136 resultados para low energy reporters


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Gamma-ray positron annihilation spectra of the noble gases are simulated using computational chemistry tools for the bound electron wavefunctions and plane-wave approximation for the low-energy positron. The present annihilation line shapes, i.e. the full width at half maximum, Delta epsilon, of the gamma-ray annihilation spectra for He and Ar (valence) agree well with available independent atomic calculations using a different algorithm. For other noble gases they achieve moderate agreement with the experimental measurements. It is found that the contributions of various atomic electron shells to the spectra depend significantly on their principal quantum number n and orbital angular momentum quantum number l. The present study further reveals that the outermost ns electrons of the noble gases exhibit spectral line shapes in close agreement with those measured, indicating (as expected) that the measurements are not due to a simple sum over the momentum densities for all atomic electrons. The robust nature of the present approach makes it possible for us to proceed to more complex molecular systems using the tools of modern computational chemistry.


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We study the process of low-energy electron capture by the SF(6) molecule. Our approach is based on the model of Gauyacq and Herzenberg [J. P. Gauyacq and A. Herzenberg, J. Phys. B 17, 1155 (1984)] in which the electron motion is coupled to the fully symmetric vibrational mode through a weakly bound or virtual s state. By tuning the two free parameters of the model, we achieve an accurate description of the measured electron attachment cross section and good agreement with vibrational excitation cross sections of the fully symmetric mode. An extension of the model provides a limit on the characteristic time of intramolecular vibrational relaxation in highly excited SF(6)(-). By evaluating the total vibrational spectrum density of SF(6)(-), we estimate the widths of the vibrational Feshbach resonances of the long-lived negative ion. We also analyze the possible distribution of the widths and its effect on the lifetime measurements, and investigate nonexponential decay features in metastable SF(6)(-).


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This article presents an overview of current understanding of the interaction of low-energy positrons with molecules with emphasis on resonances, positron attachment, and annihilation. Measurements of annihilation rates resolved as a function of positron energy reveal the presence of vibrational Feshbach resonances (VFRs) for many polyatomic molecules. These resonances lead to strong enhancement of the annihilation rates. They also provide evidence that positrons bind to many molecular species. A quantitative theory of VFR-mediated attachment to small molecules is presented. It is tested successfully for selected molecule (e.g., methyl halides and methanol) where all modes couple to the positron continuum. Combination and overtone resonances are observed and their role is elucidated. Molecules that do not bind positrons and hence do not exhibit such resonances are discussed. In larger molecules, annihilation rates from VFR far exceed those explicable on the basis of single-mode resonances. These enhancements increase rapidly with the number of vibrational degrees of freedom, approximately as the fourth power of the number of atoms in the molecule. While the details are as yet unclear, intramolecular vibrational energy redistributio (IVR) to states that do not couple directly to the positron continuum appears to be responsible for these enhanced annihilation rates. In connection with IVR, experimental evidence indicates that inelastic positron escape channels are relatively rare. Downshifts of the VFR from the vibrational mode energies, obtained by measuring annihilate rates as a function of incident positron energy, have provided binding energies for 30 species. Their dependence upon molecular parameters and their relationship to positron-atom and positron-molecule binding-energy calculations are discussed. Feshbach resonances and positron binding to molecules are compared with the analogous electron-molecul (negative-ion) cases. The relationship of VFR-mediated annihilation to other phenomena such as Doppler broadening of the gamma-ray annihilation spectra, annihilation of thermalized positrons in gases, and annihilation-induced fragmentation of molecules is discussed. Possible areas for future theoretical and experimental investigation are also discussed.


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It has been suggested (Gribakin et al 1999 Aust. J. Phys. 52 443–57, Flambaum et al 2002 Phys. Rev. A 66 012713) that strongly enhanced low-energy electron recombination observed in Au25+ (Hoffknecht et al 1998 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 31 2415–28) is mediated by complex multiply excited states, while simple dielectronic excitations play the role of doorway states for the electron capture process. We present the results of an extensive study of con?guration mixing between doubly excited (doorway) states and multiply excited states which account for the large electron recombination rate on Au25+ . A detailed analysis of spectral statistics and statistics of eigenstate components shows that the dielectronic doorway states are virtually ‘dissolved’ in complicated chaotic multiply excited eigenstates. This work provides a justi?cation for the use of statistical theory to calculate the recombination rates of Au25+ and similar complex multiply charged ions. We also investigate approaches which allow one to study complex chaotic many-body eigenstates and criteria of strong con?guration mixing, without diagonalizing large Hamiltonian matrices.


