102 resultados para super-resolution near-field structure


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This paper addresses the theoretical aspects of passive intermodulation (PIM) generation in printed transmission lines. In order to elucidate the mechanisms of PIM generation, a new model of the transmission line length with distributed nonlinearity is proposed. The developed model has been validated by the near-field measurements of PIM product distributions along the microstrip lines. The contributions of nonlinear mixing, power dissipation, and load matching to PIM products have been analyzed in detail. The obtained results reveal the fundamental properties of PIM generation in finite lengths of printed lines with distributed non-linearity and identify possible means for PIM mitigation. It was shown for the first time that the reverse PIM products in a matched transmission line with distributed nonlinearity are generated due to nonlinear scattering. © 2008 IEEE.


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Topographic and optical contrasts formed by Ga+ ion irradiation of thin films of amorphous silicon carbide have been investigated with scanning near-field optical microscopy. The influence of ion-irradiation dose has been studied in a pattern of sub-micrometre stripes. While the film thickness decreases monotonically with ion dose, the optical contrast rapidly increases to a maximum value and then decreases gradually. The results are discussed in terms of the competition between the effects of ion implantation and surface milling by the ion beam. The observed effects are important for uses of amorphous silicon carbide thin films as permanent archives in optical data storage applications.


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Fabrication of devices based on thin film structures deposited using the pulsed laser deposition technique relies on reproducibility and control of deposition rates over substrate areas as large as possible. Here we present an application of the random phase plate technique to smooth and homogenize the intensity distribution of a KrF laser footprint on the surface of a target which is to be ablated. It is demonstrated that intensity distributions over millimeter-sized spots on the target can be made insensitive to the typical changes that occur in the near-field intensity distribution of the ultraviolet output from a KrF laser. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0034-6748(99)02504-6].


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Coupling of a soft X-ray laser beam with a relaying concave mirror in a sequentially pumped amplifier geometry using the Ne-like Ge system has been studied experimentally. Preliminary observations indicate an increase in the spatial coherence of the amplified relayed beam. In addition, near-field imaging of one of the amplifier plasmas shows a double-lobed intensity pattern of the emergent beam indicating refractive guiding of the amplified beam with components both normal and tangential to the target surface.


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Recently, the use of plasma optics to improve temporal pulse contrast has had a remarkable impact on the field of high- power laser-solid density interaction physics. Opening an avenue to previously unachievable plasma density gradients in the high intensity focus, this advance has enabled researchers to investigate new regimes of harmonic generation and ion acceleration. Until now, however, plasma optics for fundamental laser reflection have been used in the sub-relativistic intensity regime (10(15) - 10(16)Wcm(-2)) showing high reflectivity (similar to 70%) and good focusability. Therefore, the question remains as to whether plasma optics can be used for such applications in the relativistic intensity regime (> 10(18)Wcm(-2)). Previous studies of plasma mirrors (PMs) indicate that, for 40 fs laser pulses, the reflectivity fluctuates by an order of magnitude and that focusability of the beam is lost as the intensity is increased above 5 x 10(16)Wcm(-2). However, these experiments were performed using laser pulses with a contrast ratio of similar to 10(7) to generate the reflecting surface. Here, we present results for PM operation using high contrast laser pulses resulting in a new regime of operation - the high contrast plasma mirror (HCPM). In this regime, pulses with contrast ratio > 10(10) are used to form the PM surface at > 10(19)Wcm(-2), displaying excellent spatial filtering, reflected near- field beam profile of the fundamental beam and reflectivities of 60 +/- 5%. Efficient second harmonic generation is also observed with exceptional beam quality suggesting that this may be a route to achieving the highest focusable harmonic intensities. Plasma optics therefore offer the opportunity to manipulate ultra-intense laser beams both spatially and temporally. They also allow for ultrafast frequency up-shifting without detrimental effects due to group velocity dispersion (GVD) or reduced focusability which frequently occur when nonlinear crystals are used for frequency conversion.


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Plasma mirrors are devices capable of switching very high laser powers on subpicosecond time scales with a dynamic range of 20–30 dB. A detailed study of their performance in the near-field of the laser beam is presented, a setup relevant to improving the pulse contrast of modern ultrahigh power lasers ~TW–PW!. The conditions under which high reflectivity can be achieved and focusability of the reflected beam retained are identified. At higher intensities a region of high specular reflectivity with rapidly decreasing focusability was observed, suggesting that specular reflectivity alone is not an adequate guide to the ideal range of plasma mirror operation. It was found that to achieve high reflectivity with negligible phasefront distortion of the reflected beam the inequality csDt,lLaser must be met (cs : sound speed, Dt: time from plasma formation to the peak of the pulse!. The achievable contrast enhancement is given by the ratio of plasma mirror reflectivity to cold reflectivity.


