164 resultados para transient absorption-spectrocospy


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This paper summarises die main results obtained during the two experimental campaigns on TCE X-ray lasers that we have carried out since the last Kyoto X-ray laser Conference in 1998. A two-color (2 omega /1 omega) pumping configuration was tested and led to the observation of a strong lasing line at 16 nm, identified to a 4f-4d transition in Ni-like Ag. A strong x 300-400 enhancement of the 13.9 nm Ni-like 4d-4p lasing emission was obtained when a traveling wave short pulse pumping was applied. Finally the temporal history of the 13.9 nm laser pulse was measured with a high-resolution Streak camera, A very short 2 ps X-ray laser pulse was directly demonstrated for the first time.


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We report on a time-resolved study of a Ni-like transient collisionnal X-ray laser with a resolution as high as 1.9 ps The FWHM duration of the Ni-like x-ray laser pulse at 13.99 nin Ag J = 0 -->1 4d-4p line is measured to be as short as similar to2 ps at optimum conditions of pump laser irradiation. This is about four times shorter than was estimated in previous experiments. The x-ray laser signal appears in the rising edge of the continuum emission. The x-ray laser duration rises significantly when the short (heating) pulse duration is increased and when doubling the peak-to-peak delay of the two irradiation pulses, It does not change when the short pulse energy is increased. The results presented are the first direct measurements of the temporal profile of the x-ray laser output at a high resolution.


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The tailpipe emissions from automotive engines have been subject to steadily reducing legislative limits. This reduction has been achieved through the addition of sub-systems to the basic four-stroke engine which thereby increases its complexity. To ensure the entire system functions correctly, each system and / or sub-systems needs to be continuously monitored for the presence of any faults or malfunctions. This is a requirement detailed within the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) legislation. To date, a physical model approach has been adopted by me automotive industry for the monitoring requirement of OBD legislation. However, this approach has restrictions from the available knowledge base and computational load required. A neural network technique incorporating Multivariant Statistical Process Control (MSPC) has been proposed as an alternative method of building interrelationships between the measured variables and monitoring the correct operation of the engine. Building upon earlier work for steady state fault detection, this paper details the use of non-linear models based on an Auto-associate Neural Network (ANN) for fault detection under transient engine operation. The theory and use of the technique is shown in this paper with the application to the detection of air leaks within the inlet manifold system of a modern gasoline engine whilst operated on a pseudo-drive cycle. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.


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We present comprehensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the faint transient SN 2008S discovered in the nearby galaxy NGC 6946. SN 2008S exhibited slow photometric evolution and almost no spectral variability during the first nine months, implying a long photon diffusion time and a high-density circumstellar medium. Its bolometric luminosity (similar or equal to 10(41) erg s(-1) at peak) is low with respect to most core-collapse supernovae but is comparable to the faintest Type II-P events. Our quasi-bolometric light curve extends to 300 d and shows a tail phase decay rate consistent with that of Co-56. We propose that this is evidence for an explosion and formation of Ni-56 (0.0014 +/- 0.0003 M-circle dot). Spectra of SN 2008S show intense emission lines of H alpha, [Ca II] doublet and Ca II near-infrared (NIR) triplet, all without obvious P-Cygni absorption troughs. The large mid-infrared (MIR) flux detected shortly after explosion can be explained by a light echo from pre-existing dust. The late NIR flux excess is plausibly due to a combination of warm newly formed ejecta dust together with shock-heated dust in the circumstellar environment. We reassess the progenitor object detected previously in Spitzer archive images, supplementing this discussion with a model of the MIR spectral energy distribution. This supports the idea of a dusty, optically thick shell around SN 2008S with an inner radius of nearly 90 AU and outer radius of 450 AU, and an inferred heating source of 3000 K. The luminosity of the central star is L similar or equal to 10(4.6) L-circle dot. All the nearby progenitor dust was likely evaporated in the explosion leaving only the much older dust lying further out in the circumstellar environment. The combination of our long-term multiwavelength monitoring data and the evidence from the progenitor analysis leads us to support the scenario of a weak electron-capture supernova explosion in a super-asymptotic giant branch progenitor star (of initial mass 6-8 M-circle dot) embedded within a thick circumstellar gaseous envelope. We suggest that all of main properties of the electron-capture SN phenomenon are observed in SN 2008S and future observations may allow a definitive answer.


