102 resultados para BOOST converter


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The performance optimisation of automotive catalysts has been the focus of a great deal of research for many years as the automotive industry has endeavored to reduce the emission of toxic and pollutant gases generated from internal combustion engines. Just as the emissions from diesel and gasoline combustion vary so do the emissions from combustion of alternative fuels such as ethanol; the variation is in both quantity and chemical composition. In particular, when ethanol is contained in the fuel, ethanol and acetaldehyde are present in the exhaust gas stream and these are two compounds which the catalytic converter has not traditionally been designed to manage. The aim of the study outlined in this paper was to assess the performance of various catalyst formulations when subjected to a representative ethanol exhaust gas mixture. Three automotive catalytic converter formulations were tested including a fully Pt sample, a PdRh three-way catalyst sample and a fully Pd sample. Initially the samples were tested using single component hydrocarbon light-off tests followed by a set of tests with carbon monoxide included as an inlet gas to observe its effect on each individual hydrocarbon oxidation. Finally, each formulation was tested using a full E85 exhaust gas mixture. The study was carried out using a synthetic gas reactor along with FTIR and FID exhaust gas analysers. All formulations showed selectivity toward acetaldehyde formation from ethanol dehydrogenation which resulted in negative acetaldehyde conversion across each of the samples during the mixture tests. The fully Pt sample was the most detrimentally affected by the introduction of carbon monoxide into the gas feed. The Pd and PdRh samples exhibited a tendency toward acetaldehyde decomposition resulting in methane and carbon monoxide formation. The Pt sample did not form methane but did form ethylene as a result of ethanol dehydration.


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We present a new approach to indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion which makes use of highly supersonic, radiatively cooled, slugs of plasma to energize a hohlraum. 2D resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations of slug formation in shaped liner Z -pinch implosions are presented along with 2D-radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of the slug impacting a converter foil and 3D-view-factor simulations of a double-ended hohlraum. Results for the Z facility at Sandia National Laboratory indicate that two synchronous slugs of 250 kJ kinetic energy could be produced, resulting in a capsule surface temperature of similar to225 eV .


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Hostility towards the process of European integration is generally considered to constitute one of the hallmarks of the far right ‘family’ in Europe. This article acknowledges such opposition but it also recognises that the rhetoric is often at odds with actual policy activities and aspirations. Not only have far right parties long advocated greater European inter-party co-operation but they are now actively pursuing engagement with the European Union, especially the European Parliament, as a means of advancing their own strategic interests and boosting their finances. This article focuses on one far right party, namely the British National Party (BNP) and examines the party's approach towards the EU, its activities within the EP and its efforts to boost pan European cooperation through the new Alliance of European National Movements (AENM). It argues that the party's engagement with the European Union may have allowed the BNP to take advantage of new political opportunity structures but in turn, opened it up to Europeanization and made it increasingly dependent on the EU.


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Purpose: The goal of this project was to see if using IMRT to deliver elective pelvic nodal irradiation (EPNI) for prostate cancer reduced acute treatment toxicity.

Methods: Two hundred and thirty patients were enrolled into prospective trials delivering EPNI with a concomitant hypofractionated IMRT boost to the prostate. During accrual, the method of EPNI delivery changed as new literature emerged. Three methods were used (1) 4FB, (2) IMRT with 2 cm CTV margins around the pelvic vessels as suggested by Shih et al. (2005) [7] (IMRT-Shih), and (3) IMRT with nodal volumes suggested by the RTOG (IMRT-RTOG). Initially patients were treated with an empty bladder, with the remainder treated with bladder full.

Results: Patients in the 4FB group had higher rates of grade 2 acute GI toxicities compared to the IMRT-Shih and IMRT-RTOG groups (31.9% vs 20.8% vs 7.2%, p = 0.0009). Patients in the 4FB group had higher rates of grade 3 urinary frequency compared to the two IMRT groups (8.5% vs 0% vs 0%, p = 0.027). However, multivariate analysis suggested the factor that most influenced toxicity was bladder filling followed by IMRT.

Conclusions: Bladder filling appeared to be the dominant factor which predicted for acute toxicity, followed by the use of IMRT.


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This paper presents holistic design of a novel four-way differential power-combining transformer for use in millimeter-wave power-amplifier (PA). The combiner with an inner radius of 25 µm exhibits a record low insertion loss of 1.25 dB at 83.5 GHz. It is designed to simultaneously act as a balanced-to-unbalanced converter, removing the need for additional BALUNs typically required in differential circuits. A complete circuit comprised of a power splitter, two-stage differential cascode PA array, a power combiner as well as input and output matching elements was designed and realized in SiGe technology with f/f 170/250 GHz. Measured small-signal gain of at least 16.8 dB was obtained from 76.4 to 85.3 GHz with a peak 19.5 dB at 83 GHz. The prototype delivered 12.5 dBm output referred 1 dB compression point and 14 dBm saturated output power when operated from a 3.2 V dc supply voltage at 78 GHz.