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Electron attachment to nitroaromatic compound 2-nitro-m-xylene in gas phase has been performed utilizing a double focusing two sector mass spectrometer with high mass resolution (m/Delta m approximate to 2500). At low energy (below 20 eV), electron interactions with the neutral 2-nitro-m-xylene molecule reveal a very rich fragmentation pattern. A total of 60 fragment anions have been detected and the ion yield for all observed negative ions has been recorded as a function of the incident electron energy, among them a long lived (metastable) non-dissociated parent anion which is formed at energies near zero eV, and some ions observed at the mass numbers 26,42 and 121. Comparison of calculated isotopic patterns with measured ion yields for these fragment anions and their successors in the mass spectrum, allows the assignment of the chemical composition of these fragments as CN- (26 Da), CNO- (42 Da) and C8H9O- (121 Da). Electron attachment to 2-nitro-m-xylene leads to anion formation at four energy ranges. Between 0 eV and 2 eV only few product ions are formed. Between 4.6 eV and 6.1 eV all fragment anions are formed and for most of them the anion yield reaches its maximum value in this range. NO2- which is the most abundant product [M-H](-) and O- are the only fragments that exhibit a feature at 7.4eV, 8.1 eV and 7.9eV, respectively. About half of the fragment anions exhibit a broad, mostly low-intensity resonance between 9 eV and 10 eV. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experiments are reported which show that currents of low energy ("cold") electrons pass unattenuated through crystalline ice at 135 K for energies between zero and 650 meV, up to the maximum studied film thickness of 430 bilayers, indicating negligible apparent trapping. By contrast, both porous amorphous ice and compact crystalline ice at 40 K show efficient electron trapping. Ice at intermediate temperatures reveals metastable trapping that decays within a few hundred seconds at 110 K. Our results are the first to demonstrate full transmission of cold electrons in high temperature water ice and the phenomenon of temperature-dependent trapping.


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The resonance Raman spectra of the ground state and the lowest excited tripler state of free-base tetraphenylporphyrin and six of its isotopomers have been obtained using two-color time-resolved techniques. Ground-state spectra were recorded using low-energy 447 nm probe laser pulses, and triplet-state spectra were probed, with similar pulses, 30 ns after high-energy excitation with 532 nm pump pulses. Polarization data on both the ground and triplet states are also reported. The resonance Raman spectrum of the triplet is very different from that of the ground state but the combination of extensive isotope substitution with polarization data allows bands in the ground state to be assigned and corresponding bands in the tripler state to be located. Isotope shifts of the same bands in the S-0 and T-1 states are similar, implying that the compositions of the vibrational modes do not change significantly on excitation. Two of the strongest bands in the T-1 spectra are associated with phenyl ring substituents; these are shifted less than 5 cm(-1) between the S-0 and T-1 states so that bonding in the phenyl substituents is barely affected by excitation to the T-1 state. The changes in position of the porphyrin ring bands are larger, but still only tens of cm(-1) or less, the main changes in the spectra being due to differences in relative band intensities in the two states. The relatively small shifts in the porphyrin ring band positions which are observed show that the excitation energy is not localized on a single small region of the molecule but is delocalized over the entire porphyrin skeleton. This picture of an excited species with high chemical reactivity, but with individual bonds only slightly perturbed from the ground state, is contrasted with molecules, such as benzophenone, where excitation causes a large perturbation in the bonding within a single functional group.


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Rousettus aegyptiacus Geoffroy 1810 is a member of the only genus of Megachiropteran bats to use vocal echolocation, but the structure of its brief, click-like signal is poorly described. Although thought to have a simple echolocation system compared to that of Microchiroptera, R. aegyptiacus is capable of good obstacle avoidance using its impulse sonar. The energy content of the signal was at least an order of magnitude smaller than in Microchiropteran bats and dolphins (approximately 4 X 10(-8) J m(-2)). Measurement of the duration, amplitude and peak frequency demonstrate that the signals of this animal are broadly similar in structure and duration to those of dolphins. Gabor functions were used to model signals and to estimate signal parameters, and the quality of the Gabor function fit to the early part of the signal demonstrates that the echolocation signals of R. aegyptiacus match the minimum spectral spread for their duration and amplitude and are thus well matched to its best hearing sensitivity. However, the low energy content of the signals and short duration should make returning echoes difficult to detect. The performance of R. aegyptincus in obstacle avoidance experiments using echolocation therefore remains something of a conundrum.


