99 resultados para Teenage sexuality


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This article addresses the relative absence of class-based analysis in theatre and performance studies, and suggests the reconfiguration of class as performance rather than as it is traditionally conceived as an identity predicated solely on economic stratification. It engages with the occlusion of class by the ascendancy of identity politics based on race, gender and sexuality and its attendant theoretical counterparts in deconstruction and post-structuralism, which became axiomatic as they displaced earlier methodologies to become hegemonic in the arts and humanities. The article proceeds to an assessment of the development of sociological approaches to theatre, particularly the legacy of Raymond Williams and Pierre Bourdieu. The argument concludes with the application of an approach which reconfigures class as performance to the production of Declan Hughes's play Shiver of 2003, which dramatizes the consequences of the dot.com bubble of the late 1990s for ambitious members of the Irish middle class.


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This paper examines reasons why young people’s talk about themselves and their educational experiences do not seem to be valued in public discourse about education. Drawing on a national dataset of student focus groups, it illustrates how students talk about themselves in educational contexts in a way that is entirely different and more complex than how they are conceptualised by an adult audience and symbolic elites. It demonstrates, contrary to dominant adult perceptions, the critical, communicative and creative use of language offered by young people when asked about their educational experiences, and highlights the potential innovation being missed by not listening.


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Background - Iris cysts in children are uncommon and there is relatively little information on their classification, incidence, and management. Methods - The records of all children under age 20 years who were diagnosed with iris cyst were reviewed and the types and incidence of iris cysts of childhood determined. Based on these observations recommendations were made regarding management of iris cysts in children. Results - Of 57 iris cysts in children, 53 were primary and four were secondary. There were 44 primary cysts of the iris pigment epithelium, 34 of which were of the peripheral or iridociliary type, accounting for 59% of all childhood iris cysts. It was most commonly diagnosed in the teenage years, more common in girls (68%), was not recognised in infancy, remained stationary or regressed, and required no treatment. The five mid-zonal pigment epithelial cysts were diagnosed at a mean age of 14 years, were more common in boys (83%), remained stationary, and required no treatment. The pupillary type of pigment epithelial cyst was generally recognised in infancy and, despite involvement of the pupillary aperture, also required no treatment. There were nine cases of primary iris stromal cysts, accounting for 16% of all childhood iris cysts. This cyst was usually diagnosed in infancy, was generally progressive, and required treatment in eight of the nine cases, usually by aspiration and cryotherapy or surgical resection. Among the secondary iris cysts, two were post-traumatic epithelial ingrowth cysts and two were tumour induced cysts, one arising from an intraocular lacrimal gland choristoma and one adjacent to a peripheral iris naevus. Conclusions - Most iris cysts of childhood are primary pigment epithelial cysts and require no treatment. However, the iris stromal cyst, usually recognised in infancy, is generally an aggressive lesion that requires treatment by aspiration or surgical excision.


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One of Irigaray’s most insistent criticisms of the operation of patriarchal law is its overwhelming focus on the protection of property at the expense of law that regulates relations between and amongst persons. This paper argues, with reference to Irigaray’s work, that the conceptual change involved in such a reorientation of law’s focus has important implications for the legal perception of the harm of rape and woman’s sexuality. The possessive paradigm operates in the law of rape by disassociating the harm of rape from its psychic and subjective impact and encouraging the ‘simple’rape/ ‘real’ rape dichotomy. In returning subjectivity to woman herself we can begin to see perhaps how the crime of rape involves a harm to woman that affects the whole of her being, and to be. Such a reading allows the law to perhaps move away from understanding rape as a violation of undifferentiated bodies to a violation of the innate ‘virginity’ of woman.


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2013 marks 10 years since the Sexual Offences Act 2003 was passed. That Act made significant changes to the law of rape which appear now to have made very little difference to reporting, prosecution or conviction rates. This article argues that the Act has failed against its own measures because it remains enmeshed within a conceptual framework of sexual indifference in which woman continues to be constructed as man’s (defective) other. This construction both constricts the frame in which women’s sexuality can be thought and distorts the harm of rape for women. It also continues woman’s historic alienation from her own nature and denies her entitlement to a becoming in line with her own sexuate identity. Using Luce Irigaray’s critical and constructive frameworks, the article seeks to imagine how law might ‘cognize’ sexual difference and thus take the preliminary steps to a juridical environment in which women can more adequately understand and articulate the harm of rape.


