90 resultados para bridge circuits, DC-AC power convertors, harmonic distortion, probability, PWM inverters


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This paper proposes an in situ diagnostic and prognostic (D&P) technology to monitor the health condition of insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) used in EVs with a focus on the IGBTs' solder layer fatigue. IGBTs' thermal impedance and the junction temperature can be used as health indicators for through-life condition monitoring (CM) where the terminal characteristics are measured and the devices' internal temperature-sensitive parameters are employed as temperature sensors to estimate the junction temperature. An auxiliary power supply unit, which can be converted from the battery's 12-V dc supply, provides power to the in situ test circuits and CM data can be stored in the on-board data-logger for further offline analysis. The proposed method is experimentally validated on the developed test circuitry and also compared with finite-element thermoelectrical simulation. The test results from thermal cycling are also compared with acoustic microscope and thermal images. The developed circuitry is proved to be effective to detect solder fatigue while each IGBT in the converter can be examined sequentially during red-light stopping or services. The D&P circuitry can utilize existing on-board hardware and be embedded in the IGBT's gate drive unit.


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Experimental results on relativistic surface HHG at a repetition rate of 10 Hz are presented. Average powers in the 10?W range are generated in the spectral range of 51 to 26 nm (24-48 eV). The surface harmonic radiation is produced by focusing the second-harmonic of a high-power laser onto a rotating glass surface to moderately relativistic intensities of 3×10 19Wcm ?2. The harmonic emission exhibits a divergence of 26 mrad. Together with absolute photon numbers recorded by a calibrated spectrometer, this allows for the determination of the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) yield. The pulse energies of individual harmonics are reaching up to the μJ level, equivalent to an efficiency of 10 ?5. The capability of producing stable and intense high-harmonic radiation from relativistic surface plasmas may facilitate experiments on nonlinear ionization or the seeding of free-electron lasers. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.


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The effects of high power pulsed laser light on a TiO2 photocatalyst have been investigated using a surface second harmonic generation (SSHG) sensor. When TiO2 is irradiated with a laser at 355mm a visible change in colour from white to dark blue crystals was observed. X-ray diffraction studies indicate that the crystal structure of the TiO2 developed a more rutile form following laser exposure.


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Distributed control techniques can allow Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to coordinate their responses via TSO-TSO communication, providing a level of control that lies between that of centralised control and communication free decentralised control of interconnected power systems. Recently the Plug and Play Model Predictive Control (PnPMPC) toolbox has been developed in order to allow practitioners to design distributed controllers based on tube-MPC techniques. In this paper, some initial results using the PnPMPC toolbox for the design of distributed controllers to enhance AGC in AC areas connected to Multi-Terminal HVDC (MTDC) grids, are illustrated, in order to evaluate the feasibility of applying PnPMPC for this purpose.


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We describe a pre-processing correlation attack on an FPGA implementation of AES, protected with a random clocking countermeasure that exhibits complex variations in both the location and amplitude of the power consumption patterns of the AES rounds. It is demonstrated that the merged round patterns can be pre-processed to identify and extract the individual round amplitudes, enabling a successful power analysis attack. We show that the requirement of the random clocking countermeasure to provide a varying execution time between processing rounds can be exploited to select a sub-set of data where sufficient current decay has occurred, further improving the attack. In comparison with the countermeasure's estimated security of 3 million traces from an integration attack, we show that through application of our proposed techniques that the countermeasure can now be broken with as few as 13k traces.


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Power electronics plays an important role in the control and conversion of modern electric power systems. In particular, to integrate various renewable energies using DC transmissions and to provide more flexible power control in AC systems, significant efforts have been made in the modulation and control of power electronics devices. Pulse width modulation (PWM) is a well developed technology in the conversion between AC and DC power sources, especially for the purpose of harmonics reduction and energy optimization. As a fundamental decoupled control method, vector control with PI controllers has been widely used in power systems. However, significant power loss occurs during the operation of these devices, and the loss is often dissipated in the form of heat, leading to significant maintenance effort. Though much work has been done to improve the power electronics design, little has focused so far on the investigation of the controller design to reduce the controller energy consumption (leading to power loss in power electronics) while maintaining acceptable system performance. This paper aims to bridge the gap and investigates their correlations. It is shown a more thoughtful controller design can achieve better balance between energy consumption in power electronics control and system performance, which potentially leads to significant energy saving for integration of renewable power sources.


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Iterative solvers are required for the discrete-time simulation of nonlinear behaviour in analogue distortion circuits. Unfortunately,these methods are often computationally too expensive for realtime simulation. Two methods are presented which attempt to reduce the expense of iterative solvers. This is achieved by applying information that is derived from the specific form of the non linearity.The approach is first explained through the modelling of an asymmetrical diode clipper, and further exemplified by application to the Dallas Rangemaster Treble Booster guitar pedal, which provides an initial perspective of the performance on systems with multiple nonlinearities.