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All ionizing radiations deposit energy stochastically along their tracks. The resulting distribution of energies deposited in a small target such as the DNA helix leads to a corresponding spectrum in the severity of damage produced. So far, most information about the probable spectra of DNA lesion complexity has come from Monte Carlo studies which endeavour to model the relationship between the energy deposited in DNA and the damage induced. The aim of this paper is to establish methods of determining this relationship by irradiating pBR322 plasmid DNA using low energy electrons with energies comparable with the minimum energy thought to produce critical damage. The technique of agarose gel electrophoresis has been used to ascertain the fraction of DNA single- and double-strand breaks induced by monoenergetic electrons with energies as low as 25 eV. Our data show that the threshold electron energy for induction of single-strand breaks is


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Purpose: Theoretical modelling techniques are often used to simulate the action of ionizing radiations on cells at the nanometre level, Using monoenergetic vacuum-UV (VUV) radiation to irradiate DNA either dry or humidified, the action spectra for the induction of DNA damage by low energy photons and the role of water and can be studied. These data provide inputs for the theoretical models.


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A experimental setup has been built for the study of low energy reactive ion interactions with surfaces. Particular emphasis is placed on the detection of the neutral material leaving the surface using nonresonant multiphoton.ionization. Some preliminary measurements show the suitability of the system for the proposed study.


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This project involves the construction of a dwelling in the outskirts of Dublin City. Situated in a disused quarry, the house act as an inhabited bridge, spanning between natural and man made outcrops, service structures and a shared entrance staircase. The houses language derives from the structure necessary to achieve these spans.
The section internally is modeled to present a variety of scales of spaces. More intimate living spaces and bedrooms occur in a lower, north-facing wing. Taller living spaces address the south.

Incorporating rainwater harvesting, wood-gasifying boilers, on site wind powered electrical generation, solar thermal panels and very high levels of insulation the houses are close to energy neutral. The fact that the house is constructed in massive timber construction means that 250 tonnes of carbon are sequestered in its construction. The design includes a 25yar replanting strategy to replace the existing coniferous-forested surrounds with native species in a coppiced planting strategy to allow ongoing fuel for the house, and cash crops to be sold on.

Located in an area of outstanding natural beauty the planning and design of the house involved research into patterns of rural development, the relationship between man made interventions and the natural landscape and the technology of the vernacular. This latter research forms part of the themes being explored under the Kevin Kieran Arts Council / OPW Bursary

Aims / Objectives Questions

1 To design and construct a low energy place to dwell.
2 To investigate the relationship between man-made interventions and new construction in an area of outstanding natural beauty.
3 To derive a language of construction that is contemporary in nature but refers to precedents embedded in the vernacular.
4 To develop a low-carbon form of construction that allows the construction of the house to act to sequester carbon
5 To make a contemporary addition in sympathy with the qualities of the existing site


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A report is presented of the XIIth International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Physics (Sandbjerg, Denmark, 19-21 July 2003). This workshop covered positron and positronium interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter systems. One key development reported was the first creation in the laboratory of low-energy antihydrogen atoms. Facets of positron-electron many-body systems were also considered, including the positronium molecule and BEC gases of positronium atoms. Aspects of the future of the field were discussed, including the development of new theoretical and experimental capabilities.


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Calculations of ?-spectra for positron annihilation on a selection of molecules, including methane and its fluoro-substitutes, ethane, propane, butane and benzene are presented. The annihilation ?-spectra characterise the momentum distribution of the electron-positron pair at the instant of annihilation. The contribution to the ?-spectra from individual molecular orbitals is obtained from electron momentum densities calculated using modern computational quantum chemistry density functional theory tools. The calculation, in its simplest form, effectively treats the low-energy (thermalised, room-temperature) positron as a plane wave and gives annihilation ?-spectra that are about 40% broader than experiment, although the main chemical trends are reproduced. We show that this effective 'narrowing' of the experimental spectra is due to the action of the molecular potential on the positron, chiefly, due to the positron repulsion from the nuclei. It leads to a suppression of the contribution of small positron-nuclear separations where the electron momentum is large. To investigate the effect of the nuclear repulsion, as well as that of short-range electron-positron and positron-molecule correlations, a linear combination of atomic orbital description of the molecular orbitals is employed. It facilitates the incorporation of correction factors which can be calculated from atomic many-body theory and account for the repulsion and correlations. Their inclusion in the calculation gives -spectrum linewidths that are in much better agreement with experiment. Furthermore, it is shown that the effective distortion of the electron momentum density, when it is observed through positron annihilation -spectra, can be approximated by a relatively simple scaling factor. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.