99 resultados para connectivity conservation


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Global amphibian declines are a major element of the current biodiversity crisis. Monitoring changes in the distribution and abundance of target species is a basic component in conservation decision making and requires robust and repeatable sampling. For EU member states, surveillance of designated species, including the common frog Rana temporaria, is a formal requirement of the 'EC Habitats & Species Directive'. We deployed established methods for estimating frog population density at local water bodies and extrapolated these to the national and ecoregion scale. Spawn occurred at 49.4% of water bodies and 70.1% of independent 500-m survey squares. Using spawn mat area, we estimated the number of adult breeding females and subsequently the total population assuming a sex ratio of 1:1. A negative binomial model suggested that mean frog density was 23.5 frogsha [95% confidence interval (CI) 14.9-44.0] equating to 196M frogs (95%CI 124M-367M) throughout Ireland. A total of 86% of frogs bred in drainage ditches, which were a notably common feature of the landscape. The recorded distribution of the species did not change significantly between the last Article 17 reporting period (1993-2006) and the current period (2007-2011) throughout the Republic of Ireland. Recording effort was markedly lower in Northern Ireland, which led to an apparent decline in the recorded distribution. We highlight the need to coordinate biological surveys between adjacent political jurisdictions that share a common ecoregion to avoid apparent disparities in the quality of distributional information. Power analysis suggested that a reduced sample of 40-50 survey squares is sufficient to detect a 30% decline (consistent with the International Union for Conservation of Nature Category of 'Vulnerable') at 80% power providing guidance for minimizing future survey effort. Our results provin assessments for R. temporaria and other clump-spawning amphibians. 2013 The Zoological Society of London.


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The advent of next generation sequencing technologies (NGS) has expanded the area of genomic research, offering high coverage and increased sensitivity over older microarray platforms. Although the current cost of next generation sequencing is still exceeding that of microarray approaches, the rapid advances in NGS will likely make it the platform of choice for future research in differential gene expression. Connectivity mapping is a procedure for examining the connections among diseases, genes and drugs by differential gene expression initially based on microarray technology, with which a large collection of compound-induced reference gene expression profiles have been accumulated. In this work, we aim to test the feasibility of incorporating NGS RNA-Seq data into the current connectivity mapping framework by utilizing the microarray based reference profiles and the construction of a differentially expressed gene signature from a NGS dataset. This would allow for the establishment of connections between the NGS gene signature and those microarray reference profiles, alleviating the associated incurring cost of re-creating drug profiles with NGS technology. We examined the connectivity mapping approach on a publicly available NGS dataset with androgen stimulation of LNCaP cells in order to extract candidate compounds that could inhibit the proliferative phenotype of LNCaP cells and to elucidate their potential in a laboratory setting. In addition, we also analyzed an independent microarray dataset of similar experimental settings. We found a high level of concordance between the top compounds identified using the gene signatures from the two datasets. The nicotine derivative cotinine was returned as the top candidate among the overlapping compounds with potential to suppress this proliferative phenotype. Subsequent lab experiments validated this connectivity mapping hit, showing that cotinine inhibits cell proliferation in an androgen dependent manner. Thus the results in this study suggest a promising prospect of integrating NGS data with connectivity mapping. © 2013 McArt et al.


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Aim: Retrospective genetic monitoring, comparing genetic diversity of extant populations with historical samples, can provide valuable and often unique insights into evolutionary processes informing conservation strategies. The Yellow marsh saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus) is listed as ‘critically endangered’ in Ireland with only two extant populations. We quantified genetic changes over time and identified genotypes in extant populations that could be used as founders for reintroductions to sites where the species is extinct.

Location: Ireland.

Methods: Samples were obtained from both locations where the species is currently found, including the most threatened site at the Garron Plateau, Co. Antrim, which held only 13 individuals during 2011. Herbarium samples covering the period from 1886 to 1957 were obtained including plants from the same area as the most threatened population, as well as three extinct populations. In total, 422 individuals (319 present-day and 103 historical) were genotyped at six microsatellite loci. Species distribution modelling was used to identify areas of potentially suitable habitat for reintroductions.

