127 resultados para task domains,


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The inherent difficulty of thread-based shared-memory programming has recently motivated research in high-level, task-parallel programming models. Recent advances of Task-Parallel models add implicit synchronization, where the system automatically detects and satisfies data dependencies among spawned tasks. However, dynamic dependence analysis incurs significant runtime overheads, because the runtime must track task resources and use this information to schedule tasks while avoiding conflicts and races.
We present SCOOP, a compiler that effectively integrates static and dynamic analysis in code generation. SCOOP combines context-sensitive points-to, control-flow, escape, and effect analyses to remove redundant dependence checks at runtime. Our static analysis can work in combination with existing dynamic analyses and task-parallel runtimes that use annotations to specify tasks and their memory footprints. We use our static dependence analysis to detect non-conflicting tasks and an existing dynamic analysis to handle the remaining dependencies. We evaluate the resulting hybrid dependence analysis on a set of task-parallel programs.


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We present BDDT, a task-parallel runtime system that dynamically discovers and resolves dependencies among parallel tasks. BDDT allows the programmer to specify detailed task footprints on any memory address range, multidimensional array tile or dynamic region. BDDT uses a block-based dependence analysis with arbitrary granularity. The analysis is applicable to existing C programs without having to restructure object or array allocation, and provides flexibility in array layouts and tile dimensions.
We evaluate BDDT using a representative set of benchmarks, and we compare it to SMPSs (the equivalent runtime system in StarSs) and OpenMP. BDDT performs comparable to or better than SMPSs and is able to cope with task granularity as much as one order of magnitude finer than SMPSs. Compared to OpenMP, BDDT performs up to 3.9× better for benchmarks that benefit from dynamic dependence analysis. BDDT provides additional data annotations to bypass dependence analysis. Using these annotations, BDDT outperforms OpenMP also in benchmarks where dependence analysis does not discover additional parallelism, thanks to a more efficient implementation of the runtime system.


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Freestanding BaTiO3 nanodots exhibit domain structures characterized by distinct quadrants of ferroelastic 90 domains in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations. These differ significantly from flux-closure domain patterns in the same systems imaged by piezoresponse force microscopy. Based upon a series of phase field simulations of BaTiO3 nanodots, we suggest that the TEM patterns result from a radial electric field arising from electron beam charging of the nanodot. For sufficiently large charging, this converts flux-closure domain patterns to quadrant patterns with radial net polarizations. Not only does this explain the puzzling patterns that have been observed in TEM studies of ferroelectric nanodots, but also suggests how to manipulate ferroelectric domain patterns via electron beams.


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This monograph develops a model of reflexivity for social workers based on the work of Derek Layder. It examines psycho-biographical, interactional, institutional, cultural and economic factors and how they enable and constrain social work practice.


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Most studies of conceptual knowledge in the brain focus on a narrow range of concrete conceptual categories, rely on the researchers' intuitions about which object belongs to these categories, and assume a broadly taxonomic organization of knowledge. In this fMRI study, we focus on concepts with a variety of concreteness levels; we use a state of the art lexical resource (WordNet 3.1) as the source for a relatively large number of category distinctions and compare a taxonomic style of organization with a domain-based model (associating concepts with scenarios). Participants mentally simulated situations associated with concepts when cued by text stimuli. Using multivariate pattern analysis, we find evidence that all Taxonomic categories and Domains can be distinguished from fMRI data and also observe a clear concreteness effect: Tools and Locations can be reliably predicted for unseen participants, but less concrete categories (e.g., Attributes, Communications, Events, Social Roles) can only be reliably discriminated within participants. A second concreteness effect relates to the interaction of Domain and Taxonomic category membership: Domain (e.g., relation to Law vs. Music) can be better predicted for less concrete categories. We repeated the analysis within anatomical regions, observing discrimination between all/most categories in the left middle occipital and temporal gyri, and more specialized discrimination for concrete categories Tool and Location in the left precentral and fusiform gyri, respectively. Highly concrete/abstract Taxonomic categories and Domain were segregated in frontal regions. We conclude that both Taxonomic and Domain class distinctions are relevant for interpreting neural structuring of concrete and abstract concepts.


