106 resultados para Surface Plasmon, Impedance Spectroscopy


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Conducting polymers suffer from folds and kinks because of random nucleation and solvation of a free radical cation to yield a cross linked/disordered polymer and therefore a solvent free electrochemical polymerization in a room temperature melt medium is adopted to yield a high degree polymer with high electronic conductivity. Electropolymerization of thiophene was performed on platinum/ITO substrates using cyclic voltametry or galvenostatic mode in chloroaluminate room temperature melt medium to obtain a reddish brown free standing film which can be peeled off from the electrode surface after a minimum of 10 cycles. The conductivity was found to be around 102 S/cm. The degree of polymerization was calculated to be around 44 from IR studies. A layered structure supportive for high degree of polymerization was witnessed from potential step technique. From UV spectra the charge carriers were found to be bipolarons. The morphology of the film was found to be crystalline from SEM and XRD studies. Capacitative impedance properties for doped samples were interpreted from impedance spectroscopy.


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Silver thin films were modified using a novel plasma modification process for the development of thin-film silver-silver chloride reference electrodes. The surface, physical, and electrochemical properties of these electrodes were investigated by atomic force microscopy, thickness and resistivity measurement techniques, as well as impedance spectroscopy and potentiometry. After plasma treatment, thin-film growth was observed and the electrodes, in general, exhibited low interface impedance and a roughened surface. Evidence of a complex surface reorganization was found. Correlating plasma conditions with film properties suggested that increasing pressure and exposure duration increased species availability, therefore governing the reaction rates, while input power appeared to influence the type of surface chemical reactions. Results also indicated that Ar/Cl-2 mixtures should be employed rather than pure chlorine plasmas. (C) 2002 The Electrochemical Society.


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The complete spectrum of eigenwaves including surface plasmon polaritons (SPP), dynamic (bulk) and complex waves in the layered structures containing semiconductor and metallic films has been explored. The effects of loss, geometry and the parameters of dielectric layers on the eigenmode spectrum and, particularly, on the SPP modes have been analysed using both the asymptotic and rigorous numerical solutions of the full-wave dispersion equation. The field and Poynting vector distributions have been examined to identify the modes and elucidate their properties. It has been shown that losses and dispersion of permittivity qualitatively alter the spectral content and the eigenwave properties. The SPP counter-directional power fluxes in the film and surrounding dielectrics have been attributed to vortices of power flow, which are responsible for the distinctive features of SPP modes. It has been demonstrated for the first time that the maximal attainable slow-wave factor of the SPP modes guided by thin Au films at optical frequencies is capped not by losses but the frequency dispersion of the actual Au permittivity. © 2009 EDP Sciences.


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Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based biosensor technology has been widely used in life science research for many applications. While the advantages of speed, ruggedness, versatility, sensitivity and reproducibility are often quoted, many researchers have experienced severe problem of non-specific binding (NSB) to chip surfaces when performing analysis of biological samples Such as bovine serum. Using the direct measurement of the bovine protein leptin, present in bovine serum samples as a model, a unique buffering system has been developed and optimised which was able to significantly reduce the non-specific interactions of bovine serum components with the carboxymethyl dextran chip (CM5) surface on a Biacore SPR The developed NSB buffering system comprised of HBS-EP buffer, containing 0.5 M NaCl, 0.005% CM-dextran pH 9.0. An average NSB reduction (n = 20) of 85.9% and 87.3% was found on an unmodified CM5 surface and a CM5 with bovine leptin immobilised on the chip surface, respectively. A reduction in NSB of up to 94% was observed on both surfaces. The concentration of the constitutive components and pH of the buffer were crucial in achieving this outcome. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the formation of highly scattering silver complexes of adenine, deoxyadenosine and 5'-dAMP under alkaline pH conditions in the colloidal silver solutions which are used for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. These complexes, and other pH-dependent phenomena, help to explain the diversity of previously reported adenine SERS spectra. Using conditions which promote complex formation allows nucleotides to be detected at <1 ppm, even in solutions with high salt concentrations.


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We simulate the localized surface plasmon resonances of an Au nanoparticle within tunnelling proximity of an Au substrate. The results demonstrate that the calculated resonance energies can be identified with those experimentally detected for light emission from the tip-sample junction of a scanning tunnelling microscope. Relative to the modes of an isolated nanoparticle these modes show significant red-shifting, extending further into the infrared with increasing radius, primarily due to a proximity-induced lowering of the effective bulk plasmon frequency. Spatial mapping of the field enhancement factor shows an oscillatory variation of the field, absent in the case of a dielectric substrate; also the degree of localization of the modes, and thus the resolution achievable electromagnetically, is shown to depend primarily on the nanoparticle radius, which is only weakly dependent on wavelength.