Results: Level of phenotypic diversity within the most threatened population was significantly lower in the present-day compared with historical samples but levels of observed heterozygosity and number of alleles, whilst reduced, did not differ significantly. However, Bayesian clustering analysis suggested gradual lineage replacement over time. All three measures of genetic diversity were generally lower at the most threatened population compared with the more substantial extant populations in Co. Mayo. Species distribution modelling suggested that habitat at one site where the species is extinct may be suitable for reintroduction.

Main conclusions: The dominant genetic lineage in the most threatened population is rare elsewhere; thus, care needs to be taken when formulating any potential reintroduction programme. Our findings highlight both the need for genetic monitoring of threatened populations, but also for its swift implementation before levels of diversity become critically low.


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Background: Modern cancer research often involves large datasets and the use of sophisticated statistical techniques. Together these add a heavy computational load to the analysis, which is often coupled with issues surrounding data accessibility. Connectivity mapping is an advanced bioinformatic and computational technique dedicated to therapeutics discovery and drug re-purposing around differential gene expression analysis. On a normal desktop PC, it is common for the connectivity mapping task with a single gene signature to take >2h to complete using sscMap, a popular Java application that runs on standard CPUs (Central Processing Units). Here, we describe new software, cudaMap, which has been implemented using CUDA C/C++ to harness the computational power of NVIDIA GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) to greatly reduce processing times for connectivity mapping.

Results: cudaMap can identify candidate therapeutics from the same signature in just over thirty seconds when using an NVIDIA Tesla C2050 GPU. Results from the analysis of multiple gene signatures, which would previously have taken several days, can now be obtained in as little as 10 minutes, greatly facilitating candidate therapeutics discovery with high throughput. We are able to demonstrate dramatic speed differentials between GPU assisted performance and CPU executions as the computational load increases for high accuracy evaluation of statistical significance.

Conclusion: Emerging 'omics' technologies are constantly increasing the volume of data and information to be processed in all areas of biomedical research. Embracing the multicore functionality of GPUs represents a major avenue of local accelerated computing. cudaMap will make a strong contribution in the discovery of candidate therapeutics by enabling speedy execution of heavy duty connectivity mapping tasks, which are increasingly required in modern cancer research. cudaMap is open source and can be freely downloaded from http://purl.oclc.org/NET/cudaMap.


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Retinal neurodegeneration is a key component of diabetic retinopathy (DR), although the detailed neuronal damage remains ill-defined. Recent evidence suggests that in addition to amacrine and ganglion cell, diabetes may also impact on other retinal neurons. In this study, we examined retinal degenerative changes in Ins2Akita diabetic mice. In scotopic electroretinograms (ERG), b-wave and oscillatory potentials were severely impaired in 9-month old Ins2Akita mice. Despite no obvious pathology in fundoscopic examination, optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed a progressive thinning of the retina from 3 months onwards. Cone but not rod photoreceptor loss was observed in 3-month-old diabetic mice. Severe impairment of synaptic connectivity at the outer plexiform layer (OPL) was detected in 9-month old Ins2Akita mice. Specifically, photoreceptor presynaptic ribbons were reduced by 25% and postsynaptic boutons by 70%, although the density of horizontal, rod- and cone-bipolar cells remained similar to non-diabetic controls. Significant reductions in GABAergic and glycinergic amacrine cells and Brn3a+ retinal ganglion cells were also observed in 9-month old Ins2Akita mice. In conclusion, the Ins2Akita mouse develops cone photoreceptor degeneration and the impairment of synaptic connectivity at the OPL, predominately resulting from the loss of postsynaptic terminal boutons. Our findings suggest that the Ins2Akita mouse is a good model to study diabetic retinal neuropathy.


