87 resultados para Molecular Diagnostic Techniques


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Molecular Pathology (MP) is at the heart of modern diagnostics and translational research, but the controversy on how MP is best developed has not abated. The lack of a proper model or trained pathologists to support the diagnostic and research missions makes MP a rare commodity overall. Here we analyse the scientific and technology areas, in research and diagnostics, which are encompassed by MP of solid tumours; we highlight the broad overlap of technologies and analytical capabilities in tissue research and diagnostics; and we describe an integrated model that rationalizes technical know-how and pathology talent for both. The model is based on a single, accredited laboratory providing a single standard of high-quality for biomarker discovery, biomarker validation and molecular diagnostics.


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Background: Diagnosis of meningococcal disease relies on recognition of clinical signs and symptoms that are notoriously non-specific, variable, and often absent in the early stages of the disease. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) has previously been shown to be fast and effective for the molecular detection of meningococcal DNA in clinical specimens. We aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of meningococcal LAMP as a near-patient test in the emergency department.

Methods: For this observational cohort study of diagnostic accuracy, children aged 0-13 years presenting to the emergency department of the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children (Belfast, UK) with suspected meningococcal disease were eligible for inclusion. Patients underwent a standard meningococcal pack of investigations testing for meningococcal disease. Respiratory (nasopharyngeal swab) and blood specimens were collected from patients and tested with near-patient meningococcal LAMP and the results were compared with those obtained by reference laboratory tests (culture and PCR of blood and cerebrospinal fluid).

Findings: Between Nov 1, 2009, and Jan 31, 2012, 161 eligible children presenting at the hospital underwent the meningococcal pack of investigations and were tested for meningococcal disease, of whom 148 consented and were enrolled in the study. Combined testing of respiratory and blood specimens with use of LAMP was accurate (sensitivity 89% [95% CI 72-96], specificity 100% [97-100], positive predictive value 100% [85-100]; negative predictive value 98% [93-99]) and diagnostically useful (positive likelihood ratio 213 [95% CI 13-infinity] and negative likelihood ratio 0·11 [0·04-0·32]). The median time required for near-patient testing from sample to result was 1 h 26 min (IQR 1 h 20 min-1 h 32 min).

Interpretation: Meningococcal LAMP is straightforward enough for use in any hospital with basic laboratory facilities, and near-patient testing with this method is both feasible and effective. By contrast with existing UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence guidelines, we showed that molecular testing of non-invasive respiratory specimens from children is diagnostically accurate and clinically useful.


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Diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity are probabilistic estimates with far reaching implications for disease control, management and genetic studies. In the absence of 'gold standard' tests, traditional Bayesian latent class models may be used to assess diagnostic test accuracies through the comparison of two or more tests performed on the same groups of individuals. The aim of this study was to extend such models to estimate diagnostic test parameters and true cohort-specific prevalence, using disease surveillance data. The traditional Hui-Walter latent class methodology was extended to allow for features seen in such data, including (i) unrecorded data (i.e. data for a second test available only on a subset of the sampled population) and (ii) cohort-specific sensitivities and specificities. The model was applied with and without the modelling of conditional dependence between tests. The utility of the extended model was demonstrated through application to bovine tuberculosis surveillance data from Northern and the Republic of Ireland. Simulation coupled with re-sampling techniques, demonstrated that the extended model has good predictive power to estimate the diagnostic parameters and true herd-level prevalence from surveillance data. Our methodology can aid in the interpretation of disease surveillance data, and the results can potentially refine disease control strategies.


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Molecular techniques have a key role to play in laboratory and clinical haematology. Restriction enzymes allow nucleic acids to be reduced in size for subsequent analysis. In addition they allow selection of specific DNA or RNA sequences for cloning into bacterial plasmids. These plasmids are naturally occuring DNA molecules which reside in bacterial cells. They can be manipulated to act as vehicles or carriers for biologically and medically important genes, allowing the production of large amounts of cloned material for research purposes or to aid in the production of medically important recombinant molecules such as insulin. As acquired or inherited genetic changes are implicated in a wide range of haematological diseases, it is necessary to have highly specific and sensitive assays to detect these mutations. Most of these techniques rely on nucleic acid hybridisation, benefitting from the ability of DNA or RNA to bind tighly to complimentary bases in the nucleic acid structure. Production of artificial DNA molecules called probes permits nucleic acid hybridiation assays to be performed, using the techniques of southern blotting or dot blot analysis. In addition the base composition of any gene or region of DNA can be determined using DNA sequencing technology. The advent of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has revolutionised all aspects of medicine, but has particular relevance in haematology where easy access to biopsy material provides a wealth of material for analysis. PCR permits quick and reliable manipulation of sample material and its ability to be automated makes it an ideal tool for use in the haematology laboratory.


