147 resultados para pediatric anesthesia


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Objective: To evaluate the psychometric performance of the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) in children with cerebral palsy (CP).
Method: 818 parents of children with CP, aged 8–12 from nine regions of Europe completed the CHQ (parent form 50 items). Functional abilities were classified using the five-level Gross Motor Function Classification Scheme (Levels I–III as ambulant; Level IV–V as nonambulant CP).
Results: Ceiling effects were observed for a number of subscales and summary scores across all Gross Motor Function Classification System levels, whilst floor effects occurred only in the physical functioning scale (Level V CP). Reliability was satisfactory overall. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed a seven-factor structure for the total sample of children with CP but with different factor structures for ambulant and nonambulant children.
Conclusion: The CHQ has limited applicability in children with CP, although with judicious use of certain domains for ambulant and nonambulant children can provide useful and comparable data about child health status for descriptive purposes.


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Unfractionated heparin is frequently used in tertiary pediatric centers for the prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic disease. Recent evidence suggests that the clinical outcomes of unfractionated heparin therapy in children are poor, as determined by target-range achievement and adverse-event rates. These reports of poor outcomes may be related to an age-dependent mechanism of action of unfractionated heparin. Furthermore, several published studies have indicated that unfractionated heparin–monitoring assays currently in clinical use have significant limitations that likely affect the safety and efficacy of anticoagulant management. This review summarizes the growing body of evidence suggesting that pediatric-specific recommendations for unfractionated heparin therapy management are required to improve clinical outcomes related to this commonly prescribed medication.


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Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate if pepsin measured in sputum is a useful marker of pulmonary aspiration secondary to gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in children. It is possible that the induced sputum procedure could cause GER and invalidate the results. The hypothesis stated that healthy children (those without history of respiratory or gastroesophageal symptoms) would not have pepsin detected in induced sputum. Methods Children attending surgical outpatients in the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children (Belfast, Northern Ireland) were recruited. After spirometry, sputum was obtained by induction with hypertonic 3% saline. Spirometry was repeated, and complications were noted. An “in-house” enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure pepsin concentration in sputum. The lower limit of detection of pepsin was 1.19 ng/mL. Results Children (n = 21) aged 4 to 16 years were recruited. Twenty children completed the study. No adverse effects were reported. Pepsin was detected in 17 (85%) of 20 sputum samples. Conclusions The act of sputum induction appears to induce physiologic GER in a healthy childhood population. The analysis of pepsin in sputum obtained by sputum induction is therefore not useful in the investigation of reflux-related respiratory disease.


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Irreversible tissue damage within the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung is mediated by proteolytic enzymes during an inflammatory response. Serine proteinases, in particular neutrophil elastase (NE), have been implicated however, members of the cysteine proteinase family may also be involved. The aim of this study was to determine cathepsin B and S levels in cystic fibrosis (CF) sputum and to assess any relationship to recognized markers of inflammation such as sputum NE, interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), urine TNF receptor 1 (TNFr1), plasma IL-6, and serum C-reactive protein (CRP). Proteinase activities were measured in the sputum of 36 clinically stable CF patients using spectrophotometric and fluorogenic assays. Immunoblots were also used to confirm enzyme activity data. All other parameters were measured by ELISA. Patients had a mean age of 27.2 (8.2) years, FEV. of 1.6 (0.79) L and BMI of 20.7 (2.8). Both cathepsin B and S activities were detected in all samples, with mean concentrations of 18.0 (13.5)?µg/ml and 1.6 (0.88)?µg/ml, respectively and were found to correlate not only with each other but with NE, TNF-a and IL-8 (in all cases .?<?0.05). Airway cathepsin B further correlated with circulatory IL-6 and CRP however, no relationship for either cathepsin was observed with urine TNFr1. This data indicates that cathepsin B and S may have important roles in the pathophysiology of CF lung disease and could have potential as markers of inflammation in future studies. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 2010; 45:860–868.


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Background: The marked increases in the incidence of type 1 diabetes in recent decades strongly suggest the role of environmental influences. These environmental influences remain largely unknown.


