242 resultados para Irradiated seafood.


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Objective To compare the long-term outcome of artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implantation in patients after prostatectomy, with and with no history of previous irradiation.

Patients and methods The study included 98 men (mean age 68 years) with urinary incontinence after prostatectomy for prostate cancer (85 radical, 13 transurethral resection) who had an AUS implanted. Twenty-two of the patients had received adjuvant external beam irradiation before AUS implantation. Over a mean (range) follow-up of 46 (5-118) months, the complication and surgical revision rates were recorded and compared between irradiated and unirradiated patients. The two groups were also compared for the resolution of incontinence and satisfaction, assessed using a questionnaire.

Results Overall, surgical revision was equally common in irradiated (36%) and unirradiated (24%) patients. After activating the AUS, urethral atrophy, infection and erosion requiring surgical revision were more common in irradiated patients (41% vs 11%; P <0.05); 70% of patients reported a significant improvement in continence, regardless of previous irradiation. Patient satisfaction remained high, with >80% of patients stating that they would undergo surgery again and/or recommend it to others, despite previous Irradiation and/or the need for surgical revision.

Conclusions Despite higher complication and surgical revision rates in patients who have an AUS implanted and have a history of previous Irradiation, the long-term continence and patient satisfaction appear not to be adversely affected.


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The use of Raman and anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy to investigate the effect of exposure to high power laser radiation on the crystalline phases of TiO2 has been investigated. Measurement of the changes, over several time integrals, in the Raman and anti-stokes Raman of TiO2 spectra with exposure to laser radiation is reported. Raman and anti-stokes Raman provide detail on both the structure and the kinetic process of changes in crystalline phases in the titania material. The effect of laser exposure resulted in the generation of increasing amounts of the rutile crystalline phase from the anatase crystalline phase during exposure. The Raman spectra displayed bands at 144 cm-1 (A1g), 197 cm-1 (Eg), 398 cm-1 (B1g), 515 cm-1 (A1g), and 640 cm-1 (Eg) assigned to anatase which were replaced by bands at 143 cm-1 (B1g), 235 cm-1 (2 phonon process), 448 cm-1 (Eg) and 612 cm-1 (A1g) which were assigned to rutile. This indicated that laser irradiation of TiO2 changes the crystalline phase from anatase to rutile. Raman and anti-stokes Raman are highly sensitive to the crystalline forms of TiO2 and allow characterisation of the effect of laser irradiation upon TiO2. This technique would also be applicable as an in situ method for monitoring changes during the laser irradiation process


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The synthesis and characterization of 2-dodecylcyclobutanone is described. Solvent extraction techniques for the isolation of this compound from irradiated minced chicken meat and its detection by selected ion monitoring are outlined. The compound was not detected in either raw or cooked nonirradiated minced chicken meat by the methods used, but its presence was confirmed in the irradiated samples. 2-Dodecyclobutanone was detectable for 20 days postirradiation. The dose (4.7 kGy) of irradiation applied was below the recommended upper limit for food (10 kGy), and this compound may have potential as a marker for irradiated chicken meat and for other foods containing lipid.


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We present a simple model for a component of the radiolytic production of any chemical species due to electron emission from irradiated nanoparticles (NPs) in a liquid environment, provided the expression for the G value for product formation is known and is reasonably well characterized by a linear dependence on beam energy. This model takes nanoparticle size, composition, density and a number of other readily available parameters (such as X-ray and electron attenuation data) as inputs and therefore allows for the ready determination of this contribution. Several approximations are used, thus this model provides an upper limit to the yield of chemical species due to electron emission, rather than a distinct value, and this upper limit is compared with experimental results. After the general model is developed we provide details of its application to the generation of HO(•) through irradiation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), a potentially important process in nanoparticle-based enhancement of radiotherapy. This model has been constructed with the intention of making it accessible to other researchers who wish to estimate chemical yields through this process, and is shown to be applicable to NPs of single elements and mixtures. The model can be applied without the need to develop additional skills (such as using a Monte Carlo toolkit), providing a fast and straightforward method of estimating chemical yields. A simple framework for determining the HO(•) yield for different NP sizes at constant NP concentration and initial photon energy is also presented.