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This essay investigates the extent to which girlhood functions as a queer category in two theatrical representations of schoolgirls in early seventeenth-century England. It focuses on the depictions of schoolgirls in the anonymous The Wit of a Woman (1604), written for the all-male stage of the professional theatre, and in Robert White’s masque, Cupid’s Banishment (1617), performed by the young Ladies of Deptford Hall before Queen Anna of Denmark, to examine the intersections of age, gender, sexuality and education in early modern concepts of girlhood. Situating these plays within wider debates about female education and the history of the contested role of performance in the schooling of early modern girls, it argues that they deploy the category of girlhood to demonstrate the subversive potential of educating girls. Yet, this essay proposes, these plays simultaneously reveal the potential agency of young women who manipulate girlhood to claim their distinct sexual, aged and gendered states as girls. It argues that early modern girlhood is a state that might be performed by young women to disrupt normative expectations of feminine behaviour and desire. Placing dramatic representations of schoolgirls and the experiences of schoolgirls on the early modern stage side by side, this essay demonstrates that the schoolroom and performance are sites in which this transgressive potential is realised.


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The importance of including fathers in reproductive planning, pregnancy and childbirth cannot be overstated and it is increasingly recognised that addressing their sense of exclusion from maternity services requires further action. One very overlooked area, however, is in helping young men, alongside their partners, in preventing an unintended teenage pregnancy. The UK has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe and, while teenage men are seen as half of the problem, they are rarely regarded as half of the solution. We argue that education is an essential part of the process of increasing men's sense of inclusion and describe If I were Jack, an educational resource about unintended teenage pregnancy which has been developed specifically for young men.


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This paper will consider the inter-relationship of a number of overlapping disciplinary theoretical concepts relevant to a strengths-based orientation, including well-being, salutogenesis, sense of coherence, quality of life and resilience. Psychological trauma will be referenced and the current evidence base for interventions with children and young people outlined and critiqued. The relational impact of trauma on family relationships is emphasised, providing a rationale for systemic psychotherapeutic interventions as part of a holistic approach to managing the effects of trauma. The congruence between second-order systemic psychotherapy models and a strengths-based philosophy is noted, with particular reference to solution-focused brief therapy and narrative therapy, and illustrated; via a description of the process of helping someone move from a victim position to a survivor identity using solution-focused brief therapy, and through a case example applying a narrative therapy approach to a teenage boy who suffered a serious assault. The benefits of a strength-based approach to psychological trauma for the clients and therapists will be summarised and a number of potential pitfalls articulated.


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In the last half of the nineteenth century, the folding fan was phenomenally popular in France. The accessory was a ubiquitous component of women’s dress, yet it also attracted the attention of some prominent collectors and Orientalists as well as acquiring an importance in the art and literature of the period. In many plastic works and literary texts devoted to it, the fan retains a link with femininity, and particularly with feminine sexuality, even as its identity as an art object is emphasized. Octave Uzanne’s L’Éventail (1882), a self-professed literary history of the fan, exemplifies this dualistic treatment as it presents the fan both as a titillating intimate companion of women and as a literary and (although to a lesser extent) art historical subject. This article focuses on Uzanne’s treatment of the fan’s early history in the Far and Middle East. By comparing his text with other contemporary histories of the fan, it demonstrates that the “history” of the accessory may be more accurately described as a mythology.


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Young people’s understandings of sexual readiness are under-researched and their perspectives are often missing in debates about sexuality and sex education. Research to date has predominantly focussed upon age and socio-cultural predictors of sexual debut, thus failing to explain how young people themselves conceptualise their readiness for sexual relations. Synthesised in this review is the evidence from 26 studies which included young people’s perspectives of their readiness to begin sexual intercourse, undertaken using either quantitative or qualitative methods. Available evidence suggests that young people may not view initiating sex as problematic, focusing instead on the rewards sex brings and less on health concerns. Gender differences emerged in conceptualisations of love, parenthood, respect and abuse within relationships and were further mediated by social class and ethnicity. Age was also significant in young people’s accounts. Those under 16 years may not be ‘sexually ready’ because their own retrospective analyses suggest they experienced difficulty negotiating their risk of coercion or exploitation. More research exploring more deeply young people’s understandings of sexual readiness is required. We recommend a rights-based approach to support young people’s participation in the research process and to include their voices in the development of relevant sex education and services.