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Accurate determination of shear wave arrival time using bender elements may be severely affected by a combination of near-field effects and reflected waves. These may mask the first arrival of the shear wave, making its detection difficult in the time domain. This paper describes an approach for measuring the shear wave arrival time through analysis of the output signal in the time-scale domain using a multi-scale wavelet transform. The local maxima lines of the wavelet transform modulus are observed at different scales, and all singularities are mathematically characterised, allowing subsequent detection of the singularity relating to the first arrival. Examples of the use of this approach on typical synthetic and experimental bender element signals are also supplied, and these results are compared with those from other time and frequency domain approaches. The wavelet approach is not affected by near-field effects, but instead is characterised by a relatively consistent singularity related to the shear wave arrival time, across a range of frequencies and noise levels.


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For up to 1 billion people worldwide, insufficient dietary intake of selenium (Se) is a serious health constraint Cereals are the dominant Se source for those on low protein diets, as typified by the global malnourished population. With crop Se content constrained largely by underlying geology, regional soil Se variations are often mirrored by their locally grown staples. Despite this, the Se concentrations of much of the world's rice, the mainstay of so many, is poorly characterized, for both total Se content and Se speciation. In this study, 1092 samples of market sourced polished rice were obtained. The sampled rice encompassed dominant rice producing and exporting countries. Rice from the U.S. and India were found to be the most enriched, while mean average levels were lowest in Egyptian rice: similar to 32-fold less than their North American equivalents. By weighting country averages by contribution to either global production or export, modeled baseline values for both were produced. Based on a daily rice consumption of 300 g day(-1), around 75% of the grains from the production and export pools would fail to provide 70% of daily recommended Se intakes. Furthermore, Se localization and speciation characterization using X-ray fluorescence (mu-XRF) and X-ray absorption near edge structure (mu-XANES) techniques were investigated in a Se-rich sample. The results revealed that the large majority of Se in the endosperm was present in organic forms.


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A compartmented soil-glass bead culture system was used to investigate characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic accumulation and speciation in mature rice plants with different capacities of forming iron plaque on their roots. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra and extended X-ray absorption fine structure were utilized to identify the mineralogical characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic sequestration in plaque on the rice roots. Iron plaque was dominated by (oxyhydr)oxides, which were composed of ferrihydrite (81-100%), with a minor amount of goethite (19%) fitted in one of the samples. Sequential extraction and XANES data showed that arsenic in iron plaque was sequestered mainly with amorphous and crystalline iron (oxyhydr)oxides, and that arsenate was the predominant species. There was significant variation in iron plaque formation between genotypes, and the distribution of arsenic in different components of mature rice plants followed the following order: iron plaque > root > straw > husk > grain for all genotypes. Arsenic accumulation in grain differed significantly among genotypes. Inorganic arsenic and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) were the main arsenic species in rice grain for six genotypes, and there were large genotypic differences in levels of DMA and inorganic arsenic in grain.


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The reactions of surface functional groups have an important role in controlling conversion of char nitrogen to NOx during coal combustion. This study involved an investigation of the thermal stability and reactions of nitrogen surface functional groups in nanoporous carbons. Four suites of carbons, which were used as models for coal chars, were prepared with a wide range of nitrogen and oxygen contents and types of functional groups. The porous structures of the carbons were characterized by gas adsorption methods while chemical analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray near edge structure spectroscopy were used to characterize the surface functional groups. Temperature programmed desorption and temperature programmed reduction methods were used to study the reactivity of the surface functional groups during heat treatment under inert and reducing conditions. Heat treatment studies show that the order of stability of the functional groups is quaternary nitrogen > pyridinic > pyrrolic > pyridine N-oxide. Pyridine N-oxide surface groups desorb NO and form N-2 via surface reactions at low temperature. Pyrrolic and pyridinic functional groups decompose and react with surface species to give NH3, HCN, and N-2 as desorption products, but most pyrrolic groups are preferentially converted to pyridinic and quaternary nitrogen. The main desorption product is N-2. Approximately 15-40 wt % of the original nitrogen was retained in the carbons mainly as quaternary nitrogen after heat treatment to 1673 K. The results are discussed in terms of decomposition ranges for surface functional groups and reaction mechanisms of surface species.


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A commercially available coconut-shell-derived active carbon was oxidized with nitric acid, and both the original and oxidized active carbons were treated with ammonia at 1073 K to incorporate nitrogen functional groups into the carbon. An active carbon with very high nitrogen content (similar to9.4 wt % daf) was also prepared from a nitrogen-rich precursor, polyacrylonitrile (PAN). These nitrogen-rich carbons had points of zero charge (pH(pzc)) similar to H-type active carbons. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) were used to characterize the nitrogen functional groups in the carbons. The nitrogen functional groups present on the carbon surface were pyridinic, pyrrolic (or indolic), and pyridonic structures. The adsorption of transition metal cations Cd2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+ from aqueous solution on the suite of active carbons showed that adsorption was markedly higher for carbons with nitrogen functional groups present on the surface than for carbons with similar pH(pzc) values. In contrast, the adsorption characteristics of Ca2+ from aqueous solution were similar for all the carbons studied. Flow microcalorimetry (FMC) studies showed that the enthalpies of adsorption of Cd2+(aq) on the active carbons with high nitrogen contents were much higher than for nitric acid oxidized carbons studied previously, which also had enhanced adsorption characteristics for metal ion species. The enthalpies of adsorption of Cu2+ were similar to those obtained for Cd2+ for specific active carbons. The nitrogen functional groups in the carbons act as surface coordination sites for the adsorption of transition metal ions from aqueous solution. The adsorption characteristics of these carbons are compared with those of oxidized carbons.


