169 resultados para density functional calculations


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Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to determine reaction pathways for several reactions taking place on Pt(111) and Cu(111) surfaces. On Pt(111), the reactions of C+O and C+N were studied, and on Cu(111) we investigated the reaction of C+H. The structures of the transition states accessed in each reaction are similar. An equivalent distance separates the reactants with the first located at a three-fold hollow site and the second close to a bridge site. Previous DFT studies have, in fact, often identified transition states of this type and in every case it is the reactant with the weaker chemisorption energy that is located close to the bridge site. An explanation as to why this is so is provided. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Density functional theory has been used to study the adsorption of hydroxyl at low and high coverages and also to investigate the nature of the intermediate in the H2O formation reaction on Pt(111). At low coverages [1/9 of a monolayer (ML) to 1/3 ML] OH binds preferentially at bridge and top sites with a chemisorption energy of similar to2.25 eV. At high coverages (1/2 ML to 1 ML) H bonding between adjacent hydroxyls causes: (i) an enhancement in OH chemisorption energy by about 15%; (ii) a strong preference for OH adsorption at top sites; and (iii) the formation of OH networks. The activation energy for the diffusion of isolated OH groups along close packed rows of Pt atoms is 0.1 eV. This low barrier coupled with H bonding between neighboring OH groups indicates that hydroxyls are susceptible to island formation at low coverages. Pure OH as well as coadsorbed OH and H can be ruled out as the observed low temperature intermediate in the water formation reaction. Instead we suggest that the intermediate consists of a mixed OH+H2O overlayer with a macroscopic surface coverage of 3/4 ML in a 2:1 ratio of OH and H2O. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The key questions of uniqueness and existence in time-dependent density-functional theory are usually formulated only for potentials and densities that are analytic in time. Simple examples, standard in quantum mechanics, lead, however, to nonanalyticities. We reformulate these questions in terms of a nonlinear Schroedinger equation with a potential that depends nonlocally on the wave function.


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Using density functional theory (DFT) and kinetic analyses, a new carboxyl mechanism for the water-gas-shift reaction (WGSR) on Au/CeO2(111) is proposed. Many elementary steps in the WGSR are studied using an Au cluster supported on CeO2(111). It is found that (i) water can readily dissociate at the interface between Au and CeO2; (ii) CO2 can be produced via two steps: adsorbed CO on the Au cluster reacts with active OH on ceria to form the carboxyl (COOH) species and then COOH reacts with OH to release CO2; and (iii) two adsorbed H atoms recombine to form molecular H-2 on the Au cluster. Our kinetic analyses show that the turnover frequency of the carboxyl mechanism is consistent with the experimental one while the rates of redox and formate mechanisms are much slower than that of carboxyl mechanism. It is suggested that the carboxyl pathway is likely to be responsible for WGSR on Au/CeO2.


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We study the charge transfer between colliding ions, atoms, or molecules, within time-dependent density functional theory. Two particular cases are presented, the collision between a proton and a Helium atom, and between a gold atom and a butane molecule. In the first case, proton kinetic energies between 16 keV and 1.2 MeV are considered, with impact parameters between 0.31 and 1.9 angstrom. The partial transfer of charge is monitored with time. The total cross-section is obtained as a function of the proton kinetic energy. In the second case, we analyze one trajectory and discuss spin-dependent charge transfer between the different fragments.


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Time-dependent density-functional theory is a rather accurate and efficient way to compute electronic excitations for finite systems. However, in the macroscopic limit (systems of increasing size), for the usual adiabatic random-phase, local-density, or generalized-gradient approximations, one recovers the Kohn-Sham independent-particle picture, and thus the incorrect band gap. To clarify this trend, we investigate the macroscopic limit of the exchange-correlation kernel in such approximations by means of an algebraical analysis complemented with numerical studies of a one-dimensional tight-binding model. We link the failure to shift the Kohn-Sham spectrum of these approximate kernels to the fact that the corresponding operators in the transition space act only on a finite subspace.


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We show that for a large class of exchange-correlation functionals the local exchange-correlation potential obtained within an optimized effective potential severely underestimates the band gap. On the other hand, the corresponding nonlocal potential obtained from a generalized Kohn-Sham scheme provides a much better description of the band gap, in good agreement with experiments. These results strongly indicate that a local exchange-correlation potential, however good the exchange-correlation approximation, cannot capture the delicate interplay between correlation effects and spatial localization in the KS band structure, unless the (cumbersome) contribution from the derivative discontinuity of the exchange-correlation energy functional is considered.


