71 resultados para sandstone reservoir


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Mollusk shells are frequently radiocarbon dated and provide reliable calibrated age ranges when the regional marine reservoir correction is well-established. For mollusks from an estuarine environment the reservoir correction may be significantly different than the regional marine reservoir correction due to the input of bedrock or soil derived carbonates. Some mollusk species such as oysters are tolerant of a significant range of salinities which makes it difficult to determine which reservoir correction is appropriate. A case study is presented of an anomalous radiocarbon age for an oyster shell paint dish found in the fabric of the ruined nave walls of St Mary's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, England. Stable isotopes (delta O-18 and delta C-13) were used to establish the type of environment in which the oyster had lived. Paired marine and terrestrial samples from a nearby medieval site were radiocarbon dated to provide an appropriate reservoir correction.


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There is a major problem with dating human skeletal material in Eurasian
steppe, possibly due to the freshwater reservoir effects (FRE). The goal of the
project is to examine the extent of the FRE in key areas of Siberia and
Kazakhstan through AMS 14C dating and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S)
analysis of c. 150 archaeological and modern samples. Here, we present the
very first results of the tests. We hope that within next years the study will
provide advanced knowledge of FRE across the region; improved 14C sampling
protocols for 14C and isotopic studies; new data on the chronology, diet and
isotopic ecology of particular archaeological sites, and a database on the
extent and variability of the FRE in the region


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Freshwater reservoir effects (FRE) can cause a major problem with radiocarbon dating human skeletal material in the Eurasian steppe. We present the first results of research into the extent of the FRE in the sites of Borly 4 (Eneolithic), and Shauke 1 and 8b (Early Bronze Age), North-Eastern Kazakhstan. AMS 14C dating and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) analysis of associated groups of samples (32 samples, 11 groups in total) demonstrate that: a) the diet of the humans and fauna analysed was based on the C3 foodchain with no evidence of a C4 plant (such as millet) contribution; aquatic resources apparently were a continuous dietary feature for the humans; b) the first 14C dates obtained for the Upper and Middle Irtysh River region attribute the Eneolithic period of the area to the 34th-30th c. BC, and the Early Bronze Age – to the 25th-20th c. BC; there is a ca. 450 years hiatus between the two periods; c) the maximum fish-herbivore freshwater reservoir offset observed equals 301±47 14C yrs. As such, 14C dates from aquatic and human samples from the area need to be interpreted with caution as they are likely to be affected by the offset (i.e. appear older).
The paper also discusses the effect of a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) wash on δ13C, δ15N, C:Natomic levels and collagen yields of the bone samples. Our results indicate a minor but significant effect of NaOH treatment only on C:Natomic ratios of the samples.


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A marine reservoir correction database and on-line interface.
Radiocarbon 43:461-463


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Tephrochronological age models and 48 14C age determinations on molluscs and foraminifera (planktonic and benthic) are applied for the calculation of marine 14C reservoir age variability during a time period covering the Heinrich event H1 to early Holocene (16–9 cal kyr BP). Our data source consists of four high-resolution marine sediment cores (HM107-04, HM107-05, MD99-2271, MD99-2275) from the North Icelandic shelf. The marine reservoir age (ΔR) is found to be extremely variable, ranging from 385 to 1065 14C years. Extreme ΔR values occur at the end of H1, with values around 1000 14C years (~15 cal kyr BP), probably due to reduced northward flow of well-ventilated subtropical surface waters and a southward expansion of polar waters, as well as an expansion of sea ice limiting air-sea gas exchange. With the onset of the Bølling-Allerød interstadial, the ΔR values decrease towards 0 14C years suggesting a more vigorous North Atlantic Current and an active meridional overturning circulation system. During the Younger Dryas stadial, ΔR values are consistently around 700 14C years suggesting e renewed expansion of polar waters and a weakened meridional overtuning circulation. Interestingly, ΔR values remain high (~200 14C years) at the onset of the Holocene suggesting continued high influence of polar waters. Subsequently, ΔR values rapidly decrease to ~¬ 250 14C years around 11 cal kyr BP, indicating increased air-sea CO2 exchange with the coeval atmosphere. The ΔR values average around 0 14C years from around 10.5 to 9.0 cal kyr BP.


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Freshwater reservoir effects (FRE) can cause a major problem with radiocarbon dating human skeletal material in the Eurasian steppe. Recent research has demonstrated that, for the Eneolithic to Early Bronze Age sites of North-Eastern Kazakhstan, the maximum fish-herbivore freshwater reservoir offset observed equals 301±47 14C yrs, as such indicating that 14C dates from aquatic and human samples from the area apparently need to be interpreted with caution as they are likely to be affected by the offset. The current paper presents the new data on the FRE of the Eneolithic to the Early Iron Age sites of Kazakhstan and South of Siberia.


