160 resultados para Recombinant Antigen


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Recombinant wild-type beta(1) gamma(1) dimers of signal-transducing guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) and beta(1) gamma 1 dimers carrying a mutation known to block gamma-subunit isoprenylation (beta(1) gamma(1)C71S) were expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. Both wild-type and mutant beta(1) gamma(1) dimers were found in soluble fractions of infected cells upon subcellular fractionation. Anion exchange chromatographic and metabolic-radiolabeling studies revealed that the soluble beta(1) gamma(1) preparation contained approximately equal amounts of non-isoprenylated and isoprenylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers. Soluble wild-type and mutant beta(1) gamma(1) dimers and native beta(1) gamma(1) dimers purified from bovine retina were reconstituted with recombinant phospholipase C-beta(2). Only isoprenylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers were capable of stimulating phospholipase C-beta(2). The results show that gamma-subunit isoprenylation and/or additional post-translational processing of the protein are required for beta gamma subunit stimulation of phospholipase C.


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WaaL is a membrane enzyme that catalyzes a key step in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis: the glycosidic bonding of a sugar at the proximal end of the undecaprenyl-diphosphate (Und-PP) O-antigen with a terminal sugar of the lipid A-core oligosaccharide (OS). Utilizing an in vitro assay, we demonstrate here that ligation with purified Escherichia coli WaaL occurs without adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) and magnesium ions. Furthermore, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa WaaL proteins cannot catalyze ATP hydrolysis in vitro. We also show that a lysine substitution of the arginine (Arg)-215 residue renders an active protein, whereas WaaL mutants with alanine replacements in the periplasmic-exposed residues Arg-215, Arg-288 and histidine (His)-338 and also the membrane-embedded aspartic acid-389 are nonfunctional. An in silico approach, combining predicted topological information with the analysis of sequence conservation, confirms the importance of a positive charge at the small periplasmic loop of WaaL, since an Arg corresponding to Arg-215 was found at a similar position in all the WaaL homologs. Also, a universally conserved H[NSQ]X(9)GXX[GTY] motif spanning the C-terminal end of the predicted large periplasmic loop and the membrane boundary of the transmembrane helix was identified. The His residue in this motif corresponds to His-338. A survey of LPS structures in which the linkage between O-antigen and lipid A-core OS was elucidated reveals that it is always in the beta-configuration, whereas the sugars bound to Und-PP are in the alpha-configuration. Together, our biochemical and in silico data argue that WaaL proteins use a common reaction mechanism and share features of metal ion-independent inverting glycosyltransferases.


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The biosynthesis of glycoconjugates is remarkably conserved in all types of cells since the biochemical reactions involved exhibit similar characteristics, which can be summarized as follows: (a) the saccharide moiety is formed as a lipid-linked, membrane-associated glycan; (b) the lipid component in most cases is a polyisoprenoid phosphate; (c) the assembly of the lipid-linked saccharide intermediate depends on reactions taking place at both sides of the cell membrane, which requires the obligatory transmembrane movement of amphipathic molecules across the lipid bilayer. These general characteristics are present in the biosynthesis of the O-antigen component of the bacterial lipopolysaccharide, which serves as a model system to investigate the molecular and mechanistic basis of glycoconjugate synthesis, as summarized in this mini-review.


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The O-antigen component of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) represents a population of polysaccharide molecules with nonrandom (modal) chain length distribution. The number of the repeat O units in each individual O-antigen polymer depends on the Wzz chain length regulator, an inner membrane protein belonging to the polysaccharide copolymerase (PCP) family. Different Wzz proteins confer vastly different ranges of modal lengths (4 to > 100 repeat units), despite having remarkably conserved structural folds. The molecular mechanism responsible for the selective preference for a certain number of O units is unknown. Guided by the three-dimensional structures of PCPs, we constructed a panel of chimeric molecules containing parts of two closely related Wzz proteins from Salmonella enterica and Shigella flexneri which confer different O-antigen chain length distributions. Analysis of the O-antigen length distribution imparted by each chimera revealed the region spanning amino acids 67 to 95 (region 67 to 95), region 200 to 255, and region 269 to 274 as primarily affecting the length distribution. We also showed that there is no synergy between these regions. In particular, region 269 to 274 also influenced chain length distribution mediated by two distantly related PCPs, WzzB and FepE. Furthermore, from the 3 regions uncovered in this study, region 269 to 274 appeared to be critical for the stability of the oligomeric form of Wzz, as determined by cross-linking experiments. Together, our data suggest that chain length determination depends on regions that likely contribute to stabilize a supramolecular complex.


