233 resultados para Increased Disturbance Hypothesis


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The osmoregulatory function of common spiny mice Acomys cahirinus living on opposite slopes of the lower Nahal Oren ('Evolution Canyon') on mount Carmel, Israel, was investigated by increasing the salinity of the water source whilst maintaining a high-protein diet. The southern-facing slope (SFS) of this canyon differs from the northern-facing slope (NFS) as it receives considerably more solar radiation and consequently forms a more xeric, sparsely vegetated habitat. During the summer, mice living on the two opposite slopes significantly differed in their urine osmolality, which also increased significantly as dietary salinity increased. Offspring of wild-captured mice, born in captivity, and examined during the winter, continued to show a difference in osmoregulatory function depending on the slope of origin. However, they differed from wild-captured mice, as they did not respond to the increase in dietary salinity by increasing the concentration of their urine, but rather by increasing the volume of urine produced. This study shows that A. cahirinus occupying different microhabitats may exhibit differences in their ability to concentrate urine and thus in their ability to withstand xeric conditions. We suggest that they may also differ genetically, as offspring from the NFS and SFS retain physiological differences, but further studies will be needed to confirm this hypothesis.


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Aims/hypothesis Glomerular hyperfiltration is a well established phenomenon occurring early in some patients with type 1 diabetes. However, there is no consistent answer regarding whether hyperfiltration predicts later development of nephropathy. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies that compared the risk of developing diabetic nephropathy in patients with and without glomerular hyperfiltration and also explored the impact of baseline GFR.

Methods A systematic review and meta-analysis was carried out. Cohort studies in type 1 diabetic participants were included if they contained data on the development of incipient or overt nephropathy with baseline measurement
of GFR and presence or absence of hyperfiltration.

Results We included ten cohort studies following 780 patients. After a study median follow-up of 11.2 years, 130 patients had developed nephropathy. Using a random effects model, the pooled odds of progression to a minimum
of microalbuminuria in patients with hyperfiltration was 2.71 (95% CI 1.20–6.11) times that of patients with normofiltration. There was moderate heterogeneity (heterogeneity test p=0.05, measure of degree of inconsistency=48%) and some evidence of funnel plot asymmetry, possibly due to publication bias. The pooled weighted mean difference in baseline GFR was 13.8 ml min-1 1.73 m-2 (95% CI 5.0–22.7) greater in the group progressing to nephropathy than in those not progressing (heterogeneity test p<0.01).

Conclusions/interpretation In published studies, individuals with glomerular hyperfiltration were at increased risk of progression to diabetic nephropathy using study level data. Further larger studies are required to explore this relationship and the role of potential confounding variables.


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BACKGROUND: Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging technique has revealed the importance of distributed network structures in higher cognitive processes in the human brain. The hippocampus has a key role in a distributed network supporting memory encoding and retrieval. Hippocampal dysfunction is a recurrent finding in memory disorders of aging such as amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) in which learning- and memory-related cognitive abilities are the predominant impairment. The functional connectivity method provides a novel approach in our attempts to better understand the changes occurring in this structure in aMCI patients. METHODS: Functional connectivity analysis was used to examine episodic memory retrieval networks in vivo in twenty 28 aMCI patients and 23 well-matched control subjects, specifically between the hippocampal structures and other brain regions. RESULTS: Compared with control subjects, aMCI patients showed significantly lower hippocampus functional connectivity in a network involving prefrontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, and cerebellum, and higher functional connectivity to more diffuse areas of the brain than normal aging control subjects. In addition, those regions associated with increased functional connectivity with the hippocampus demonstrated a significantly negative correlation to episodic memory performance. CONCLUSIONS: aMCI patients displayed altered patterns of functional connectivity during memory retrieval. The degree of this disturbance appears to be related to level of impairment of processes involved in memory function. Because aMCI is a putative prodromal syndrome to Alzheimer's disease (AD), these early changes in functional connectivity involving the hippocampus may yield important new data to predict whether a patient will eventually develop AD.