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Climate variability along the 600 km Tibbitt to Contwyoto Winter Road (TCWR) in central Northwest Territories is poorly understood. With the transportation of goods from Yellowknife to the mines projected to increase significantly as new mines open, it is critical that planners and mine developers have reasonable data on the future viability of the road, as alternative transportation costs (e.g. air transport) are prohibitively high.

The research presented here is part of a paleoclimate study based on the analysis of multiple proxy data derived from freeze cores in lakes along the TCWR.


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Stone surfaces are sensitive to their environment. This means that they will often respond to exposure conditions by manifesting a change in surface characteristics. Such changes can be more than simply aesthetic, creating surface/subsurface heterogeneity in stone at the block scale, promoting stress gradients to be set up as surface response to, for example, temperature fluctuations, can diverge from subsurface response. This paper reports preliminary experiments investigating the potential of biofilms and iron precipitation as surface-modifiers on stone, exploring the idea of block-scale surface-to-depth heterogeneity, and investigating how physical alteration in the surface and near-surface zone can have implications for subsurface response and potentially for long-term decay patterns. Salt weathering simulations on fresh and surface-modified stone suggest that even subtle surface modification can have significant implications for moisture uptake and retention, salt concentration and distribution from surface to depth, over the period of the experimental run. The accumulation of salt may increase the retention of moisture, by modifying vapour pressure differentials and the rate of evaporation.
Temperature fluctuation experiments suggest that the presence of a biofilm can have an impact on energy transfer processes that occur at the stone surface (for example, buffering against temperature fluctuation), affecting surface-to-depth stress gradients. Ultimately, fresh and surface-modified blocks mask different kinds of system, which respond to inputs differently because of different storage mechanisms, encouraging divergent behaviour between fresh and surface modified stone over time.


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A matrix-type silicone elastomer vaginal ring providing 28-day continuous release of dapivirine (DPV) - a lead candidate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) microbicide compound - has recently demonstrated moderate levels of protection in two Phase III clinical studies. Here, next-generation matrix and reservoir-type silicone elastomer vaginal rings are reported for the first time offering simultaneous and continuous in vitro release of DPV and the contraceptive progestin levonorgestrel (LNG) over a period of between 60 and 180days. For matrix-type vaginal rings comprising initial drug loadings of 100, 150 or 200mg DPV and 0, 16 or 32mg LNG, Day 1 daily DPV release values were between 4132 and 6113μg while Day 60 values ranged from 284 to 454μg. Daily LNG release ranged from 129 to 684μg on Day 1 and 2-91μg on Day 60. Core-type rings comprising one or two drug-loaded cores provided extended duration of in vitro release out to 180days, and maintained daily drug release rates within much narrower windows (either 75-131μg/day or 37-66μg/day for DPV, and either 96-150μg/day or 37-57μg/day for LNG, depending on core ring configuration and ignoring initial lag release effect for LNG) compared with matrix-type rings. The data support the continued development of these devices as multi-purpose prevention technologies (MPTs) for HIV prevention and long-acting contraception.


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Temperature and moisture conditions are key drivers of stone weathering processes in both natural and built environments. Given their importance in the breakdown of stone, a detailed understanding of their temporal and spatial variability is central to understanding present-day weathering behaviour and for predicting how climate change may influence the nature and rates of future stone decay.
Subsurface temperature and moisture data are reported from quarry fresh Peakmoor Sandstone samples exposed during summer (June–July) and late autumn / early winter (October–December) in a mid-latitude, temperate maritime environment. These data demonstrate that the subsurface thermal response of sandstone comprises numerous short-term (minutes), low magnitude fluctuations superimposed upon larger-scale diurnal heating and cooling cycles with distinct aspect-related differences. The short-term fluctuations create conditions in the outer 5–10 mm of stone that are much more ‘energetic’ in comparison to the more subdued thermal cycling that occurs deeper within the sandstone samples.
Data show that moisture dynamics are equally complex with a near-surface region (5–10 mm) in which frequent moisture cycling takes place and this, combined with the thermal dynamism exhibited by the same region may have significant implications for the nature and rate of weathering activity. Data indicate that moisture input from rainfall, particularly when it is wind-driven, can travel deep into the stone where it can prolong the time of wetness. This most often occurs during wetter winter months when moisture input is high and evaporative loss is low but can happen at any time during the year when the hydraulic connection between near-surface and deeper regions of the stone is disrupted with subsequent loss of moisture from depth slowing as it becomes reliant on vapour diffusion alone.
These data illustrate the complexity of temperature and moisture conditions in sandstone exposed to the ‘moderate’ conditions of a temperate maritime environment. They highlight differences in thermal and moisture cycling between near-surface (5–10 mm) and deeper regions within the stone and contribute towards a better understanding of the development of structural and mineralogical heterogeneity between the stone surface and substrate.