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In this paper, the envelope-tracking technique is exploited to boost average efficiency of the newly introduced broadband Inverse Class-E power amplifier. A 2.26 GHz - 20.5 dBm - 3 V power amplifier was designed, constructed, and measured. For a multi-carrier input signal with 10 dB peak-to-average ratio, the average PAE was increased from 5.7% to 54.5%. © 2008 IEEE.


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Neutrons are unique particles to probe samples in many ?elds of research ranging from biology to material sciences to engineering and security applications. Access to bright, pulsed sources is currently
limited to large accelerator facilities and there has been a growing need for compact sources over the recent years. Short pulse laser driven neutron sources could be a compact and relatively cheap way to
produce neutrons with energies in excess of 10 MeV. For more than a decade experiments have tried to obtain neutron numbers suf?cient for applications. Our recent experiments demonstrated an ion acceleration mechanism based on the concept of relativistic transparency. Using this new mechanism, we produced an intense beam of high energy (up to 170 MeV) deuterons directed into a Be converter to
produce a forward peaked neutron ?ux with a record yield, on the order of 1010 n=sr. We present results comparing the two acceleration mechanisms and the ?rst short pulse laser generated neutron radiograph.


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Oscillating wave surge converters (OWSCs) are a class of wave power technology that exploits the enhanced horizontal fluid particle movement of waves in the nearshore coastal zone with water depths of 10–20 m. OWSCs predominantly oscillate horizontally in surge as opposed to the majority of wave devices, which oscillate vertically in heave and usually are deployed in deeper water. The characteristics of the nearshore wave resource are described along with the hydrodynamics of OWSCs. The variables in the OWSC design space are discussed together with a presentation of some of their effects on capture width, frequency bandwidth response and power take-off characteristics. There are notable differences between the different OWSCs under development worldwide, and these are highlighted. The final section of the paper describes Aquamarine Power’s 315kW Oyster 1 prototype, which was deployed at the European Marine Energy Centre in August 2009. Its place in the OWSC design space is described along with the practical experience gained. This has led to the design of Oyster 2, which was deployed in August 2011. It is concluded that nearshore OWSCs are serious contenders in the mix of wave power technologies. The nearshore wave climate has a narrower directional spread than the offshore, the largest waves are filtered out and the exploitable resource is typically only 10–20% less in 10m depth compared with 50m depth. Regarding the devices, a key conclusion is that OWSCs such as Oyster primarily respond in the working frequency range to the horizontal fluid acceleration; Oyster is not a drag device responding to horizontal fluid velocity. The hydrodynamics of Oyster is dominated by inertia with added inertia being a very significant contributor. It is unlikely that individual flap modules will exceed 1MW in installed capacity owing to wave resource, hydrodynamic and economic constraints. Generating stations will be made up of line arrays of flaps with communal secondary power conversion every 5–10 units.


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Geraint Ellis and Richard Cowell explain the findings of the ‘Delivering renewable energy under devolution’ project, including some reasons for Scotland’s lead.

The UK has seen massive increases in renewable energy since 1998, with installed capacity growing from 2,600 MW to 12,300 MW in 2011. This has coincided with devolution and it is within Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales that the greatest increases have been seen.

As devolved administrations now host half of the UK’s renewable energy capacity, their policies are critical to achieving the broader UK targets. This also provides a fascinating insight into what sort of approach works best, and why. This has been the focus of a two-year study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, involving universities from across the UK, which indicates that Scotland is leading the way on renewable energy.

All devolved governments have offered significant support to renewable energy but have different degrees of powers in relation to energy. Scotland’s success seems to be based on the centrality of energy issues to current political aspirations, particularly the SNP, but also has cross-party support. The research suggests that the consensus on the importance of renewable energy amongst élite interests in Scotland helps to explain why Scottish governments have been empowered and enabled to make robust use of the powers available.

As it has achieved successful growth in the sector, this too helps cultivate credibility among key business interests and gives increased leverage to its position in policy discussions with the UK Government. Scotland has been more consistent over time in presenting the expansion of renewable energy as a national economic agenda, rather than just an environmental or rural development agenda. The availability of larger, windy, but relatively less contested sites for onshore wind in Scotland has meant that more projects went through central consenting procedures rather than local planning authorities. Its enhanced support for wave and tidal power technologies is also notable. These political conditions have been harder to find in the rest of the UK, making progress a little more uncertain.

Northern Ireland has used its powers (which are more extensive than Scotland’s) to facilitate small-scale renewables and bio-fuel processes, with its liberalised planning regime offering an initial boost to expanding capacity.

This has contrasted with the position in Wales, which has least control over energy but the Welsh Government has adopted a more innovative approach to strategic spatial zoning; this appears to have pulled in a larger volume of onshore wind development interest than could be expected in a comparable region of England. A downside of the Welsh approach appears to be the fact that the concentration of these wind projects in these zones has triggered public opposition and political conflict.