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There is now a strong body of research that suggests that the form of the built environment can influence levels of physical activity, leading to an increasing interest in incorporating health objectives into spatial planning and regeneration policies and projects. There have been a number of strands to this research, one of which has sought to develop “objective” measurements of the built environment using Geographic Information Science (GIS) involving measures of connectivity and proximity to compare the relative “walkability” of different neighbourhoods. The development of the “walkability index” (e.g. Leslie et al 2007, Frank et al 2010) has become a popular indicator of spatial distribution of those features of the built environment that are considered to have the greatest positive influence on levels of physical activity. The success of this measure is built on its ability to succinctly capture built environment correlates of physical activity using routinely available spatial data, which includes using road centre lines as a basis of a proxy for connectivity.

This paper discusses two key aspects of the walkability index. First, it follows the suggestion of Chin et al (2008) that the use of a footpath network (where available), rather than road centre lines, may be far more effective in evaluating walkability. This may be particularly important for assessing changes in walkability arising from pedestrian-focused infrastructure projects, such as greenways. Second, the paper explores the implication of this for how connectivity can be measured. The paper takes six different measures of connectivity and first analyses the relationships between them and then tests their correlation with actual levels of physical activity of local residents in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The analysis finds that the best measurements appear to be intersection density and metric reach and uses this finding to discuss the implications of this for developing tools that may better support decision-making in spatial planning.


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The crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) and Decken’s sifaka (Propithecus deckenii) are Endangered lemurs endemic to west and central Madagascar. Both have suffered habitat loss and fragmentation throughout their ranges. The goal
of this study, conducted in the Mahavavy-Kinkony Wetland Complex (MKWC) in northwestern Madagascar, was to assess the effects of historical change in the species’ habitats, and to model the potential impact of further land-use change on their habitats. The IDRISI Andes Geographical Information System and image-processing software was used for satellite-image classifiation, and the Land Change Modeler was used to compare the natural habitat of the species from 1973 to 2005, and to predict available habitat for 2050. We analyzed two forests in the MKWC occupied by P. coronatus (Antsilaiza and Anjohibe), and three forests occupied by P. deckenii (Tsiombikibo, Marofandroboka and Andohaomby). The two forests occupied by P. coronatus contracted during the period 1949–1973, but then expanded to exceed their 1949 area by 28% in 2005. However, the land change model predicted that they will contract again to match their 1949 area by 2050, and will again lose their corridor connection, meaning that the conservation gains for this species in the complex are at risk of being reversed. The three forests occupied by P. deckenii have declined in area steadily since 1949, losing 20% of their original area by 2005, and are predicted to lose a further 15% of their original area by 2050. Both species are therefore at risk of becoming even more threatened if land-use change continues within the complex. Improved conservation of the remaining forest is recommended to avoid further loss, as well as ecological restoration and reforestation to promote connectivity between the forests. A new strategy for controlling agriculture and forest use is required in order to avoid further destruction of the forest.


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Globally, sharks are under enormous pressure from fishing efforts. One such species is the silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, which occurs in all the Earth’s tropical oceans and is captured in large numbers in pelagic fisheries. Regionally, the silky shark is listed as Vulnerable to Near Threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature due to high levels of direct and by catch exploitation. Despite major conservation concerns about this species, little is known about its genetic status and level of demographic or evolutionary connectivity among its regional distributions. We report a genetic assessment of silky sharks sampled across a major portion of the species’ global range. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial DNA control region from 276 individuals taken from the western Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans and the Red Sea. Overall, haplotype and nucleotide diversities were relatively large (0.93 ± 0.01 and 0.61 ± 0.32 %, respectively). Nucleotide diversity in Indo-Pacific sharks, however, was significantly lower and about half that in Atlantic sharks. Strong phylogeographic partitioning occurred between ocean basins. Furthermore, shallow but significant pairwise statistical differentiation occurred among most regional samples within the Indo-Pacific, but not the western Atlantic. Overall, at least five mitochondrial DNA populations of silky sharks were identified globally. Despite historically large population sizes, silky sharks appear to be isolated on relatively small spatial scales, at least in the Indo-Pacific, indicating that conservation and management efforts will need to be exerted at relatively small scales in a pelagic and highly vagile species.