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Multi-drug resistance (MDR) may compromise the successful management of haematological malignancies, impairing the effectiveness of chemotherapy. The P-glycoprotein (P-gp) drug efflux pump, encoded by the gene ABCB1 (MDR1), is the most widely studied component in MDR. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) has been identified within ABCB1, rs1045642 (C3435T), which may alter P-gp substrate specificity and have an impact on the effectiveness of treatment, and hence overall survival (OS). We estimated the frequency of this SNP in the Northern Irish population and investigated its impact on the OS of patients with plasma cell myeloma (PCM). There was no significant difference in the frequency of rs1045642 between the PCM cohort and an age- and gender-matched control population. Findings within the PCM cohort suggest that rs1045642 genotype influences OS (p = 2 x 10(-2)). If confirmed in larger studies, these results suggest that genotyping rs1045642 may be a useful predictor of outcome in PCM and could indicate modified treatment modalities in certain individuals.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Recent studies suggest that oxidative stress should be monitored alongside HbA(1c) to identify subgroups of diabetic patients at high risk of initiation or progression of retinopathy. The acrolein-derived advanced lipoxidation end-product (ALE), [Formula: see text]-(3-formyl-3,4-dehydropiperidino)lysine (FDP-lysine), is a useful biomarker that reflects the cumulative burden of oxidative stress over long periods of time. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether serum and haemoglobin levels of FDP-lysine are associated with the severity of diabetic retinopathy in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.

METHODS: Serum and haemoglobin levels of FDP-lysine were measured by competitive ELISA in 59 type 1 and 76 type 2 diabetic patients with no retinopathy, non-proliferative retinopathy or proliferative retinopathy (mean age [+/-SEM] 54.3 +/- 1.3 years), and in 47 non-diabetic control individuals (mean age 51.9 +/- 2.1 years).

RESULTS: Serum and haemoglobin levels of FDP-lysine were significantly increased in diabetic patients compared with control individuals (p = 0.04 and p = 0.002, respectively). However, no significant association was found between levels of serum FDP-lysine and the severity of diabetic retinopathy (p = 0.97). In contrast, increased haemoglobin FDP-lysine levels were observed in patients with proliferative retinopathy compared with patients without retinopathy and with non-proliferative retinopathy (p = 0.04). The relationship of FDP-lysine with proliferative retinopathy was unaltered after adjustment for HbA(1c), or other clinical parameters.

CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our data suggest that haemoglobin FDP-lysine may provide a useful risk marker for the development of proliferative diabetic retinopathy independently of HbA(1c), and that elevated intracellular ALE formation may be involved in the pathogenesis of this sight-threatening complication of diabetes.


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Hemopoietic progenitor cells express clustered homeobox (Hox) genes in a pattern characteristic of their lineage and stage of differentiation. In general, HOX expression tends to be higher in more primitive and lower in lineage-committed cells. These trends have led to the hypothesis that self-renewal of hemopoietic stem/progenitor cells is HOX-dependent and that dysregulated HOX expression underlies maintenance of the leukemia-initiating cell. Gene expression profile studies support this hypothesis and specifically highlight the importance of the HOXA cluster in hemopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Within this cluster HOXA6 and HOXA9 are highly expressed in patients with acute myeloid leukemia and form part of the "Hox code" identified in murine models of this disease. We have examined endogenous expression of Hoxa6 and Hoxa9 in purified primary progenitors as well as four growth factor-dependent cell lines FDCP-Mix, EML, 32Dcl3, and Ba/F3, representative of early multipotential and later committed precursor cells respectively. Hoxa6 was consistently higher expressed than Hoxa9, preferentially expressed in primitive cells and was both growth-factor and cell-cycle regulated. Enforced overexpression of HOXA6 or HOXA9 in FDCP-Mix resulted in increased proliferation and colony formation but had negligible effect on differentiation. In both FDCP-Mix and the more committed Ba/F3 precursor cells overexpression of HOXA6 potentiated factor-independent proliferation. These findings demonstrate that Hoxa6 is directly involved in fundamental processes of hemopoietic progenitor cell development.