It therefore appears that the powers available to the devolved governments do not seem to determine which country has been able to make greatest headway, with broader political commitments being more significant. Despite this, the research does not conclude that the actions and activities undertaken by the devolved governments are necessarily the most important factors in shaping the development of renewable energy in the UK. This is because devolution is still a relatively new dimension of energy governance in the UK and decisions affecting key drivers for renewable energy investment are still made mainly in Westminster, with the Treasury exercising close budgetary control. In all areas of the UK, grid capacity expansion remains slow to achieve. The major growth in offshore wind to date has been driven mainly by Westminster and cross-UK bodies with the most significant capacity growth being in English territorial waters.


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The general properties of a frequency selective surface loaded with negative impedance converter (NIC)-based active loads are discussed from a theoretical perspective.The stability problem associated with NIC circuits embedded in artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) and AMC absorber applications is studied using pole-zero analysis. The requirements and constraints for achieving stable operation with enhanced bandwidth using negative capacitance as realized by a floating NIC network are derived. Furthermore, it is shown that it is nearly impossible to simultaneously implement a negative capacitor and a negative inductor to such structures. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 54:2111–2114, 2012; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.27019


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This paper examines the ability of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) to deliver multiple reactive power objectives during variable wind conditions. The reactive power requirement is decomposed based on various control objectives (e.g. power factor control, voltage control, loss minimisation, and flicker mitigation) defined around different time frames (i.e. seconds, minutes, and hourly), and the control reference is generated by aggregating the individual reactive power requirement for each control strategy. A novel coordinated controller is implemented for the rotor-side converter and the grid-side converter considering their capability curves and illustrating that it can effectively utilise the aggregated DFIG reactive power capability for system performance enhancement. The performance of the multi-objective strategy is examined for a range of wind and network conditions, and it is shown that for the majority of the scenarios, more than 92% of the main control objective can be achieved while introducing the integrated flicker control scheme with the main reactive power control scheme. Therefore, optimal control coordination across the different control strategies can maximise the availability of ancillary services from DFIG-based wind farms without additional dynamic reactive power devices being installed in power networks.


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Reactive power has become a vital resource in modern electricity networks due to increased penetration of distributed generation. This paper examines the extended reactive power capability of DFIGs to improve network stability and capability to manage network voltage profile during transient faults and dynamic operating conditions. A coordinated reactive power controller is designed by considering the reactive power capabilities of the rotor-side converter (RSC) and the grid-side converter (GSC) of the DFIG in order to maximise the reactive power support from DFIGs. The study has illustrated that, a significant reactive power contribution can be obtained from partially loaded DFIG wind farms for stability enhancement by using the proposed capability curve based reactive power controller; hence DFIG wind farms can function as vital dynamic reactive power resources for power utilities without commissioning additional dynamic reactive power devices. Several network adaptive droop control schemes are also proposed for network voltage management and their performance has been investigated during variable wind conditions. Furthermore, the influence of reactive power capability on network adaptive droop control strategies has been investigated and it has also been shown that enhanced reactive power capability of DFIGs can substantially improve the voltage control performance.


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Optimal fault ride-through (FRT) conditions for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) during a transient grid fault are analyzed with special emphasis on improving the active power generation profile. The transition states due to crowbar activation during transient faults are investigated to exploit the maximum power during the fault and post-fault period. It has been identified that operating slip, severity of fault and crowbar resistance have a direct impact on the power capability of a DFIG, and crowbar resistance can be chosen to optimize the power capability. It has been further shown that an extended crowbar period can deliver enhanced inertial response following the transient fault. The converter protection and drive train dynamics have also been analyzed while choosing the optimum crowbar resistance and delivering enhanced inertial support for an extended crowbar period.


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The doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) now represents the dominant technology in wind turbine design. One consequence of this is limited damping and inertial response during transient grid disturbances. A dasiadecoupledpsila strategy is therefore proposed to operate the DFIG grid-side converter (GSC) as a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) during a fault, supporting the local voltage, while the DFIG operates as a fixed-speed induction generator (FSIG) providing an inertial response. The modeling aspects of the decoupled control strategy, the selection of protection control settings, the significance of the fault location and operation at sub- and super-synchronous speeds are analyzed in detail. In addition, a case study is developed to validate the proposed strategy under different wind penetrations levels. The simulations show that suitable configuration of the decoupled strategy can be deployed to improve system voltage stability and inertial response for a range of scenarios, especially at high wind penetration. The conclusions are placed in context of the practical limitations of the technology employed and the system conditions.


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The mining/quarrying industry is a sector of industry where there are very few Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools, and where the role of LCA has been poorly investigated. A key issue is the integration of three inter-dependent life cycles: Project, Asset and Product. Given the unique features of mining LCAs, this Note from the Field presents a common methodology implemented within the Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management (SARMa) Project (www.sarmaproject.eu) in order to boost adoption of LCA in the aggregate industry in South Eastern Europe. The proposed methodology emphasises the importance of resource efficiency and recycling in the context of a Sustainable Supply Mix of aggregates for the construction industry. Through its adoption, aggregate producers, recyclers, and governmental planners would gain confidence with LCA tools and conduct consistent and meaningful life cycle analyses of natural and recycled aggregates. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.