105 resultados para expanding


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We have used optical Rayleigh and Thomson scattering to investigate the expansion dynamics of laser induced plasma in atmospheric helium and to map its electron parameters both in time and space. The plasma is created using 9 ns duration, 140 mJ pulses from a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm, focused with a 10 cm focal length lens, and probed with 7 ns, 80 mJ, and 532 nm Nd:YAG laser pulses. Between 0.4 μs and 22.5 μs after breakdown, the electron density decreases from 3.3 × 1017 cm−3 to 9 × 1013 cm−3, while the temperature drops from 3.2 eV to 0.1 eV. Spatially resolved Thomson scattering data recorded up to 17.5 μs reveal that during this time the laser induced plasma expands at a rate given by R ∼ t0.4 consistent with a non-radiative spherical blast wave. This data also indicate the development of a toroidal structure in the lateral profile of both electron temperature and density. Rayleigh scattering data show that the gas density decreases in the center of the expanding plasma with a central scattering peak reemerging after about 12 μs. We have utilized a zero dimensional kinetic global model to identify the dominant particle species versus delay time and this indicates that metastable helium and the He2 + molecular ion play an important role.


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Justice for victims has often been invoked as the raison d’être of international criminal justice, by punishing perpetrators of international crimes. This article attempts to provide a more holistic account of justice for victims by examining victims’ needs, interests, and rights. The International Criminal Court itself includes participation, protection and reparation for victims, indicating they are important stakeholders. This article also suggests that victims are integral to the purpose of the ICC in ending impunity by ensuring transparency of proceedings. However, there are limits to the resources and capacity of the ICC, which can only investigate and prosecute selected crimes. To overcome this justice gap, this article directs the debate towards a victim-orientated agenda to complementarity, where state parties and the Assembly of State Parties should play a greater role in implementing justice for victims domestically. This victim-orientated complementarity approach can be achieved through new ASP guidelines on complementarity, expanding universal jurisdiction, or seeking enforcement and cooperation through regional and international bodies and courts, such asUniversal Periodic Review or the African Court’s International Criminal Law Section. In the end, ifwe are serious about delivering justice for victims we need to move beyond the rhetoric, with realistic expectations of what the ICC can achieve, and concentrate our attention to what states should bedoing to end impunity.


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(EN)Disclosed are a WC/CNT, WC/CNT/Pt composite material and a preparation process therefor and use thereof. The WC/CNT/Pt composite material comprises mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide with a diameter of 1-5 microns, carbon nanotubes and platinum nano particles, with the carbon nanotubes growing on the surface of the mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide and expanding outward, and the platinum nano particles growing on the surfaces of the mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide and carbon nanotubes. The WC/CNT composite material comprises mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide with a diameter of 1-5 microns, and carbon nanotubes, with the carbon nanotubes growing on the surface of the mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide and expanding outward. The WC/CNT/Pt composite material of the present invention can be used as an electro-catalyst in a methanol flue battery, significantly improving the catalytic conversion rate and the service life of the catalyst. The WC/CNT composite material can be used as an electro-catalyst in the electro-reduction of a nitro aromatic compound, significantly improving the efficiency of organic electro-synthesis.


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Disclosed are a WC/CNT, WC/CNT/Pt composite material and a preparation process therefor and use thereof. The WC/CNT/Pt composite material comprises mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide with a diameter of 1-5 microns, carbon nanotubes and platinum nano particles, with the carbon nanotubes growing on the surface of the mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide and expanding outward, and the platinum nano particles growing on the surfaces of the mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide and carbon nanotubes. The WC/CNT composite material comprises mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide with a diameter of 1-5 microns, and carbon nanotubes, with the carbon nanotubes growing on the surface of the mesoporous spherical tungsten carbide and expanding outward. The WC/CNT/Pt composite material of the present invention can be used as an electro-catalyst in a methanol flue battery, significantly improving the catalytic conversion rate and the service life of the catalyst. The WC/CNT composite material can be used as an electro-catalyst in the electro-reduction of a nitro aromatic compound, significantly improving the efficiency of organic electro-synthesis.