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Wzx belongs to a family of membrane proteins involved in the translocation of isoprenoid lipid-linked glycans, which is loosely related to members of the major facilitator superfamily. Despite Wzx homologs performing a conserved function, it has been difficult to pinpoint specific motifs of functional significance in their amino acid sequences. Here, we elucidate the topology of the Escherichia coli O157 Wzx (Wzx(EcO157)) by a combination of bioinformatics and substituted cysteine scanning mutagenesis, as well as targeted deletion-fusions to green fluorescent protein and alkaline phosphatase. We conclude that Wzx(EcO157) consists of 12 transmembrane (TM) helices and six periplasmic and five cytosolic loops, with N and C termini facing the cytoplasm. Four TM helices (II, IV, X, and XI) contain polar residues (aspartic acid or lysine), and they may form part of a relatively hydrophilic core. Thirty-five amino acid replacements to alanine or serine were targeted to five native cysteines and most of the aspartic acid, arginine, and lysine residues. From these, only replacements of aspartic acid-85, aspartic acid-326, arginine-298, and lysine-419 resulted in a protein unable to support O-antigen production. Aspartic acid-85 and lysine-419 are located in TM helices II and XI, while arginine-298 and aspartic acid-326 are located in periplasmic and cytosolic loops 4, respectively. Further analysis revealed that the charge at these positions is required for Wzx function since conservative substitutions maintaining the same charge polarity resulted in a functional protein, whereas those reversing or eliminating polarity abolished function. We propose that the functional requirement of charged residues at both sides of the membrane and in two TM helices could be important to allow the passage of the Und-PP-linked saccharide substrate across the membrane.


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WbaP catalyzes the transfer of galactose-1-phosphate onto undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P). The enzyme belongs to a large family of bacterial membrane proteins required for initiation of the synthesis of O antigen lipopolysaccharide and polysaccharide capsules. Previous work in our laboratory demonstrated that the last transmembrane helix and C-terminal tail region of WbaP (WbaP(CT)) are sufficient for enzymatic activity. Here, we demonstrate the cytoplasmic location of the WbaP C-terminal tail and show that WbaPCT domain N-terminally fused to thioredoxin (TrxA-WbaP(CT)) exhibits improved protein folding and enhanced transferase activity. Alanine replacement of highly conserved charged or polar amino acids identified seven critical residues for enzyme activity in vivo and in vitro. Four of these residues are located in regions predicted to be a-helical. These regions and their secondary structure predictions are conserved in distinct WbaP family members, suggesting they may contribute to form a conserved catalytic center.


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Studies have confirmed the key role of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA) in the US and UK human anthrax vaccines. However, given the tripartite nature of the toxin, other components, including lethal factor (LF), are also likely to contribute to protection. We examined the antibody and T cell responses to PA and LF in human volunteers immunized with the UK anthrax vaccine (AVP). Individual LF domains were assessed for immunogenicity in mice when given alone or with PA. Based on the results obtained, a novel fusion protein comprising D1 of LF and the host cell-binding domain of PA (D4) was assessed for protective efficacy. Murine protection studies demonstrated that both full-length LF and D1 of LF conferred complete protection against a lethal intraperitoneal challenge with B. anthracis STI spores. Subsequent studies with the LFD1-PAD4 fusion protein showed a similar level of protection. LF is immunogenic in humans and is likely to contribute to the protection stimulated by AVP. A single vaccine comprising protective regions from LF and PA would simplify production and confer a broader spectrum of protection than that seen with PA alone.


