111 resultados para ultra-wideband


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In this paper a multifunctional microstrip antenna is designed, fabricated and experimentally verified for operation in AWS, GSM, WiMAX and WLAN bands. This microstrip patch antenna has two U-shaped slots to achieve the dual wideband operation required to meet these specifications. The dimensions and locations of the U-slots are designed appropriately. The thick substrate used here helps in integrating the antenna with the existing aircraft panel material while achieving wide bandwidths. Experimental results of this single feed antenna indicate that it meets all current requirements for in-cabin wireless communication needs.


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Microstrip patch antennas are strong candidates for use in many wireless communications applications. This paper proposes the use of a patch antenna with two U-shaped slots to achieve dual band operation. A thick substrate helps broaden the individual bandwidths. The antenna is designed based on extensive IE3D simulation studies. A prototype antenna is fabricated and experimentally verified for the required performance.


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A Digital Video Broadcast Terrestrial (DVB-T) based passive radar requires the development of an antenna array that performs satisfactorily over the entire DVB-T band. The array should require no mechanical adjustments to inter-element spacing to correspond to the DVB-T carrier frequency used for any particular measurement. This paper will describe the challenges involved in designing an antenna array with a bandwidth of 450 MHz. It will discuss the design procedure and demonstrate a number of simulated array configurations. The final configuration of the array will be shown as well as simulations of the expected performance over the desired frequency span.


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The use of radars in detecting low flying, small targets is being explored for several decades now. However radar with counter-stealth abilities namely the passive, multistatic, low frequency radars are in the focus recently. Passive radar that uses Digital Video Broadcast Terrestrial (DVB-T) signals as illuminator of opportunity is a major contender in this area. A DVB-T based passive radar requires the development of an antenna array that performs satisfactorily over the entire DVB-T band. At Fraunhofer FHR, there is currently a need for an array antenna to be designed for operation over the 450-900 MHz range with wideband beamforming and null steering capabilities. This would add to the ability of the passive radar in detecting covert targets and would improve the performance of the system. The array should require no mechanical adjustments to inter-element spacing to correspond to the DVB-T carrier frequency used for any particular measurement. Such an array would have an increased flexibility of operation in different environment or locations.

The design of such an array antenna and the applied techniques for wideband beamforming and null steering are presented in the thesis. The interaction between the inter-element spacing, the grating lobes and the mutual couplings had to be carefully studied and an optimal solution was to be reached at that meets all the specifications of the antenna array for wideband applications. Directional beams, nulls along interference directions, low sidelobe levels, polarization aspects and operation along a wide bandwidth of 450-900 MHz were some of the key considerations.


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The potential that laser based particle accelerators offer to solve sizing and cost issues arising with conventional proton therapy has generated great interest in the understanding and development of laser ion acceleration, and in investigating the radiobiological effects induced by laser accelerated ions. Laser-driven ions are produced in bursts of ultra-short duration resulting in ultra-high dose rates, and an investigation at Queen's University Belfast was carried out to investigate this virtually unexplored regime of cell rdaiobiology. This employed the TARANIS terawatt laser producing protons in the MeV range for proton irradiation, with dose rates exceeding 10 Gys on a single exposure. A clonogenic assay was implemented to analyse the biological effect of proton irradiation on V79 cells, which, when compared to data obtained with the same cell line irradiated with conventionally accelerated protons, was found to show no significant difference. A Relative Biological effectiveness of 1.4±0.2 at 10 % Survival Fraction was estimated from a comparison with a 225 kVp X-ray source. © 2013 SPIE.


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ULTRACAM is a high-speed three-colour CCD camera designed to provide imaging photometry at high temporal resolutions. The instrument is highly portable and will be used at a number of large telescopes around the world. ULTRACAM was successfully commissioned on the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma on 16 May 2002 over 3 months ahead of schedule and within budget. The instrument was funded by PPARC and designed and built by a consortium involving the Universities of Sheffield Southampton and the UKATC Edinburgh. We present an overview of the design and performance characteristics of ULTRACAM and highlight some of its most recent scientific results.


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Isochoric heating of solid-density matter up to a few tens of eV is of interest for investigating astrophysical or inertial fusion scenarios. Such ultra-fast heating can be achieved via the energy deposition of short-pulse laser generated electrons. Here, we report on experimental measurements of this process by means of time-and space-resolved optical interferometry. Our results are found in reasonable agreement with a simple numerical model of fast electron-induced heating. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The maximum energy to which cosmic rays can be accelerated at weakly magnetised ultra-relativistic shocks is investigated. We demonstrate that for such shocks, in which the scattering of energetic particles is mediated exclusively by ion skin-depth scale structures, as might be expected for a Weibel-mediated shock, there is an intrinsic limit on the maximum energy to which particles can be accelerated. This maximum energy is determined from the requirement that particles must be isotropized in the downstream plasma frame before the mean field transports them far downstream, and falls considerably short of what is required to produce ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. To circumvent this limit, a highly disorganized field is required on larger scales. The growth of cosmic ray-induced instabilities on wavelengths much longer than the ion-plasma skin depth, both upstream and downstream of the shock, is considered. While these instabilities may play an important role in magnetic field amplification at relativistic shocks, on scales comparable to the gyroradius of the most energetic particles, the calculated growth rates have insufficient time to modify the scattering. Since strong modification is a necessary condition for particles in the downstream region to re-cross the shock, in the absence of an alternative scattering mechanism, these results imply that acceleration to higher energies is ruled out. If weakly magnetized ultra-relativistic shocks are disfavoured as high-energy particle accelerators in general, the search for potential sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays can be narrowed.


