157 resultados para DRUG-INDUCED APOPTOSIS


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We identified nine small-molecule hit compounds of Heat shock 70 kDa protein 5 (HSPA5) from cascade in silico screening based on the binding modes of the tetrapeptides derived from the peptide substrate or inhibitors of Escherichia coli HSP70. Two compounds exhibit promising inhibition activities from cancer cell viability and tumor inhibition assays. The binding modes of the hit compounds provide a platform for development of selective small molecule inhibitors of HSPA5. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Plant embryogenesis is intimately associated with programmed cell death. The mechanisms of initiation and control of programmed cell death during plant embryo development are not known. Proteolytic activity associated with caspase-like proteins is paramount for control of programmed cell death in animals and yeasts. Caspase family of proteases has unique strong preference for cleavage of the target proteins next to asparagine residue. In this work, we have used synthetic peptide substrates containing caspase recognition sites and corresponding specific inhibitors to analyse the role of caspase-like activity in the regulation of programmed cell death during plant embryogenesis. We demonstrate that VEIDase is a principal caspase-like activity implicated in plant embryogenesis. This activity increases at the early stages of embryo development that coincide with massive cell death during shape remodeling. The VEIDase activity exhibits high sensitivity to pH, ionic strength and Zn2+ concentration. Altogether, biochemical assays show that VEIDase plant caspase-like activity resembles that of both mammalian caspase-6 and yeast metacaspase, YCA1. In vivo, VEIDase activity is localised specifically in the embryonic cells during both the commitment and in the beginning of the execution phase of programmed cell death. Inhibition of VEIDase prevents normal embryo development via blocking the embryo-suspensor differentiation. Our data indicate that the VEIDase activity is an integral part in the control of plant developmental cell death programme, and that this activity is essential for the embryo pattern formation.


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Matrilysin-1 (also called matrix metalloproteinase-7) is expressed in injured lung and in cancer but not in normal epithelia. Bronchiolization of the alveoli (BOA), a potential precursor of lung cancer, is a histologically distinct type of metaplasia that is composed of cells resembling airway epithelium in the alveolar compartment. We demonstrate that there is increased expression of matrilysin-1 in human lesions and BOA in the CC10-human achaete-scute homolog-1 transgenic mouse model. Forced expression of the matrilysin-1 gene in immortalized human normal airway epithelial BEAS-2B and HPLD1 cells, which do not normally express matrilysin-1, promoted cellular migration, suggesting a functional link for BOA formation via bronchiolar cell migration. In addition, matrilysin-1 stimulated proliferation and inhibited Fas-induced apoptosis, while a knockdown by RNA interference decreased cell growth, migration, and increased sensitivity to apoptosis. Western blotting demonstrated increased levels of phospho-p38 and phospho-Erk1/2 kinases after matrilysin-1 expression. Gene expression analysis uncovered several genes that were related to cell growth, migration/movement, and death, which could potentially facilitate bronchiolization. In vivo, the formation of BOA lesions was reduced when CC10-human achaete-scute homolog-1 mice were crossed with matrilysin-1 null mice and was correlated with reduced matrilysin-1 expression in BOA. We conclude that matrilysin-1 may play an important role in the bronchiolization of alveoli by promoting proliferation, migration, and attenuation of apoptosis involving multiple genes in the MAP kinase pathway.


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Failure to efficiently induce apoptosis contributes to cisplatin resistance in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Although BCL-2-associated X protein (BAX) and BCL-2 antagonist killer (BAK) are critical regulators of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, their requirement has not been robustly established in relation to cisplatin. Here, we show that cisplatin can efficiently bypass mitochondrial apoptosis block caused by loss of BAX and BAK, via activation of the extrinsic death receptor pathway in some model cell lines. Apoptosis resistance following cisplatin can only be observed when both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways are blocked, consistent with redundancy between mitochondrial and death receptor pathways in cisplatin-induced apoptosis. In H460 NSCLC cells, caspase-8 cleavage was shown to be induced by cisplatin and is dependent on death receptor 4, death receptor 5, Fas-associated protein with death domain, acid sphingomyelinase and ceramide synthesis. In contrast, cisplatin-resistant cells fail to activate caspase-8 via this pathway despite conserving sensitivity to death ligand-driven activation. Accordingly, caspase-8 activation block acquired during cisplatin resistance, can be bypassed by death receptor agonism. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited


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Tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF) can activate NF-?B to induce pro-inflammatory genes but can also stimulate the caspase cascade to promote apoptosis. Here we show that deficiency of the ubiquitin E3 ligase, Pellino3, sensitizes cells to TNF-induced apoptosis without inhibiting the NF-?B pathway. Suppressed expression of Pellino3 leads to enhanced formation of the death-induced signalling complex, complex II, in response to TNF. We show that Pellino3 targets RIP1, in a TNF-dependent manner, to inhibit TNF-induced complex II formation and caspase 8-mediated cleavage of RIP1 in response to TNF/cycloheximide co-stimulation. Pellino3-deficient mice also show increased sensitivity to TNF-induced apoptosis and greatly increased lethality in response to TNF administration. These findings define Pellino3 as a novel regulator of TNF signalling and an important determining factor in dictating whether TNF induces cell survival or death.