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The adsorption of C atoms on the α-Fe2O3 (001) surface was studied based on density function theory (DFT), in which the exchange-correlation potential was chosen as the PBE (Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof) generalized gradient approximation (GGA) with a plane wave basis set. Upon the optimization on different adsorption sites with coverage of 1/20 and 1/5 ML, it was found that the adsorption of C atoms on the α-Fe 2O3 (001) surface was chemical adsorption. The coverage can affect the adsorption behavior greatly. Under low coverage, the most stable adsorption geometry lied on the bridged site with the adsorption energy of about 3.22 eV; however, under high coverage, it located at the top site with the energy change of 8.79 eV. Strong chemical reaction has occurred between the C and O atoms at this site. The density of states and population analysis showed that the s, p orbitals of C and p orbital of O give the most contribution to the adsorption bonding. During the adsorption process, O atom shares the electrons with C, and C can only affect the outermost and subsurface layers of α-Fe2O3; the third layer can not be affected obviously. Copyright © 2008 Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry.


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CO oxidation on Pt(111) is studied with ab initio density functional theory. The low energy pathway and transition state for the reaction are identified. The key event is the breaking of an O-metal bond prior to the formation of a chemisorbed CO2 molecule. The pathway can be rationalized in terms of competition of the O and C atoms for bonding with the underlying surface, and the predominant energetic barrier is the strength of the O-metal bond.


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Abstract The dehydrogenation of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone is very important in the manufacture of nylon. Copper-based catalysts are the most popular catalysts for this reaction, and on these catalysts the reaction mechanism and active site are in debate. In order to elucidate the mechanism and active site of the cyclohexanol dehydrogenation on copper-based catalysts, density functional theory with dispersion corrections were performed on up to six facets of copper in two different oxidation states: monovalent copper and metallic copper. By calculating the surface energies of these facets, Cu(111) and Cu2O(111) were found to be the most stable facets for metallic copper and for monovalent copper, respectively. On these two facets, all the possible elementary steps in the dehydrogenation pathway of cyclohexanol were calculated, including the adsorption, dehydrogenation, hydrogen coupling and desorption. Two different reaction pathways for dehydrogenation were considered on both surfaces. It was revealed that the dehydrogenation mechanisms are different on these two surfaces: on Cu(111) the hydrogen belonging to the hydroxyl is removed first, then the hydrogen belonging to the carbon is subtracted, while on Cu2O(111) the hydrogen belonging to the carbon is removed followed by the subtraction of the hydrogen in the hydroxyl group. Furthermore, by comparing the energy profiles of these two surfaces, Cu2O(111) was found to be more active for cyclohexanol dehydrogenation than Cu(111). In addition, we found that the coordinatively unsaturated copper sites on Cu2O(111) are the reaction sites for all the steps. Therefore, the coordinatively unsaturated copper site on Cu2O(111) is likely to be the active site for cyclohexanol dehydrogenation on the copper-based catalysts.


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Metal exchanged CHA-type (SAPO-34 and SSZ-13) zeolites are promising catalysts for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx by NH3. However, the understanding of the process at the molecular level is still limited, which hinders the identification of its mechanism and the design of more efficient zeolite catalysts. In this work, modelling the reaction over Cu-SAPO-34, a periodic density functional theory (DFT) study of NH3-SCR was performed using hybrid functional with the consideration of van der Waals (vdW) interactions. A mechanism with a low N–N coupling barrier is proposed to account for the activation of NO. The redox cycle of Cu2+ and Cu+, which is crucial for the SCR process, is identified with detailed analyses. Besides, the decomposition of NH2NO is shown to readily occur on the Brønsted acid site by a hydrogen push-pull mechanism, confirming the collective efforts of Brønsted acid and Lewis acid (Cu2+) sites. The special electronic and structural properties of Cu-SAPO-34 are demonstrated to play an essential role the reaction, which may have a general implication on the understanding of zeolite catalysis.


