81 resultados para radial basis function networks


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Objective: To explore, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the functional organisation of phonological processing in young adults born very preterm.

Subjects: Six right handed male subjects with radiological evidence of thinning of the corpus callosum were selected from a cohort of very preterm subjects. Six normal right handed male volunteers acted as controls.

Method: Blood oxygenation level dependent contrast echoplanar images were acquired over five minutes at 1.5 T while subjects performed the tasks. During the ON condition, subjects were visually presented with pairs of non-words and asked to press a key when a pair of words rhymed (phonological processing). This task alternated with the OFF condition, which required subjects to make letter case judgments of visually presented pairs of consonant letter strings (orthographic processing). Generic brain activation maps were constructed from individual images by sinusoidal regression and non-parametric testing. Between group differences in the mean power of experimental response were identified on a voxel wise basis by analysis of variance.

Results: Compared with controls, the subjects with thinning of the corpus callosum showed significantly reduced power of response in the left hemisphere, including the peristriate cortex and the cerebellum, as well as in the right parietal association area. Significantly increased power of response was observed in the right precentral gyrus and the right supplementary motor area.

Conclusions: The data show evidence of increased frontal and decreased occipital activation in male subjects with neurodevelopmental thinning of the corpus callosum, which may be due to the operation of developmental compensatory mechanisms.


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Rural support organisations have emerged since agricultural restructuring of the 1980s. The paper draws on research from the UK and Canada to suggest that the support in both countries is derived from a patrilineal culture that still dominates family farming. The paper begins by outlining a conceptual basis for arguing that such a culture can be understood as comprising of male and female relational gender identities capable of explaining farm relationships, farm survival and adjustment strategies and community engagement. These components, it is argued, are facets of the patrilineal farming culture which must be understood if its impacts on all its members are to be appropriately comprehended and supported.

The paper has two key aims, therefore. Firstly it suggests that a more nuanced understanding of farming „culture? which is persistently patrilineal in nature is now required which is capable of addressing the realities of farming individuals?
lives as they perceive them. The conceptualisation of such a culture is informed
by drawing on insights from gender theory, agricultural geography and rural studies. This conceptual discussion provides the context for the paper?s second aim which is to demonstrate how rural support in both the UK and Canada is derived „from? and is influenced by such a patrilineal culture . Findings are
presented identifying five key themes from this conceptualization which influence the support of such organisations. Thus, it is suggested, that the nature of rural support can be better understood and the appropriateness of the support interrogated when such conceptualization is taken on board.


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FFA2 is a G protein-coupled receptor that responds to short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and has generated interest as a therapeutic target for metabolic and inflammatory conditions. However, definition of its functions has been slowed by a dearth of selective ligands that can distinguish it from the closely related FFA3. At present, the only selective ligands described for FFA2 suffer from either poor potency, altered signaling due to allosteric modes of action, or a lack of function at non-human orthologs of the receptor. To address the need for novel selective ligands, we synthesized two compounds potentially having FFA2 activity and examined the molecular basis of their function. These compounds were confirmed to be potent and selective FFA2 agonists that interact with the orthosteric binding site. A combination of ligand structure-activity relationship, pharmacological analysis, homology modeling, species ortholog comparisons and mutagenesis studies were then employed to define the molecular basis of selectivity and function of these ligands. From this, we identified key residues within both extracellular loop 2 (ECL2) and the transmembrane domain (TM) regions of FFA2 critical for ligand function. One of these ligands was active with reasonable potency at rodent orthologs of FFA2 and demonstrated the role of FFA2 in the regulation of lipolysis in murine 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Together, these findings describe the first potent and selective FFA2 orthosteric agonists and demonstrate key aspects of ligand interaction within the orthosteric binding site of FFA2 that will be invaluable in future ligand development at this receptor.


