109 resultados para occupational noise


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We outline our techniques to characterise photospheric granulation as an astrophysical noise source. A four component parameterisation of granulation is developed that can be used to reconstruct stellar line asymmetries and radial velocity shifts due to photospheric convective motions. The four components are made up of absorption line profiles calculated for granules, magnetic intergranular lanes, non-magnetic intergranular lanes, and magnetic bright points at disc centre. These components are constructed by averaging Fe I $6302 \mathrm{\AA}$ magnetically sensitive absorption line profiles output from detailed radiative transport calculations of the solar photosphere. Each of the four categories adopted are based on magnetic field and continuum intensity limits determined from examining three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations with an average magnetic flux of $200 \mathrm{G}$. Using these four component line profiles we accurately reconstruct granulation profiles, produced from modelling 12 x 12 Mm$^2$ areas on the solar surface, to within $\sim \pm$ 20 cm s$^{-1}$ on a $\sim$ 100 m s$^{-1}$ granulation signal. We have also successfully reconstructed granulation profiles from a $50 \mathrm{G}$ simulation using the parameterised line profiles from the $200 \mathrm{G}$ average magnetic field simulation. This test demonstrates applicability of the characterisation to a range of magnetic stellar activity levels.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the stress experienced by full-time
maingrade lecturers as a result of changes in college organisation and factors that relate to stress. A questionnaire was constructed to identify possible sources of stress at work and the amount of stress experienced. Two psychometric measures were included—the General Health Questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. The former looked at the physiological and psychological effects of stress and the latter, the emotive, cognitive and
behavioural effects, together referred to as 'burnout'. The study sought to investigate stress responses between lecturers employed in colleges that have undergone organisational change compared to those that have not. Two hundred questionnaires and psychometric measures were distributed, by opportunity, to 100 lecturers employed in FE colleges in the north of England and 100 employed in colleges in Northern Ireland. Colleges in the former region had undergone changes in college organisation as a result of incorporation. Colleges in the
latter had not. Incorporation referred to the process whereby colleges became independent of local government control. This led to a series of changes, some of which affected lecturers' terms and conditions. Overall, the indices of reported stress were comparable or markedly greater than earlier research findings, and the trend was for lecturers who had experienced organisational change to report higher measures of stress. GHQ measures showed a significant difference between samples, with the majority of the English sample (69.49%, compared to 40.91%) categorised as 'at risk' of developing symptoms associated with a
transient stress-related disorder, and whilst measures of 'burnout' were more pronounced in the English sample there were no significant differences between samples. In relation to a number of factors, the experience of stress and burnout was more pronounced in the Northern Ireland sample and explanations were offered, such as the influence of cultural variables and the increasing presence of stress-related features in these colleges as they move to incorporation.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider the occupational stress experienced by chefs and the moderating influence of coping behaviour and locus of control on stress outcomes. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 40 working chefs were surveyed. They were asked to complete an occupational stress questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire. Differences were
sought between gender and locus of control and stress measures, and correlations were carried out between key variables. Findings – The reported stress was markedly higher than in previous research. Excessive workload,
feeling undervalued and communication issues were common and bullying and threats of violence were present for some. Unexpectedly, locus of control was unable to predict stress experiences. Explanations were offered, such as the possibility that those who perceive they have a strong sense of control may believe that this, paradoxically, affords them the opportunity to engage in unhealthy behaviours. Research limitations/implications – Limitations of the research include the influence of the wider environment, specifically the history of political violence in the province, and its possible effect on stress outcomes. However, this may be negated by the many positive effects peace has brought over the last decade. In drawing conclusions it is important to note the limitations of the sample size and the self-reporting nature of survey responses. Further research could usefully incorporate well-being as well as stress measures, including physiological ones. It would be worth exploring further how one’s sense of control affects perceptions of stress and, in turn, the coping behaviours engaged in. Practical implications – Practical implications include the need for managers and head chefs to provide more feedback to employees, to validate their good work and to foster a supportive working environment. Norms in the working environment endorsing aggressive behaviour must be challenged.
Staff appraisals should consider the need to have work that involves variety and challenge, especially where changes involve increases in workload. Originality/value – This paper identifies some important ingredients to reduce distress and it will be of value to chefs and other kitchen staff and, more broadly, to those involved in people management.


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Accurate assessment and treatment of pain and stress in preterm infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) is vital because pain and stress responses have been linked to long-term alterations in development in this population.


