325 resultados para Childs, Aaron


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The rat stomach is rich in endocrine cells. The acid-producing (oxyntic) mucosa contains ECL cells, A-like cells, and somatostatin (D) cells, and the antrum harbours gastrin (G) cells, enterochromaffin (EC) cells and D cells. Although chromogranin A (CgA) occurs in all these cells, its processing appears to differ from one cell type to another. Eleven antisera generated to different regions of rat CgA, two antisera generated to a human (h) CgA sequences, and one to a bovine Ib) CgA sequence, respectively, were employed together with antisera directed towards cell-specific markers such as gastrin (G cells), serotonin (EC cells), histidine decarboxylsae (ECL cells) and somatostatin (D cells) to characterize the expression of CgA and CgA-derived peptides in the various endocrine cell populations of the rat stomach. In the oxyntic mucosa, antisera raised against CgA(291-319) and CGA(316-321) immunostained D cells exclusively, whereas antisera raised against bCgA(82-91) and CgA(121-128) immunostained A-like cells and D cells. Antisera raised against CgA(318-349) and CgA(437-448) immunostained ECL cells and A-like cells, but not D cells. In the antrum, antisera against CgA(291-319) immunostained D cells, and antisera against CgA(351-356) immunostained G cells. Our observations suggest that each individual endocrine cell type in the rat stomach generates a unique mixture of CgA-derived peptides, probably reflecting cell-specific differences in the post-translational processing of CgA and its peptide products. A panel of antisera that recognize specific domains of CgA may help to identify individual endocrine cell populations.


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Flatworm, nematode and arthropod parasites have proven their ability to develop resistance to currently available chemotherapeutics. The heavy reliance on chemotherapy and the ability of target species to develop resistance has prompted the search for novel drug targets. In view of its importance to parasite/pest survival, the neuromusculature of parasitic helminths and pest arthropod species remains an attractive target for the discovery Of novel endectocide targets. Exploitation of the neuropeptidergic system in helminths and arthropods has been hampered by a limited Understanding of the functional roles of individual peptides and the structure of endogenous targets, such as receptors. Basic research into these systems has the potential to facilitate target characterization and its offshoots (screen development and drug identification). Of particular interest to parasitologists is the fact that selected neuropeptide families are common to metazoan pest species (nematodes, platyhelminths and arthropods) and fulfil specific roles in the modulation of muscle function in each of the three phyla. This article reviews the inter-phyla activity of two peptide families, the FMRFamide-like peptides and allatostatins, on motor function in helminths and arthropods and discusses the potential of neuropeptide signalling as a target system that could uncover novel endectocidal agents.


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The only available parasiticides with a spectrum of action that includes a broad range of helminth and arthropod parasites are the macrocyclic lactones. Designated endectocides, these drugs have action against both endoparasitic nematodes and ectoparasitic arthropods. Unfortunately, the discovery of such drugs is exceedingly rare and there is no evidence that novel endectocidal agents will be identified and developed in the short to medium term. However, the discovery of neuropeptides with motor-modulatory activities in both arthropods and helminths, coupled with recent progress in the characterization of invertebrate neuropeptide receptors, has the potential to propel neuropeptide signalling to the forefront of efforts to develop a novel endectocide.


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To date, 9 FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) have been structurally characterised from Caenorhabditis elegans. Radioimmunometrical screening of an ethanolic extract of C. elegans revealed the presence of two additional FaRPs that were purified by reverse-phase HPLC and subjected to Edman degradation analysis and gas-phase sequencing. Unequivocal primary structures for the two FaRPs were determined as Ala-Ala-Asp-Gly-Ala-Pro-Leu-Ile-Arg-Phe-NH2 and Ser-Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH2. Using MALDI-TOF mass. spectrometry, the molecular masses of the peptides were found to be 1032 Da (MH) and 875 Da (MH)(+), respectively. Two copies of AADGAPLIRFamide are predicted to be encoded on the precursor gene termed flp-13, while one copy of SVPGVLRFamide is located on flp-18. Synthetic replicates of the peptides were tested on Ascaris suum somatic muscle to assess bioactivity. ADDGAPLIRFamide had inhibitory effects on A. suum muscle strips, which occurred over a range of concentrations from a threshold for activity of 10 nM to 10 muM. SVPGVLRFamide was excitatory on A. suum somatic musculature from a threshold concentration for activity of 1 nM to 10 muM. The inhibitory and excitatory effects of AADGAPLIRFamide and SVPGVLRFamide, respectively, were the same for dorsal and ventral muscle strips as well as innervated and denervated preparations, suggesting that these physiological effects are not nerve cord dependent. Addition of ADDGAPLIRFamide (10 muM) to muscle strips preincubated in high-K+ and -Ca2+-free medium resulted in a normal inhibitory response. Peptide addition to muscle strips preincubated in Cl--free medium showed no inhibitory response, suggesting that the inhibitory response of the peptide may be chloride mediated. A normal excitatory response was noted following the addition of 10 muM SVPGVLRFamide to muscle strips preincubated in high-K+, Ca2+- and Cl--free media. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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A variety of genes expressed in preparasitic second-stage juveniles (J2) of plant-parasitic nematodes appear to be vulnerable to RNA interference (RNAi) in vitro by coupling double-stranded (ds)RNA soaking with the artificial stimulation of pharyngeal pumping. Also, there is mounting evidence that the in planta generation of nematode-specific double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) has real utility in the control of these pests. Although neuronally-expressed genes in Caenorhabditis elegans are commonly refractory to RNAi, we have discovered that neuronally-expressed genes in plant-parasitic nematodes are highly susceptible to RNAi and that silencing can be induced by simple soaking procedures without the need for pharyngeal stimulation. Since most front-line anthelmintics that are used for the control of nematode parasites of animals and humans act to disrupt neuromuscular coordination, we argue that intercellular signalling processes associated with neurons have much appeal as targets for transgenic plant-based control strategies for plant-parasitic nematodes. FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) are a large family of neuropeptides which are intimately associated with neuromuscular regulation, and our studies on flp gene function in plant-parasitic nematodes have revealed that their expression is central to coordinated locomotory activities. We propose that the high level of conservation in nervous systems across nematodes coupled with the RNAi-susceptibility of neuronally-expressed genes in plant-parasitic nematodes provides a valuable research tool which could be used to interrogate neuronal signalling processes in nematodes.