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The significantly higher surface expression of the surface heat-shock protein receptor CD91 on monocytes of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-infected, long-term nonprogressors suggests that HIV-1 antigen uptake and cross-presentation mediated by CD91 may contribute to host anti-HIV-1 defenses and play a role in protection against HIV-1 infection. To investigate this further, we performed phenotypic analysis to compare CD91 surface expression on CD14+ monocytes derived from a cohort of HIV-1-exposed seronegative (ESN) subjects, their seropositive (SP) partners, and healthy HIV-1-unexposed seronegative (USN) subjects. The median fluorescent intensity (MFI) of CD91 on CD14+ monocytes was significantly higher in ESN compared with SP (P=0.028) or USN (P=0.007), as well as in SP compared with USN subjects (P=0.018). CD91 MFI was not normalized in SP subjects on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) despite sustainable, undetectable plasma viraemia. Data in three SP subjects experiencing viral rebounds following interruption of HAART showed low CD91 MFI comparable with levels in USN subjects. There was a significant positive correlation between CD91 MFI and CD8+ T cell counts in HAART-naïve SP subjects (r=0.7, P=0.015). Increased surface expression of CD91 on CD14+ monocytes is associated with the apparent HIV-1 resistance that is observed in ESN subjects.


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The active site in supported gold catalysts for the carbonylation of methanol has been identified as dimers/trimers of gold which are formed from large gold particles >10 nm in diameter. Methyl iodide was found to be critical for this dispersion process and to maintain the catalyst in the active form. This study also shows that it may be possible to redisperse gold catalysts, in general, after reaction.


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A simple approach is proposed for disturbance attenuation in multivariable linear systems via dynamical output compensators based on complete parametric eigenstructure assignment. The basic idea is to minimise the H-2 norm of the disturbance-output transfer function using the design freedom provided by eigenstructure assignment. For robustness, the closed-loop system is restricted to be nondefective. Besides the design parameters, the closed-loop eigenvalues are also optimised within desired regions on the left-half complex plane to ensure both closed-loop stability and dynamical performance. With the proposed approach, additional closed-loop specifications can be easily achieved. As a demonstration, robust pole assignment, in the sense that the closed-loop eigenvalues are as insensitive as possible to open-loop system parameter perturbations, is treated. Application of the proposed approach to robust control of a magnetic bearing with a pair of opposing electromagnets and a rigid rotor is discussed.


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Lung T lymphocytes are important in pulmonary immunity and inflammation. it has been difficult to study these cells due to contamination with other cell types, mainly alveolar macrophages. We have developed a novel method for isolating lung T cells from lung resection tissue, using a combination of approaches. Firstly the lung tissue was finely chopped and filtered through a nylon mesh. Lymphocytic cells were enriched by Percoll density centrifugation and the T cells purified using human CD3 microbeads, resulting in 90.5% +/- 1.9% (n = 11) pure lymphocytes. The T cell yield from the crude cell preparation was 10.8 +/- 2.1% and viability, calculated using propidium iodide (PI) staining and trypan blue, was typically over 95%. The purification process did not affect expression of CD69 or CD103, nor was there a difference in the proportion of CD4 and CD8 cells between the starting population and the purified cells. Microarray analysis and real time RT-PCR revealed upregulation of GAPDH and CXCR6 of the lung T cells as compared to blood-derived T cells. This technique highly enriches lung T cells to allow detailed investigation of the biology of these cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aims/hypothesis: Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are more susceptible than healthy individuals to exercise-induced oxidative stress and vascular endothelial dysfunction, which has important implications for the progression of disease. Thus, in the present study, we designed a randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to test the original hypothesis that oral prophylaxis with vitamin C attenuates rest and exercise-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Methods: All data were collected from hospitalised diabetic patients. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic detection of spin-trapped a-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) adducts was combined with the use of supporting markers of lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic antioxidants to assess exercise-induced oxidative stress in male patients with type 1 diabetes (HbA1c 7.9±1%, n=12) and healthy controls (HbA1c 4.6±0.5%, n=14). Following participant randomisation using numbers in a sealed envelope, venous blood samples were obtained at rest, after a maximal exercise challenge and before and 2 h after oral ingestion of 1 g ascorbate or placebo. Participants and lead investigators were blinded to the administration of either placebo or ascorbate treatments. Primary outcome was the difference in changes in free radicals following ascorbate ingestion. Resuts: Six diabetic patients and seven healthy control participants were randomised to each of the placebo and ascorbate groups. Diabetic patients (n=12) exhibited an elevated concentration of PBN adducts (p<0.05 vs healthy, n=14), which were confirmed as secondary, lipid-derived oxygen-centred alkoxyl (RO•) radicals (a nitrogen=1.37 mT and aßhydrogen=0.18 mT). Lipid hydroperoxides were also selectively elevated and associated with a depression of retinol and lycopene (p<0.05 vs healthy). Vitamin C supplementation increased plasma vitamin C concentration to a similar degree in both groups (p<0.05 vs pre-supplementation) and attenuated the exercise-induced oxidative stress response (p<0.05 vs healthy). There were no selective treatment differences between groups in the primary outcome variable. Conclusions/ interpretation: These findings are the first to suggest that oral vitamin C supplementation provides an effective prophylaxis against exercise-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in human diabetic blood.