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Reasoning about problems with empirically false content can be hard, as the inferences that people draw are heavily influenced by their background knowledge. However, presenting empirically false premises in a fantasy context helps children and adolescents to disregard their beliefs, and to reason on the basis of the premises. The aim of the present experiments was to see if high-functioning adolescents with autism are able to utilize fantasy context to the same extent as typically developing adolescents when they reason about empirically false premises. The results indicate that problems with engaging in pretence in autism persist into adolescence, and this hinders the ability of autistic individuals to disregard their beliefs when empirical knowledge is irrelevant.


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Cross education is the process whereby training of one limb gives rise to enhancements in the performance of the opposite, untrained limb. Despite interest in this phenomenon having been sustained for more than a century, a comprehensive explanation of the mediating neural mechanisms remains elusive. With new evidence emerging that cross education may have therapeutic utility, the need to provide a principled evidential basis upon which to design interventions becomes ever more pressing. Generally, mechanistic accounts of cross education align with one of two explanatory frameworks. Models of the 'cross activation' variety encapsulate the observation that unilateral execution of a movement task gives rise to bilateral increases in corticospinal excitability. The related conjecture is that such distributed activity, when present during unilateral practice, leads to simultaneous adaptations in neural circuits that project to the muscles of the untrained limb, thus facilitating subsequent performance of the task. Alternatively, 'bilateral access' models entail that motor engrams formed during unilateral practise, may subsequently be utilised bilaterally - that is, by the neural circuitry that constitutes the control centres for movements of both limbs. At present there is a paucity of direct evidence that allows the corresponding neural processes to be delineated, or their relative contributions in different task contexts to be ascertained. In the current review we seek to synthesise and assimilate the fragmentary information that is available, including consideration of knowledge that has emerged as a result of technological advances in structural and functional brain imaging. An emphasis upon task dependency is maintained throughout, the conviction being that the neural mechanisms that mediate cross education may only be understood in this context. © 2013 Ruddy and Carson.


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This article introduces a resource allocation solution capable of handling mixed media applications within the constraints of a 60 GHz wireless network. The challenges of multimedia wireless transmission include high bandwidth requirements, delay intolerance and wireless channel availability. A new Channel Time Allocation Particle Swarm Optimization (CTA-PSO) is proposed to solve the network utility maximization (NUM) resource allocation problem. CTA-PSO optimizes the time allocated to each device in the network in order to maximize the Quality of Service (QoS) experienced by each user. CTA-PSO introduces network-linked swarm size, an increased diversity function and a learning method based on the personal best, Pbest, results of the swarm. These additional developments to the PSO produce improved convergence speed with respect to Adaptive PSO while maintaining the QoS improvement of the NUM. Specifically, CTA-PSO supports applications described by both convex and non-convex utility functions. The multimedia resource allocation solution presented in this article provides a practical solution for real-time wireless networks.


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We introduce a scheme to reconstruct arbitrary states of networks composed of quantum oscillators-e. g., the motionalstate of trapped ions or the radiation state of coupled cavities. The scheme involves minimal resources and minimal access, in the sense that it (i) requires only the interaction between a one-qubit probe and a single node of the network; (ii) provides the Weyl characteristic function of the network directly from the data, avoiding any tomographic transformation; (iii) involves the tuning of only one coupling parameter. In addition, we show that a number of quantum properties can be extracted without full reconstruction of the state. The scheme can be used for probing quantum simulations of anharmonic many-body systems and quantum computations with continuous variables. Experimental implementation with trapped ions is also discussed and shown to be within reach of current technology.


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Objectives: The ram locus, consisting of the romA–ramA genes, is repressed by the tetracycline-type regulator RamR, where regulation is abolished due to loss-of-function mutations within the protein or ligand interactions. The aim of this study was to determine whether the phenothiazines (chlorpromazine and thioridazine) directly interact with RamR to derepress ramA expression.

Methods: Quantitative real-time PCR analyses were performed to determine expression levels of the romA–ramA genes after exposure to the phenothiazines. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) and in vitro transcription experiments were performed to show direct binding to and repression by RamR. Direct binding of the RamR protein to the phenothiazines was measured by fluorescence spectroscopy experiments and molecular docking models were generated using the RamR crystal structure.