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Cucurbit[n]urils (CB[n]) are macrocyclic host molecules with subnanometer dimensions capable of binding to gold surfaces. Aggregation of gold nanoparticles with CB[n] produces a repeatable, fixed, and rigid interparticle separation of 0.9 nm, and thus such assemblies possess distinct and exquisitely sensitive plasmonics. Understanding the plasmonic evolution is key to their use as powerful SERS substrates. Furthermore, this unique spatial control permits fast nanoscale probing of the plasmonics of the aggregates "glued" together by CBs within different kinetic regimes using simultaneous extinction and SERS measurements. The kinetic rates determine the topology of the aggregates including the constituent structural motifs and allow the identification of discrete plasmon modes which are attributed to disordered chains of increasing lengths by theoretical simulations. The CBs directly report the near-field strength of the nanojunctions they create via their own SERS, allowing calibration of the enhancement. Owing to the unique barrel-shaped geometry of CB[n] and their ability to bind "guest" molecules, the aggregates afford a new type of in situ self-calibrated and reliable SERS substrate where molecules can be selectively trapped by the CB[n] and exposed to the nanojunction plasmonic field. Using this concept, a powerful molecular-recognition-based SERS assay is demonstrated by selective cucurbit[n]uril host-guest complexation.


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Macromolecules are a minority but important component of the minerals formed by living organisms, or biominerals. The role these macromolecules play at the early stages of biomineral formation, as well as their long-term and long-range effects on the mature biomineral, is poorly understood. A 42-amino acid peptide, asp2, was derived from the Asprich family of proteins. In this study we present X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy data from the asp2 peptide, the calcite (CaCO3) crystals, and the peptide + crystal composites. The results clearly show that asp2 is occluded in fully formed biomineral crystals and slightly but permanently disorders the crystal structure at short- and long-range distances.


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A compartmented soil-glass bead culture system was used to investigate characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic accumulation and speciation in mature rice plants with different capacities of forming iron plaque on their roots. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra and extended X-ray absorption fine structure were utilized to identify the mineralogical characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic sequestration in plaque on the rice roots. Iron plaque was dominated by (oxyhydr)oxides, which were composed of ferrihydrite (81-100%), with a minor amount of goethite (19%) fitted in one of the samples. Sequential extraction and XANES data showed that arsenic in iron plaque was sequestered mainly with amorphous and crystalline iron (oxyhydr)oxides, and that arsenate was the predominant species. There was significant variation in iron plaque formation between genotypes, and the distribution of arsenic in different components of mature rice plants followed the following order:? iron plaque > root > straw > husk > grain for all genotypes. Arsenic accumulation in grain differed significantly among genotypes. Inorganic arsenic and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) were the main arsenic species in rice grain for six genotypes, and there were large genotypic differences in levels of DMA and inorganic arsenic in grain. A compartmented soil-glass bead culture system was used to investigate characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic accumulation and speciation in mature rice plants with different capacities of forming iron plaque on their roots. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra and extended X-ray absorption fine structure were utilized to identify the mineralogical characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic sequestration in plaque on the rice roots. Iron plaque was dominated by (oxyhydr)oxides, which were composed of ferrihydrite (81-100%), with a minor amount of goethite (19%) fitted in one of the samples. Sequential extraction and XANES data showed that arsenic in iron plaque was sequestered mainly with amorphous and crystalline iron (oxyhydr)oxides, and that arsenate was the predominant species. There was significant variation in iron plaque formation between genotypes, and the distribution of arsenic in different components of mature rice plants followed the following order:? iron plaque > root > straw > husk > grain for all genotypes. Arsenic accumulation in grain differed significantly among genotypes. Inorganic arsenic and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) were the main arsenic species in rice grain for six genotypes, and there were large genotypic differences in levels of DMA and inorganic arsenic in grain.


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Ambisonics is spatial audio technique that attempts to recreate a physical sound field over as large an area as possible. Higher Order Ambisonic systems modelled with near field loudspeakers in free field as well as in a simulated room are investigated. The influence of reflections on the image quality is analysed objectively for both a studio-sized and large reproduction environment using the relative intensity of the reproduced sound field. The results of a simulated enclosed HOA system in the studio-sized room are compared to sound field measurements in the reproduced area.