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The proton radiography technique has been used to investigate the incidence of a 3 x10(19) W/cm(2) infrared pulse with a 125 mu m-diameter gold wire. The laser interaction is observed to drive the growth of a radial electric field similar to 10(10) V/m on the surface of the wire which rises and decays over a temporal window of 20 ps. Such studies of the ultrafast charging of a solid irradiated at high-intensity may be of relevance to schemes for laser-driven ion acceleration and the fast-ignitor concept for inertial confinement fusion.


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The Austrian government may have failed in its efforts in 2005 to have ‘privileged partnership' inserted into the European Union's framework for accession negotiations with Turkey, but this did not prevent the country's Chancellor, Wolfgang Schussel, from claiming that ‘for the first time ever, we have set an extra condition which will yet be very important in the future for Europe, namely the ability of the Union to take in new members'. Indeed, since its inclusion in the framework for negotiations, the EU's ‘capacity to absorb' new members is referred to as a new criterion for further enlargement of the European Union (EU). When opponents of Turkey 's membership, like Schussel, celebrate the emphasis on the EU's ‘absorption capacity', Turks generally regard it as specially-designed extra obstacle to their membership aspirations even if the EU's ‘absorption capacity' is a permanent agenda item whenever the EU discusses enlargement. This article explores the origins of this – supposedly new – condition and argues that the increased emphasis on the EU's ‘absorption capacity' can be explained by the shifts in the dynamics of EU enlargement.


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Mammalian transient receptor potential melastatin (TRPM) non-selective cation channels, the largest TRP subfamily, are widely expressed in excitable and non-excitable cells where they perform diverse functions ranging from detection of cold, taste, osmolarity, redox state and pH to control of Mg(2+) homeostasis and cell proliferation or death. Recently, TRPM gene expression has been identified in vascular smooth muscles with dominance of the TRPM8 channel. There has been in parallel considerable progress in decoding the functional roles of several TRPMs in the vasculature. This research on native cells is aided by the knowledge of the activation mechanisms and pharmacological properties of heterologously expressed TRPM subtypes. This paper summarizes the present state of knowledge of vascular TRPM channels and outlines several anticipated directions of future research in this area.


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This paper investigates the performance characteristics of rapeseed methyl ester, EN 14214 biodiesel, when used for electrical generation in compression ignition engines. The work was inspired by the need to replace fossil diesel fuel with a sustainable low carbon alternative while maintaining generator performance, power quality, and compliance with ISO 8528-5. A 50-kVA Perkins diesel engine generator was used to assess the impact of biodiesel with particular regard to gen-set fuel consumption, load acceptance, and associated standards. Tests were performed on the diesel gen-set for islanded and grid-connected modes of operation, hence both steady-state and transient performance were fully explored. Performance comparisons were made with conventional fossil diesel fuel, revealing minimal technical barriers for electrical generation from this sustainable, carbon benign fuel. Recommendations for improved transient performance are proposed and validated through tests.


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This work deals with the transient analysis of crystal size distribution (CSD) for imperfectly mixed draft tube baffled (DTB) and forced circulation (FC) crystallizers. The DTB and FC crystallizers are described by the Compartmental and Mixed models respectively. Monte Carlo (MC) scheme has been employed for simulation purposes. The simulation results have been compared with the available experimental data of BENNETT and VAN BUREN for continuous urea crystallizers.


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Durability of concrete can be improved by applying surface treatments. Pore-lining treatments prevent or delay the ingress of water-borne salts while allowing vapour transfer across the concrete surface. The most common pore-liners are silanes and siloxanes; both reported to give good results. One area of concern, however, is variability in effectiveness of the treatment. This variability may be due to inconsistent coverage or extreme drying conditions. With care these can be controlled but another source of variability which is difficult to control is the moisture profile within the concrete at the time of application of the treatment. This paper describes a test programme to assess the sensitivity of three different surface treatments to moisture gradient in the concrete at the time of application of treatment. The test programme included durability parameters such as chloride ingress, corrosion due to chloride ingress, freeze-thaw salt scaling resistance. Water absorption (sorptivity) of treated and untreated concretes was also measured with a non-distructive test technique called Autoclam with the aim of determining if the Autoclam sorptivity test can be used to assess the effectiveness of surface treatments. Using these results it is possible to avoid, or allow for, moisture conditions which would adversely affect the success of a pore-liner. However there are advantages in specifying an expected performance of the surface treatment rather than specifying the conditions in which it must be placed. By this method a treatment would have to achieve a specified value of sorptivity or a specified reduction in sorptivity. Failure to do so would be an objective basis on which to make a decision of whether or not to reject the treatment. The Autoclam is a device capable of measuring sorptivity values down to the range typical of surface treated concrete. The paper assesses if the device can be used to discriminate between acceptable treatment and unsatisfactory treatments.