Results: Exposure to either chlorpromazine or thioridazine resulted in the up-regulation of the romA–ramA genes. EMSAs and in vitro transcription experiments demonstrated that both agents reduce/abolish binding and enhance transcription of the target PI promoter upstream of the ramR–romA genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae compared with RamR alone. Fluorescence spectroscopy measurements demonstrated that RamR directly binds both chlorpromazine and thioridazine with micromolar affinity. Molecular docking analyses using the RamR crystal structure demonstrated that the phenothiazines interact with RamR protein through contacts described for other ligands, in addition to forming unique strong polar interactions at positions D152 and K63.

Conclusions: These data demonstrate that phenothiazines can modulate loci linked to the microbe–drug response where RamR is an intracellular target for the phenothiazines, thus resulting in a transient non-mutational derepression of ramA concentrations.


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There is now a strong body of research that suggests that the form of the built environment can influence levels of physical activity, leading to an increasing interest in incorporating health objectives into spatial planning and regeneration policies and projects. There have been a number of strands to this research, one of which has sought to develop “objective” measurements of the built environment using Geographic Information Science (GIS) involving measures of connectivity and proximity to compare the relative “walkability” of different neighbourhoods. The development of the “walkability index” (e.g. Leslie et al 2007, Frank et al 2010) has become a popular indicator of spatial distribution of those features of the built environment that are considered to have the greatest positive influence on levels of physical activity. The success of this measure is built on its ability to succinctly capture built environment correlates of physical activity using routinely available spatial data, which includes using road centre lines as a basis of a proxy for connectivity.

This paper discusses two key aspects of the walkability index. First, it follows the suggestion of Chin et al (2008) that the use of a footpath network (where available), rather than road centre lines, may be far more effective in evaluating walkability. This may be particularly important for assessing changes in walkability arising from pedestrian-focused infrastructure projects, such as greenways. Second, the paper explores the implication of this for how connectivity can be measured. The paper takes six different measures of connectivity and first analyses the relationships between them and then tests their correlation with actual levels of physical activity of local residents in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The analysis finds that the best measurements appear to be intersection density and metric reach and uses this finding to discuss the implications of this for developing tools that may better support decision-making in spatial planning.


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We consider transmit antenna selection with receive generalized selection combining (TAS/GSC) for cognitive decodeand-forward (DF) relaying in Nakagami-m fading channels. In an effort to assess the performance, the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of the endto-end SNR are derived using the moment generating function, from which new exact closed-form expressions for the outage probability and the symbol error rate are derived. We then derive a new closed-form expression for the ergodic capacity. More importantly, by deriving the asymptotic expressions for the outage probability and the symbol error rate, as well as the high SNR approximations of the ergodic capacity, we establish new design insights under the two distinct constraint scenarios: 1) proportional interference power constraint, and 2) fixed interference power constraint. Several pivotal conclusions are reached. For the first scenario, the full diversity order of the
outage probability and the symbol error rate is achieved, and the high SNR slope of the ergodic capacity is 1/2. For the second scenario, the diversity order of the outage probability and the symbol error rate is zero with error floors, and the high SNR slope of the ergodic capacity is zero with capacity ceiling.


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This paper presents new results for the (partial) maximum a posteriori (MAP) problem in Bayesian networks, which is the problem of querying the most probable state configuration of some of the network variables given evidence. First, it is demonstrated that the problem remains hard even in networks with very simple topology, such as binary polytrees and simple trees (including the Naive Bayes structure). Such proofs extend previous complexity results for the problem. Inapproximability results are also derived in the case of trees if the number of states per variable is not bounded. Although the problem is shown to be hard and inapproximable even in very simple scenarios, a new exact algorithm is described that is empirically fast in networks of bounded treewidth and bounded number of states per variable. The same algorithm is used as basis of a Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for MAP under such assumptions. Approximation schemes were generally thought to be impossible for this problem, but we show otherwise for classes of networks that are important in practice. The algorithms are extensively tested using some well-known networks as well as random generated cases to show their effectiveness.