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There are currently no approved targeted therapies for advanced KRAS mutant (KRASMT) colorectal cancer (CRC). Using a unique systems biology approach, we identified JAK1/2-dependent activation of STAT3 as the key mediator of resistance to MEK inhibitors in KRASMT CRC in vitro and in vivo. Further analyses identified acute increases in c-MET activity following treatment with MEK inhibitors in KRASMT CRC models, which was demonstrated to promote JAK1/2-STAT3-mediated resistance. Furthermore, activation of c-MET following MEK inhibition was found to be due to inhibition of the ERK-dependent metalloprotease ADAM17, which normally inhibits c-MET signaling by promoting shedding of its endogenous antagonist, soluble "decoy" MET. Most importantly, pharmacological blockade of this resistance pathway with either c-MET or JAK1/2 inhibitors synergistically increased MEK-inhibitor-induced apoptosis and growth inhibition in vitro and in vivo in KRASMT models, providing clear rationales for the clinical assessment of these combinations in KRASMT CRC patients.


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Ewing's sarcoma (ES) is the second most common bone cancer in children and young people. Edelfosine (1-O-octadecyl-2-O-methyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine) is the prototype of a family of synthetic antitumor compounds, collectively known as alkylphospholipid analogs (APLs). We have found that APLs ranked edelfosine>perifosine>erucylphosphocholine>miltefosine for their capacity to promote apoptosis in ES cells. Edelfosine accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and triggered an ER stress response that eventually led to caspase-dependent apoptosis in ES cells. This apoptotic response involved mitochondrial-mediated processes, with cytochrome c release, caspase-9 activation and generation of reactive oxygen species. Edelfosine-induced apoptosis was also dependent on sustained c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase activation. Oral administration of edelfosine showed a potent in vivo antitumor activity in an ES xenograft animal model. Histochemical staining gave evidence for ER stress response and apoptosis in the ES tumors isolated from edelfosine-treated mice. Edelfosine showed a preferential action on ES tumor cells as compared to non-transformed osteoblasts, and appeared to be well suited for combination therapy regimens. These results demonstrate in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of edelfosine against ES cells that is mediated by caspase activation and ER stress, and provide the proof of concept for a putative edelfosine-and ER stress-mediated approach for ES treatment.


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Although, ionizing radiation (IR) has been implicated to cause stress in endoplasmic reticulum (ER), how ER stress signaling and major ER stress sensors modulate cellular response to IR is unclear. Protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) is an ER transmembrane protein which initiates unfolded protein response (UPR) or ER stress signaling when ER homeostasis is disturbed. Here, we report that down-regulation of PERK resulted in increased clonogenic survival, enhanced DNA repair and reduced apoptosis in irradiated cancer cells. Our study demonstrated that PERK has a role in sensitizing cancer cells to IR. 


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Analysis of gamma-H2AX foci in blood lymphocytes is a promising approach for rapid dose estimation to support patient triage after a radiation accident but has one major drawback: the rapid decline of foci levels post-exposure cause major uncertainties in situations where the exact timing between exposure and blood sampling is unknown. To address this issue, radiation-induced apoptosis (RIA) in lymphocytes was investigated using fluorogenic inhibitors of caspases (FLICA) as an independent biomarker for radiation exposure, which may complement the gamma-H2AX assay. Ex vivo X-irradiated peripheral blood lymphocytes from 17 volunteers showed dose-and time-dependent increases in radiation-induced apoptosis over the first 3 days after exposure, albeit with considerable interindividual variation. Comparison with gamma-H2AX and 53BP1 foci counts suggested an inverse correlation between numbers of residual foci and radiation-induced apoptosis in lymphocytes at 24 h postirradiation (P = 0.007). In T-helper (CD4), T-cytotoxic (CD8) and B-cells (CD19), some significant differences in radiation induced DSBs or apoptosis were observed, however no correlation between foci and apoptosis in lymphocyte subsets was observed at 24 h postirradiation. While gamma-H2AX and 53BP1 foci were rapidly induced and then repaired after exposure, radiation-induced apoptosis did not become apparent until 24 h after exposure. Data from six volunteers with different ex vivo doses and post-exposure times were used to test the capability of the combined assay. Results show that simultaneous analysis of gamma-H2AX and radiation-induced apoptosis may provide a rapid and more accurate triage tool in situations where the delay between exposure and blood sampling is unknown compared to gamma-H2AX alone. This combined approach may improve the accuracy of dose estimations in cases where blood sampling is performed days after the radiation exposure. 


