123 resultados para AFFERENT LIMB


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A 25 year old man was brought into the emergency
department by ambulance. He was involved in a road
traffic incident and had an obvious site of blood loss from
a fracture of an upper limb. On his arrival at the
emergency department, you are told that the ambulance
paramedic was unable to gain intravenous access and
are asked by the person in charge of resuscitation to try
to gain access. You are unable to find any peripheral
veins because he is hypovolemic. You attempt to put in a
central line via the femoral vein (fig 1).


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Proteinuria originates from the kidney and occurs as a result of injury to either the glomerulus or the renal tubule or both. It is relatively common in the general population with reported point prevalence of up to 8% but the prevalence falls to around 2% on repeated testing. Chronic glomerular injury resulting in proteinuria may be secondary to prolonged duration of diabetes or hypertension. A tubular origin of proteinuria may be associated with inflammation of renal tubules triggered by prescribed drugs or ingested toxins. In the absence of obvious clues to the cause of persistent proteinuria on history or clinical examination it is worthwhile reviewing the patient's prescribed drugs to identify any potentially nephrotoxic agents e.g. NSAIDs. NICE guidelines recommend screening for proteinuria in individuals at higher risk for chronic kidney disease (CKD). These include patients with diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, connective tissue disorders, a family history of renal disease and those prescribed potentially nephrotoxic drugs. Patients with sudden onset of lower limb oedema and associated proteinuria should have a serum albumin level measured to exclude the nephrotic syndrome. Renal tract ultrasound will measure kidney size, and detect scarring associated with chronic pyelonephritis or prior renal stone disease which can cause proteinuria.


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‘Temporally urgent’ reactions are extremely rapid, spatially precise movements that are evoked following discrete stimuli. The involvement of primary motor cortex (M1) and its relationship to stimulus intensity in such reactions is not well understood. Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) suppresses focal regions of the cortex and can assess the involvement of motor cortex in speed of processing. The primary objective of this study was to explore the involvement of M1 in speed of processing with respect to stimulus intensity. Thirteen healthy young adults participated in this experiment. Behavioral testing consisted of a simple button press using the index finger following median nerve stimulation of the opposite limb, at either high or low stimulus intensity. Reaction time was measured by the onset of electromyographic activity from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle of each limb. Participants completed a 30 min bout of behavioral testing prior to, and 15 min following, the delivery of cTBS to the motor cortical representation of the right FDI. The effect of cTBS on motor cortex was measured by recording the average of 30 motor evoked potentials (MEPs) just prior to, and 5 min following, cTBS. Paired t-tests revealed that, of thirteen participants, five demonstrated a significant attenuation, three demonstrated a significant facilitation and five demonstrated no significant change in MEP amplitude following cTBS. Of the group that demonstrated attenuated MEPs, there was a biologically significant interaction between stimulus intensity and effect of cTBS on reaction time and amplitude of muscle activation. This study demonstrates the variability of potential outcomes associated with the use of cTBS and further study on the mechanisms that underscore the methodology is required. Importantly, changes in motor cortical excitability may be an important determinant of speed of processing following high intensity stimulation.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are members of the TGFβ superfamily of secreted cysteine knot proteins that includes TGFβ1, nodal, activins and inhibins. BMPs were first discovered by Urist in the 1960s when he showed that implantation of demineralized bone into intramuscular tissue of rabbits induced bone and cartilage formation. Since this seminal discovery, BMPs have also been shown to play key roles in several other biological processes, including limb, kidney, skin, hair and neuronal development, as well as maintaining vascular homeostasis. The multifunctional effects of BMPs make them attractive targets for the treatment of several pathologies, including bone disorders, kidney and lung fibrosis, and cancer. This review will summarize current knowledge on the BMP signalling pathway and critically evaluate the potential of recombinant BMPs as pharmacological agents for the treatment of bone repair and tissue fibrosis in patients.