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The proportion of adults over the age of 60 years is expanding rapidly across European Union countries, including the Republic of Ireland. As the older population has grown faster than the total population, the proportion of older persons relative to the rest of the population has increased considerably (Figure 1). This trend mirrors the arrival of the “baby boomer� generation into early old age and will have wide ranging effects on social, political and economic spheres as well as presenting significant challenges for healthcare delivery and public healthcare policy.


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This article is written to celebrate the fine contribution and constant optimism of Louk Hulsman to the debate about penal abolition, the rethinking of popular and political discourses on ‘crime’, and the institutionalised responses of the ‘criminal justice system’. Reflecting on his experiences of incarceration and on his critical analysis of the political economic relations of power, Louk Hulsman talked of the defining ‘moment of abolition’ – his reading of Thomas Mathiesen’s ground-breaking text, The Politics of Abolition. Having considered the key elements of Louk Hulsman’s work and its critical challenge to the criminological enterprise, the article explores the apparent political contradiction in campaigning for humane conditions while seeking abolition within the context of an ever-expanding, global prison-industrial complex.


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Detection of adulteration of non-processed vegetable oil with lesser value seed oils (classic example is hazelnut in virgin olive oil) has been in the centre of scientific attention for many years and several chemical methods were proposed. The recent EC Regulation 1169/2011, however, introduces necessity for different analytical method in a more complicated matrix. From the end of 2014, food businesses required to declare the composition of the refined oil mixture in the food product label. This creates a gap since there is no analytical method currently available to perform such analysis. In the first phase the work focused on 100% oil blends of various oil species of palm oil (and derivatives), sunflower and rapeseed oil before expanding to foodstuffs. Chromatographic methods remain highly relevant although suffer from various limitations which derive from natural compositional variation. Modern multivariate techniques based on machine learning algorithms, however, when applied in FTIR, Raman spectroscopic data have a strong potential in tackling the problem.


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This article examines the mid-1840s expansion of the British railway network, which was associated with a large deterioration in shareholder value. Using a counterfactual approach and new data on railway competition, we argue that the expansion of the railway companies, and their subsequent decline in financial performance, was not due to managerial failure. Rather, the promotion of new routes by established railways and mergers with other companies was part of a managerial strategy to maintain incumbent positions, and may have been preferable to not expanding whilst their competitors did.


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Cold-pressed rapeseed oil (CPRSO) is produced when seeds from an oilseed rape crop are mechanically crushed whilst at a low temperature. CPRSO’s popularity is rapidly expanding and is now produced in most Northern European countries including both N.Ireland and ROI. The CPRSO industry is still relatively new and therefore not as widely researched as other high quality oils. Fifteen CPRSO from The UK, Ireland and France were examined to determine characteristic differences between the oils. Two samples of extra-virgin olive oil and two samples of refined rapeseed oil were also included in the investigation to assess performance against market competitors. The antioxidant potential of the oils was assessed using the ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging assays. Both unexpectedly showed that refined rapeseed oil had the highest potential whilst there was significant difference between many of the CPRSO’s. The acid value (ACOS method Cd 3d-63) ranged widely from 0.47-3.41. To predict the stability during storage, an accelerated oxidation test was carried out where the oils were placed in an oven (60°C) and peroxide value was monitored. The results showed extra-virgin olive oil underwent the least oxidation during the trial. The refined rapeseed oil suffered the worst levels of oxidation whilst the CPRSO’s performed similarly but with some variation. Fatty acid composition was investigated with GC-MS and some of the major fatty acids were found to differ significantly between producers. Minor compound analysis was achieved with extraction and identification through HPLC. All results are critically discussed and compared to relevant published studies.