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Bailey DM, Taudorf S, Berg RMG, Lundby C, McEneny J, Young IS, Evans KA, James PE, Shore A, Hullin DA, McCord JM, Pedersen BK, Moller K. Increased cerebral output of free radicals during hypoxia: implications for acute mountain sickness? Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 297: R1283-R1292, 2009. First published September 2, 2009; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00366.2009.-This study examined whether hypoxia causes free radical-mediated disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and impaired cerebral oxidative metabolism and whether this has any bearing on neurological symptoms ascribed to acute mountain sickness (AMS). Ten men provided internal jugular vein and radial artery blood samples during normoxia and 9-h passive exposure to hypoxia (12.9% O-2). Cerebral blood flow was determined by the Kety-Schmidt technique with net exchange calculated by the Fick principle. AMS and headache were determined with clinically validated questionnaires. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and ozone-based chemiluminescence were employed for direct detection of spin-trapped free radicals and nitric oxide metabolites. Neuron-specific enolase (NSE), S100 beta, and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) were determined by ELISA. Hypoxia increased the arterio-jugular venous concentration difference (a-v(D)) and net cerebral output of lipid-derived alkoxyl-alkyl free radicals and lipid hydroperoxides (P


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This study investigated two hypotheses regarding the mapping of perception to action during imitation. The first hypothesis predicted that as children’s cognitive capacities increase the tendency to map one goal and disregard others during imitation should decrease. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the performances of 168 4- to 7-year-olds in a gestural imitation task developed by Bekkering, Wohlschläger, and Gattis. The second hypothesis predicted that reducing the mapping between perception and action should reduce the demands on the cognitive resources of the child. This hypothesis was tested by creating a condition in which perception and action overlapped by sharing objects between experimenter and child. In three experimental conditions, an adult modelled four gestures, directed at either: 1) one of two sets of round stickers (proprietary objects); 2) the same location on the table, without any sticker (no objects); or 3) one set of round stickers, which were shared with the child (shared objects). The results confirmed both hypotheses. Four- and five-year-olds imitated less accurately when imitation involved mapping of both objects and movements (proprietary and shared objects) than when imitation involved mapping movements only (no objects). Seven-year-olds imitated accurately in all three conditions, demonstrating that increased cognitive capacity allowed them to map multiple goals from perception to action. Most importantly, reducing the mapping between perception and action in the shared objects condition facilitated imitation, specifically for the transitional group, 6-year-olds. We conclude that mapping between perception and action is not direct, but resembles mapping relations in analogical reasoning: cognitive processes mediate mapping from perception to action.