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Neutron diffraction has been used to investigate the liquid structure of a 1:2 solution of phenol in the ionic liquid N-methylpyridinium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide at 60 ◦C, using the empirical potential structure refinement (EPSR) process to model the data obtained from the SANDALS diffractometer at ISIS. Addition of phenol results in suppression of the melting point of the pyridinium salt and formation of a room temperature solution with aromatic phenol–cation and phenol-OH to anion hydrogen-bonding interactions.


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This paper describes the extraction of C5–C8 linear α-olefins from olefin/paraffin mixtures of the same carbon number via a reversible complexation with a silver salt (silver bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, Ag[Tf2N]) to form room temperature ionic liquids [Ag(olefin)x][Tf2N]. From the experimental (liquid + liquid) equilibrium data for the olefin/paraffin mixtures and Ag[Tf2N], 1-pentene showed the best separation performance while C7 and C8 olefins could only be separated from the corresponding mixtures on addition of water which also improves the selectivity at lower carbon numbers like the C5 and C6, for example. Using infrared and Raman spectroscopy of the complex and Ag[Tf2N] saturated by olefin, the mechanism of the extraction was found to be based on both chemical complexation and the physical solubility of the olefin in the ionic liquid ([Ag(olefin)x][Tf2N]). These experiments further support the use of such extraction techniques for the separation of olefins from paraffins.


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In the present paper, a study on the influence of the alkyl chain length in N-alkyl-triethylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids, [NR,222][Tf2N] (R   = 6, 8 or 12), on the excess molar enthalpy at 303.15 K and excess molar volume within the temperature interval (283.15–338.15 K) of ionic liquid + methanol mixtures is carried out. Small excess molar volumes with highly asymmetric curves (i.e. S-shape) as a function of mole fraction composition were obtained, with negative values showing in the methanol-rich regions. The excess molar volumes increase with the increase of the alkyl-chain length of the ammonium cation of the ionic liquid and decrease with temperature. The excess enthalpies of selected binary mixtures are positive over the whole composition range and increase slightly with the length of the alkyl side-chain of the cation on the ionic liquid. Both excess properties were subsequently correlated using a Redlich–Kister-type equation, as well as by using the ERAS model. From this semipredictive model the studied excess quantities could be obtained from its chemical and physical contribution. Finally, the COSMOThermX software has been used to evaluate its prediction capability on the excess enthalpy for investigated mixtures at 303.15 K and 0.1 MPa. From this work, it appears that COSMOThermX method predicts this property with good accuracy of approx. 10%, providing at the same time the correct order of magnitude of the partial molar excess enthalpies at infinite dilution for the studied ILs,

<img height="21" border="0" style="vertical-align:bottom" width="33" alt="View the MathML source" title="View the MathML source" src="http://origin-ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0378381213006869-si13.gif">H¯1E,∞, and methanol, <img height="21" border="0" style="vertical-align:bottom" width="33" alt="View the MathML source" title="View the MathML source" src="http://origin-ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0378381213006869-si14.gif">H¯2E,∞.


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In this work, we address the thermal properties of selected members of a
homologous series of alkyltriethylammonium bisf(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylgimide ionic
liquids. Their phase and glass transition behavior, as well as their standard isobaric heat
capacities at 298.15 K, were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),
whereas their decomposition temperature was determined by thermal gravimetry analysis.
DSC was further used to measure standard molar heat capacities of the studied ionic liquids
and standard molar heat capacity as a function of temperature for hexyltriethylammonium,
octyltriethylammonium, and dodecyltriethylammonium bisf(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylgimide
ionic liquids. Based on the data obtained, we discuss the influence of the alkyl chain
length of the cation on the studied ionic liquids on the measured properties. Using viscosity
data obtained in a previous work, the liquid fragility of the ionic liquids is then discussed.
Viscosity data were correlated by the VTF equation using a robust regression along a
gnostic influence function. In this way, more reliable VTF model parameters were obtained than in our previous work and a good estimate of the liquid fragility of the ionic liquids was made.


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Hexa-n-butylditin is prepared in high yield (83%), by reduction of bis(tri-n-butyltin) oxide with sodium borohydride in ethanol. The first stage is reduction. to tri-n-butyltin hydride (not isolated), which rapidly gives hexa-n-butylditin with the Loss of hydrogen under the basic reaction conditions.


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The Ni-II centre in the cation of the title compound, [Ni(C6H12S3)(2)]Br-2. 4H(2)O, occupies a crystallographic inversion centre and is octahedrally coordinated by six S-donors from two [9]aneS(3) ligands. Ni-S distances range from 2.3749 (16) to 2.4077 (15) Angstrom and S-Ni-S angles where both thia donors belong to the same ligand lie in a narrow range between 88.09 (5) and 88.67 (6)degrees. The water molecules participate in extensive hydrogen bonding with each other and with the Br- anions to form double chains with eight- and 12-membered hydrogen-bonded rings running along the crystallographic a direction.