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We reported previously that a Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis dam mutant expressing a truncated Dam protein does not agglutinate in the presence of specific antibodies against O9 polysaccharide. Here we investigate the participation of Dam in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis in Salmonella. The LPS O-antigen profiles of a dam null mutant (SEDeltadam) and the Salmonella serovar Enteritidis parental strain were examined by using electrophoresis and silver staining. Compared to the parental strain, SEDeltadam produced LPS with shorter O-antigen polysaccharide chains. Since Wzz is responsible for the chain length distribution of the O antigen, we investigated whether Dam methylation is involved in regulating wzz expression. Densitometry analysis showed that the amount of Wzz produced by SEDeltadam is threefold lower than the amount of Wzz produced by the parental strain. Concomitantly, the activity of the wzz promoter in SEDeltadam was reduced nearly 50% in logarithmic phase and 25% in stationary phase. These results were further confirmed by reverse transcription-PCR showing that wzz gene expression was threefold lower in the dam mutant than in the parental strain. Our results demonstrate that wzz gene expression is downregulated in a dam mutant, indicating that Dam methylation activates expression of this gene. This work indicates that wzz is a new target regulated by Dam methylation and demonstrates that DNA methylation not only affects the production of bacterial surface proteins but also the production of surface polysaccharides.


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Chronic respiratory infections by the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) are of great concern to patients with cystic fibrosis. Bcc isolates may survive intracellularly within amoebae, respiratory epithelial cells and macrophages. The molecular mechanisms facilitating colonization and pathogenesis remain unclear. Given the importance of bacterial adhesion to host surfaces in microbial pathogenesis, we investigated the role of the O antigen LPS in the interaction of Burkholderia cenocepacia, a member of the Bcc, with macrophages and epithelial cells. Our results demonstrated that the O antigen modulates phagocytosis but does not affect intracellular survival of B. cenocepacia. Internalization of strains that lack O antigen was significantly increased compared to that of their isogenic smooth counterparts. However, no differences between rough and smooth strains were found in their ability to delay phagosomal maturation. We also found that the O antigen interfered with the ability of B. cenocepacia to adhere to bronchial epithelial cells, suggesting that this polysaccharide may mask one or more bacterial surface adhesins.


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The lipopolysaccharide O antigen of Shigella flexneri 2a has two preferred chain lengths, a short (S-OAg) composed of an average of 17 repeated units and a very long (VL-OAg) of about 90 repeated units. These chain length distributions are controlled by the chromosomally encoded WzzB and the plasmid-encoded Wzz(pHS-2) proteins, respectively. In this study, genes wzzB, wzz(pHS-2) and wzy (encoding the O-antigen polymerase) were cloned under the control of arabinose- and rhamnose-inducible promoters to investigate the effect of varying their relative expression levels on O antigen polysaccharide chain length distribution. Controlled expression of the chain length regulators wzzB and wzz(pHS-2) revealed a dose-dependent production of each modal length. Increase in one mode resulted in a parallel decrease in the other, indicating that chain length regulators compete to control the degree of O antigen polymerization. Also, when expression of the wzy gene is low, S-OAg but not VL-OAg is produced. Production of VL-OAg requires high induction levels of wzy. Thus, the level of expression of wzy is critical in determining O antigen modal distribution. Western blot analyses of membrane proteins showed comparable high levels of the WzzB and Wzz(pHS-2) proteins, but very low levels of Wzy. In vivo cross-linking experiments and immunoprecipitation of membrane proteins did not detect any direct interaction between Wzy and WzzB, suggesting the possibility that these two proteins may not interact physically but rather by other means such as via translocated O antigen precursors.