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Aims. We study the formation and evolution of a failed filament eruption observed in NOAA active region 11121 near the southeast
limb on November 6, 2010.
Methods. We used a time series of SDO/AIA 304, 171, 131, 193, 335, and 94 Å images, SDO/HMI magnetograms, as well as ROSA
and ISOON Hα images to study the erupting active region.
Results. We identify coronal loop arcades associated with a quadrupolar magnetic configuration, and show that the expansion and
cancellation of the central loop arcade system over the filament is followed by the eruption of the filament. The erupting filament
reveals a clear helical twist and develops the same sign of writhe in the form of inverse γ-shape.
Conclusions. The observations support the “magnetic breakout” process in which the eruption is triggered by quadrupolar reconnection
in the corona. We propose that the formation mechanism of the inverse γ-shape flux rope is the magnetohydrodynamic helical
kink instability. The eruption has failed because of the large-scale, closed, overlying magnetic loop arcade that encloses the active


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We accurately determine the fundamental system parameters of the neutron star X-ray transient Cen X-4 solely using phase-resolved high-resolution UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph spectroscopy. We first determine the radial-velocity curve of the secondary star and then model the shape of the phase-resolved absorption line profiles using an X-ray binary model. The model computes the exact rotationally broadened, phase-resolved spectrum and does not depend on assumptions about the rotation profile, limb-darkening coefficients and the effects of contamination from an accretion disc. We determine the secondary star-to-neutron star binary mass ratio to be 0.1755 ± 0.0025, which is an order of magnitude more accurate than previous estimates. We also constrain the inclination angle to be 32^{+8}_{-2} degrees. Combining these values with the results of the radial-velocity study gives a neutron star mass of 1.94^{+0.37}_{-0.85}M⊙ consistent with previous estimates. Finally, we perform the first Roche tomography reconstruction of the secondary star in an X-ray binary. The tomogram reveals surface inhomogeneities that are due to the presence of cool starspots. A large cool polar spot, similar to that seen in Doppler images of rapidly rotating isolated stars, is present on the Northern hemisphere of the K7 secondary star and we estimate that ~4 percent of the total surface area of the donor star is covered with spots.This evidence for starspots supports the idea that magnetic braking plays an important role in the evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries.


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The bladder mucosa consists of the urothelium, basement membrane, and lamina propria (LP). Although the urothelium has been given much attention, it may be regarded as one part of a signaling system involving another equally important component of the bladder mucosa, namely, the LP. The LP lies between the basement membrane of the mucosa and the detrusor muscle and is composed of an extracellular matrix containing several types of cells, including fibroblasts, adipocytes, interstitial cells, and afferent and efferent nerve endings. In addition, the LP contains a rich vascular network, lymphatic vessels, elastic fibers, and smooth muscle fascicles (muscularis mucosae). The roles of the LP and its components in bladder function have not been definitively established, though it has been suggested to be the capacitance layer of the bladder, determining bladder compliance and enabling adaptive changes to increasing volumes. However, the bladder LP may also serve as a communication center, with an important integrative role in signal transduction to the central nervous system (nociception, mechanosensation). The LP may also, by means of its different components, make it possible for the urothelium to transmit information to other components of the bladder wall, contributing to activation of the detrusor muscle. In addition, the LP may serve as a source for production of factors influencing the growth of both the overlying urothelium and the underlying detrusor muscle.


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As a comparative newly-invented PKM with over-constraints in kinematic chains, the Exechon has attracted extensive attention from the research society. Different from the well-recognized kinematics analysis, the research on the stiffness characteristics of the Exechon still remains as a challenge due to the structural complexity. In order to achieve a thorough understanding of the stiffness characteristics of the Exechon PKM, this paper proposed an analytical kinetostatic model by using the substructure synthesis technique. The whole PKM system is decomposed into a moving platform subsystem, three limb subsystems and a fixed base subsystem, which are connected to each other sequentially through corresponding joints. Each limb body is modeled as a spatial beam with a uniform cross-section constrained by two sets of lumped springs. The equilibrium equation of each individual limb assemblage is derived through finite element formulation and combined with that of the moving platform derived with Newtonian method to construct the governing kinetostatic equations of the system after introducing the deformation compatibility conditions between the moving platform and the limbs. By extracting the 6 x 6 block matrix from the inversion of the governing compliance matrix, the stiffness of the moving platform is formulated. The computation for the stiffness of the Exechon PKM at a typical configuration as well as throughout the workspace is carried out in a quick manner with a piece-by-piece partition algorithm. The numerical simulations reveal a strong position-dependency of the PKM's stiffness in that it is symmetric relative to a work plane due to structural features. At the last stage, the effects of some design variables such as structural, dimensional and stiffness parameters on system rigidity are investigated with the purpose of providing useful information for the structural optimization and performance enhancement of the Exechon PKM. It is worthy mentioning that the proposed methodology of stiffness modeling in this paper can also be applied to other overconstrained PKMs and can evaluate the global rigidity over workplace efficiently with minor revisions.