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Biosensors are used for a large number of applications within biotechnology, including the pharmaceutical industry and life sciences. Since the production of Biacore surface-plasmon resonance instruments in the early 1990s, there has been steadily growing use of this technology for the detection of food contaminants (e.g., veterinary drugs, mycotoxins, marine toxins, food dyes and processing contaminants). Other biosensing technologies (e.g., electrochemical and piezoelectric) have also been employed for the analysis of small-molecule contaminants. This review concentrates on recent advances made in detection and quantification of antimicrobial compounds with different types of biosensors and on the emergence of multiplexing, which is highly desirable as it increases sample analysis at lower cost and in less time. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Prothrombin interacts with phosphatidylserine containing platelet membranes via its N-terminal, gamma-carboxyglutamate (gla) residue-rich domain. Once bound it is cleaved to form the active protease, thrombin (factor IIa). Human prothrombin was cleaved with cathepsin G in the absence of calcium and magnesium ions. Under these conditions, the gla domain was removed. Phospholipid protected the protein from this proteolytic event, and this suggests that a conformational change may be induced by interaction with phospholipids. Binding of prothrombin to a surface containing 20% phosphatidylserine/80% phosphatidylcholine was detected by surface plasmon resonance, whereas no interaction with gla-domainless prothrombin was observed. Binding of intact prothrombin in the presence of calcium ions showed complex association kinetics, suggesting multiple modes of initial interaction with the surface. The kinetics of the dissociation phase could be fitted to a two-phase, exponential decay. This implies that there are at least two forms of the protein on the surface one of which dissociates tenfold more slowly than the other. Taken together, these data suggest that, on binding to a membrane surface, prothrombin undergoes a conformational change to a form which binds more tightly to the membrane.


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Modifying the surfaces of metal nanoparticles with self-assembled monolayers of functionalized thiols provides a simple and direct method to alter their surface properties. Mixed self-assembled monolayers can extend this approach since, in principle, the surfaces can be tuned by altering the proportion of each modifier that is adsorbed. However, this works best if the composition and microstructure of the monolayers can be controlled. Here, we have modified preprepared silver colloids with binary mixtures of thiols at varying concentrations and modifier ratios. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy was then used to determine the effect of altering these parameters on the composition of the resulting mixed monolayers. The data could be explained using a new model based on a modified competitive Langmuir approach. It was found that the composition of the mixed monolayer only reflected the ratio of modifiers in the feedstock when the total amount of modifier was sufficient for approximately one monolayer coverage. At higher modifier concentrations the thermodynamically favored modifier dominated, but working at near monolayer concentrations allowed the surface composition to be controlled by changing the ratios of modifiers. Finally, a positively charged porphyrin probe molecule was used to investigate the microstructure of the mixed monolayers, i.e., homogeneous versus domains. In this case the modifier domains were found to be <2 nm.


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F1F0-ATPase was initially believed to be strictly expressed in the mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly, recent reports have shown that the F1 complex can serve as a cell surface receptor for apparently unrelated ligands. Here, we show for the first time the presence of the F1-ATPase at the cell surface of normal or cancerous colonic epithelial cells. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance technology and mass spectrometry, we identified a peptide hormone product of the gastrin gene (glycine-extended gastrin, G-gly), as a new ligand for the F1-ATPase. By molecular modeling, we identified the motif in the peptide sequence (EE/DxY), which directly interacts with the F1-ATPase and the amino-acids in the F1-ATPase which bind this motif. Replacement of the E9 residue by an alanine in the EE/DxY motif resulted in a strong decrease of G-gly binding to the F1-ATPase and the loss of its biological activity. In addition we demonstrated that F1-ATPase mediates the growth effects of the peptide. Indeed, blocking ATPase activity decreases G-gly-induced cell growth. The mechanism likely involves ADP production by the membrane F1-ATPase which is induced by G-gly. These results suggest an important contribution of cell surface ATPase in the pro-proliferative action of this gastrointestinal peptide.