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WaaL is a membrane enzyme implicated in ligating undecaprenyl-diphosphate (Und-PP)-linked O antigen to lipid A-core oligosaccharide. We determined the periplasmic location of a large (EL5) and small (EL4) adjacent loops in the Escherichia coli K-12 WaaL. Structural models of the EL5 from the K-12, R1 and R4 E. coli ligases were generated by molecular dynamics. Despite the poor amino acid sequence conservation among these proteins, the models afforded similar folds consisting of two pairs of almost perpendicular alpha-helices. One alpha-helix in each pair contributes a histidine and an arginine facing each other, which are highly conserved in WaaL homologues. Mutations in either residue rendered WaaL non-functional, since mutant proteins were unable to restore O antigen surface expression. Replacements of residues located away from the putative catalytic centre and non-conserved residues within the centre itself did not affect ligation. Furthermore, replacing a highly conserved arginine in EL4 with various amino acids inactivates WaaL function, but functionality reappears when the positive charge is restored by a replacement with lysine. These results lead us to propose that the conserved amino acids in the two adjacent periplasmic loops could interact with Und-PP, which is the common component in all WaaL substrates.


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The amount of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O antigen (OAg) and its chain length distribution are important factors that protect bacteria from serum complement. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi produces LPS with long chain length distribution (L-OAg) controlled by the wzz gene, whereas serovar Typhimurium produces LPS with two OAg chain lengths: an L-OAg controlled by Wzz(ST) and a very long (VL) OAg determined by Wzz(fepE). This study shows that serovar Enteritidis also has a bimodal OAg distribution with two preferred OAg chain lengths similar to serovar Typhimurium. It was reported previously that OAg production by S. Typhi increases at the late exponential and stationary phases of growth. The results of this study demonstrate that increased amounts of L-OAg produced by S. Typhi grown to stationary phase confer higher levels of bacterial resistance to human serum. Production of OAg by serovars Typhimurium and Enteritidis was also under growth-phase-dependent regulation; however, while the total amount of OAg increased during growth, the VL-OAg distribution remained constant. The VL-OAg distribution was primarily responsible for complement resistance, protecting the non-typhoidal serovars from the lytic action of serum irrespective of the growth phase. As a result, the non-typhoidal species were significantly more resistant than S. Typhi to human serum. When S. Typhi was transformed with a multicopy plasmid containing the S. Typhimurium wzz(fepE) gene, resistance to serum increased to levels comparable to the non-typhoidal serovars. In contrast to the relevant role for high-molecular-mass OAg molecules, the presence of Vi antigen did not contribute to serum resistance of clinical isolates of serovar Typhi.


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WbaP is a membrane enzyme that initiates O antigen synthesis in Salmonella enterica by catalysing the transfer of galactose 1-phosphate (Gal-1-P) onto undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P). WbaP possesses at least three predicted structural domains: an N-terminal region containing four transmembrane helices, a large central periplasmic loop, and a C-terminal domain containing the last transmembrane helix and a large cytoplasmic tail. In this work, we investigated the contribution of each region to WbaP function by constructing a series of mutant WbaP proteins and using them to complement O antigen synthesis in DeltawbaP mutants of S. enterica serovars Typhi and Typhimurium. Truncated forms of WbaP lacking the periplasmic loop exhibited altered chain-length distributions in O antigen polymerization, suggesting that this central domain is involved in modulating the chain-length distribution of the O polysaccharide. The N-terminal and periplasmic domains were dispensable for complementation of O antigen synthesis in vivo, suggesting that the C-terminal domain carries the sugar-phosphate transferase activity. However, despite the fact that they complemented the synthesis of O antigen in the DeltawbaP mutant in vivo, membrane extracts containing WbaP derivatives without the N-terminal domain failed to transfer radioactive Gal from UDP-Gal into a lipid-rich fraction. These results suggest that the N-terminal region of WbaP, which contains four transmembrane domains, is essential for the insertion or stability of the protein in the bacterial membrane. We propose that the domain structure of WbaP enables this protein not only to function in the transfer of Gal-1-P to Und-P but also to establish critical interactions with additional proteins required for the correct assembly of O antigen in S. enterica.