210 resultados para oxidative injury


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Violent play during the course of a game or sport is not a new phenomenon; accompanying legal proceedings are. This article considers personal injury liability for injuries inflicted by a participant upon an opponent during a sporting pursuit. The jurisdictional focus is on England and Wales. The sporting emphasis of the article is on competitive, body contact games. The legal emphasis is on the tort of negligence. Analogous to the law of criminal assault, breach of "implied sporting consent" or the volenti of the claimant will be seen as central in application, as assessed through a number of objective criteria, including the skill level of the injuring party and whether that defendant was acting in "reckless disregard" of the claimant's safety. These criteria or evidential guidelines, which emerge from a careful doctrinal analysis of the relevant case law, are seen as crucial to the examination of the appropriate degree of care in negligence within the prevailing circumstances of sport. The article also searches for some theoretical coherency within the case law, premising it on Fletcher's idea of reciprocal risk-taking. In addition, the underlying policy-related issue of sport's social utility is discussed, as are practical matters relating to vicarious liability, insurance and the measure of damages for "lost sporting opportunity". Moreover, it will be shown that personal injury claims relating to sports participant liability now extend to a consideration of the duties of coaches, referees, sports governing bodies and schools. Finally, this article is set against the backdrop of an apparently spiralling "compensation culture" and the concomitant threat that that "blame culture" poses for the future promotion, operation and administration of sport.


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Objectives: Cilostazol improves walking distance in peripheral arterial disease (PAD) patients. The study objectives were to assess the effects of cilostazol on walking distance, followed by the additional assessment of cilostazol on exercise-induced ischaemiaereperfusion injury in such patients.

Methods: PAD patients were prospectively recruited to a double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Patients were randomised to receive either cilostazol 100 mg or placebo twice a day. The primary end-point was an improvement in walking distance. Secondary end-points included the assessment of oxygen-derived free-radical generation, antioxidant consumption and other markers of the in?ammatory cascade. Initial and absolute claudication distances (ICDs and ACDs, respectively) were measured on a treadmill. In?ammatory response was assessed before and 30 min post-exercise by measuring lipid hydroperoxide, ascorbate, atocopherol, b-carotene, P-selectin, intracellular and vascular cell-adhesion molecules (I-CAM and V-CAM), thromboxane B2 (TXB2), interleukin-6, interleukin-10, high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP), albuminecreatinine ratio (ACR) and urinary levels of p75TNF receptor. All tests were performed at baseline and 6 and 24 weeks.

Results: One hundred and six PAD patients (of whom 73 were males) were recruited and successfully randomised from December 2004 to January 2006. Patients who received cilostazol demonstrated a more signi?cant improvement in the mean percentage change from baseline in ACD (77.2% vs. 26.6% at 6 weeks, pZ0.026 and 161.7% vs. 79.0% at 24 weeks, pZ0.048) as compared to the placebo. Cilostazol reduced lipid hydroperoxide levels compared to a placebo-related increase before and after exercise (6 weeks: pre-exercise: 11.8% vs.


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Many degenerative diseases are associated with increased oxidative stress. Creatine has the potential to act as an indirect and direct antioxidant; however, limited data exist to evaluate the antioxidant capabdities of creatine supplementation within in vivo human systems. This study aimed to investigate the effects of oral creatine supplementation on markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses following exhaustive cycling exercise. Following preliminary testing and two additional familiarization sessions, 18 active males repeated two exhaustive incremental cycling trials (T1 and T2) separated by exactly 7 days. The subjects were assigned, in a double-blind manner, to receive either 20 g of creatine (Cr) or a placebo (P) for the 5 days preceding T2. Breath-by-breath respiratory data and heart rate were continually recorded throughout the exercise protocol and blood samples were obtained at rest (preexercise), at the end of exercise (postexercise), and the day following exercise (post24 h). Serum hypdroperoxide concentrations were elevated at postexercise by 17 +/- 5% above preexercise values (p = 0.030). However, supplementation did not influence lipid peroxidation (serum hypdroperoxide concentrations), resistance of low density lipoprotein to oxidative stress (t(1/2max) LDL oxidation) and plasma concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants (retinol, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, lycopene and vitamin Q. Heart rate and oxygen uptake responses to exercise were not affected by supplementation. These findings suggest that short-term creatine supplementation does not enhance non-enzymatic antioxidant defence or protect against lipid peroxidation induced by exhaustive cycling in healthy males.


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Research into the lives of children with acquired brain injury (ABI) often neglects to incorporate children as participants, preferring to obtain the opinions of the adult carer (e.g. McKinlay et al., 2002). There has been a concerted attempt to move away from this position by those working in children’s research with current etiquette highlighting the inclusion of children and the use of a child-friendly methodology (Chappell, 2000). Children with disabilities can represent a challenge to the qualitative researcher due to the combination of maintaining the child’s attention and the demands placed on them by their disability. The focus of this article is to discuss possible impediments to interviewing children with acquired brain injury (ABI) and provide an insight into how the qualitative researcher may address these.


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The extent of absorption of dietary advanced glycation end products (AGEs) is not fully known. The possible physiological impact of these absorbed components on inflammatory processes has been studied little and was the aim of this investigation. Aqueous solutions of bovine casein and glucose were heated at 95 degrees C for 5 h to give AGE-casein (AGE-Cas). Simulated stomach and small intestine digestion of AGE-Cas and dialysis (molecular mass cutoff of membrane = 1 kDa) resulted in a low molecular mass (LMM) fraction of digestion products, which was used to prepare bovine serum albumin (BSA)-LMM-AGE-Cas complexes. Stimulation of human microvascular endothelial cells with BSA-LMM-AGE-Cas complexes significantly increased mRNA expression of the receptor of AGE (RAGE), galectin-3 (AGE-113), tumor necrosis factor alpha, and a marker of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway (MAPK-1), as well as p65NF-kappa B activation. Cells treated with LMM digestion products of AGE-Cas significantly increased AGE-R3 mRNA expression. Intracellular reactive oxygen species production increased significantly in cells challenged with BSA-LMM-AGE-Cas and LMM-AGE-Cas. In conclusion, in an in vitro cell system, digested dietary AGEs complexed with serum albumin play a role in the regulation of RAGE and down-stream inflammatory pathways. AGE-R3 may protect against these effects.


