116 resultados para Wide area networks (Computer networks)
The divide-and-conquer approach of local model (LM) networks is a common engineering approach to the identification of a complex nonlinear dynamical system. The global representation is obtained from the weighted sum of locally valid, simpler sub-models defined over small regions of the operating space. Constructing such networks requires the determination of appropriate partitioning and the parameters of the LMs. This paper focuses on the structural aspect of LM networks. It compares the computational requirements and performances of the Johansen and Foss (J&F) and LOLIMOT tree-construction algorithms. Several useful and important modifications to each algorithm are proposed. The modelling performances are evaluated using real data from a pilot plant of a pH neutralization process. Results show that while J&F achieves a more accurate nonlinear representation of the pH process, LOLIMOT requires significantly less computational effort.
A novel methodology is proposed for the development of neural network models for complex engineering systems exhibiting nonlinearity. This method performs neural network modeling by first establishing some fundamental nonlinear functions from a priori engineering knowledge, which are then constructed and coded into appropriate chromosome representations. Given a suitable fitness function, using evolutionary approaches such as genetic algorithms, a population of chromosomes evolves for a certain number of generations to finally produce a neural network model best fitting the system data. The objective is to improve the transparency of the neural networks, i.e. to produce physically meaningful
Bodyworn antennas are found in a wide range of medical, military and personal communication applications, yet reliable communication from the surface of the human body still presents a range of engineering challenges. At UHF and microwave frequencies, bodyworn antennas can suffer from reduced efficiency due to electromagnetic absorption in tissue, radiation pattern fragmentation and variations in feed-point impedance. The significance and nature of these effects are system specific and depend on the operating frequency, propagation environment and physical constraints on the antenna itself. This paper describes how numerical electromagnetic modelling techniques such as FDTD (finite-difference time-domain) can be used in the design of bodyworn antennas. Examples are presented for 418 MHz, 916 .5 MHz and 2 . 45 GHz, in the context of both biomedical signalling and wireless personal-area networking applications such as the Bluetooth(TM)* wireless technology.
Quality of Service (QoS) support in IEEE 802.11-based ad hoc networks relies on the networks’ ability to estimate the available bandwidth on a given link. However, no mechanism has been standardized to accurately evaluate this resource. This remains one of the main issues open to research in this field. This paper proposes an available bandwidth estimation approach which achieves more accurate estimation when compared to existing research. The proposed approach differentiates the channel busy caused by transmitting or receiving from that caused by carrier sensing, and thus improves the accuracy of estimating the overlap probability of two adjacent nodes’ idle time. Simulation results testify the improvement of this approach when compared with well known bandwidth estimation methods in the literature.
A new configurable architecture is presented that offers multiple levels of video playback by accommodating variable levels of network utilization and bandwidth. By utilizing scalable MPEG-4 encoding at the network edge and using specific video delivery protocols, media streaming components are merged to fully optimize video playback for IPv6 networks, thus improving QoS. This is achieved by introducing “programmable network functionality” (PNF) which splits layered video transmission and distributes it evenly over available bandwidth, reducing packet loss and delay caused by out-of-profile DiffServ classes. An FPGA design is given which gives improved performance, e.g. link utilization, end-to-end delay, and that during congestion, improves on-time delivery of video frames by up to 80% when compared to current “static” DiffServ.
Traditional Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) protocol provides deterministic periodic collision free data transmissions. However, TDMA lacks flexibility and exhibits low efficiency in dynamic environments such as wireless LANs. On the other hand contention-based MAC protocols such as the IEEE 802.11 DCF are adaptive to network dynamics but are generally inefficient in heavily loaded or large networks. To take advantage of the both types of protocols, a D-CVDMA protocol is proposed. It is based on the k-round elimination contention (k-EC) scheme, which provides fast contention resolution for Wireless LANs. D-CVDMA uses a contention mechanism to achieve TDMA-like collision-free data transmissions, which does not need to reserve time slots for forthcoming transmissions. These features make the D-CVDMA robust and adaptive to network dynamics such as node leaving and joining, changes in packet size and arrival rate, which in turn make it suitable for the delivery of hybrid traffic including multimedia and data content. Analyses and simulations demonstrate that D-CVDMA outperforms the IEEE 802.11 DCF and k-EC in terms of network throughput, delay, jitter, and fairness.
