109 resultados para Charge conjugation


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Charge transfer is a subfemtosecond process in molecules that creates chemical and electronic structure changes. At the quantum level the process can be coherently controlled by ultrashort light pulses. We show how the charge transfer process can be manipulated using a combination of dynamic and static fields and predict how this can be observed experimentally by imaging with photoionization.


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We study the charge transfer between colliding ions, atoms, or molecules, within time-dependent density functional theory. Two particular cases are presented, the collision between a proton and a Helium atom, and between a gold atom and a butane molecule. In the first case, proton kinetic energies between 16 keV and 1.2 MeV are considered, with impact parameters between 0.31 and 1.9 angstrom. The partial transfer of charge is monitored with time. The total cross-section is obtained as a function of the proton kinetic energy. In the second case, we analyze one trajectory and discuss spin-dependent charge transfer between the different fragments.


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The role of sodium surface species in the modification of a platinum (Pt) catalyst film supported on 8 mol% yttria-stabilised-zirconia (YSZ) was investigated under a flow of 20 kPa oxygen at 400 °C. Cyclic and linear sweep voltammetry were used to investigate the kinetics of the oxygen charge transfer reaction. The Pt/YSZ systems of both ‘clean’ and variable-coverage sodium-modified catalyst surfaces were also characterised using SEM, XPS and work function measurements using the Kelvin probe technique.

Samples with sodium coverage from 0.5 to 100% were used. It was found that sodium addition modifies the binding energy of oxygen onto the catalyst surface. Cyclic voltammetry experiments showed that higher overpotentials were required for oxygen reduction with increasing sodium coverage. In addition, sodium was found to modify oxygen storage and/or adsorption and diffusion increasing current densities at higher cathodic overpotential. Ex situ XPS measurements showed the presence of sodium hydroxide, carbonate and/or oxide species on the catalyst surface, while the Kelvin probe technique showed a decrease of approximately 250 meV in the work function of samples with more than 50% sodium coverage (compared to a nominally ‘clean’ sample).


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Using ion carbon beams generated by high intensity short pulse lasers we perform measurements of single shot mean charge equilibration in cold or isochorically heated solid density aluminum matter. We demonstrate that plasma effects in such matter heated up to 1 eV do not significantly impact the equilibration of carbon ions with energies 0.045-0.5 MeV/nucleon. Furthermore, these measurements allow for a first evaluation of semiempirical formulas or ab initio models that are being used to predict the mean of the equilibrium charge state distribution for light ions passing through warm dense matter.


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We present ab initio quantum chemistry calculations for elastic scattering and the radiative charge transfer reaction process and collision rates for trapped ytterbium ions immersed in a quantum degenerate rubidium vapor.
The collision of the ion (or ions) with the quasiatom is the key mechanism to transfer quantum coherences between the systems. We use first-principles
quantum chemistry codes to obtain the potential surfaces and coupling terms for the two-body interaction of Yb^+ with Rb. We find that the low energy collision has an inelastic radiative charge transfer process in agreement with recent experiments.
The charge transfer cross section agrees well with the semiclassical Langevin model at higher energies but is dominated by resonances at submillikelvin temperatures.


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The zero-length crosslinker EDC has been widely used to make amide bonds between carboxylic acid and amine groups for bioconjugation because no residues remain in the crosslinked protein. During the conjugation process, EDC activates the carboxyl groups (negatively charged) and forms an unstable amine-reactive intermediate (positively charged). However, the process turns to be a problematic issue if it is applied to modify carboxyl-functionalized and –stabilized Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) due to the fact that the negatively repulsive forces which help to stabilize the AuNPs were disrupted leading to the colloid aggregation. Therefore, to modify the negatively carboxyl-terminated AuNPs while their stability can be maintained yet, we assume that functionalization of the AuNPs using 02 kinds of negatively charged groups which one serves as a linking agent, and the other one plays a role of negative charge maintainer could overcome the impediment.

In this study, the colloidal gold nanoparticles were synthesized by Turkevitch’s method, and then their surface was rationally functionalized with different molar ratios of HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)6OCH2COOH and HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)3OH (OEG6-COOH/OEG3-OH) by self assembling technique. As a result, the most appropriate molar ratio was found to be 1:10, and the AuNP aggregation was prevented not only in the activation process by EDC but also in the present of high concentration of NaCl as well as over in a wide pH range. This is the first time that extremely stable OEG derivatives-functionalized Au nanoparticles for protein bioconjugation using EDC chemistry is reported, and the results open the door for covalent bioconjugation of AuNPs in biological applications.


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This article describes by means of a simple model how signal recombination effects behave under the influence of phase conjugating retrodirective array (RDA) technology. A two-ray ground reflection model is used to predict the operational advantages of RDA technology in multipath rich environments. The simulation results show that advantageous signal recombination occurs due to automatic self-phasing. As the number of elements in the RDA increases, the fading effect normally observed due to out of phase multipath signal is mitigated to the extent that the system approaches that of one operating in a free space environment. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 55:1987–1989, 2013


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In this paper we give first account of a simple analysis tool for modeling temporal compression for automatic mitigation of multipath induced intersymbol interference through the use of active phase conjugation (APC) technique. The temporal compression characteristics of an APC system is analyzed using a simple discrete channel model, and numerical results are provided to justify the theoretical findings.