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Density functional calculations, using B3LPY/6-31G(d) methods, have been used to investigate the conformations and vibrational (Raman) spectra of a series of long-chain, saturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) with the formula CH2nO2 (n = 5-21) and two series of unsaturated FAMEs. The calculations showed that the lowest energy conformer within the saturated FAMEs is the simple (all-trans) structure and, in general, it was possible to reproduce experimental data using calculations on only the all-trans conformer. The only exception was C6H12O2, where a second low-lying conformer had to be included in order to correctly simulate the experimental Raman spectrum. The objective of the work was to provide theoretical justification for the methods that are commonly used to determine the properties of the fats and oils, such as chain length and degree of unsaturation, from experimental Raman data. Here it is shown that the calculations reproduce the trends and calibration curves that are found experimentally and also allow the reasons for the failure of what would appear to be rational measurements to be understood. This work shows that although the assumption that each FAME can simply be treated as a collection of functional groups can be justified in some cases, many of the vibrational modes are complex motions of large sections of the molecules and thus would not be expected to show simple linear trends with changes in structure, such as increasing chain length and/or unsaturation. Simple linear trends obtained from experimental data may thus arise from cancellation of opposing effects, rather than reflecting an underlying simplicity.


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Density functional calculations, using B3LPY/6-31G(d) methods, have been used to investigate the conformations and vibrational (Raman) spectra of three short-chain fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) with the formula CnH2nO2 (n = 3-5). In all three FAMEs, the lowest energy conformer has a simple 'all-trans' structure but there are other conformers, with different torsions about the backbone, which lie reasonably close in energy to the global minimum. One result of this is that the solid samples we studied do not appear to consist entirely of the lowest energy conformer. Indeed, to account for the 'extra' bands that were observed in the Raman data but were not predicted for the all-trans conformer, it was necessary to add-in contributions from other conformers before a complete set of vibrational assignments could be made. Provided this was done, the agreement between experimental Raman frequencies and 6-31G(d) values (after scaling) was excellent, RSD = 12.6 cm(-1). However, the agreement between predicted and observed intensities was much less satisfactory. To confirm the validity of the approach followed by the 6-3 1 G(d) basis set, we used a larger basis set, Sadlej pVTZ, and found that these calculations gave accurate Raman intensities and simulated spectra (summed from two different conformers) that were in quantitative agreement with experiment. In addition, the unscaled Sadlej pVTZ, and the scaled 6-3 1 G(d) calculations gave the same vibrational mode assignments for all bands in the experimental data. This work provides the foundation for calculations on longer-chain FAMEs (which are closer to those found as triglycerides in edible fats and oils) because it shows that scaled 6-3 1 G(d) calculations give equally accurate frequency predictions, and the same vibrational mode assignments, as the much more CPU-expensive Sadlej pVTZ basis set calculations.


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The free-base form of tetra-tert-butyl porphine (TtBP), which has extremely bulky meso substituents, is severely distorted from planarity, with a ruffling angle of 65.5degrees. The resonance Raman spectrum of TtBP (lambda(ex) = 457.9 nm) and its d(2), d(8), and d(10) isotopomers have been recorded, and while the spectra show high-frequency bands similar to those observed for planar meso-substituted porphyrins, there are several additional intense bands in the low-frequency region. Density functional calculations at the B3-LYP/6-31G(d) level were carried out for all four isotopomers, and calculated frequencies were scaled using a single factor of 0.98. The single factor scaling approach was validated on free base porphine where the RMS error was found to be 14.9 cm(-1). All the assigned bands in the high-frequency (> 1000 cm(-1)) region of TtBP were found to be due to vibrations similar in character to the in-plane skeletal modes of conventional planar porphyrins. In the low-frequency region, two of the bands, assigned as nu(8) (ca. 330 cm(-1)) and nu(16) (ca. 540 cm(-1)), are also found in planar porphyrins such as tetra-phenyl porphine (TPP) and tetra-iso-propyl porphine (IPP). Of the remaining three very strong bands, the lowest frequency band was assigned as gamma(12) (pyr swivel, obsd 415 cm(-1), calcd 407 cm(-1) in do). The next band, observed at 589 cm-1 in the do compound (calcd 583 cm(-1)), was assigned as a mode whose composition is a mixture of modes that were previously labeled gamma(13) (gamma(CmCaHmCa)) andy gamma(11) (pyr fold(asym)) in NiOEP. The final strong band, observed at 744 cm(-1) (calcd 746 cm(-1)), was assigned to a mode whose composition is again a mixture of gamma(11) and gamma(13), although here it is gamma(11) rather than gamma(13) which predominates. These bands have characters and positions similar to those of three of the four porphyrin ring-based, weak bands that have previously been observed for NiTPP. In addition there are several weaker bands in the TtBP spectra that are also