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Macrophage function is not restricted to the innate and adaptive immune responses, but also includes host defence, wound healing, angiogenesis and homeostatic processes. Within the spectrum of macrophage activation there are two extremes: M1 classically activated macrophages which have a pro-inflammatory phenotype, and M2 alternatively activated macrophages which are pro-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory. An important property of macrophages is their plasticity to switch from one phenotype to the other and they can be defined in their polarisation state at any point between the two extremes. In order to determine what stage of activation macrophages are in, it is essential to profile various phenotypic markers for their identification. This review describes the angiogenic role for myeloid cells: circulating monocytes, Tie-2 expressing monocytes (TEMs), myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), tumour associated macrophages (TAMs), and neutrophils. Each cell type is discussed by phenotype, roles within angiogenesis and possible targets as a cell therapy. In addition, we also refer to our own research on myeloid angiogenic cells (MACs), outlining their ability to induce angiogenesis and their similarities to alternatively activated M2 macrophages. MACs significantly contribute to vascular repair through paracrine mechanisms as they lack the capacity to differentiate into endothelial cells. Since MACs also retain plasticity, phenotypic changes can occur according to disease states and the surrounding microenvironment. This pro-angiogenic potential of MACs could be harnessed as a novel cellular therapy for the treatment of ischaemic diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, hind limb ischaemia and myocardial infarction; however, caution needs to be taken when MACs are delivered into an inflammatory milieu.


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Chronic cough is a common symptom that can be a daunting challenge for clinicians since treatment of the underlying cause does not always provide adequate relief, an obvious cause can remain elusive, and current antitussives have fairly poor efficacy and undesirable side-effects. Patients with chronic cough typically describe a range of sensory symptoms suggestive of upper-airway and laryngeal neural dysfunction. Additionally, patients often report cough triggered by low-level physical and chemical stimuli, which is suggestive of cough-reflex hyperresponsiveness. Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying peripheral and central augmentation of the afferent cough pathways have been identified, and compelling evidence exists for a neuropathy of vagal sensory nerves after upper-respiratory viral infections or exposure to allergic and non-allergic irritants. In this Personal View, we argue that chronic cough is a neuropathic disorder that arises from neural damage caused by a range of inflammatory, infective, and allergic factors. In support of this idea, we discuss evidence of successful treatment of chronic cough with agents used for treatment of neuropathic pain, such as gabapentin and amitriptyline. Regarding cough as a neuropathic disorder could lead to new, more effective antitussives.


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Despite the importance of laughter in social interactions it remains little studied in affective computing. Respiratory, auditory, and facial laughter signals have been investigated but laughter-related body movements have received almost no attention. The aim of this study is twofold: first an investigation into observers' perception of laughter states (hilarious, social, awkward, fake, and non-laughter) based on body movements alone, through their categorization of avatars animated with natural and acted motion capture data. Significant differences in torso and limb movements were found between animations perceived as containing laughter and those perceived as nonlaughter. Hilarious laughter also differed from social laughter in the amount of bending of the spine, the amount of shoulder rotation and the amount of hand movement. The body movement features indicative of laughter differed between sitting and standing avatar postures. Based on the positive findings in this perceptual study, the second aim is to investigate the possibility of automatically predicting the distributions of observer's ratings for the laughter states. The findings show that the automated laughter recognition rates approach human rating levels, with the Random Forest method yielding the best performance.


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The ability to differentiate human pluripotent stem cells into endothelial cells with properties of cord-blood endothelial colony–forming cells (CB-ECFCs) may enable the derivation of clinically relevant numbers of highly proliferative blood vessel–forming cells to restore endothelial function in patients with vascular disease. We describe a protocol to convert human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) or embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into cells similar to CB-ECFCs at an efficiency of >108 ECFCs produced from each starting pluripotent stem cell. The CB-ECFC-like cells display a stable endothelial phenotype with high clonal proliferative potential and the capacity to form human vessels in mice and to repair the ischemic mouse retina and limb, and they lack teratoma formation potential. We identify Neuropilin-1 (NRP-1)-mediated activation of KDR signaling through VEGF165 as a critical mechanism for the emergence and maintenance of CB-ECFC-like cells.