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Several studies in the last decade have pointed out that many devices, such as computers, are often left powered on even when idle, just to make them available and reachable on the network, leading to large energy waste. The concept of network connectivity proxy (NCP) has been proposed as an effective means to improve energy efficiency. It impersonates the presence of networked devices that are temporally unavailable, by carrying out background networking routines on their behalf. Hence, idle devices could be put into low-power states and save energy. Several architectural alternatives and the applicability of this concept to different protocols and applications have been investigated. However, there is no clear understanding of the limitations and issues of this approach in current networking scenarios. This paper extends the knowledge about the NCP by defining an extended set of tasks that the NCP can carry out, by introducing a suitable communication interface to control NCP operation, and by designing, implementing, and evaluating a functional prototype.


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Rapid in situ diagnosis of damage is a key issue in the preservation of stone-built cultural heritage. This is evident in the increasing number of congresses, workshops and publications dealing with this issue. With this increased activity has come, however, the realisation that for many culturally significant artefacts it is not possible either to remove samples for analysis or to affix surface markers for measurement. It is for this reason that there has been a growth of interest in non-destructive and minimally invasive techniques for characterising internal and external stone condition. With this interest has come the realisation that no single technique can adequately encompass the wide variety of parameters to be assessed or provide the range of information required to identify appropriate conservation. In this paper we describe a strategy to address these problems through the development of an integrated `tool kit' of measurement and analytical techniques aimed specifically at linking object-specific research to appropriate intervention. The strategy is based initially upon the acquisition of accurate three-dimensional models of stone-built heritage at different scales using a combination of millimetre accurate LiDAR and sub-millimetre accurate Object Scanning that can be exported into a GIS or directly into CAD. These are currently used to overlay information on stone characteristics obtained through a combination of Ground Penetrating Radar, Surface Permeametry, Colorimetry and X-ray Fluorescence, but the possibility exists for adding to this array of techniques as appropriate. In addition to the integrated three-dimensional data array provided by superimposition upon Digital Terrain Models, there is the capability of accurate re-measurement to show patterns of surface loss and changes in material condition over time. Thus it is possible to both record and base-line condition and to identify areas that require either preventive maintenance or more significant pre-emptive intervention. In pursuit of these goals the authors are developing, through a UK Government supported collaboration between University Researchers and Conservation Architects, commercially viable protocols for damage diagnosis, condition monitoring and eventually mechanisms for prioritizing repairs to stone-built heritage. The understanding is, however, that such strategies are not age-constrained and can ultimately be applied to structures of any age.


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Throughout the European Union, the EC Habitats Directive requires that member states undertake national surveillance of designated species. Despite biological connections between-populations across-borders, national assessments need not be co-ordinated in any way. We conducted a trans-boundary assessment of the status of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) aimed at providing consistency across a single biogeographical unit, i.e. the island of Ireland, comprising two states, i.e. the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland). Our aim was to ensure consistency with previous assessments conducted separately in each state, and permit each Government to fulfil their separate statutory reporting commitments. The species range increased by 23% from 1996–2006 and 2007–11. The population estimate of 9400 [95%CI 8700–12,200] breeding females during 2010/11 was not significantly different from 8300 [95%CI 7600–9800] breeding females established as a baseline during 1981–82. Modelling of species-habitat associations suggested that available habitat was not limiting and no putative pressures recorded at sites surveyed negatively affected species occurrence. Thus, under the statutory parameters for assessing a species’ conservation status, i.e. range, population, habitat and future prospects, the otter was judged to be in ‘Favourable’ status throughout Ireland and in both discrete political jurisdictions. Thus, we provide a trans-boundary test case for EU member states that share habitats and species across ecoregions, ensuring conservation assessment data are standardised, synchronised, spatially consistent and, therefore, biologically relevant without compromising legal and administrative autonomy within separate jurisdictions.