Inferring gene regulatory networks from large-scale expression data is an important problem that received much attention in recent years. These networks have the potential to gain insights into causal molecular interactions of biological processes. Hence, from a methodological point of view, reliable estimation methods based on observational data are needed to approach this problem practically.
In this paper, we introduce a novel gene regulatory network inference (GRNI) algorithm, called C3NET. We compare C3NET with four well known methods, ARACNE, CLR, MRNET and RN, conducting in-depth numerical ensemble simulations and demonstrate also for biological expression data from E. coli that C3NET performs consistently better than the best known GRNI methods in the literature. In addition, it has also a low computational complexity. Since C3NET is based on estimates of mutual information values in conjunction with a maximization step, our numerical investigations demonstrate that our inference algorithm exploits causal structural information in the data efficiently.
For systems biology to succeed in the long run, it is of crucial importance to establish methods that extract large-scale gene networks from high-throughput data that reflect the underlying causal interactions among genes or gene products. Our method can contribute to this endeavor by demonstrating that an inference algorithm with a neat design permits not only a more intuitive and possibly biological interpretation of its working mechanism but can also result in superior results.
In this paper, scale-free networks and their functional robustness with respect to structural perturbations of the network are studied. Two types of perturbations are distinguished: random perturbations and attacks. The robustness of directed and undirected scale-free networks is studied numerically for two different measures and the obtained results are compared. For random perturbations, the results indicate that the strength of the perturbation plays a crucial role. In general, directed scale-free networks are more robust than undirected scale-free networks.
This article discusses the identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). It focuses on both structure uncertainty and parameter uncertainty, which have been widely explored in the literature of nonlinear system identification. The main contribution is that an integrated analytic framework is proposed for automated neural network structure selection, parameter identification and hysteresis network switching with guaranteed neural identification performance. First, an automated network structure selection procedure is proposed within a fixed time interval for a given network construction criterion. Then, the network parameter updating algorithm is proposed with guaranteed bounded identification error. To cope with structure uncertainty, a hysteresis strategy is proposed to enable neural identifier switching with guaranteed network performance along the switching process. Both theoretic analysis and a simulation example show the efficacy of the proposed method.
In this article we intoduce a novel stochastic Hebb-like learning rule for neural networks that is neurobiologically motivated. This learning rule combines features of unsupervised (Hebbian) and supervised (reinforcement) learning and is stochastic with respect to the selection of the time points when a synapse is modified. Moreover, the learning rule does not only affect the synapse between pre- and postsynaptic neuron, which is called homosynaptic plasticity, but effects also further remote synapses of the pre-and postsynaptic neuron. This more complex form of synaptic plasticity has recently come under investigations in neurobiology and is called heterosynaptic plasticity. We demonstrate that this learning rule is useful in training neural networks by learning parity functions including the exclusive-or (XOR) mapping in a multilayer feed-forward network. We find, that our stochastic learning rule works well, even in the presence of noise. Importantly, the mean leaxning time increases with the number of patterns to be learned polynomially, indicating efficient learning.
This paper investigates a systematic approach for the identification and control of Hammerstein systems over a physical IEEE 802.11b wireless channel.
To optimize the performance of wireless networks, one needs to consider the impact of key factors such as interference from hidden nodes, the capture effect, the network density and network conditions (saturated versus non-saturated). In this research, our goal is to quantify the impact of these factors and to propose effective mechanisms and algorithms for throughput guarantees in multi-hop wireless networks. For this purpose, we have developed a model that takes into account all these key factors, based on which an admission control algorithm and an end-to-end available bandwidth estimation algorithm are proposed. Given the necessary network information and traffic demands as inputs, these algorithms are able to provide predictive control via an iterative approach. Evaluations using analytical comparison with simulations as well as existing research show that the proposed model and algorithms are accurate and effective.