169 resultados para Microbiota oral


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It is becoming clear that, contrary to earlier expectations, the application of AI techniques to law is not as easy nor as effective as some claimed. Unfortunately, for most AI researchers, there seems to be little understanding of just why this is. In this paper I argue, from empirical study of lawyers in action, just why there is a mismatch between the AI view of law, and law in practice. While this is important and novel, it also - if my arguments are accepted - demonstrates just why AI will never have success in producing the computerised lawyer.


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Purpose. This study examined the rheological and textural characteristics (hardness, compressibilty, adhesiveness and cohesiveness) of bioadhesive oral gels containing the antimicrobial agent chlorhexidine.


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Background and aims: In 1989 a number of registers in Europe began recording new cases of type 1 diabetes diagnosed in children aged under 15 years using a common protocol. Trends in incidence rate during the 20 year period 1989-2008 are described.
Materials and methods: All registers operate in geographically defined regions and are based on a clinical diagnosis. When possible, completeness of registration in each register is assessed using capture-recapture methodology by identifying primary and secondary sources of ascertainment. The completeness estimate is obtained by identifying the numbers of cases identified by the primary source only, by the secondary source only and by both the primary and the secondary sources.
Results: Other registers have joined the Group since 1989, and 21 registers in 15 countries continue to submit registration data. In the first five years (1989-93) incidence rates varied from 3.2 per 100,000 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to 25.8 per 100,000 in the Stockholm area of Sweden. In the last five years (2004-2008) these same two registers again had the lowest and highest incidence, but rates had increased to 5.8 per 100,000 and 36.6 per 100,000, respectively. During the 20 year period all but two of the 21 registers showed statistically significant rates of increase (median rate of increase 4% per annum), and similar figures were obtained when this median rate of increase was estimated for the first half of the period (1989-98) and for the second half (1999-2008) . However, rates of increase differed significantly between the first half and the second half of the period for eight of the 17 registers with adequate coverage of both periods; four registers showing significantly higher rates of increase in the first half and four significantly higher rates in the second half.
Conclusion: The childhood type 1 diabetes incidence rate continues to rise across Europe by approximately 4% per annum, but the increase within a register is not necessarily uniform with periods of less rapid and more rapid increase in incidence occurring in some registers. This pattern of change suggests that important risk exposures differ over time in different European countries. Further time trend analysis and comparison of the patterns in defined regions are warranted.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized by defective mucociliary clearance and chronic airway infection by a complex microbiota. Infection, persistent inflammation and periodic episodes of acute pulmonary exacerbation contribute to an irreversible decline in CF lung function. While the factors leading to acute exacerbations are poorly understood, antibiotic treatment can temporarily resolve pulmonary symptoms and partially restore lung function. Previous studies indicated that exacerbations may be associated with changes in microbial densities and the acquisition of new microbial species. Given the complexity of the CF microbiota, we applied massively parallel pyrosequencing to identify changes in airway microbial community structure in 23 adult CF patients during acute pulmonary exacerbation, after antibiotic treatment and during periods of stable disease. Over 350,000 sequences were generated, representing nearly 170 distinct microbial taxa. Approximately 60% of sequences obtained were from the recognized CF pathogens Pseudomonas and Burkholderia, which were detected in largely non-overlapping patient subsets. In contrast, other taxa including Prevotella, Streptococcus, Rothia and Veillonella were abundant in nearly all patient samples. Although antibiotic treatment was associated with a small decrease in species richness, there was minimal change in overall microbial community structure. Furthermore, microbial community composition was highly similar in patients during an exacerbation and when clinically stable, suggesting that exacerbations may represent intrapulmonary spread of infection rather than a change in microbial community composition. Mouthwash samples, obtained from a subset of patients, showed a nearly identical distribution of taxa as expectorated sputum, indicating that aspiration may contribute to colonization of the lower airways. Finally, we observed a strong correlation between low species richness and poor lung function. Taken together, these results indicate that the adult CF lung microbiome is largely stable through periods of exacerbation and antibiotic treatment and that short-term compositional changes in the airway microbiota do not account for CF pulmonary exacerbations.


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RATIONALE: Characterization of bacterial populations in infectious respiratory diseases will provide improved understanding of the relationship between the lung microbiota, disease pathogenesis and treatment outcomes.

OBJECTIVES: To comprehensively define lung microbiota composition during stable disease and exacerbation in bronchiectasis patients.

