like events was also found.


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Context. NGC 346-013 is a peculiar double-lined eclipsing binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) discovered by the VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars.