134 resultados para Magellanic Clouds


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This paper reports variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) features that were found in Spitzer Space Telescope spectra of carbon-rich post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The paper consists of two parts. The first part describes our Spitzer spectral observing programme of 24 stars including post-AGB candidates. The latter half of this paper presents the analysis of PAH features in 20 carbon-rich post-AGB stars in the LMC, assembled from the Spitzer archive as well as from our own programme.We found that five post-AGB stars showed a broad feature with a peak at 7.7 μm, that had not been classified before. Further, the 10-13 μm PAH spectra were classified into four classes, one of which has three broad peaks at 11.3, 12.3 and 13.3 μm rather than two distinct sharp peaks at 11.3 and 12.7 μm, as commonly found in HII regions. Our studies suggest that PAHs are gradually processed while the central stars evolve from post-AGB phase to planetary nebulae, changing their composition before PAHs are incorporated into the interstellar medium. Although some metallicity dependence of PAH spectra exists, the evolutionary state of an object is more significant than its metallicity in determining the spectral characteristics of PAHs for LMC and Galactic post-AGB stars. © 2014 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.


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The Fe unresolved transition arrays (UTAs) produce prominent features in the 15-17 Å wavelength range in the spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Here, we present new calculations of the energies and oscillator strengths of inner-shell lines from Fe XIV, Fe XV, and Fe XVI. These are crucial ions since they are dominant at inflection points in the gas thermal stability curve, and UTA excitation followed by autoionization is an important ionization mechanism for these species. We incorporate these, and data reported in previous papers, into the plasma simulation code Cloudy. This updated physics is subsequently employed to reconsider the thermally stable phases in absorbing media in AGNs. We show how the absorption profile of the Fe XIV UTA depends on density, due to the changing populations of levels within the ground configuration. © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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High-resolution UCLES/AAT spectra of four B-type supergiants in the SMC South East Wing have been analysed using non-LTE model atmosphere techniques to determine their atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions. The principle aim of this analysis was to determine whether the very low metal abundances (-1.1 dex compared with Galactic value) previously found in the Magellanic Inter Cloud region (ICR) were also present in the SMC Wing. The chemical compositions of the four targets are similar to those found in other SMC objects and appear to be incompatible with those deduced previously for the ICR. Given the close proximity of the Wing to the ICR, this is difficult to understand and some possible explanations are briefly discussed.


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An analysis of high-resolution VLT/UVES spectra of two B-type main sequence stars, NGC 346-11 and AV 304, in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), has been undertaken, using the non-LTE tlusty model atmospheres to derive the stellar parameters and chemical compositions of each star. The chemical compositions of the two stars are in reasonable agreement. Moreover, our stellar analysis agrees well with earlier analyses of H II regions. The results derived here should be representative of the current base-line chemical composition of the SMC interstellar medium as derived from B-type stars.


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We present the results of BVRIZ photometry of 56 near-Earth objects (NEOs) obtained with the 1-m Jacobus Kapteyn telescope on La Palma during 2000 and 2001. Our sample includes many NEOs with particularly deep 1 - mum pyroxene/olivine absorption bands, similar to Q-type asteroids. We also classify three NEOs with particularly blue colors. No D-type asteroids were found, placing an upper limit of similar to2% on the fraction of the NEO population originating in the outer main belt or the Trojan clouds. The ratio of dark to bright objects in our sample was found to be 0.40, significantly higher than current theoretical predictions. As well as classifying the NEOs, we have investigated color trends with size and orbit. We see a general trend for larger silicate objects to have shallower absorption bands but find no significant difference in the distribution of taxonomic classes at small and large sizes. Our data clearly show that different taxonomic classes tend to occupy different regions of (a, e) space. By comparing our data with current model predictions for NEO dynamical evolution we see that Q- R-, and V-type NEOs tend to have orbits associated with "fast track" delivery from the main belt, whereas S-type NEOs tend to have orbits associated with "slow track" delivery. This outcome would be expected if space weathering occurs on time scales of >10(6) years. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Previous Call K observations of the B-type star HD 83206 have revealed putative high-velocity interstellar clouds (HVCs) at Local Standard of Rest (LSR) velocities of -80 and -110 km s(- 1). Similar results were also found for the sightline towards HD135485. In this article, we show that these absorption lines are in fact due tr, stellar SII features. As the Call K absorption line in B-type stars is often used to assess the presence and distance of HVCs. we also present a very high quality spectrum of HD 83206 in the Ca II K region (similar to+/-4 Angstrom or +/-300 km s(-1)), so that in the future confusion between stellar lines and HVC features may be avoided.