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We report on recent experimental results concerning the generation of collimated (divergence of the order of a few mrad) ultra-relativistic positron beams using a fully optical system. The positron beams are generated exploiting a quantum-electrodynamic cascade initiated by the propagation of a laser-accelerated, ultra-relativistic electron beam through high-Z solid targets. As long as the target thickness is comparable to or smaller than the radiation length of the material, the divergence of the escaping positron beam is of the order of the inverse of its Lorentz factor. For thicker solid targets the divergence is seen to gradually increase, due to the increased number of fundamental steps in the cascade, but it is still kept of the order of few tens of mrad, depending on the spectral components in the beam. This high degree of collimation will be fundamental for further injection into plasma-wakefield afterburners.


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This study presents the use of a stepped ground plane as a means to increase the gain and front-to-back ratio of an Archimedean spiral which operates in the frequency range 3–10 GHz. The backing structure is designed to optimize the antenna performance in discrete 1 GHz bands by placing each of the eight metal steps one quarter wavelength below the corresponding active regions of the spiral. Simulated and experimental results show that this type of ground plane can be designed to enhance the antenna performance over the entire 105% operating bandwidth of the spiral.


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We present a novel device-free stationary person detection and ranging method, that is applicable to ultra-wide bandwidth (UWB) networks. The method utilizes a fixed UWB infrastructure and does not require a training database of template waveforms. Instead, the method capitalizes on the fact that a human presence induces small low-frequency variations that stand out against the background signal, which is mainly affected by wideband noise. We analyze the detection probability, and validate our findings with numerical simulations and experiments with off-the-shelf UWB transceivers in an indoor environment. © 2007-2012 IEEE.


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An endocrine disruptor (ED) is an exogenous compound that interferes with the body's endocrine system. Exposure to EDs may result in adverse health effects such as infertility and cancer. EDs are composed of a vast group of chemicals including compounds of natural origin such as phytoestrogens or mycotoxins and a wide range of man-made chemicals such as pesticides. Synthetic compounds may find their way into the food chain where a number of them can biomagnify. Additionally, processing activities and food contact materials may add further to the already existing pool of food contaminants. Thus, our diet is considered to be one of the main exposure routes to EDs. Some precautionary legislation has already been introduced to control production and/or application of some persistent organic pollutants with ED characteristics. However, newly emerging EDs with bioaccumulative properties have recently been reported to appear at lower tiers of the food chain but have not been monitored at the grander scale. Milk and dairy products are a major component of our diet, thus it is important to monitor them for EDs. However, most methods developed to date are devoted to one group of compounds at a time. The UHPLC-MS/MS method described here has been validated according to EC decision 2002/657/EC and allows simultaneous extraction, detection, quantitation and confirmation of 19 EDs in milk. The method calibration range is between 0.50 and 20.0 μg kg with coefficients of determination above 0.99 for all analytes. Precision varied from 4.7% to 23.4% in repeatability and reproducibility studies. Established CCα and CCβ values (0.11-0.67 μg kg) facilitate fast, reliable, quantitative and confirmatory analysis of sub μg kg levels of a range of EDs in milk.


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The collimation of proton beams accelerated during ultra-intense laser irradiation of thin aluminum foils was measured experimentally whilst varying laser contrast. Increasing the laser contrast using a double plasma mirror system resulted in a marked decrease in proton beam divergence (20° to <10°), and the enhanced collimation persisted over a wide range of target thicknesses (50 nm–6 µm), with an increased flux towards thinner targets. Supported by numerical simulation, the larger beam divergence at low contrast is attributed to the presence of a significant plasma scale length on the target front surface. This alters the fast electron generation and injection into the target, affecting the resultant sheath distribution and dynamics at the rear target surface. This result demonstrates that careful control of the laser contrast will be important for future laser-driven ion applications in which control of beam divergence is crucial.


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This paper is an extension to an idea coined during the 13th EUSPEN Conference (P6.23) named "surface defect machining" (SDM). The objective of this work was to demonstrate how a conventional CNC turret lathe can be used to obtain ultra high precision machined surface finish on hard steels without recourse to a sophisticated ultra precision machine tool. An AISI 4340 hard steel (69 HRC) workpiece was machined using a CBN cutting tool with and without SDM. Post-machining measurements by a Form Talysurf and a Scanning Electron Microscope (FEI Quanta 3D) revealed that SDM culminates to several key advantages (i) provides better quality of the machined surface integrity and offers (ii) lowering feed rate to 5μm/rev to obtain a machined surface roughness of 30 nm (optical quality).