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The divergent and broadband proton beams produced by the target normal sheath acceleration mechanism provide the unique opportunity to probe, in a point-projection imaging scheme, the dynamics of the transient electric and magnetic fields produced during laser-plasma interactions. Commonly such experimental setup entails two intense laser beams, where the interaction produced by one beam is probed with the protons produced by the second. We present here experimental studies of the ultra-fast charge dynamics along a wire connected to laser irradiated target carried out by employing a ‘self’ proton probing arrangement – i.e. by connecting the wire to the target generating the probe protons. The experimental data shows that an electromagnetic pulse carrying a significant amount of charge is launched along the wire, which travels as a unified pulse of 10s of ps duration with a velocity close to speed of light. The experimental capabilities and the analysis procedure of this specific type of proton probing technique are discussed.


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This paper examines the potential economic impact of the Irish government strategy for the development of the seafood sector in Ireland, Food Harvest 2020 (FH2020). The seafood industry accounts for a large proportion of income and employment in peripheral coastal areas. Many of these regions are predominantly rural and they are largely dependent on the primary fisheries sector. Moreover, the services and retail businesses in these areas are heavily dependent on direct spending from the fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing sectors. A social accounting matrix (SAM) approach with (1) set to zero purchase coefficients for all directly impacted industries and (2) changes in output converted to final demand shocks is used to calculate the economic and employment impact on the rest of the economy from an increase in the output in the fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing sectors in Ireland. The results suggest fisheries sectors have strong links with the rest of the economy hence an important economic impact from a policy perspective.


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Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is used for wear applications in total hip prostheses and total knee prostheses. Sterilisation of these prostheses is commonly by gamma-irradiation. This process creates reactive free radicals in the UHMWPE, greatly increasing its susceptibility to oxidative degradation. This study has investigated the influence of air and vacuum packaging on the properties of gamma-irradiated UHMWPE (GUR1050) following 3 years of shelf ageing. The findings indicate that vacuum packaging minimises oxidative degradation reactions that occur for UHMWPE during shelf ageing. However, gamma-irradiation of vacuum-packaged UHMWPE promotes a degree of cross-linking. It is proposed that this may enhance the wear performance of UHMWPE. Accelerated ageing studies indicate that 3 years of shelf ageing would also seem to reduce the susceptibility of gamma-irradiated UHMWPE to oxidative degradation upon removal from its vacuum packaging.


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Accurate and efficient grid based techniques for the solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for few-electron diatomic molecules irradiated by intense, ultrashort laser pulses are described. These are based on hybrid finite-difference, Lagrange mesh techniques. The methods are applied in three scenarios, namely H-2(+) with fixed internuclear separation, H-2(+) with vibrating nuclei and H-2 with fixed internuclear separation and illustrative results presented.


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The acceleration of multi-MeV protons from the rear surface of thin solid foils irradiated by an intense (similar to 10(18) W/cm(2)) and short (similar to 1.5 ps) laser pulse has been investigated using transverse proton probing. The structure of the electric field driving the expansion of the proton beam has been resolved with high spatial and temporal resolution. The main features of the experimental observations, namely, an initial intense sheath field and a late time field peaking at the beam front, are consistent with the results from particle-in-cell and fluid simulations of thin plasma expansion into a vacuum.


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The multi-million-electron-volt proton beams accelerated during high-intensity laser-solid interactions have been used as a particle probe to investigate the electric charging of microscopic targets laser-irradiated at intensity similar to10(19) W cm(2). The charge-up, detected via the proton deflection with high temporal and spatial resolution, is due to the escape of energetic electrons generated during the interaction. The analysis of the data is supported by three- dimensional tracing of the proton trajectories. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The influence of the plasma density scale length on the production of MeV protons from thin foil targets irradiated at I lambda (2) = 5 x 10(19) Wcm(-2) has been studied. With an unperturbed foil, protons with energy >20 MeV were formed in an exponential energy spectrum with a temperature of 2.5 +/- 0.3 MeV. When a plasma with a scale length of 100 mum was preformed on the back of the foil, the maximum proton energy was reduced to


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A study of the K-alpha radiation emitted from Ti foils irradiated with intense, similar to0.2 J, 67 fs, 800 nm laser pulses, scanning a range of intensities (similar to10(15)-10(18) W cm(-2)), is reported. The brightness of single-shot K-alpha line emission from the front of the targets is recorded. The yield from bare titanium (Ti) is compared to that from plastic (parylene-E) coated Ti. It is demonstrated that, for a defocused beam, a thin layer of plastic increases the yield.