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We tested the hypothesis that voltage-operated Ca2+ channels mediate an extracellular Ca2+ influx in muscle fibres from the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni and, along with Ca2+ mobilization from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, contribute to Muscle contraction. Indeed, whole-cell voltage clamp revealed voltage-gated inward currents carried by divalent ions with a peak current elicited by steps to + 20 mV (from a holding potential of -70 mV). Depolarization of the fibres by elevated extracellular K+ elicited contractions that were completely dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and inhibited by nicardipine (half inhibition at 4(.)1 mu M). However these contractions were not very sensitive to other classical blockers of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, indicating that the schistosome Muscle channels have an atypical pharmacology when compared to their mammalian counterparts. Furthermore, the contraction induced by 5 mM caffeine was inhibited after depletion of the sarcoplasmic reticulum either with thapsigargin (10 mu M) or ryanodine (10 mu M). These data suggest that voltage-operated Ca2+ channels docontribute to S. mansoni contraction as does the mobilization of stored Ca2+, despite the small volume of sarcoplasmic reticulum in schistosome smooth muscles.


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Platyhelminthes occupy a unique position in nerve-muscle evolution, being the most primitive of metazoan phyla. Essentially, their nervous system consists of an archaic brain and associated pairs of longitudinal nerve cords cross-linked as an orthogon by transverse commissures. Confocal imaging reveals that these central nervous system elements are in continuity with an array of peripheral nerve plexuses which innervate a well-differentiated grid work of somatic muscle as well as a complexity of myofibres associated with organs of attachment, feeding, and reproduction. Electrophysiological studies of flatworm muscles have exposed a diversity of voltage-activated ion channels that influence muscle contractile events. Neuronal cell types are mainly multi- and bi-polar and highly secretory in nature, producing a heterogeneity of vesicular inclusions whose contents have been identified cytochemically to include all three major types of cholinergic, aminergic, and peptidergic messenger molecules. A landmark discovery in flatworm neurobiology was the biochemical isolation and amino acid sequencing of two groups of native neuropeptides: neuropeptide F and FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs). Both families of neuropeptide are abundant and broadly distributed in platyhelminths, occurring in neuronal vesicles in representatives of all major flatworm taxa. Dual localization studies have revealed that peptidergic and cholinergic substances occupy neuronal sets separate from those of serotoninergic components. The physiological actions of neuronal messengers in flatworms are beginning to be established, and where examined, FaRPs and 5-HT are myoexcitatory, while cholinomimetic substances are generally inhibitory. There is immunocytochemical evidence that FaRPs and 5-HT have a regulatory role in the mechanism of egg assembly. Use of muscle strips and (or) muscle fibres from free-living and parasitic flatworms has provided baseline information to indicate that muscle responses to FaRPs are mediated by a G-protein-coupled receptor, and that the signal transduction pathway for contraction involves the second messengers cAMP and protein kinase C.


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An array of schistosome endoproteases involved in the digestion of host hemoglobin to absorbable peptides has been described, but the exoprotease responsible for catabolising these peptides to amino acids has yet to be identified. By searching the public databases we found that Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum express a gene encoding a member of the M17 family of leucine aminopeptidases (LAPs). A functional recombinant S. mansoni LAP produced in insect cells shared biochemical properties, including pH optimum for activity, substrate specificity and reliance on metal cations for activity, with the major aminopeptidase activity in soluble extracts of adult worms. The pH range in which the enzyme functions and the lack of a signal peptide indicate that the enzyme functions intracellularly. Immunolocalisation studies showed that the S. mansoni LAP is synthesised in the gastrodermal cells surrounding the gut lumen. Accordingly, we propose that peptides generated in the lumen of the schistosome gut are absorbed into the gastrodermal cells and are cleaved by LAP to free amino acids before being distributed to the internal tissues of the parasite. Since LAP was also localised to the surface tegument it may play an additional role in surface membrane re-modelling. (C) 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phalloidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate staining of filamentous actin was used to identify muscle systems within the cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. Examination of labeled cercariae by confocal scanning laser microscopy revealed distinct organizational levels of myofiber arrangements within the body wall, anterior cone, acetabulum, and esophagus. The body wall throughout showed a typical latticelike arrangement of outer circular and inner longitudinal myofibers, with an additional innermost layer of diagonal fibers in the anterior portion of the body. Circular and longitudinal fibers were also evident in the anterior organ and esophagus and. to some extent, the ventral acetabulum. Most striking was the striation of the cercarial tail musculature.