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Temporal dynamics and speaker characteristics are two important features of speech that distinguish speech from noise. In this paper, we propose a method to maximally extract these two features of speech for speech enhancement. We demonstrate that this can reduce the requirement for prior information about the noise, which can be difficult to estimate for fast-varying noise. Given noisy speech, the new approach estimates clean speech by recognizing long segments of the clean speech as whole units. In the recognition, clean speech sentences, taken from a speech corpus, are used as examples. Matching segments are identified between the noisy sentence and the corpus sentences. The estimate is formed by using the longest matching segments found in the corpus sentences. Longer speech segments as whole units contain more distinct dynamics and richer speaker characteristics, and can be identified more accurately from noise than shorter speech segments. Therefore, estimation based on the longest recognized segments increases the noise immunity and hence the estimation accuracy. The new approach consists of a statistical model to represent up to sentence-long temporal dynamics in the corpus speech, and an algorithm to identify the longest matching segments between the noisy sentence and the corpus sentences. The algorithm is made more robust to noise uncertainty by introducing missing-feature based noise compensation into the corpus sentences. Experiments have been conducted on the TIMIT database for speech enhancement from various types of nonstationary noise including song, music, and crosstalk speech. The new approach has shown improved performance over conventional enhancement algorithms in both objective and subjective evaluations.


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Environmental Psychology has typically considered noise as pollution and focused upon its negative impact. However, recent research in psychology and anthropology indicates the experience of noise as aversive depends upon the meanings with which it is attributed. Moreover, such meanings seem to be dependent on the social context. Here we extend this research through studying the aural experience of a religious festival in North India which is characterised by loud, continuous and cacophonous noise. Reporting an experiment and semi-structured interviews, we show that loud noise is experienced as pleasant or unpleasant according to the meanings attributed to it. Specifically, the experiment shows the same noise is experienced more positively (and listened to longer) when attributed to the festival rather than to a non-festival source. In turn, the qualitative data show that within the Mela, noises judged as having a religious quality are reported as more positive than noises that are not. Moreover, the qualitative data suggest a key factor in the evaluation of noise is our participants’ social identities as pilgrims. This identity provides a framework for interpreting the auditory environment and noises judged as intruding into their religious experience were judged negatively, whereas noises judged as contributing to their religious experience were judged more positively. Our findings therefore point to the ways in which our social identities are implicated in the process of attributing meaning to the auditory environment.


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Before a natural sound can be recognized, an auditory signature of its source must be learned through experience. Here we used random waveforms to probe the formation of new memories for arbitrary complex sounds. A behavioral measure was designed, based on the detection of repetitions embedded in noises up to 4 s long. Unbeknownst to listeners, some noise samples reoccurred randomly throughout an experimental block. Results showed that repeated exposure induced learning for otherwise totally unpredictable and meaningless sounds. The learning was unsupervised and resilient to interference from other task-relevant noises. When memories were formed, they emerged rapidly, performance became abruptly near-perfect, and multiple noises were remembered for several weeks. The acoustic transformations to which recall was tolerant suggest that the learned features were local in time. We propose that rapid sensory plasticity could explain how the auditory brain creates useful memories from the ever-changing, but sometimes repeating, acoustical world. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.


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Three experiments measured the effects of age on informational masking of speech by competing speech. The experiments were designed to minimize the energetic contributions of the competing speech so that informational masking could be measured with no large corrections for energetic masking. Experiment 1 used a "speech-in-speech-in-noise" design, in which the competing speech was presented in noise at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of -4 dB. This ensured that the noise primarily contributed the energetic masking but the competing speech contributed the informational masking. Equal amounts of informational masking (3 dB) were observed for young and elderly listeners, although less was found for hearing-impaired listeners. Experiment 2 tested a range of SNRs in this design and showed that informational masking increased with SNR up to about an SNR of -4 dB, but decreased thereafter. Experiment 3 further reduced the energetic contribution of the competing speech by filtering it into different frequency bands from the target speech. The elderly listeners again showed approximately the same amount of informational masking (4-5 dB), although some elderly listeners had particular difficulty understanding these stimuli in any condition. On the whole, these results suggest that young and elderly listeners were equally susceptible to informational masking. © 2009 Acoustical Society of America.


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In noise repetition-detection tasks, listeners have to distinguish trials of continuously running noise from trials in which noise tokens are repeated in a cyclic manner. Recently, it has been shown that using the exact same noise token across several trials (“reference noise”) facilitates the detection of repetitions for this token [Agus et al. (2010). Neuron 66, 610–618]. This was attributed to perceptual learning. Here, the nature of the learning was investigated. In experiment 1, reference noise tokens were embedded in trials with or without cyclic presentation. Naïve listeners reported repetitions in both cases, thus responding to the reference noise even in the absence of an actual repetition. Experiment 2, with the same listeners, showed a similar pattern of results even after the design of the experiment was made explicit, ruling out a misunderstanding of the task. Finally, in experiment 3, listeners reported repetitions in trials containing the reference noise, even before ever hearing it presented cyclically. The results show that listeners were able to learn and recognize noise tokens in the absence of an immediate repetition. Moreover, the learning mandatorily interfered with listeners' ability to detect repetitions. It is concluded that salient perceptual changes accompany the learning of noise.


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Performance at the International Computer Music Conference, University of Huddersfield (with Eric Lyon, Franziska Schroder & Steve Davis).