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Processor architectures has taken a turn towards many-core processors, which integrate multiple processing cores on a single chip to increase overall performance, and there are no signs that this trend will stop in the near future. Many-core processors are harder to program than multi-core and single-core processors due to the need of writing parallel or concurrent programs with high degrees of parallelism. Moreover, many-cores have to operate in a mode of strong scaling because of memory bandwidth constraints. In strong scaling increasingly finer-grain parallelism must be extracted in order to keep all processing cores busy.

Task dataflow programming models have a high potential to simplify parallel program- ming because they alleviate the programmer from identifying precisely all inter-task de- pendences when writing programs. Instead, the task dataflow runtime system detects and enforces inter-task dependences during execution based on the description of memory each task accesses. The runtime constructs a task dataflow graph that captures all tasks and their dependences. Tasks are scheduled to execute in parallel taking into account dependences specified in the task graph.

Several papers report important overheads for task dataflow systems, which severely limits the scalability and usability of such systems. In this paper we study efficient schemes to manage task graphs and analyze their scalability. We assume a programming model that supports input, output and in/out annotations on task arguments, as well as commutative in/out and reductions. We analyze the structure of task graphs and identify versions and generations as key concepts for efficient management of task graphs. Then, we present three schemes to manage task graphs building on graph representations, hypergraphs and lists. We also consider a fourth edge-less scheme that synchronizes tasks using integers. Analysis using micro-benchmarks shows that the graph representation is not always scalable and that the edge-less scheme introduces least overhead in nearly all situations.


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Objectives: Multitasking is a challenging aspect of human behavior, especially if the concurrently performed tasks are different in nature. Several studies demonstrated pronounced performance decrements (dual-task costs) in older adults for combinations of cognitive and motor tasks. However, patterns of costs among component tasks differed across studies and reasons for participants' resource allocation strategies remained elusive.
Method:We investigated young and older adults' multitasking of a working memory task and two sensorimotor tasks, one with low (finger force control) and one with high ecological relevance (postural control). The tasks were performed in single-, dual-, and triple-task contexts.
Results: Working memory accuracy was reduced in dual-task contexts with either sensorimotor task and deteriorated further under triple-task conditions. Postural and force performance deteriorated with age and task difficulty in dual-task contexts. However, in the triple-task context with its maximum resource demands, older adults prioritized postural control
over both force control and memory.
Discussion: Our results identify ecological relevance as the key factor in older adults’ multitasking.


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We report a first study of brain activity linked to task switching in individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) PWS individuals show a specific cognitive deficit in task switching which may be associated with the display of temper outbursts and repetitive questioning The performance of participants with PWS and typically developing controls was matched in a cued task switching procedure and brain activity was contrasted on switching and non switching blocks using SARI Individuals with PWS did not show the typical frontal-parietal pattern of neural activity associated with switching blocks, with significantly reduced activation in regions of the posterior parietal and ventromedial prefrontal cortices We suggest that this is linked to a difficulty in PWS in setting appropriate attentional weights to enable task set reconfiguration In addition to this, PWS individuals did not show the typical pattern of deactivation, with significantly less deactivation in an anterior region of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex One plausible explanation for this is that individuals with PWS show dysfunction within the default mode network which has been linked to attentional control The data point to functional changes in the neural circuitry supporting task switching in PWS even when behavioural performance is matched to controls and thus highlight neural mechanisms that may be involved in a specific pathway between genes cognition and behaviour (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Fragile X syndrome (FraX) are associated with distinctive cognitive and behavioural profiles. We examined whether repetitive behaviours in the two syndromes were associated with deficits in specific executive functions. PWS, FraX, and typically developing (TD) children were assessed for executive functioning using the Test of Everyday Attention for Children and an adapted Simon spatial interference task. Relative to the TD children, children with PWS and FraX showed greater costs of attention switching on the Simon task, but after controlling for intellectual ability, these switching deficits were only significant in the PWS group. Children with PWS and FraX also showed significantly increased preference for routine and differing profiles of other specific types of repetitive behaviours. A measure of switch cost from the Simon task was positively correlated to scores on preference for routine questionnaire items and was strongly associated with scores on other items relating to a preference for predictability. It is proposed that a deficit in attention switching is a component of the endophenotypes of both PWS and FraX and is associated with specific behaviours. This proposal is discussed in the context of neurocognitive pathways between genes and behaviour.