METHODS: Sputum was collected from patients when clinically stable and before and after completion of antibiotic treatment of exacerbations. Bacterial abundance and community composition were analyzed using anaerobic culture and 16S rDNA pyrosequencing.

MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In clinically stable patients, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were detected in 40/40 (100%) and 33/40 (83%) sputum samples, respectively. The dominant organisms cultured were P. aeruginosa (n=10 patients), H. influenzae (n=12), Prevotella (n=18) and Veillonella (n=13). Pyrosequencing generated over 150,000 sequences, representing 113 distinct microbial taxa; the majority of observed community richness resulted from taxa present in low abundance with similar patterns of phyla distribution in clinically stable patients and patients at the onset of exacerbation. Following treatment of exacerbation, there was no change in total (p=0.925), aerobic (p=0.917) or anaerobic (p=0.683) load and only a limited shift in community composition. Agreement for detection of bacteria by culture and pyrosequencing was good for aerobic bacteria such as P. aeruginosa (kappa=0.84) but poorer for other genera including anaerobes. Lack of agreement was largely due to bacteria been detected by pyrosequencing but not by culture.

CONCLUSIONS: A complex microbiota is present in the lungs of bronchiectasis patients which remains stable through treatment of exacerbations suggesting that changes in microbiota composition do not account for exacerbations.


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OBJECTIVES: The gastrointestinal microbiota is considered important in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) pathogenesis. Discoveries from established disease cohorts report reduced bacterial diversity, changes in bacterial composition, and a protective role for Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in Crohn's disease (CD). The majority of studies to date are however potentially confounded by the effect of treatment and a reliance on established rather than de-novo disease.

METHODS: Microbial changes at diagnosis were examined by biopsying the colonic mucosa of 37 children: 25 with newly presenting, untreated IBD with active colitis (13 CD and 12 ulcerative colitis (UC)), and 12 pediatric controls with a macroscopically and microscopically normal colon. We utilized a dual-methodology approach with pyrosequencing (threshold >10,000 reads) and confirmatory real-time PCR (RT-PCR).

RESULTS: Threshold pyrosequencing output was obtained on 34 subjects (11 CD, 11 UC, 12 controls). No significant changes were noted at phylum level among the Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, or Proteobacteria. A significant reduction in bacterial alpha-diversity was noted in CD vs. controls by three methods (Shannon, Simpson, and phylogenetic diversity) but not in UC vs. controls. An increase in Faecalibacterium was observed in CD compared with controls by pyrosequencing (mean 16.7% vs. 9.1% of reads, P = 0.02) and replicated by specific F. prausnitzii RT-PCR (36.0% vs. 19.0% of total bacteria, P = 0.02). No disease-specific clustering was evident on principal components analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results offer a comprehensive examination of the IBD mucosal microbiota at diagnosis, unaffected by therapeutic confounders or changes over time. Our results challenge the current model of a protective role for F. prausnitzii in CD, suggesting a more dynamic role for this organism than previously described.


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Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) including nickel and chromium are often present in soils overlying basalt at concentrations above regulatory guidance values due to the presence of these elements in underlying geology. Oral bioaccessibility testing allows the risk posed by PTEs to human health to be assessed; however, bioaccessibility is controlled by factors including mineralogy, particle size, solid-phase speciation and encapsulation. X-ray diffraction was used to characterise the mineralogy of 12 soil samples overlying Palaeogene basalt lavas in Northern Ireland, and non-specific sequential extraction coupled with chemometric analysis was used to determine the distribution of elements amongst soil components in 3 of these samples. The data obtained were related to total concentration and oral bioaccessible concentration to determine whether a relationship exists between the overall concentrations of PTEs, their bioaccessibility and the soils mineralogy and geochemistry. Gastric phase bioaccessible fraction (BAF %) ranged from 0.4 to 5.4 % for chromium in soils overlying basalt and bioaccessible and total chromium concentrations are positively correlated. In contrast, the range of gastric phase BAF for nickel was greater (1.4–43.8 %), while no significant correlation was observed between bioaccessible and total nickel concentrations. However, nickel BAF was inversely correlated with total concentration. Solid-phase fractionation information showed that bioaccessible nickel was associated with calcium carbonate, aluminium oxide, iron oxide and clay-related components, while bioaccessible chromium was associated with clay-related components. This suggests that weathering significantly affects nickel bioaccessibility, but does not have the same effect on the bioaccessibility of chromium.