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We present Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope HI images, Lovell telescope multibeam H I wide-field mapping, William Herschel Telescope long-slit echelle Ca II observations, Wisconsin Halpha Mapper (WHAM) facility images, and IRAS ISSA 60- and 100-mum co-added images towards the intermediate- velocity cloud (IVC) at + 70 km s(-1), located in the general direction of the M15 globular cluster. When combined with previously published Arecibo data, the H I gas in the IVC is found to be clumpy, with a peak H I column density of similar to1.5 x 10(20) cm(-2), inferred volume density (assuming spherical symmetry) of similar to24 cm(-3)/D (kpc) and a maximum brightness temperature at a resolution of 81 x 14 arcsec(2) of 14 K. The major axis of this part of the IVC lies approximately parallel to the Galactic plane, as does the low- velocity H I gas and IRAS emission. The H I gas in the cloud is warm, with a minimum value of the full width at half-maximum velocity width of 5 km s(-1) corresponding to a kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence, of similar to540 K. From the H I data, there are indications of two-component velocity structure. Similarly, the Ca II spectra, of resolution 7 km s(-1), also show tentative evidence of velocity structure, perhaps indicative of cloudlets. Assuming that there are no unresolved narrow-velocity components, the mean values of log(10)[N(Ca II K) cm(2)] similar to 12.0 and Ca II/H I similar to2 5 x 10(-8) are typical of observations of high Galactic latitude clouds. This compares with a value of Ca II/H I>10(-6) for IVC absorption towards HD 203664, a halo star of distance 3 kpc, some 3.degrees1 from the main M15 IVC condensation. The main IVC condensation is detected by WHAM in Halpha with central local-standard-of-rest velocities of similar to60-70 km s(-1), and intensities uncorrected for Galactic extinction of up to 1.3 R, indicating that the gas is partially ionized. The FWHM values of the Halpha IVC component, at a resolution of 1degrees, exceed 30 km s(-1). This is some 10 km s(-1) larger than the corresponding H I value at a similar resolution, and indicates that the two components may not be mixed. However, the spatial and velocity coincidence of the Halpha and H I peaks in emission towards the main IVC component is qualitatively good. If the Halpha emission is caused solely by photoionization, the Lyman continuum flux towards the main IVC condensation is similar to2.7 x 10(6) photon cm(-2) s(-1). There is not a corresponding IVC Halpha detection towards the halo star HD 203664 at velocities exceeding similar to60 km s(- 1). Finally, both the 60- and 100-mum IRAS images show spatial coincidence, over a 0.675 x 0 625 deg(2) field, with both low- and intermediate-velocity H I gas (previously observed with the Arecibo telescope), indicating that the IVC may contain dust. Both the Halpha and tentative IRAS detections discriminate this IVC from high-velocity clouds, although the H I properties do not. When combined with the H I and optical results, these data point to a Galactic origin for at least parts of this IVC.


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We present wide-field neutral hydrogen (H I) Lovell telescope multibeam, and Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Hi synthesis observations, of the high velocity cloud (HVC) located in the general direction of the globular cluster M92. This cloud is part of the larger Complex C and lies at velocities between similar to -80 and -130 km s(-1) in the Local Standard of Rest. The Lovell telescope observations, of resolution 12 arcmin spatially and 3.0 km s(-1) in velocity, fully sampling a 3.1 degrees x 12.6 degrees RA-Dec grid, have found that this part of HVC Complex C comprises two main condensations, lying approximately north-south in declination, separated by similar to2 degrees and being parallel to the Galactic plane. At this resolution, peak values of the brightness temperature and Hi column density of similar to1.4 K and similar to5 x 10(19) cm(-2) are determined, with relatively high values of the full width half maximum velocity (FWHM) of similar to 22 km s(-1) being observed, equivalent to a gas kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence and geometric effects of similar to 10 000 K. Each of these properties, as well as the sizes of the clouds, are similar in the two components. The DRAO observations, towards the Northern HVC condensation, are the first high-resolution Hi spectra of Complex C. When smoothed to a resolution of 3 arcmin, they identify several Hi intensity peaks with column densities in the range 4-7 x 10(19) cm(-2). Further smoothing of these data to 6 arcmin resolution tentatively indicates that parts of the HVC consist of two velocity components, of similar brightness temperature, separated by similar to7 km s(-1) in velocity, and with FWHM velocity widths of similar to5-7 km s(-1). No IRAS 60 or 100 micron flux is associated with the M92 HVC. Cloud properties are briefly discussed and compared to previous observations of HVCs.