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Objectives: Acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome are characterized by noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, which can be assessed by measurement of extravascular lung water. Traditionally, extravascular lung water has been indexed to actual body weight (mL/kg). Because lung size is dependent on height rather than weight, we hypothesized indexing to predicted body weight may be a better predictor of mortality in acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome.


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Introduction In acute lung injury, repair of the damaged alveolar-capillary barrier is an essential part of recovery. Endostatin is a 20 to 28 kDa proteolytic fragment of the basement membrane collagen XVIII, which has been shown to inhibit angiogenesis via action on endothelial cells. We hypothesised that endostatin may have a role in inhibiting lung repair in patients with lung injury. The aims of the study were to determine if endostatin is elevated in the plasma/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with acute lung injury and ascertain whether the levels reflect the severity of injury and alveolar inflammation, and to assess if endostatin changes occur early after the injurious lung stimuli of one lung ventilation and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge.


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Background: Lung protective ventilation has been widely adopted for the management of acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS). Consequently, ventilator associated lung injury and mortality have decreased. It is not known if this ventilation strategy changes the prognostic value of previously identified demographic and pulmonary predictors of mortality, such as respiratory compliance and the arterial oxygen tension to inspired oxygen fraction ratio (Pao(2)/Fio(2)).


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Chronic inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is associated with hypertension, myocardial ischemia, oxidative stress and hypertrophy; expression of the vasodilator peptide, adrenomedullin (AM) and its receptors is augmented in cardiomyocytes, indicating that the myocardial AM system may be activated in response to pressure loading and ischemic insult to serve a counter-regulatory, cardio-protective role. The study examined the hypothesis that oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodeling in NO-deficient cardiomyocytes are attenuated by adenoviral vector-mediated delivery of the human adrenomedullin (hAM) gene in vivo.

The NO synthesis inhibitor, N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 15mg . kg(-1) . day(-1)) was given to rats for 4 weeks following systemic administration via the tail vein of a single injection of either adenovirus harbouring hAM cDNA under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter-enhancer (Ad.CMV-hAM-4F2), or for comparison, adenovirus alone (Ad.Null) or saline. Cardiomyocytes were subsequently isolated for assessment of the influence of each intervention on parameters of oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodelling.

RESULTS: Cardiomyocyte expression of the transgene persisted for > or =4 weeks following systemic administration of adenoviral vector. In L-NAME treated rats, relative to Ad.Null or saline administration, Ad.CMV-hAM-4F2 (i) reduced augmented cardiomyocyte membrane protein oxidation and mRNA expression of pro-oxidant (p22phox) and anti-oxidant (SOD-3, GPx) genes; (ii) attenuated increased cardiomyocyte width and mRNA expression of hypertrophic (sk-alpha-actin) and cardio-endocrine (ANP) genes; (iii) did not attenuate hypertension.

CONCLUSIONS: Adenoviral vector mediated delivery of hAM resulted in attenuation of myocardial oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodelling in the absence of blood pressure reduction in this model of chronic NO-deficiency. These findings are consistent with a direct cardio-protective action in the myocardium of locally-derived hAM which is not dependant on NO generation.


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For S-nitrosothiols and peroxynitrite to interfere with the activity of mitochondrial complex I, prior transition of the enzyme from its active (A) to its deactive, dormant (D) state is necessary. We now demonstrate accumulation of the D-form of complex I in human epithelial kidney cells after prolonged hypoxia. Upon reoxygenation after hypoxia there was an initial delay in the return of the respiration rate to normal. This was due to the accumulation of the D-form and its slow, substrate-dependent reconversion to the A-form. Reconversion to the A-form could be prevented by prolonged incubation with endogenously generated NO. We propose that the hypoxic transition from the A-form to the D-form of complex I may be protective, because it would act to reduce the electron burst and the formation of free radicals during reoxygenation. However, this may become an early pathophysiological event when NO-dependent formation of S-nitrosothiols or peroxynitrite structurally modifies complex I in its D-form and impedes its return to the active state. These observations provide a mechanism to account for the severe cell injury that follows hypoxia and reoxygenation when accompanied by NO generation.


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Primary objective: To investigate the attitudes of healthcare professionals towards individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their relationship to intended healthcare behaviour.

Research design: An independent groups design utilized four independent variables; aetiology, group, blame and gender to explore attitudes towards survivors of brain injury. The dependent variables were measured using the Prejudicial Evaluation and Social Interaction Scale (PESIS) and Helping Behaviour Scale (HBS).

Methods and procedures: A hypothetical vignette based methodology was used. Four hundred and sixty participants (131 trainee nurses, 94 qualified nurses, 174 trainee doctors, 61 qualified doctors) were randomly allocated to one of six possible conditions.

Main outcomes and results: Regardless of aetiology, if an individual is to blame for their injury, qualified healthcare professionals have more prejudicial attitudes than those entering the profession. There is a significant negative relationship between prejudice and helping behaviour for qualified healthcare professionals.

Conclusions: Increased prejudicial attitudes of qualified staff are related to a decrease in intended helping behaviour, which has the potential to impact negatively on an individual's recovery post-injury.