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There have been over 3000 bridge weigh-in-motion (B-WIM) installations in 25 countries worldwide, this has led vast improvements in post processing of B-WIM systems since its introduction in the 1970’s. Existing systems are based on electrical resistance strain gauges which can be prohibitive in achieving data for long term monitoring of rural bridges due to power consumption. This paper introduces a new low-power B-WIM system using fibre optic sensors (FOS). The system consisted of a series of FOS which were attached to the soffit of an existing integral bridge with a single span of 19m. The site selection criteria and full installation process has been detailed in the paper. A method of calibration was adopted using live traffic at the bridge site and based on this calibration the accuracy of the system was determined. New methods of axle detection for B-WIM were investigated and verified in the field.


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The principle aspects of passive intermodulation (PIM) characterisation in distributed printed circuits with cascaded lumped nonlinearities are presented. Mechanisms of PIM generations have been investigated experimentally and modelled using the formalism of X-parameters. The devised equivalent circuit models are applied to the analysis of microstrip lines with distributed and cascaded lumped sources of nonlinearity. The dynamic measurements have revealed that PIM generation rates in straight and meandered microstrip lines differ and significantly deviate from those expected for the respective discrete sources of nonlinearity. The obtained results indicate that multiple physical sources of nonlinearity contribute to PIM generation in printed circuits. Finally, it is demonstrated that the electrical discontinuities can have significant effect on the overall PIM response of the distributed passive circuits and cause PIM product leakage and parasitic coupling between isolated circuit elements.


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Wearable devices performing advanced bio-signal analysis algorithms are aimed to foster a revolution in healthcare provision of chronic cardiac diseases. In this context, energy efficiency is of paramount importance, as long-term monitoring must be ensured while relying on a tiny power source. Operating at a scaled supply voltage, just above the threshold voltage, effectively helps in saving substantial energy, but it makes circuits, and especially memories, more prone to errors, threatening the correct execution of algorithms. The use of error detection and correction codes may help to protect the entire memory content, however it incurs in large area and energy overheads which may not be compatible with the tight energy budgets of wearable systems. To cope with this challenge, in this paper we propose to limit the overhead of traditional schemes by selectively detecting and correcting errors only in data highly impacting the end-to-end quality of service of ultra-low power wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) devices. This partition adopts the protection of either significant words or significant bits of each data element, according to the application characteristics (statistical properties of the data in the application buffers), and its impact in determining the output. The proposed heterogeneous error protection scheme in real ECG signals allows substantial energy savings (11% in wearable devices) compared to state-of-the-art approaches, like ECC, in which the whole memory is protected against errors. At the same time, it also results in negligible output quality degradation in the evaluated power spectrum analysis application of ECG signals.


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FPGAs and GPUs are often used when real-time performance in video processing is required. An accelerated processor is chosen based on task-specific priorities (power consumption, processing time and detection accuracy), and this decision is normally made once at design time. All three characteristics are important, particularly in battery-powered systems. Here we propose a method for moving selection of processing platform from a single design-time choice to a continuous run time one.We implement Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) detectors for cars and people and Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) motion detectors running across FPGA, GPU and CPU in a heterogeneous system. We use this to detect illegally parked vehicles in urban scenes. Power, time and accuracy information for each detector is characterised. An anomaly measure is assigned to each detected object based on its trajectory and location, when compared to learned contextual movement patterns. This drives processor and implementation selection, so that scenes with high behavioural anomalies are processed with faster but more power hungry implementations, but routine or static time periods are processed with power-optimised, less accurate, slower versions. Real-time performance is evaluated on video datasets including i-LIDS. Compared to power-optimised static selection, automatic dynamic implementation mapping is 10% more accurate but draws 12W extra power in our testbed desktop system.


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There have been over 3000 bridge weigh-in-motion (B-WIM) installations in 25 countries worldwide, this has led vast improvements in post processing of B-WIM systems since its introduction in the 1970’s. This paper introduces a new low-power B-WIM system using fibre optic sensors (FOS). The system consisted of a series of FOS which were attached to the soffit of an existing integral bridge with a single span of 19m. The site selection criteria and full installation process has been detailed in the paper. A method of calibration was adopted using live traffic at the bridge site and based on this calibration the accuracy of the system was determined.


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Because of their extraordinary structural and electrical properties, two dimensional materials are currently being pursued for applications such as thin-film transistors and integrated circuit. One of the main challenges that still needs to be overcome for these applications is the fabrication of air-stable transistors with industry-compatible complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate a novel high performance air-stable WSe2 CMOS technology with almost ideal voltage transfer characteristic, full logic swing and high noise margin with different supply voltages. More importantly, the inverter shows large voltage gain (~38) and small static power (Pico-Watts), paving the way for low power electronic system in 2D materials.