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We present here a detailed study of the complex relationship between the electromagnetic near-field and far-field responses of "real" nanostructured metallic surfaces. The near-field and far-field responses are specified in terms of (spectra of) the surface-enhanced Raman-scattering enhancement factor (SERS EF) and optical extinction, respectively. First, it is shown that gold nanorod- and nanotube-array substrates exhibit three distinct localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs): a longitudinal, a transverse, and a cavity mode. The cavity mode simultaneously has the largest impact on the near-field behavior (as observed through the SERS EF) and the weakest optical interaction: It has a "near-field-type" character. The transverse and longitudinal modes have a significant impact on the far-field behavior but very little impact on SERS: They have a "far-field-type" character. We confirm the presence of the cavity mode using a combination of SERS EF spectra, electron microscopy, and electromagnetic modeling and thus clearly illustrate and explain the (lack of) correlation between the SERS EF spectra and the optical response in terms of the contrasting character of the three LSPRs. In doing so, we experimentally demonstrate that, for a surface that supports multiple LSPRs, the near-field and far-field properties can in fact be tuned almost independently. It is further demonstrated that small changes in geometrical parameters that tune the spectral location of the LPSRs can also drastically influence the character of these modes, resulting in certain unusual behavior, such as the far-field resonance redshift as the near-field resonance blueshifts. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.3.011001


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Gold-coated magnetic nanoparticles were synthesized with size ranging from 15 to 40 nm using sodium citrates as the reducing agent. Oxidized magnetites (Fe3O4) fabricated by co-precipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in strong alkaline solution were used as magnetic cores. The structures of gold (Au) shell and magnetic core (Au–Fe) were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) spectrum. Results from high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR XRD) show that the Au–Fe oxide nanoparticles have a face-centered cubic shape with the crystalline faces of {1 1 1}. The Au-coated magnetic nanoparticles exhibited a surface plasmon resonance peak at 528 nm. The nanoparticles are well dispersed in distilled water. A 3000 G permanent magnet was successfully used for the separation of the functionalized nanoparticles. Magnetic properties of the nanoparticles were determined by magnetic force microscope (MFM) in nanometric resolution and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Magnetic separation of biological molecules using Au-coated magnetic oxide composite nanoparticles was examined after attachment of protein immunoglobulin G (IgG) through electrostatic interactions. Using this method, separation was achieved with a maximum yield of 35% at an IgG concentration of 400 ng/ml.


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Analysis of molecular interaction and conformational dynamics of biomolecules is of paramount importance in understanding of their vital functions in complex biological systems, disease detection, and new drug development. Plasmonic biosensors based upon surface plasmon resonance and localized surface plasmon resonance have become the predominant workhorse for detecting accumulated biomass caused by molecular binding events. However, unlike surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), the plasmonic biosensors indeed are not suitable tools to interrogate vibrational signatures of conformational transitions required for biomolecules to interact. Here, we show that plasmonic metamaterials can offer two transducing channels for parallel acquisition of optical transmission and sensitive SERS spectra at the biointerface, simultaneously probing the conformational states and binding affinity of biomolecules, e.g. G-quadruplexes, in different environments (Fig. 1). We further demonstrate the use of the metamaterials for fingerprinting and detection of arginine-glycine-glycine domain of nucleolin, a cancer biomarker which specifically binds to a G-quadruplex, with the picomolar sensitivity. The dual-mode nanosensor will significantly contribute to unraveling the complexes of the conformational dynamics of biomolecules as well as to improving specificity of biodetection assays.


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Analysis of binding recognition and conformation of biomolecules is of paramount important in understanding of their vital functions in complex biological systems. By enabling sub-wavelength light localization and strong local field enhancement, plasmonic biosensors have become dominant tools used for such analysis owing to their label-free and real-time attributes1,2. However, the plasmonic biosensors are not well-suited to provide information regarding conformation or chemical fingerprint of biomolecules. Here, we show that plasmonic metamaterials, consisting of periodic arrays of artificial split-ring resonators (SRRs)3, can enable capabilities of both sensing and fingerprinting of biomolecules. We demonstrate that by engineering geometry of individual SRRs, localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) frequency of the metamaterials could be tuned to visible-near infrared regimes (Vis-NIR) such that they possess high local field enhancement for surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy (SERS). This will provide the basis for the development of a dual mode label-free conformational-resolving and quantitative detection platform. We present here the ability of each sensing mode to independently detect binding adsorption and to identify different conformational states of Guanine (G)-rich DNA monolayers in different environment milieu. Also shown is the use of the nanosensor for fingerprinting and detection of Arginine-Glycine-Glycine (RGG) peptide binding to the G-quadruplex aptamer. The dual-mode nanosensor will significantly contribute to unraveling the complexes of the conformational dynamics of biomolecules as well as to improving specificity of biodetection assays that the conventional, population-averaged plasmonic biosensors cannot achieve.