100 resultados para research performance


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is growing in pace, not only in design and construction stages, but also in the analysis of facilities throughout their life cycle. With this continued growth and utilisation of BIM processes, comes the possibility to adopt such procedures, to accurately measure the energy efficiency of buildings, to accurately estimate their energy usage. To this end, the aim of this research is to investigate if the introduction of BIM Energy Performance Assessment in the form of software analysis, provides accurate results, when compared with actual energy consumption recorded. Through selective sampling, three domestic case studies are scrutinised, with baseline figures taken from existing energy providers, the results scrutinised and compared with calculations provided from two separate BIM energy analysis software packages. Of the numerous software packages available, criterion sampling is used to select two of the most prominent platforms available on the market today. The two packages selected for scrutiny are Integrated Environmental Solutions - Virtual Environment (IES-VE) and Green Building Studio (GBS). The results indicate that IES-VE estimated the energy use in region of ±8% in two out of three case studies while GBS estimated usage approximately ±5%. The findings indicate that the introduction of BIM energy performance assessment, using proprietary software analysis, is a viable alternative to manual calculations of building energy use, mainly due to the accuracy and speed of assessing, even the most complex models. Given the surge in accurate and detailed BIM models and the importance placed on the continued monitoring and control of buildings energy use within today’s environmentally conscious society, this provides an alternative means by which to accurately assess a buildings energy usage, in a quick and cost effective manner.


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The past two decades witnessed a global proliferation of national human rights and equality bodies. Yet the research literature remains critical of their performance, positing a series of explanations for the gap between the expectations of civil society and the contribution they make. Through a comparative analysis of six statutory human rights and equality bodies in the United Kingdom and Ireland, this article explores the range of factors that shape their performance.


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Two important strands of research within the literature on Environmental Operations Management (EOM) relate to environmental approach and performance. Often in this research the links between environmental approach, environmental performance and EOM are considered separately with little consideration given to the interrelationships between them. This study develops and tests a theoretical framework that combines these two strands to explore how UK food manufacturers approach EOM. The framework considers the relationships between an environmentally pro-active strategic orientation, EOM and environmental and cost performance. A cross-sectional survey was developed to collect data from a sample of 1200 food manufacturing firms located within the UK. Responses were sought from production and operations managers who are knowledgeable about the environmental operations practices within their firms. A total of 149 complete and useable responses were obtained. The reliability and validity of the scales used in the survey were tested using exploratory factor analysis, prior to the testing of the hypotheses underpinning the theoretical framework using hierarchical regression analysis. Our results generate support for a link between environmental proactivity, environmental practices and performance, consistent with the natural resource-based view (NRBV) and a number of studies in the extant literature. In considering environmental proactivity as a standalone concept that influences the implementation of environmental practices outlined in the NRBV, our study generates some novel insights into these links. Further our results provide some interesting insights for managers within the food industry who can identify the potential benefits of certain practices for performance within this unique context.


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At least 34 % of the United Kingdom’s power must come from renewable energy sources to meet planned European Union targets in 2030. Wind power will provide the majority of this renewable electricity with an estimated 36 GW offshore and 21 GW onshore. The success of the Crown Estate’s leasing rounds 1 and 2 in offshore wind has meant the United Kingdom is now one of the world leaders in offshore wind power development. Leasing round 3 will see offshore wind in the United Kingdom surpass 36 GW of installed capacity. This is a significant increase from the current installed offshore wind capacity of 3.6 GW. This research investigates the power system performance of offshore wind power in the United Kingdom in 2030.


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As pressure for companies to improve their environmental performance has intensified in recent years, research attention has shifted away from establishing a link between environmental practices and performance towards consideration of other factors that might facilitate performance improvements. This paper has two key purposes; firstly, to investigate whether internal support processes interact with pollution prevention by positively moderating the relationship between pollution prevention and environmental performance, and; secondly, to assess whether the relationship between pollution prevention and cost performance is mediated by environmental performance.

It uses a cross-sectional survey of 1,200 UK-based food processing firms to gather information on environmental practices and performance. Regression analysis was conducted on a sample of 149 responding firms to assess the hypothesised relationships.

Support was found for two of the four moderated relationships hypothesised namely, suggesting that internal support processes support the environmental performance of some pollution prevention practices. Strong support for a mediated relationship between pollution prevention, environmental performance and cost performance was provided by the results.

This study provides an original contribution to the literature on the performance outcomes of environmental practices by considering a number indirect relationships between environmental practices and performance. This has implications for the interpretation of the relationship between environmental practices and performance.


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This study explored the validity of using critical thinking tests to predict final psychology degree marks over and above that already predicted by traditional admission exams (A-levels). Participants were a longitudinal sample of 109 psychology students from a university in the United Kingdom. The outcome measures were: total degree marks; and end of year marks. The predictor measures were: university admission exam results (A-levels); critical thinking test scores (skills & dispositions); and non-verbal intelligence scores. Hierarchical regressions showed A-levels significantly predicted 10% of the final degree score and the 11-item measure of ‘Inference skills’ from the California Critical Thinking Skills Test significantly predicted an additional 6% of degree outcome variance. The findings from this study should inform decisions about the precise measurement constructs included in aptitude tests used in the higher education admission process.