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The voltammetry for the reduction of 2-nitrotoluene at a gold microdisk electrode is reported in two ionic liquids: trihexyltetradecylphosphonium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate ([P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6][FAP]) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide ([Emim][NTf2]). The reduction of nitrocyclopentane (NCP) and 1-nitrobutane (BuN) was investigated using voltammetry at a gold microdisk electrode in the ionic liquid [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6][FAP]. Simulated voltammograms, generated through the use of ButlerVolmer theory and symmetric MarcusHush theory, were compared to experimental data, with both theories parametrizing the data similarly well. An experimental value for the Marcusian parameter, 1 was also determined in all cases. For the reduction of 2-nitrotoluene, this was 0.5 +/- 0.1 eV in both solvents, while for NCP and BuN in [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6][FAP], it was 2 +/- 0.1 and 5 +/- 0.1 eV, respectively. This is attributed to the localization of charge on the nitro group and the primary nitro alkyls increased interaction with the environment, resulting in a larger reorganization energy.


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The technological constraints of early British television encouraged drama productions which emphasised the immediate, the enclosed and the close-up, an approach which Jason Jacobs described in the title of his seminal study as 'the intimate screen'. While Jacobs' book showed that this conception of early British television drama was only part of the reality, he did not focus on the role that special effects played in expanding the scope of the early television screen. This article will focus upon this role, showing that special effects were not only of use in expanding the temporal and spatial scope of television, but were also considered to be of interest to the audience as a way of exploring the new medium, receiving coverage in the popular press. These effects included pre-recorded film inserts, pre-recorded narration, multiple sets, model work and animation, combined with the live studio performances. Drawing upon archival research into television production files and scripts as well as audience responses and periodical coverage of television at the time of broadcast, this article will focus on telefantasy. This genre offered particular opportunities for utilising effects in ways that seemed appropriate for the experimentation with the form of television and for the drama narratives. This period also saw a variety of shifts within television as the BBC sought to determine a specific identity and understand the possibilities for the new medium.
This research also incorporates the BBC's own research and internal dialogue concerning audiences and how their tastes should best be met, at a time when the television audience was not only growing in terms of number but was also expanding geographically and socially beyond the moneyed Londoners who could afford the first television sets and were within range of the Alexandra Palace transmissions. The primary case study for this article will be the 1949 production of H.G.Wells’ The Time Machine, which incorporated pre-recorded audio and film inserts, which expanded the narrative out of the live studio performance both temporally and spatially, with the effects work receiving coverage in the popular magazine Illustrated. Other productions considered will be the 1938 and 1948 productions of RUR, the 1948 production of Blithe Spirit, and the 1950 adaptation of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Despite the focus on telefantasy, this article will also include examples from other genres, both dramatic and factual, showing how the BBC's response to the changing television audience was to restrict drama to a more 'realistic' aesthetic and to move experimentation with televisual form to non-drama productions such as variety performances.


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Spatially and temporally varying neutral, ion and electron number densities have been mapped out within laser ablated plasma plumes expanding into vacuum. Ablation of a magnesium target was performed using a KrF laser, 30 ns pulse duration and 248 nm wavelength. During the initial stage of plasma expansion (t <EQ 100 ns) interferometry has been used to obtain line averaged electron number densities, for laser power densities on target in the range 1.3 - 3.0 X 108 W/cm2. Later in the plasma expansion (t equals 1 microsecond(s) ) simultaneous absorption and laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to determine 3D neutral and ion number densities, for a power density equal to 6.7 X 107 W/cm2. Two distinct regions within the plume were identified. One is a fast component (approximately 106 cm-1) consisting of ions and neutrals with maximum number densities observed to be approximately 30 and 4 X 1012 cm-3 respectively, and the second consists of slow moving neutral material at a number density of up to 1015 cm-3. Additionally a Langmuir probe has been used to obtain ion and electron number densities at very late times in the plasma expansion (1 microsecond(s) <EQ t <EQ 15 microsecond(s) ). A copper target was ablated using a Nd:YAG laser, 7.5 ns duration and 532 nm (2 (omega) ) wavelength, with a power density on target equal to 6 X 108 W/cm2. Two regions within the plume with different velocities were observed. Within a fast component (approximately 3 X 106 cms-1) electron and ion number densities of the order 5 X 1012 cm-3 were observed and within the second slower component (approximately 106 cms-1) electron and ion number densities of the order 1 - 2 X 1013 cm-3 were determined.