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Donor hematopoiesis or donor chimerism in the host following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) has appeared crucial to the engraftment process. However, as molecular techniques exploiting neutral variation in human genetic material have been used in the study of chimerism, the detection of residual host cells or mixed hemopoietic chimerism has indicated that donor chimerism is not obligatory following BMT. This review focuses on the detection and significance of mixed chimerism (MC) in patients transplanted for both malignant and non-malignant hemopoietic disease and attempts to tease out the contribution of MC to engraftment, leukemia relapse, graft rejection and long-term disease-free survival.


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This work aimed to evaluate whether ETS transcription factors frequently involved in rearrangements in prostate carcinomas (PCa), namely ERG and ETV1, regulate specific or shared target genes. We performed differential expression analysis on nine normal prostate tissues and 50 PCa enriched for different ETS rearrangements using exon-level expression microarrays, followed by in vitro validation using cell line models. We found specific deregulation of 57 genes in ERG-positive PCa and 15 genes in ETV1-positive PCa, whereas deregulation of 27 genes was shared in both tumor subtypes. We further showed that the expression of seven tumor-associated ERG target genes (PLA1A, CACNA1D, ATP8A2, HLA-DMB, PDE3B, TDRD1, and TMBIM1) and two tumor-associated ETV1 target genes (FKBP10 and GLYATL2) was significantly affected by specific ETS silencing in VCaP and LNCaP cell line models, respectively, whereas the expression of three candidate ERG and ETV1 shared targets (GRPR, KCNH8, and TMEM45B) was significantly affected by silencing of either ETS. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the expression of TDRD1, the topmost overexpressed gene of our list of ERG-specific candidate targets, is inversely correlated with the methylation levels of a CpG island found at -66 bp of the transcription start site in PCa and that TDRD1 expression is regulated by direct binding of ERG to the CpG island in VCaP cells. We conclude that ETS transcription factors regulate specific and shared target genes and that TDRD1, FKBP10, and GRPR are promising therapeutic targets and can serve as diagnostic markers for molecular subtypes of PCa harboring specific fusion gene rearrangements.


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Routine molecular diagnostics modalities are unable to confidently detect low frequency mutations (<5-15%) that may indicate response to targeted therapies. We confirm the presence of a low frequency NRAS mutation in a rectal cancer patient using massively parallel sequencing when previous Sanger sequencing results proved negative and Q-PCR testing inconclusive. There is increasing evidence that these low frequency mutations may confer resistance to anti-EGFR therapy. In view of negative/inconclusive Sanger sequencing and Q-PCR results for NRAS mutations in a KRAS wt rectal case, the diagnostic biopsy and 4 distinct subpopulations of cells in the resection specimen after conventional chemo/radiotherapy were massively parallel sequenced using the Ion Torrent PGM. DNA was derived from FFPE rectal cancer tissue and amplicons produced using the Cancer Hotspot Panel V2 and sequenced using semiconductor technology. NRAS mutations were observed at varying frequencies in the patient biopsy (12.2%) and all four subpopulations of cells in the resection with an average frequency of 7.3% (lowest 2.6%). The results of the NGS also provided the mutational status of 49 other genes that may have prognostic or predictive value, including KRAS and PIK3CA. NGS technology has been postulated in diagnostics because of its capability to generate results in large panels of clinically meaningful genes in a cost-effective manner. This case illustrates another potential advantage of this technology: its use for detecting low frequency mutations that may influence therapeutic decisions in cancer treatment.


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While personalised cancer medicine holds great promise, targeting therapies to the biological characteristics of patients is limited by the number of validated biomarkers currently available. The implementation of biomarkers has undergone many challenges with few biomarkers reaching cancer patients in the clinic. There have been many biomarkers that have been published and claimed to be therapeutically useful, but few become part of the clinical decision-making process due to technical, validation and market access issues. To reduce this attrition rate, there is a significant need for policy makers and reimbursement agencies to define specific evidence requirements for the introduction of biomarkers into clinical practice. Once these requirements are more clearly defined, in an analogous manner to pharmaceuticals, researchers and diagnostic companies can better focus their biomarker research and development on meeting these specific requirements, which should lead to the more rapid introduction of new molecular oncology tests for patient benefit.


