84 resultados para Betsy Beattie


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PURPOSE. Raman spectroscopy is an effective probe of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in Bruch's membrane. However, because it is the outermost layer of the retina, this extracellular matrix is difficult to analyze in vivo with current technology. The sclera shares many compositional characteristics with Bruch's membrane, but it is much easier to access for in vivo Raman analysis. This study investigated whether sclera could act as a surrogate tissue for Raman-based investigation of pathogenic AGEs in Bruch's membrane.

METHODS. Human sclera and Bruch's membrane were dissected from postmortem eyes (n = 67) across a wide age range (33-92 years) and were probed by Raman spectroscopy. The biochemical composition, AGEs, and their age-related trends were determined from data reduction of the Raman spectra and compared for the two tissues.

RESULTS. Raman microscopy demonstrated that Bruch's membrane and sclera are composed of a similar range of biomolecules but with distinct relative quantities, such as in the heme/collagen and the elastin/collagen ratios. Both tissues accumulated AGEs, and these correlated with chronological age (R(2) = 0.824 and R(2) = 0.717 for sclera and Bruch's membrane, respectively). The sclera accumulated AGE adducts at a lower rate than Bruch's membrane, and the models of overall age-related changes exhibited a lower rate (one-fourth that of Bruch's membrane) but a significant increase with age (P <0.05).

CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that the sclera is a viable surrogate marker for estimating AGE accumulation in Bruch's membrane and for reliably predicting chronological age. These findings also suggest that sclera could be a useful target tissue for future patient-based, Raman spectroscopy studies. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:1593-1598) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-6554


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Background: Spatially localized duration compression of a briefly presented moving stimulus following adaptation in the same location is taken as evidence for modality-specific neural timing mechanisms.

Aims: The present study used random dot motion stimuli to investigate where these mechanisms may be located.

Method: Experiment 1 measured duration compression of the test stimulus as a function of adaptor speed and revealed that duration compression is speed tuned. These data were then used to make predictions of duration compression responses for various models which were tested in experiment 2. Here a mixed-speed adaptor stimulus was used with duration compression being measured as a function of the adaptor’s ‘speed notch’ (the removal of a central band from the speed range).

Results: The results were consistent with a local-mean model.

Conclusions: Local-motion mechanisms are involved in duration perception of brief events.


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Accurately encoding the duration and temporal order of events is essential for survival and important to everyday activities, from holding conversations to driving in fast flowing traffic. Although there is a growing body of evidence that the timing of brief events (< 1s) is encoded by modality-specific mechanisms, it is not clear how such mechanisms register event duration. One approach gaining traction is a channel-based model; this envisages narrowly-tuned, overlapping timing mechanisms that respond preferentially to different durations. The channel-based model predicts that adapting to a given event duration will result in overestimating and underestimating the duration of longer and shorter events, respectively. We tested the model by having observers judge the duration of a brief (600ms) visual test stimulus following adaptation to longer (860ms) and shorter (340ms) stimulus durations. The channel-based model predicts perceived duration compression of the test stimulus in the former condition and perceived duration expansion in the latter condition. Duration compression occurred in both conditions, suggesting that the channel-based model does not adequately account for perceived duration of visual events.


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Displays are a feature of animal contest behaviour and have been interpreted as a means of gathering information on opponent fighting ability, as well as signalling aggressive motivation. In fish, contest displays often include frontal and lateral elements, which in the latter involves contestants showing their flanks to an opponent. Previous work in a range of fish species has demonstrated population-level lateralization of these displays, preferentially showing one side to their opponent. Mirrors are commonly used in place of a real opponent to study aggression in fish, yet they may disrupt the normal pattern of display behaviour. Here, using Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, we compare the aggressive behaviour of males to a mirror image and real opponent behind a transparent barrier. As this species is a facultative air-breather, we also quantify surface breathing, providing insights into underlying fight motivation. Consistent with previous work, we found evidence of population-level
lateralization, with a bias to present the left side and use the left eye when facing a real opponent. Contrary to expectations, there were no differences in the aggressive displays to a mirror and real opponent, with positive correlations between the behaviour in the two scenarios. However, there were important differences in surface breathing, which was more frequent and of longer duration in the mirror treatment. The reasons for these differences are discussed in relation to the repertoire of contest behaviour and motivation when facing a real opponent.


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Displays are a feature of animal contest behaviour and have been interpreted as a means of gathering information on opponent fighting ability, as well as signalling aggressive motivation. In fish, contest displays often include frontal and lateral elements, which in the latter involves contestants showing their flanks to an opponent. Previous work in a range of fish species has demonstrated population-level lateralization of these displays, preferentially showing one side to their opponent. Mirrors are commonly used in place of a real opponent to study aggression in fish, yet they may disrupt the normal pattern of display behaviour. Here, using Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, we compare the aggressive behaviour of males to a mirror image and real opponent behind a transparent barrier. As this species is a facultative air-breather, we also quantify surface breathing, providing insights into underlying fight motivation. Consistent with previous work, we found evidence of population-level lateralization, with a bias to present the left side and use the left eye when facing a real opponent. Contrary to expectations, there were no differences in the aggressive displays to a mirror and real opponent, with positive correlations between the behaviour in the two scenarios. However, there were important differences in surface breathing, which was more frequent and of longer duration in the mirror treatment. The reasons for these differences are discussed in relation to the repertoire of contest behaviour and motivation when facing a real opponent.