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AIMS: Although earlier reports highlighted a tumor suppressor role for manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), recent evidence indicates increased expression in a variety of human cancers including aggressive breast carcinoma. In the present article, we hypothesized that MnSOD expression is significantly amplified in the aggressive breast carcinoma basal subtype, and targeting MnSOD could be an attractive strategy for enhancing chemosensitivity of this highly aggressive breast cancer subtype.

RESULTS: Using MDA-MB-231 and BT549 as a model of basal breast cancer cell lines, we show that knockdown of MnSOD decreased the colony-forming ability and sensitized the cells to drug-induced cell death, while drug resistance was associated with increased MnSOD expression. In an attempt to develop a clinically relevant approach to down-regulate MnSOD expression in patients with basal breast carcinoma, we employed activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) to repress MnSOD expression; PPARγ activation significantly reduced MnSOD expression, increased chemosensitivity, and inhibited tumor growth. Moreover, as a proof of concept for the clinical use of PPARγ agonists to decrease MnSOD expression, biopsies derived from breast cancer patients who had received synthetic PPARγ ligands as anti-diabetic therapy had significantly reduced MnSOD expression. Finally, we provide evidence to implicate peroxynitrite as the mechanism involved in the increased sensitivity to chemotherapy induced by MnSOD repression.

INNOVATION AND CONCLUSION: These data provide evidence to link increased MnSOD expression with the aggressive basal breast cancer, and underscore the judicious use of PPARγ ligands for specifically down-regulating MnSOD to increase the chemosensitivity of this subtype of breast carcinoma.


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Induced in high glucose-1 (IHG-1) is a conserved mitochondrial protein associated with diabetic nephropathy (DN) that amplifies profibrotic transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 signaling and increases mitochondrial biogenesis. Here we report that inhibition of endogenous IHG-1 expression results in reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity, ATP production, and mitochondrial fusion. Conversely, overexpression of IHG-1 leads to increased mitochondrial fusion and also protects cells from reactive oxygen species-induced apoptosis. IHG-1 forms complexes with known mediators of mitochondrial fusion-mitofusins (Mfns) 1 and 2-and enhances the GTP-binding capacity of Mfn2, suggesting that IHG-1 acts as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor. IHG-1 must be localized to mitochondria to interact with Mfn1 and Mfn2, and this interaction is necessary for increased IHG-1-mediated mitochondrial fusion. Together, these findings indicate that IHG-1 is a novel regulator of both mitochondrial dynamics and bioenergetic function and contributes to cell survival following oxidant stress. We propose that in diabetic kidney disease increased IHG-1 expression protects cell viability and enhances the actions of TGF-β, leading to renal proximal tubule dedifferentiation, an important event in the pathogenesis of this devastating condition.


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The proto-oncogene c-Myc paradoxically activates both proliferation and apoptosis. In the pathogenic state, c-Myc-induced apoptosis is bypassed via a critical, yet poorly understood escape mechanism that promotes cellular transformation and tumorigenesis. The accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER initiates a cellular stress program termed the unfolded protein response (UPR) to support cell survival. Analysis of spontaneous mouse and human lymphomas demonstrated significantly higher levels of UPR activation compared with normal tissues. Using multiple genetic models, we demonstrated that c-Myc and N-Myc activated the PERK/eIF2α/ATF4 arm of the UPR, leading to increased cell survival via the induction of cytoprotective autophagy. Inhibition of PERK significantly reduced Myc-induced autophagy, colony formation, and tumor formation. Moreover, pharmacologic or genetic inhibition of autophagy resulted in increased Myc-dependent apoptosis. Mechanistically, we demonstrated an important link between Myc-dependent increases in protein synthesis and UPR activation. Specifically, by employing a mouse minute (L24+/-) mutant, which resulted in wild-type levels of protein synthesis and attenuation of Myc-induced lymphomagenesis, we showed that Myc-induced UPR activation was reversed. Our findings establish a role for UPR as an enhancer of c-Myc-induced transformation and suggest that UPR inhibition may be particularly effective against malignancies characterized by c-Myc overexpression.