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Asymmetric MarcusHush (AMH) theory is applied for the first time in ionic solvents to model the voltammetric reduction of oxygen in 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis-(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-imide and of 2-nitrotoluene (2-NT), nitrocyclopentane (NCP), and 1-nitro-butane (BuN) in trihexyltetradecylphosphonium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate on a gold microdisc electrode. An asymmetry parameter, gamma, was estimated for all systems as -0.4 for the reduction of oxygen and -0.05, 0.25, and 0 +/- 0.05 for the reductions of 2-NT, NCP, and BuN, respectively, which suggests equal force constants of reactants and products in the case of 2-NT and BuN and unequal force constants for oxygen and NCP where the force constants of the oxidized species are greater than the reduced species in the case of oxygen and less than the reduced species in the case of NCP. Previously measured values for a, the Butler-Volmer transfer coefficient, reflect this in each case. Where appreciable asymmetry occurs, AMH theory was seen to parametrize the experimental data better than either Butler-Volmer or symmetric Marcus-Hush theory, allowing additionally the extraction of reorganization energy. This is the first study to provide key physical insights into electrochemical systems in room-temperature ionic liquids using AMH theory, allowing elucidation of the reorganization energies and the relative force constants of the reactants and products in each reaction.


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We present optical and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of SN 2009ib, a Type II-P supernova in NGC 1559. This object has moderate brightness, similar to those of the intermediate-luminosity SNe 2008in and 2009N. Its plateau phase is unusually long, lasting for about 130 d after explosion. The spectra are similar to those of the subluminous SN 2002gd, with moderate expansion velocities. We estimate the Ni-56 mass produced as 0.046 +/- A 0.015 M-aS (TM). We determine the distance to SN 2009ib using both the expanding photosphere method (EPM) and the standard candle method. We also apply EPM to SN 1986L, a Type II-P SN that exploded in the same galaxy. Combining the results of different methods, we conclude the distance to NGC 1559 as D = 19.8 +/- A 3.0 Mpc. We examine archival, pre-explosion images of the field taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, and find a faint source at the position of the SN, which has a yellow colour [(V - I)(0) = 0.85 mag]. Assuming it is a single star, we estimate its initial mass as M-ZAMS = 20 M-aS (TM). We also examine the possibility, that instead of the yellow source the progenitor of SN 2009ib is a red supergiant star too faint to be detected. In this case, we estimate the upper limit for the initial zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) mass of the progenitor to be similar to 14-17 M-aS (TM). In addition, we infer the physical properties of the progenitor at the explosion via hydrodynamical modelling of the observables, and estimate the total energy as similar to 0.55 x 10(51) erg, the pre-explosion radius as similar to 400 R-aS (TM), and the ejected envelope mass as similar to 15 M-aS (TM), which implies that the mass of the progenitor before explosion was similar to 16.5-17 M-aS (TM).


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Despite recent expansion in the literature on entrepreneurial leadership, this has not been matched with the development of appropriate theoretical frameworks, theory building, and conceptual analyses, including the analysis of gender. In this paper, we provide the foundation for a more robust and extensive gendered study of entrepreneurial leadership, through a review of the entrepreneurial leadership literature and of the current debates on gender and leadership. On the basis of this, we propose a research agenda for the gendered analysis of the rapidly expanding interface between leadership and entrepreneurship, comprising three themes around which the future development of entrepreneurial leadership can be organized.