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Herein, we present a comparative study of the thermophysical properties of two homologous ionic liquids, namely, trimethyl-sulfonium bis[(trifluoromethyl) sulfonyl]imide, [S111][TFSI], and trimethyl-ammonium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, [HN111][TFSI], and their mixtures with propylene carbonate, acetonitrile, or gamma butyrolactone as a function of temperature and composition. The influence of solvent addition on the viscosity, conductivity, and thermal properties of IL solutions was studied as a function of the solvent mole fraction from the maximum solubility of IL, xs, in each solvent to the pure solvent. In this case, xs is the composition corresponding to the maximum salt solubility in each liquid solvent at a given temperature from 258.15 to 353.15 K. The effect of temperature on the transport properties of each binary mixture was then investigated by fitting the experimental data using Arrhenius' law and the Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) equation. The experimental data shows that the residual conductivity at low temperature, e.g., 263.15 K, of each binary mixture is exceptionally high. For example, conductivity values up to 35 and 42 mS·cm-1 were observed in the case of the [S 111][TFSI] + ACN and [HN111][TFSI] + ACN binary mixtures, respectively. Subsequently, a theoretical approach based on the conductivity and on the viscosity of electrolytes was formulated by treating the migration of ions as a dynamical process governed by ion-ion and solvent-ion interactions. Within this model, viscosity data sets were first analyzed using the Jones-Dole equation. Using this theoretical approach, excellent agreement was obtained between the experimental and calculated conductivities for the binary mixtures investigated at 298.15 K as a function of the composition up to the maximum solubility of the IL. Finally, the thermal characterization of the IL solutions, using DSC measurements, showed a number of features corresponding to different solid-solid phase transitions, TS-S, with extremely low melting entropies, indicating a strong organizational structure by easy rotation of methyl group. These ILs can be classified as plastic crystal materials and are promising as ambient-temperature solid electrolytes. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Four new macrocyclic-phthalimide ligands were synthesised via the coupling of N-(3-bromopropyl)phthalimide either to cyclen (1,4,7,10- tetraazacyclododecane) itself or its carboxylate-functionalized analogues, and photophysical studies were carried out on their corresponding Tb(iii) complexes in aqueous media as a function of pH. Luminescence intensities of Tb·L1a-Tb·L3a were in 'switched off' mode under acidic conditions (pH < 4), and were activated on progression to basic conditions as the phthalimido functions therein were hydrolysed to their corresponding phthalamates Tb·L1b-Tb·L3b. Emission of phthalamate-based macrocyclic Tb(iii) complexes Tb·L 1b-Tb·L3b was in 'switched on' mode between pH 4 and 11, exhibiting high quantum yields (Φ) and long lifetimes (τ) of the order of milliseconds at pH ∼ 6. Tb(iii) emissions were found to decline with increasing number of chromophores. The values of Φ and τ were 46% and 2.4 ms respectively for Tb·L1b at pH ∼ 6 when activated. This is the best pH-dependent sensor based on a Tb(iii) complex reported to date, benefiting from the macrocyclic architecture of the ligand. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The Behavioural Inhibition and Behavioural Activation System (BIS/BAS) scales were developed by Carver and White (1994) and comprise four scales which measure individual differences in personality (Gray 1982, 1991). More recent modifications, namely the five-factor model derived from Gray and McNaughton's (2000) revised Reward Sensitivity Theory (RST) suggests that Anxiety and Fear are separable components of inhibition. This study employed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses on the scales in order to test whether the four or five-factor model was the better fit in a sample of 994 participants aged 11–30 years. Consistent with RST, superior model fit was shown for the five-factor model with all variables correlated. Significant age effects were observed for BIS Fear and BIS Anxiety, with scores peaking in middle and late adolescence respectively. The BAS subscales showed differential effects of age group. Significantly increasing scores from early to mid and from mid to late adolescence were found for Drive, but the effect of age on Fun Seeking and Reward Responsiveness was not significant.


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Mutations in the Ras-pathway occur in 40–45% of colorectal cancer patients and these are refractory to treatment with anti-EGFR-targeted therapies. With this in mind, we have studied novel guanidinium- based compounds with demonstrated ability to inhibit protein kinases. We have performed docking stud- ies with several proteins involved in the Ras-pathway and evaluated 3,40-bis-guanidinium derivatives as inhibitors of B-Raf. Compound 3, the most potent in this series, demonstrated strong cytotoxicity in WTB-Raf colorectal cancer cells and also cells with V600EB-Raf mutations. Cell death was induced by apop- tosis, detected by cleavage of PARP. Compound 3 also potently inhibited ERK1/2 signalling, inhibited EGFR activation, as well as Src, STAT3 and AKT phosphorylation. Mechanistically, compound 3 did not inhibit ATP binding to B-Raf, but direct assay of B-Raf activity was inhibited in vitro. Summarizing, we have identified a novel B-Raf type-III inhibitor that exhibits potent cellular cytotoxicity


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This paper reports on the solubility and diffusivity of dissolved oxygen in a series of ionic liquids (ILs) based on the bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide anion with a range of related alkyl and ether functionalised cyclic alkylammonium cations. Cyclic voltammetry has been used to observe the reduction of oxygen in ILs at a microdisk electrode and chronoamperometric measurements have then been applied to simultaneously determine both the concentration and the diffusion coefficient of oxygen in the different ILs. The viscosity of the ILs and the calculated molar volume and free volume is also reported. It is found that, within this class of ILs, the oxygen diffusivity generally increases with decreasing viscosity of the neat IL. An inverse relationship between oxygen solubility and IL free volume is reported for the two IL families implying oxygen is not simply occupying the available empty space. In addition, it is reported that the introduction of ether-group into the IL cation structure promotes the diffusivity of dissolved oxygen but reduces the solubility of the gas.