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The Runx genes function as dominant oncogenes that collaborate potently with Myc or loss of p53 to induce lymphoma when over-expressed. Here we examined the requirement for basal Runx1 activity for tumor maintenance in the Eµ-Myc model of Burkitt's lymphoma. While normal Runx1fl/fl lymphoid cells permit mono-allelic deletion, primary Eµ-Myc lymphomas showed selection for retention of both alleles and attempts to enforce deletion in vivo led to compensatory expansion of p53null blasts retaining Runx1. Surprisingly, Runx1 could be excised completely from established Eµ-Myc lymphoma cell lines in vitro without obvious effects on cell phenotype. Established lines lacked functional p53, and were sensitive to death induced by introduction of a temperature-sensitive p53 (Val135) allele. Transcriptome analysis of Runx1-deleted cells revealed a gene signature associated with lymphoid proliferation, survival and differentiation, and included strong de-repression of recombination-activating (Rag) genes, an observation that was mirrored in a panel of human acute leukemias where RUNX1 and RAG1,2 mRNA expression were negatively correlated. Notably, despite their continued growth and tumorigenic potential, Runx1null lymphoma cells displayed impaired proliferation and markedly increased sensitivity to DNA damage and dexamethasone-induced apoptosis, validating Runx1 function as a potential therapeutic target in Myc-driven lymphomas regardless of their p53 status.


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BACKGROUND: Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is an important metabolic enzyme of schistosomes present in the musculature and on the surface of the blood stage where it has been implicated in the modulation of glucose scavenging from mammalian host blood. As both a target for the antischistosomal drug metrifonate and as a potential vaccine candidate, AChE has been characterised in the schistosome species Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium and S. bovis, but not in S. japonicum. Recently, using a schistosome protein microarray, a predicted S. japonicum acetylcholinesterase precursor was significantly targeted by protective IgG1 immune responses in S. haematobium-exposed individuals that had acquired drug-induced resistance to schistosomiasis after praziquantel treatment.

RESULTS: We report the full-length cDNA sequence and describe phylogenetic and molecular structural analysis to facilitate understanding of the biological function of AChE (SjAChE) in S. japonicum. The protein has high sequence identity (88 %) with the AChEs in S. mansoni, S. haematobium and S. bovis and has 25 % sequence similarity with human AChE, suggestive of a highly specialised role for the enzyme in both parasite and host. We immunolocalized SjAChE and demonstrated its presence on the surface of adult worms and schistosomula, as well as its lower expression in parenchymal regions. The relatively abundance of AChE activity (90 %) present on the surface of adult S. japonicum when compared with that reported in other schistosomes suggests SjAChE may be a more effective drug or immunological target against this species. We also demonstrate that the classical inhibitor of AChE, BW285c51, inhibited AChE activity in tegumental extracts of paired worms, single males and single females by 59, 22 and 50 %, respectively, after 24 h incubation with 200 μM BW284c51.

CONCLUSIONS: These results build on previous studies in other schistosome species indicating major differences in the enzyme between parasite and mammalian host, and provide further support for the design of an anti-schistosome intervention targeting AChE.


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Resistance to radiotherapy due to insufficient cancer cell death is a significant cause of treatment failure in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The endogenous caspase-8 inhibitor, FLIP, is a critical regulator of cell death that is frequently overexpressed in NSCLC and is an established inhibitor of apoptotic cell death induced via the extrinsic death receptor pathway. Apoptosis induced by ionizing radiation (IR) has been considered to be mediated predominantly via the intrinsic apoptotic pathway; however, we found that IR-induced apoptosis was significantly attenuated in NSCLC cells when caspase-8 was depleted using RNA interference (RNAi), suggesting involvement of the extrinsic apoptosis pathway. Moreover, overexpression of wild-type FLIP, but not a mutant form that cannot bind the critical death receptor adaptor protein FADD, also attenuated IR-induced apoptosis, confirming the importance of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway as a determinant of response to IR in NSCLC. Importantly, when FLIP protein levels were down-regulated by RNAi, IR-induced cell death was significantly enhanced. The clinically relevant histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors vorinostat and entinostat were subsequently found to sensitize a subset of NSCLC cell lines to IR in a manner that was dependent on their ability to suppress FLIP expression and promote activation of caspase-8. Entinostat also enhanced the anti-tumor activity of IR in vivo. Therefore, FLIP down-regulation induced by HDAC inhibitors is a potential clinical strategy to radio-sensitize NSCLC and thereby improve response to radiotherapy. Overall, this study provides the first evidence that pharmacological inhibition of FLIP may improve response of NCSLC to IR.