230 resultados para Vulnerability differential


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We used field surveys and transplant experiments to elucidate the relative roles of physico-chemical regime and intraguild predation in determining the generally mutually exclusive distributions of native and invader freshwater amphipod species. Field surveys showed that the native Gammarus duebeni celticus dominates the shoreline of Lough Neagh, N. Ireland, with some co-occurrence with the N. American invader G. tigrinus. However, the latter species dominates the deeper areas of the mid-Lough. Transplant experiments showed no difference in survival of the native and invader in single species 'bioassay tubes' placed along the shoreline. However, there was significantly higher survival of the invader compared with the native in single species tubes placed in the mid-Lough. In mixed species tubes on the shoreline, the native killed and ate the invader, with no reciprocal interaction, leading to significant reductions of the invader. However, the invader had significantly higher survival than the native in mixed species tubes in the mid-Lough, with no evidence. of predation between the two species. These results indicate that, whereas differential intraguild predation may determine domination of the shoreline by the native, differential physico-chemical tolerances may be major determinants of the domination of the mid-Lough by the invader. This study emphasises the need to consider the habitat template in conjunction with biotic interactions before attempting to draw conclusions about mechanisms determining relative distribution patterns of native and invasive species.


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Physico-chemical regimes of river systems are major determinants of the distributions and relative abundances of macroinvertebrate taxa. Other factors, however, such as biotic interactions, may co-vary with changes in physico-chemistry and concomitant changes in community composition. Thus, direct cause and effect relationships may not always be established from field surveys. Equally, however, laboratory studies may suffer from lack of realism in extrapolation to the field. Here, we use balanced field transplantation experiments to elucidate the role of physico-chemical regime in determining the generally mutually exclusive distributions of two amphipod taxa, Gammarus (two species) and Crangonyx pseudogracilis. Within two river systems in Ireland, the former species dominate stretches of well oxygenated, high-quality water, whereas the latter dominates stretches of poorly oxygenated, low-quality water. G. pulex and G. duebeni celticus did not survive in bioassay tubes in areas dominated by C. pseudogracilis, which itself survived in tubes in such areas. However, both C. pseudogracilis and Gammarus spp. survived equally well in tubes in areas dominated by Gammarus spp. Physicochemical regime thus limits the movement of Gammarus spp. into C. pseudogracilis areas, but some other factor excludes C. pseudogracilis from Gammarus spp. areas. Since previous laboratory experiments showed high predation rates of Gammarus spp. on C. pseudogracilis, we propose that predation by the former causes exclusion of the latter. Hence, presumed effects of physico-chemical regime on macroinvertebrate presence/abundance may often require experimental field testing and appreciation of alternative explanations.


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Intraguild predation (IGP) between invasive and native species can lead to species exclusions or co-existence, dependent on the direction and strength of the interaction. Recently, derivation of 'functional responses' has been identified as a means of comparing the community impacts of invasive and native species. Here, we employ a novel use of this functional response methodology to evaluate any IGP asymmetries between the invasive Ponto-Caspian amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus and the North American native Gammarus fasciatus. The direction and magnitude of intraguild predation of adult males on hetero-specific adult females has previously been shown to reverse across a water conductivity gradient. This partially explains field patterns, but does not predict the co-existence of the two species observed in many habitats and locations. Here, we compared intraguild predation by both species on each other's juveniles in high- and low- conductivity water. G. fasciatus has a higher type II functional response towards E. ischnus juveniles compared to the reciprocal interaction. Conductivity did not influence the predation rate on juveniles of either E. ischnus or G. fasciatus. Thus, the male/female IGP advantage to the native G. fasciatus in low conductivity water is compounded by a juvenile IGP asymmetry, which also counteracts the male/female IGP advantage to E. ischnus in high conductivity waters, helping to explain field patterns of exclusion and co-existence. Thus, complex asymmetries in mutual IGP associated with inherent species differences, environmental modulation, and life-history effects can help us understand and predict the population and community level outcomes of species invasions.