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BACKGROUND: Urothelial pathogenesis is a complex process driven by an underlying network of interconnected genes. The identification of novel genomic target regions and gene targets that drive urothelial carcinogenesis is crucial in order to improve our current limited understanding of urothelial cancer (UC) on the molecular level. The inference of genome-wide gene regulatory networks (GRN) from large-scale gene expression data provides a promising approach for a detailed investigation of the underlying network structure associated to urothelial carcinogenesis.

METHODS: In our study we inferred and compared three GRNs by the application of the BC3Net inference algorithm to large-scale transitional cell carcinoma gene expression data sets from Illumina RNAseq (179 samples), Illumina Bead arrays (165 samples) and Affymetrix Oligo microarrays (188 samples). We investigated the structural and functional properties of GRNs for the identification of molecular targets associated to urothelial cancer.

RESULTS: We found that the urothelial cancer (UC) GRNs show a significant enrichment of subnetworks that are associated with known cancer hallmarks including cell cycle, immune response, signaling, differentiation and translation. Interestingly, the most prominent subnetworks of co-located genes were found on chromosome regions 5q31.3 (RNAseq), 8q24.3 (Oligo) and 1q23.3 (Bead), which all represent known genomic regions frequently deregulated or aberated in urothelial cancer and other cancer types. Furthermore, the identified hub genes of the individual GRNs, e.g., HID1/DMC1 (tumor development), RNF17/TDRD4 (cancer antigen) and CYP4A11 (angiogenesis/ metastasis) are known cancer associated markers. The GRNs were highly dataset specific on the interaction level between individual genes, but showed large similarities on the biological function level represented by subnetworks. Remarkably, the RNAseq UC GRN showed twice the proportion of significant functional subnetworks. Based on our analysis of inferential and experimental networks the Bead UC GRN showed the lowest performance compared to the RNAseq and Oligo UC GRNs.

CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating genome-scale UC GRNs. RNAseq based gene expression data is the data platform of choice for a GRN inference. Our study offers new avenues for the identification of novel putative diagnostic targets for subsequent studies in bladder tumors.


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his paper investigates the identification and output tracking control of a class of Hammerstein systems through a wireless network within an integrated framework and the statistic characteristics of the wireless network are modelled using the inverse Gaussian cumulative distribution function. In the proposed framework, a new networked identification algorithm is proposed to compensate for the influence of the wireless network delays so as to acquire the more precise Hammerstein system model. Then, the identified model together with the model-based approach is used to design an output tracking controller. Mean square stability conditions are given using linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and the optimal controller gains can be obtained by solving the corresponding optimization problem expressed using LMIs. Illustrative numerical simulation examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.


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Ligand-dependent nuclear import is crucial for the function of the androgen receptor (AR) in both health and disease. The unliganded AR is retained in the cytoplasm but, on binding 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, it translocates into the nucleus and alters transcription of its target genes. Nuclear import of AR is mediated by the nuclear import factor importin-alpha, which functions as a receptor that recognises and binds to specific nuclear localisation signal (NLS) motifs on cargo proteins. We show here that the AR binds to importin-alpha directly, albeit more weakly than the NLS of SV40 or nucleoplasmin. We describe the 2.6-angstroms-resolution crystal structure of the importin-alpha-AR-NLS complex, and show that the AR binds to the major NLS-binding site on importin-alpha in a manner different from most other NLSs. Finally, we have shown that pathological mutations within the NLS of AR that are associated with prostate cancer and androgen-insensitivity syndrome reduce the binding affinity to importin-alpha and, subsequently, retard nuclear import; surprisingly, however, the transcriptional activity of these mutants varies widely. Thus, in addition to its function in the nuclear import of AR, the NLS in the hinge region of AR has a separate, quite distinct role on transactivation, which becomes apparent once nuclear import has been achieved.