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Interesting wireless networking scenarios exist wherein network services must be guaranteed in a dynamic fashion for some priority users. For example, in disaster recovery, members need to be able to quickly block other users in order to gain sole use of the radio channel. As it is not always feasible to physically switch off other users, we propose a new approach, termed selective packet destruction (SPD) to ensure service for priority users. A testbed for SPD has been created, based on the Rice University Wireless open-Access Research Platform and been used to examine the feasibility of our approach. Results from the testbed are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of SPD and show how a balance between performance and acknowledgement destruction rate can be achieved. A 90% reduction in TCP & UDP traffic is achieved for a 75% MAC ACK destruction rate.


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Indoor personnel localization research has generated a range of potential techniques and algorithms. However, these typically do not account for the influence of the user's body upon the radio channel. In this paper an active RFID based patient tracking system is demonstrated and three localization algorithms are used to estimate the location of a user within a modern office building. It is shown that disregarding body effects reduces the accuracy of the algorithms' location estimates and that body shadowing effects create a systematic position error that estimates the user's location as closer to the RFID reader that the active tag has line of sight to.


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Do patterns in the YouTube viewing analytics of Lecture Capture videos point to areas of potential teaching and learning performance enhancement? The goal of this action based research project was to capture and quantitatively analyse the viewing behaviours and patterns of a series of video lecture captures across several computing modules in Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. The research sought to establish if a quantitative analysis of viewing behaviours coupled with a qualitative evaluation of the material provided from the students could be correlated to provide generalised patterns that could then be used to understand the learning experience of students during face to face lectures and, thereby, present opportunities to reflectively enhance lecturer performance and the students’ overall learning experience and, ultimately, their level of academic attainment.


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Cascade control is one of the routinely used control strategies in industrial processes because it can dramatically improve the performance of single-loop control, reducing both the maximum deviation and the integral error of the disturbance response. Currently, many control performance assessment methods of cascade control loops are developed based on the assumption that all the disturbances are subject to Gaussian distribution. However, in the practical condition, several disturbance sources occur in the manipulated variable or the upstream exhibits nonlinear behaviors. In this paper, a general and effective index of the performance assessment of the cascade control system subjected to the unknown disturbance distribution is proposed. Like the minimum variance control (MVC) design, the output variances of the primary and the secondary loops are decomposed into a cascade-invariant and a cascade-dependent term, but the estimated ARMA model for the cascade control loop based on the minimum entropy, instead of the minimum mean squares error, is developed for non-Gaussian disturbances. Unlike the MVC index, an innovative control performance index is given based on the information theory and the minimum entropy criterion. The index is informative and in agreement with the expected control knowledge. To elucidate wide applicability and effectiveness of the minimum entropy cascade control index, a simulation problem and a cascade control case of an oil refinery are applied. The comparison with MVC based cascade control is also included.


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The aim of this research was to study the impact that different mineral powders have on the properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in order to obtain relations that make it possible to optimize their dosages for being used in precast concrete applications. Different combinations and contents of cement, mineral additions (active and inert), superplasticizers, and aggregates are considered. A new approach for determining the saturation point of superplasticizers is introduced. The fresh state performance was assessed by means of the following tests: slump flow, V-funnel, and J-ring. Concrete compressive strength values at different ages up to 56 days have been retained as representative of the materials’ performance in its hardened state. All these properties have been correlated with SCC proportioning. As a result, a number of recommendations for the precast concrete industry arise to design more stable SCC mixes with a reduced carbon footprint.


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The research presented here is product of a practice-based process that primarily generates knowledge through collaboration and exchange in performance situations. This collaboration and exchange with various musicians over a period of five years that constitutes a body of practice that is here reflected upon. The paper focuses on non-instructional graphic scores and presents some insights based on performances of works by the author. We address how composition processes are revealed in graphic scores by looking at the conditions of decision making at the point of preparing a performance. We argue that three key elements are at play in the interpretation of these types of graphic scores: performance practice, mapping and musical form. By reflecting particularly on the work Cipher Series (Rebelo, 2010) we offer insights into the strategies for approaching the performance of graphic scores that go beyond symbolic codification.


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The study contributes to the literature on public value and performance examining politicians’ and managers’ perspectives by investigating the importance they attach to the different facets of performance information (i.e. budgetary, accrual based- and non-financial information (NFI)).

We survey politicians and managers in all Italian municipalities of at least 80,000 inhabitants.

Overall, NFI is more appreciated than financial information (FI). Moreover, budgetary accounting is preferred to accrual accounting. Politicians’ and managers’ preferences are generally aligned.

Research limitations/implications
NFI as a measure of public value is not alternative, but rather complementary, to FI. The latter remains a fundamental element of public sector accounting due to its role in resource allocation and control.

Practical implications
The preference for NFI over FI and of budgetary over accruals accounting suggests that the current predominant emphasis on (accrual-based) financial reporting might be misplaced.

Public value and performance are multi-faceted concepts. They can be captured by different types of information and evaluated according to different criteria, which will also depend on the category of stakeholders or users who assesses public performance. So far, most literature has considered the financial and non-financial facets of performance as virtually separate. Similarly, in the practice, financial management tends to be decoupled from non-financial performance management. However, this research shows that only by considering their joint interactions we can achieve an accurate representation of what public value really is.