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Aims. Infrared and optical photometric and spectroscopic observations of the symbiotic nova RR Tel are used to study the effects and properties of dust in symbiotic binaries containing a cool Mira component, as well as showing "obscuration events" of increased absorption, which are typical for such Miras. Methods. A set of photometric observations of the symbiotic nova RR Tel in different wavelength bands - visual from 1949 to 2002 and near-infrared (JHKL) from 1975 to 2002 - are presented. The variability due to the normal Mira pulsation was removed from the JHKL data, which were then compared with the American Association of Variable Star Observers' (AAVSO) visual light curve. The changes of the Fe II emission line fluxes during the 1996-2000 obscuration episode were studied in the optical spectra taken with the Anglo-Australian telescope. Results. We discuss the three periods during which the Mira component was heavily obscured by dust as observed in the different wavelength bands. A change in the correlations of J with other infrared magnitudes was observed with the colour becoming redder after JD 2 446 600. Generally, J-K was comparable, while K-L was larger than typical values for singleMiras. A distance estimate of 2.5 kpc, based on the IR data, is given. A larger flux decrease for the permitted than for the forbidden Fe II lines, during the obscuration episode studied, has been found. There is no evidence for other correlations with line properties, in particular with wavelength, which suggests obscuration due to separate optically thick clouds in the outer layers. Conclusions.


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We present two strategies to enhance the dynamical entanglement transfer from continuous-variable (CV) to finite-dimensional systems by employing multiple qubits. First, we consider the entanglement transfer to a composite finite-dimensional system of many qubits simultaneously interacting with a bipartite CV field. We show that, considering realistic conditions in the generation of CV entanglement, a small number of qubits resonantly coupled to the CV system are sufficient for an almost complete dynamical transfer of the entanglement. Our analysis also sheds further light on the transition between the microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of composite finite-dimensional systems coupled to bosonic fields (like atomic clouds interacting with light). Furthermore, we present a protocol based on sequential interactions of the CV system with some ancillary qubit systems and on subsequent measurements, allowing us to probabilistically convert CV entanglement into "almost-perfect" Bell pairs of two qubits. Our proposals are suited for realizations in various experimental settings, ranging from cavity-QED to cavity-integrated superconducting devices.


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High-resolution observations of five OB-type main-sequence stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have been obtained with the UCL echelle spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. These spectra have been analysed using LTE model- atmosphere techniques, to derive stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions. As these stars are located within the hydrogen burning main-sequence band, their surface abundances should reflect those of the present-day interstellar medium. Detailed line-by-line differential analyses have been undertaken relative to Galactic comparison stars. We conclude that there exists a general metal deficiency of - 0.31 +/- 0.04 dex within the LMC, and find no significant abundance variations between cluster and field stars. There is also tentative evidence to suggest a lower oxygen to iron abundance ratio, and an over-deficiency of magnesium relative to the other alpha-elements. These are discussed in terms of previous abundance analyses and models of discontinuous (or bursting) star formation within the LMC. Finally, there is some evidence to suggest a greater chemical enrichment of material within the H. region LH104.


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High-resolution spectroscopic VLT/UVES observations are presented for the B-type main-sequence star, AV 304, in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). These spectra have been analysed using LTE model-atmosphere techniques, to derive stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions. As AV 304 is located within the hydrogen burning main-sequence band, its chemical composition should reflect that of the SMC interstellar medium (ISM). A detailed line-by-line differential analysis has been undertaken relative to a Galactic comparison star. A general metal deficiency for the a-process elements O, Si & S of -0.43 +/- 0.05 dex is found for AV 304, with iron having a similar underabundance. Oxygen may be relatively over- abundant by similar to0.1 dex and carbon and aluminium underabundant by similar to0.2 dex. A large nitrogen underabundance (of -1.2 dex relative to hydrogen and -0.7 dex relative to iron) is found. This is interpreted in terms of the CNO bi-cycle having been suppressed in the SMC. Furthermore, the large nitrogen deficiency is in excellent agreement with that found for SMC H II regions. Indeed, this represents a first for stellar astrophysics - confirming the low base-line nitrogen composition of the SMC ISM (viz. 12+log(N/H) similar to 6.66 +/- 0.10 dex).


