88 resultados para Raisonnement à base de cas


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This paper provides a full overview of base metal finds from the excavations conducted at Haughey's Fort between 1987 and 1995. Most of the assemblage consists of waste metal from casting activities relating to the Late Bronze Age occupation of the site. A small minority of objects are of a later date, mostly Iron Age. Both the latter and the vast majority of Late Bronze metal items were recovered from a specific sector of the inner enclosure. Typological parallels, context and chronology of the finds are discussed, and a tentative interpretation of the evidence proposed.


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Background: The COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials) Initiative is developing a publicly accessible online resource to collate the knowledge base for core outcome set development (COS) and the applied work from different health conditions. Ensuring that the database is as comprehensive as possible and keeping it up to date are key to its value for users. This requires the development and application of an optimal, multi-faceted search strategy to identify relevant material. This paper describes the challenges of designing and implementing such a search, outlining the development of the search strategy for studies of COS development, and, in turn, the process for establishing a database of COS.

Methods: We investigated the performance characteristics of this strategy including sensitivity, precision and numbers needed to read. We compared the contribution of databases towards identifying included studies to identify the best combination of methods to retrieve all included studies.

Results: Recall of the search strategies ranged from 4% to 87%, and precision from 0.77% to 1.13%. MEDLINE performed best in terms of recall, retrieving 216 (87%) of the 250 included records, followed by Scopus (44%). The Cochrane Methodology Register found just 4% of the included records. MEDLINE was also the database with the highest precision. The number needed to read varied between 89 (MEDLINE) and 130 (SCOPUS).

Conclusions: We found that two databases and hand searching were required to locate all of the studies in this review. MEDLINE alone retrieved 87% of the included studies, but actually 97% of the included studies were indexed on MEDLINE. The Cochrane Methodology Register did not contribute any records that were not found in the other databases, and will not be included in our future searches to identify studies developing COS. SCOPUS had the lowest precision rate (0.77) and highest number needed to read (130). In future COMET searches for COS a balance needs to be struck between the work involved in screening large numbers of records, the frequency of the searching and the likelihood that eligible studies will be identified by means other than the database searches.


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La recherche sur le religieux en Afrique s’est beaucoup intéressée, ces vingt dernières années, au phénomène du « renouveau religieux », et elle s’est plutôt penchée sur la question des ruptures et des innovations qui en résultent. Le présent article interroge la réalité ce renouveau et explore, sur la base d’une étude de cas, la question des continuités et des ruptures dans les changements survenus  [1]. Tout d’abord, il s’intéresse à la nature du renouveau religieux au Mozambique ; il examine ensuite les continuités historiques et dénominationnelles existantes au sein du renouveau pour discuter, dans une troisième section, l’impact des transformations religieuses sur la relation entre religion et politique. La conclusion tente, elle, de faire la part entre ruptures et permanences, et d’appréhender la question du renouveau au-dede cette dichotomie.


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This article presents an analysis of synchronic variation and diachronic change in verbal agreement with the French noun foule. This noun, like many collective nouns in French and other languages, can show variation between singular and plural verbal agreement (la foule des habitants exulteSING de joie dans les rues vs. une foule de gens pressés s'attardentPLU). A novel combination of data, including data from sociolinguistic interviews, a gap-fill exercise, and a corpus of written French, is used to investigate this variation and change, to elucidate some of the factors that play a role in this type of agreement, and to examine the differences between this form used with the definite and indefinite determiner (la foule vs. une foule). Some theoretical issues concerning the definition of collective nouns are also addressed.