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The resolution of evolutionary relationships among deep-sea incirrate octopuses has been hindered by the paucity of individuals available for morphological studies and by the lack of tissue samples preserved using fixatives compatible with simple DNA extraction techniques. Evolutionary relationships from 11 species of deep-sea incirrate octopuses were investigated using 2392 base pairs (bp) of DNA from four mitochondrial genes (12S rDNA, 16S rDNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit III, and cytochrome b) and the nuclear gene, rhodopsin. Morphological examination of these species was also undertaken. Molecular analyses distinguish a species of octopus from hydrothermal vents at Manus Basin from the vent octopodid Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis known from vents on the East Pacific Rise. Both are herein considered members of the clade currently assigned the name Benthoctopus, although taxonomic implications preclude formally naming Vulcanoctopus as a junior synonym. Morphological investigations led to the conclusion that Benthoctopus macrophallus is a junior synonym of Benthoctopus yaquinae. An amended diagnosis of Benthoctopus is provided with additional information on male reproductive characteristics. Copyright © 2009 · Magnolia Press.


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We present complete collisional-radiative modelling results for the soft x-ray emission lines of Fe16+ in the 15 Å–17 Å range. These lines have been the subject of much controversy in the astrophysical and laboratory plasma community. Radiative transition rates are generated from fully relativistic atomic structure calculations. Electron-impact excitation cross sections are determined using a fully relativistic R-matrix method employing 139 coupled atomic levels through n = 5. We find that, in all cases, using a simple ratio of the collisional rate coefficient times a radiative branching factor is not sufficient to model the widely used diagnostic line ratios. One has to include the effects of collisional-radiative cascades in a population model to achieve accurate line ratios. Our line ratio results agree well with several previous calculations and reasonably well with tokamak experimental measurements, assuming a Maxwellian electron-energy distribution. Our modelling results for four EBIT line ratios, assuming a narrow Gaussian electron-energy distribution, are in generally poor agreement with all four NIST measurements but are in better agreement with the two LLNL measurements. These results suggest the need for an investigation of the theoretical polarization calculations that are required to interpret the EBIT line ratio measurements.


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Electron-impact excitation collision strengths for transitions between all singly excited levels up to the n = 4 shell of helium-Eke argon and the n = 4 and 5 shells of helium-like iron have been calculated using a radiation-damped R-matrix approach. The theoretical collision strengths have been examined and associated with their infinite-energy limit values to allow the preparation of Maxwell-averaged effective collision strengths. These are conservatively considered to be accurate to within 20% at all temperatures, 3 x 10(5)-3 x 10(8) K forAr(16+) and 10(6)-10(9) K for Fe24+. They have been compared with the results of previous studies, where possible, and we find a broad accord. The corresponding rate coefficients are required for use in the calculation of derived, collisional-radiative, effective emission coefficients for helium-like lines for diagnostic application to fusion and astrophysical plasmas. The uncertainties in the fundamental collision data have been used to provide a critical assessment of the expected resultant uncertainties in such derived data, including redistributive and cascade collisional-radiative effects. The consequential uncertainties in the parts of the effective emission coefficients driven by excitation from the ground levels for the key w, x, y and z lines vary between 5% and 10%. Our results remove an uncertainty in the reaction rates of a key class of atomic processes governing the spectral emission of helium-like ions in plasmas.


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Infection is a leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Premature neonates are particularly susceptible to infection because of physiologic immaturity, comorbidity, and extraneous medical interventions. Additionally premature infants are at higher risk of progression to sepsis or severe sepsis, adverse outcomes, and antimicrobial toxicity. Currently initial diagnosis is based upon clinical suspicion accompanied by nonspecific clinical signs and is confirmed upon positive microbiologic culture results several days after institution of empiric therapy. There exists a significant need for rapid, objective, in vitro tests for diagnosis of infection in neonates who are experiencing clinical instability. We used immunoassays multiplexed on microarrays to identify differentially expressed serum proteins in clinically infected and non-infected neonates. Immunoassay arrays were effective for measurement of more than 100 cytokines in small volumes of serum available from neonates. Our analyses revealed significant alterations in levels of eight serum proteins in infected neonates that are associated with inflammation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis. Specifically P- and E-selectins, interleukin 2 soluble receptor alpha, interleukin 18, neutrophil elastase, urokinase plasminogen activator and its cognate receptor, and C-reactive protein were observed at statistically significant increased levels. Multivariate classifiers based on combinations of serum analytes exhibited better diagnostic specificity and sensitivity than single analytes. Multiplexed immunoassays of serum cytokines may have clinical utility as an adjunct for rapid diagnosis of infection and differentiation of etiologic agent in neonates with clinical decompensation.