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We have studied the optical spectra of a sample of 31 O- and early B-type stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, 21 of which are associated with the young massive cluster NGC 346. Stellar parameters are determined using an automated fitting method (Mokiem et al. 2005, A&A, 441, 711), which combines the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND (Puls et al. 2005, A&A, 435, 669) with the genetic algorithm based optimisation routine PIKAIA (Charbonneau 1995, ApJS, 101, 309). Comparison with predictions of stellar evolution that account for stellar rotation does not result in a unique age, though most stars are best represented by an age of 1-3 Myr. The automated method allows for a detailed determination of the projected rotational velocities. The present day v(r) sin i distribution of the 21 dwarf stars in our sample is consistent with an underlying rotational velocity (v(r)) distribution that can be characterised by a mean velocity of about 160-190 km s(-1) and an effective half width of 100-150 km s(-1). The vr distribution must include a small percentage of slowly rotating stars. If predictions of the time evolution of the equatorial velocity for massive stars within the environment of the SMC are correct (Maeder & Meynet 2001, A&A, 373, 555), the young age of the cluster implies that this underlying distribution is representative for the initial rotational velocity distribution. The location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of the stars showing helium enrichment is in qualitative agreement with evolutionary tracks accounting for rotation, but not for those ignoring vr. The mass loss rates of the SMC objects having luminosities of log L-star/L-circle dot greater than or similar to 5.4 are in excellent agreement with predictions by Vink et al. (2001, A&A, 369, 574). However, for lower luminosity stars the winds are too weak to determine. M accurately from the optical spectrum. Three targets were classified as Vz stars, two of which are located close to the theoretical zero-age main sequence. Three lower luminosity targets that were not classified as Vz stars are also found to lie near the ZAMS. We argue that this is related to a temperature effect inhibiting cooler from displaying the spectral features required for the Vz luminosity class.


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The electron beam ions traps (EBITs) are widely used to study highly charged ions (HCIs). In an EBIT, a high energy electron beam collides with atoms and ions to generate HCIs in the trap region. It is important to study the physics in the trap. The atomic processes, such as electron impact ionisation (EI), radiative recombination (RR), dielectronic recombination (DR) and charge exchange (CX), occur in the trap and numerical simulation can give some parameters for design, predict the composition and describe charge state evolution in an EBIT [Phys. Rev. A 43 (199 1) 4861]. We are presently developing a new code, which additionally includes a description of the overlaps between the ion clouds of the various charge-states. It has been written so that it can simulate experiments where various machine parameters (e.g. beam energy and current) can vary throughout the simulation and will be able to use cross- sections either based on scaling laws or derived from atomic structure calculations. An object-oriented method is used in developing the new software, which is an efficient way to organize and write code. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rotation has become an important element in evolutionary models of massive stars, specifically via the prediction of rotational mixing. Here we study a sample of stars, including rapid rotators, to constrain such models and use nitrogen enrichments as a probe of the mixing process. Chemical compositions (C, N, O, Mg, and Si) have been estimated for 135 early B-type stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud with projected rotational velocities up to similar to 300 km s(-1) using a non-LTE TLUSTY model atmosphere grid. Evolutionary models, including rotational mixing, have been generated attempting to reproduce these observations by adjusting the overshooting and rotational mixing parameters and produce reasonable agreement with 60% of our core hydrogen burning sample. We find (excluding known binaries) a significant population of highly nitrogen-enriched intrinsic slow rotators (nu sin i less than or similar to 50 km s(-1)) incompatible with our models (similar to 20% of the sample). Furthermore, while we find fast rotators with enrichments in agreement with the models, the observation of evolved (dex) fast rotators (log g < 3.7 dex) that are relatively unenriched (a further similar to 20% of the sample) challenges the concept of rotational mixing. We also find that 70% of our blue supergiant sample cannot have evolved directly from the hydrogen-burning main sequence. We are left with a picture where invoking binarity and perhaps fossil magnetic fields is required to understand the surface properties of a population of massive main- sequence stars.