229 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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Optical beams with null central intensity have potential applications in the field of atom optics. The spatial and temporal evolution of a central shadow dark hollow Gaussian (DHG) relativistic laser pulse propagating in a plasma is studied in this article for first principles. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is obtained for the beam spot profile and then solved numerically to investigate the pulse propagation characteristics. As series of numerical simulations are employed to trace the profile of the focused and compressed DHG laser pulse as it propagates through the plasma. The theoretical and simulation results predict that higher-order DHG pulses show smaller divergence as they propagate and, thus, lead to enhanced energy transport. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Propagation of intense circularly polarized laser pulses in strongly magnetized inhomogeneous plasmas is investigated. It is shown that a left-hand circularly polarized laser pulse propagating up the density gradient of the plasma along the magnetic field is reflected at the left-cutoff density. However, a right-hand circularly polarized laser can penetrate up the density gradient deep into the plasma without cutoff or resonance and turbulently heat the electrons trapped in its wake. Results from particle-in-cell simulations are in good agreement with that from the theory. (c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We examine current methods of numerically implementing Compton scattering in the context of intense laser-matter interactions. In a recent publication [1] it has been shown that a commonly used approach generates the correct spectra in nearly all cases, except those when the harmonic structure is important. Here we provide an explanation for this using an alternative, classical argument.


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High-order-harmonic generation in benzene is studied using a mixed quantum-classical approach in which the electrons are described using time-dependent density functional theory while the ions move classically. The interaction with both linearly and circularly polarised infra-red ($\lambda = 800$ nm) laser pulses of duration 10 cycles (26.7 fs) is considered. The effect of allowing the ions to move is investigated as is the effect of including self-interaction corrections to the exchange-correlation functional. Our results for circularly polarised pulses are compared with previous calculations in which the ions were kept fixed and self-interaction corrections were not included while our results for linearly polarised pulses are compared with both previous calculations and experiment. We find that even for the short duration pulses considered here, the ionic motion greatly influences the harmonic spectra. While ionization and ionic displacements are greatest when linearly polarised pulses are used, the response to circularly polarised pulses is almost comparable, in agreement with previous experimental results.


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The capability of intense ultrashort laser pulses to initiate, control and image vibrational wavepacket dynamics in the deuterium molecular ion has been simulated with a view to inform and direct future femtosecond pump-control-probe experiments. The intense-field coherent control of the vibrational superposition has been studied as a function of pulse intensity and delay time, to provide an indication of key constraints for experimental studies. For selected cases of the control mechanism, probing of the subsequent vibrational wavepacket dynamics has been simulated via the photodissociation (PD) channel. Such PD probing is shown to elucidate the modified wavepacket dynamics where the position of the quantum revival is sensitive to the control process. Through Fourier transform analysis the PD yield is also shown to provide a characterisation of the vibrational distribution. It has been shown that a simple 'critical R cut-off' approximation can be used to reproduce the effect of a probe pulse interaction, providing a convenient and efficient alternative to intensive computer simulations of the PD mechanism in the deuterium molecular ion.


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High-order harmonics and attosecond pulses of light can be generated when ultraintense, ultrashort laser pulses reflect off a solid-density plasma with a sharp vacuum interface, i.e., a plasma mirror. We demonstrate experimentally the key influence of the steepness of the plasma-vacuum interface on the interaction, by measuring the spectral and spatial properties of harmonics generated on a plasma mirror whose initial density gradient scale length L is continuously varied. Time-resolved interferometry is used to separately measure this scale length. 


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We theoretically demonstrate the possibility to generate both trains and isolated attosecond pulses with high ellipticity in a practical experimental setup. The scheme uses circularly polarized, counterrotating two-color driving pulses carried at the fundamental and its second harmonic. Using a model Ne atom, we numerically show that highly elliptic attosecond pulses are generated already at the single-atom level. Isolated pulses are produced by using few-cycle drivers with controlled time delay between them.


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The vibrational wavepacket revival of a basic quantum system is demonstrated experimentally. Using few-cycle laser pulse technology, pump and probe imaging of the vibrational motion of D+2 molecules is conducted, and together with a quantum-mechanical simulation of the excited wavepacket motion, the vibrational revival phenomenon has been characterised. The simulation shows good correlation with the temporal motion and structural features obtained from the data, relaying fundamental information on this diatomic system.


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The proton energy spectrum from photodissociation of the hydrogen molecular ion by short intense pulses of infrared light is calculated. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is discretized and integrated. For few-cycle pulses one can resolve vibrational structure, arising from the experimental preparation of the molecular ion. We calculate the corresponding energy spectrum and analyse the dependence on the pulse time delay, pulse length and intensity of the laser for ? ~ 790 nm. We conclude that the proton spectrum is a sensitive probe of both the vibrational populations and phases, and allows us to distinguish between adiabatic and nonadiabatic dissociation. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the proton spectrum from H2+ is a practical means of calibrating the pulse. Our results are compared with recent measurements of the proton spectrum for 65 fs pulses using a Ti:Sapphire laser (? ~ 790 nm) including molecular orientation and focal-volume averaging. Integrating over the laser focal volume, for the intensity I ~ 3 × 1015 W cm-2, we find our results are in excellent agreement with these experiments.


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A simple method for generating trains of high-contrast femtosecond pulses is proposed and demonstrated: a linearly polarized, frequency-chirped laser pulse is passed through a multiple-order wave plate and a linear polarizer. It is shown theoretically that this arrangement forms a train of laser pulses, and in experiments the production of a train of approximately 100 pulses, each of 200 fs duration, is demonstrated. In combination with an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter this technique could be used to generate and control pulse trains with chirped spacing. Pulse trains of this type have widespread applications in ultrafast optics. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Few-cycle laser pulses are used to "pump and probe" image the vibrational wavepacket dynamics of a HD+ molecular ion. The quantum dephasing and revival structure of the wavepacket are mapped experimentally with time-resolved photodissociation imaging. The motion of the molecule is simulated using a quantum-mechanical model predicting the observed structure. The coherence of the wavepacket is controlled by varying the duration of the intense laser pulses. By means of a Fourier transform analysis both the periodicity and relative population of the vibrational states of the excited molecular ion have been characterized.


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Ultrashort (<15 fs) high intensity (1014-1016 W cm-2) laser pulses have provided novel methods for investigation of the dynamics of simple molecular ions such as H2+ and D2+. In this paper we report on simulations carried out for the D2+ molecular ion, within the Born- Oppenheimer and two-state approximations. These simulations allow one to investigate the dissociation dynamics of the D2+ molecular ion when subjected to such ultrashort, intense laser pulses. In particular, these simulations are compared to the results from recent pump-probe experiments, in which, the nuclear vibrational motion of D2+ has been imaged. Simulations suggest that the nature of the dissociation process, be it 1- or 2-photon, may be influenced by the tuning of the pump-probe delay time.


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We report calculations of double ionization energy spectra and momentum distributions of laser-driven helium due to few-cycle pulses of wavelength 195 nm. The results are obtained from full-dimensional numerical integration of the two electron time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation. A momentum-space analysis of doubly ionizing wavepackets shows that the concentric-ring structure of above-threshold double ionization, together with the associated structure of peaks in the total kinetic energy spectrum, may be attributed to wavepacket interference effects, where at least two doubly-ionizing wavepackets from different recollision events populate the same spatial hemisphere.