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In order to broaden the information about the organisation of the nervous system in taxon Acoela, an immunocytochemical study of an undetermined Acoela from Cape Kartesh, Faerlea glomerata, Avagina incola and Paraphanostoma crassum has been performed. Antibodies to 5-HT and the native flatworm neuropeptide GYIRFamide were used. As in earlier studies, the pattern of 5-HT immunoreactivity revealed an anterior structure composed mainly of commissures, a so-called commissural brain. Three types of brain shapes were observed. No regular orthogon was visualised. GYIRFamide immunoreactive cell clusters were observed peripherally to the 5-HT immunoreactive commissural brain. Staining with anti-GYIRFamide revealed more nerve processes than did staining with anti-FMRFamide. As no synapomorphies were found in the organisation of the nervous system of the Acoela and that of the Platyhelminthes, the results support the view that the Acoela is not a member of the Platyhelminthes. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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The Nemertodermatida are a small group of microscopic marine worms. Recent molecular studies have demonstrated that they are likely to be the earliest extant bilaterian animals. What was the nervous system (NS) of a bilaterian ancestor like? In order to answer that question, the NS of Nemertoderma westbladi was investigated by means of indirect immunofluorescence technique and confocal scanning laser microscopy. The antibodies to a flatworm neuropeptide GYIRFamide were used in combination with anti-serotonin antibodies and phalloidin-TRITC staining. The immunostaining revealed an entirely basiepidermal NS. A ring lying outside the body wall musculature at the level of the statocyst forms the only centralisation, the


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Neuropeptide F is the most abundant neuropeptide in parasitic flatworms and is analogous to vertebrate neuropeptide Y. This paper examines the effects of neuropeptide F on tetrathyridia of the cestode Mesocestoides vogae and provides preliminary data on the signalling mechanisms employed. Neuropeptide F ( greater than or equal to 10 muM) had profound excitatory effects on larval motility in vitro. The effects were insensitive to high concentrations (I mM) of the anaesthetic procame hydrochloride suggesting extraneuronal sites of action. Neuropeptide F activity was not significantly blocked by a FMRFamide-related peptide analog (GNFFRdFamide) that was found to inhibit GNFFRFamide-induced excitation indicating the occurrence of distinct neuropeptide F and FMRFamide-related peptide receptors. Larval treatment with guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) trilithium salt prior to the addition of neuropeptide F completely abolished the excitatory effects indicating the involvement of G-proteins and a G-protein coupled receptor in neuropeptide F activity. Addition of guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) following neuropeptide F had limited inhibitory effects consistent with the activation of a signalling cascade by the neuropeptide. With respect to Ca2+ involvement in neuropeptide F-induced excitation of M. vogae larvae, the L-type Ca2+-channel blockers verapamil and nifedipine both abolished neuropeptide F activity as did high Mg+ concentrations and drugs which blocked sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-activated Ca2+-channels (ryanodine) and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pumps (cyclopiazonic acid). Therefore, both extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ is important for neuropeptide F excitation in M. vogae. With resepct to second messengers, the protein kinase C inhibitor chelerythrine chloride and the adenylate cyclase inhibitor MDL-2330A both abolished neuropeptide F-induced excitation. The involvement of a signalling pathway that involves protein kinase C was further supported by the fact that phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate,known to directly activate protein kinase C, had direct excitatory effects on larval motility. Although neuropeptide F is structurally analogous to neuropeptide Y, its mode-of-action in flatworms appears quite distinct from the common signalling mechanism seen in vertebrates. (C) 2003 on behalf of Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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According to recent molecular studies, the Acoela are the earliest extant bilaterian group. Their nervous system displays a striking variety of patterns. The aim of the present investigation was to study the variability of the nervous system in a monophyletic group of the Acoela. Six species of Paraphanostoma were chosen for the study. Using immunocytochemical methods and confocal scanning laser microscopy, the immunoreactive patterns of serotonin (5-HT) and the neuropeptide GYIRFamide were described in detail. The study has demonstrated that the brains in Paraphanostoma species, although diverse in detail, still follow the same general pattern. 18S rDNA sequences were used to generate a hypothesis of the phylogeny within the group. Characters of the nervous system revealed in this study were coded and analysed together with 18S rDNA data. Several synapomorphies in the nervous system characters were identified. However, numerous parallelisms in the nervous system evolution have occurred. Data obtained demonstrate that the genus Paraphanostoma is closely related to Childia and should belong to the same family, Childiidae.