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Type 1 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in most part of the world, although reliable data are still unavailable in several countries. Wide variations exist between the incidence rates of different populations, incidence is lowest in China and Venezuela (0.1 per 100 000 per year) and highest in Finland and Sardinia (37 per 100 000 per year). In most populations girls and boys are equally affected. In general, the incidence increases with age, the incidence peak is at puberty. After the pubertal years, the incidence rate significantly drops in young women, but remains relatively high in young adult males up to the age 29-35 years. Prospective national and large international registries (DIAMOND and EURODIAB) demonstrated an increasing trend in incidence in most regions of the world over the last few decades and increases seem to be the highest in the youngest age group. Analytical epidemiological studies have identified environmental risk factors operating early in life which might have contributed to the increasing trend in incidence. These include enteroviral infections in pregnant women, older maternal age (39-42 years), preeclampsia, cesarean section delivery, increased birthweight, early introduction of cow's milk proteins and an increased rate of postnatal growth (weight and height). Optimal vitamin D supplementation during early life has been shown to be protective. Some of these environmental risk factors such as viruses may initiate autoimmunity toward the beta cell, other exposures may put on overload on the already affected beta cell and thus accelerate the disease process.


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Epidemiological studies show that some children develop wheezing after 3 yr of age which tends to persist. It is unknown how this starts or whether there is a period of asymptomatic inflammation. The aim of this study is to determine whether lower airway allergic inflammation pre-exists in late onset childhood wheeze (LOCW). Follow-up study of children below 5 yr who had a non-bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) performed during elective surgery. The children had acted as normal controls. A modified ISAAC questionnaire was sent out at least 7 yr following the initial BAL, and this was used to ascertain whether any children had subsequently developed wheezing or other atopic disease (eczema, allergic rhinitis). Cellular and cytokine data from the original BAL were compared between those who never wheezed (NW) and those who had developed LOCW. Eighty-one normal non-asthmatic children were recruited with a median age of 3.2 . Of the 65 children contactable, 9 (16.7%) had developed wheeze, 11 (18.5%) developed eczema and 14 (22.2%) developed hay fever. In five patients, wheeze symptoms developed mean 3.3- yr (range: 2–5 yr) post-BAL. Serum IgE and blood eosinophils were not different in the LOCW and NW, although the blood white cell count was lower in the LOCW group. The median BAL eosinophil % was significantly increased in the patients with LOCW (1.55%, IQR: 0.33 to 3.92) compared to the children who never wheezed, NW (0.1, IQR: 0.0 to 0.3, p = 0.01). No differences were detected for other cell types. There are no significant differences in BAL cytokine concentrations between children with LOCW and NW children. Before late onset childhood wheezing developed, we found evidence of elevated eosinophils in the airways. These data suggest pre-existent airways inflammation in childhood asthma some years before clinical presentation.


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Asthma is a major risk cofactor for anaphylactic deaths in children with peanut allergy. Peanut allergy is generally thought to be a lifelong condition, but some children outgrow their coexistent asthma. It has recently been shown that children who have ‘outgrown’ their asthma symptoms may have ongoing eosinophilic airways inflammation. The need for regular inhaled corticosteroid treatment in peanut allergic children and adolescents who have outgrown their asthma is however unclear. The aims of our study were to look at fractional exhaled nitric oxide levels (FeNO), as a non-invasive marker of eosinophilic airways inflammation, in peanut allergic children and assess whether children with outgrown asthma had elevated levels. Children with peanut allergy were recruited at two pediatric allergy clinics in Belfast, UK. Exhaled nitric oxide levels (FeNO) were measured using the Niox Mino in all children. Of the 101 peanut allergic children who consented for enrolment in the study, 94 were successfully able to use the NIOX Mino. Age range was 4–15 yr (median 10 yr); 61% were boys. Thirty (32%) had never wheezed, 37 (39%) had current treated asthma, 20 (21%) had at least 1 wheezing episode within the last year but were not taking any regular asthma medication (wheeze no treatment), and 7 (7%) had outgrown asthma. All children with outgrown asthma had elevated levels of FeNO (>35 ppb), and 75% of children defined as ‘wheeze no treatment’ had elevated FeNO levels (>35 ppb). Outgrown asthma and children defined as ‘wheeze no treatment’ had higher levels of FeNO than those with no history of wheeze or current treated asthma (p = 0.003). In children with peanut allergy, we found that those who had outgrown asthma had elevated FeNO levels in keeping with ongoing eosinophilic airways inflammation.