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The observation of radiation-induced bystander responses, in which cells respond to their neighbors being irradiated, has important implications for understanding mechanisms of radiation action particularly after low-dose exposure. Much of this questions the current dogma of direct DNA damage driving response in irradiated systems. In this study, we have used a charged-particle microbeam to target individual helium ions ((3)He(2+)) to individual cells within a population of radioresistant glioma cells cultured alone or in coculture with primary human fibroblasts. We found that even when a single cell within the glioma population was precisely traversed through its cytoplasm with one (3)He(2+) ion, bystander responses were induced in the neighboring nonirradiated glioma or fibroblasts so that the yield of micronuclei was increased by 36% for the glioma population and 78% for the bystander fibroblast population. Importantly, the yield of bystander-induced micronuclei was independent of whether the cytoplasm or nucleus of a cell was targeted. The bystander responses were fully eliminated when the populations were treated with 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide or filipin, which scavenge nitric oxide (NO) and disrupt membrane rafts, respectively. By using the probe 4-amino-5-methylamino-2',7'-difluorofluorescein, it was found that the NO level in the glioma population was increased by 15% after 1 or 10 cytoplasmic traversals, and this NO production was inhibited by filipin. This finding shows that direct DNA damage is not required for switching on of important cell-signaling mechanisms after low-dose irradiation and that, under these conditions, the whole cell should be considered a sensor of radiation exposure.


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Bystander responses have been reported to be a major determinant of the response of cells to radiation exposure at low doses, including those of relevance to therapy. In this study, human glioblastoma T98G cell nuclei were individually irradiated with an exact number of helium ions using a single-cell microbeam. It was found that when only 1 cell in a population of approximately 1200 cells was targeted, with one or five ions, cellular damage measured as induced micronuclei was increased by 20%. When a fraction from 1% to 20% of cells were individually targeted, the micronuclei yield in the population greatly exceeded that predicted on the basis of the micronuclei yield when all of the cells were targeted assuming no bystander effect was occurring. However when 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5- tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (c-PTIO), a nitric oxide (NO)-specific scavenger was present in the culture medium, the micronuclei yields reduced to the predicted values, which indicates that NO contributes to the bystander effect. By using 4-amino-5-methylamino-2',7'-difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM), NO was detected in situ, and it was found that NO-induced fluorescence intensity in the irradiated population where 1% of cell nuclei were individually targeted with a single helium ion was increased by 1.13 +/- 0.02-fold (P <0.005) relative to control with approximately 40% of the cells showing increased NO levels. Moreover, the medium harvested from helium ion-targeted cells showed a cytotoxic effect by inducing micronuclei in unirradiated T98G cells, and this bystander response was also inhibited by c-PTIO treatment. The induction of micronuclei in the population could also be decreased by c-PTIO treatment when 100% of cells were individually targeted by one or two helium ions, indicating a complex interaction of direct irradiation and bystander signals.


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Radiotherapy is an important treatment for patients suffering from high-grade malignant gliomas. Non-targeted (bystander) effects may influence these cells' response to radiation and the investigation of these effects may therefore provide new insights into mechanisms of radiosensitivity and responses to radiotherapy as well as define new targets for therapeutic approaches. Normal primary human astrocytes (NHA) and T98G glioma cells were irradiated with helium ions using the Gray Cancer Institute microbeam facility targeting individual cells. Irradiated NHA and T98G glioma cells generated signals that induced gammaH2AX foci in neighbouring non-targeted bystander cells up to 48 h after irradiation. gammaH2AX bystander foci were also observed in co-cultures targeting either NHA or T98G cells and in medium transfer experiments. Dimethyl sulphoxide, Filipin and anti-transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 could suppress gammaH2AX foci in bystander cells, confirming that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and membrane-mediated signals are involved in the bystander signalling pathways. Also, TGF-beta 1 induced gammaH2AX in an ROS-dependent manner similar to bystander foci. ROS and membrane signalling-dependent differences in bystander foci induction between T98G glioma cells and normal human astrocytes have been observed. Inhibition of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein and DNA-PK could not suppress the induction of bystander gammaH2AX foci whereas the mutation of ATM- and rad3-related (ATR) abrogated bystander foci induction. Furthermore, ATR-dependent bystander foci induction was restricted to S-phase cells. These observations may provide additional therapeutic targets for the exploitation of the bystander effect.