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PURPOSE: Mutations in the Prominin-1 (Prom1) gene are known to cause retinitis pigmentosa and Stargardt disease, both of which are associated with progressive photoreceptor cell death. There are no effective therapies for either disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of the retinal degeneration in Prom1-deficient mouse models.

METHODS: We constructed Prom1 knockout mice with two distinct genetic backgrounds of C57BL/6 and C57BL/6xCBA/NSlc, and investigated the photoreceptor degeneration by means of histology and functional tests.. In addition, we examined the effect of light on the Prom1(-/-) retina by rearing the mice in the normal light/dark cycle and completely dark conditions. Finally, we investigated if the retinoic-acid derivative Fenretinide slowed the pace of retinal degeneration in these mouse models.

RESULTS: The Prom1(-/-)-knockout mice with both backgrounds developed photoreceptor degeneration after eye opening, but the CB57/BL6-background mice developed photoreceptor cell degeneration much faster than the C57BL/6xCBA/NSlc mice, demonstrating genetic background dependency.. Interestingly, our histologic and functional examination showed that the photoreceptor cell degeneration of Prom1-knockout mice was light-dependent, and was almost completely inhibited when the mutant mice were kept in the dark. The Prom1-knockout retina showed strong downregulation of expression of the visual cycle components, Rdh12 and Abca4. Furthermore, administration of Fenretinide, which lowers the level of the toxic lipofuscin, slowed the degeneration of photoreceptor cells.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings improve our understanding of the mechanism of cell death in Prominin-1-related disease and provide evidence that fenretinide may be worth studying in human disease.


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Despite its importance in social interactions, laughter remains little studied in affective computing. Intelligent virtual agents are often blind to users’ laughter and unable to produce convincing laughter themselves. Respiratory, auditory, and facial laughter signals have been investigated but laughter-related body movements have received less attention. The aim of this study is threefold. First, to probe human laughter perception by analyzing patterns of categorisations of natural laughter animated on a minimal avatar. Results reveal that a low dimensional space can describe perception of laughter “types”. Second, to investigate observers’ perception of laughter (hilarious, social, awkward, fake, and non-laughter) based on animated avatars generated from natural and acted motion-capture data. Significant differences in torso and limb movements are found between animations perceived as laughter and those perceived as non-laughter. Hilarious laughter also differs from social laughter. Different body movement features were indicative of laughter in sitting and standing avatar postures. Third, to investigate automatic recognition of laughter to the same level of certainty as observers’ perceptions. Results show recognition rates of the Random Forest model approach human rating levels. Classification comparisons and feature importance analyses indicate an improvement in recognition of social laughter when localized features and nonlinear models are used.


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Expansion of the meat inspection process to incorporate animal-based welfare measurements could contribute towards significant improvements in pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) welfare and farm profitability. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of different welfare-related lesions on the carcase and their relationship with carcase condemnations (CC) and carcase weight (CW). The financial implications of losses associated with CC and CW reductions related to the welfare lesions were also estimated. Data on tail lesions, loin bruising and bursitis, CW and condemnation/trimming outcome (and associated weights) were collected for 3,537slaughter pigs (mean [± SEM] carcase weight: 79.2 [± 8.82] kg). Overall, 72.5% of pigs had detectable tail lesions, whilst 16.0 and 44.0% were affected by severe loin bruising and hind limb bursitis, respectively. There were 2.5% of study carcases condemned and a further 3.3% were trimmed. The primary cause of CC was abscessation. While tail lesion severity did not increase the risk of abscessation, it was significantly associated with CC. Male pigs had a higher risk of tail lesions and of CC. The financial loss to producers associated with CC and trimmings was estimated at €1.10 per study pig. CW was reduced by up to 12 kg in cases of severe tail lesions. However, even mild lesions were associated with a significant reduction in CW of 1.2 kg. The value of the loss in potential CW associated with tail lesions was €0.59 per study pig. Combined with losses attributable to CC and trimmings this represented a loss of 43% of the profit margin per pig, at the time of the study, attributable to tail biting. These findings illustrate the magnitude of the impact of tail biting on pig welfare and on profitability of the pig industry. They also emphasise the potential contribution that the inclusion of welfare parameters at meat inspection could make to pig producers in informing herd health and welfare management plans.