136 resultados para observations


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As part of the European Supernova Collaboration, we obtained extensive photometry and spectroscopy of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2002dj covering epochs from 11 d before to nearly two years after maximum. Detailed optical and near-infrared observations show that this object belongs to the class of the high-velocity gradient events as indicated by Si, S and Ca lines. The light curve shape and velocity evolution of SN 2002dj appear to be nearly identical to SN 2002bo. The only significant difference is observed in the optical to near-infrared colours and a reduced spectral ernission beyond 6500 A. For high-velocity gradient SNe Ia, we tentatively identify a faster rise to maximum, a more pronounced inflection in the V and R light curves after maximum and a brighter, slower declining late-time B light curve as common photometric properties of this class of object. They also seem to be characterized by a different colour and colour evolution with respect to 'normal' SNe Ia. The usual light Curve shape parameters do not distinguish these events. Stronger, more blueshifted absorption features of intermediate-mass elements and lower temperatures are the most prominent spectroscopic features of SNe Ia displaying high-velocity gradients. It appears that these events burn more intermediate-mass elements in the outer layers. Possible connections to the metallicity of the progenitor star are explored.


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We present early-time optical and near-infrared photometry of supernova (SN) 2005cf. The observations, spanning a period from about 12 d before to 3 months after maximum, have been obtained through the coordination of observational efforts of various nodes of the European Supernova Collaboration and including data obtained at the 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope. From the observed light curve we deduce that SN 2005cf is a fairly typical SN Ia with a post-maximum decline [Delta m(15)(B)(true) = 1.12] close to the average value and a normal luminosity of M-B,M-max = -19.39 +/- 0.33. Models of the bolometric light curve suggest a synthesized Ni-56 mass of about 0.7 M-circle dot. The negligible host galaxy interstellar extinction and its proximity make SN 2005cf a good Type Ia SN template.


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We present optical and infrared observations of the unusual Type Ia supernova (SN) 2004eo. The light curves and spectra closely resemble those of the prototypical SN 1992A, and the luminosity at maximum (M-B = -19.08) is close to the average for a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia). However, the ejected Ni-56 mass derived by modelling the bolometric light curve (about 0.45M(circle dot)) lies near the lower limit of the Ni-56 mass distribution observed in normal SNe Ia. Accordingly, SN 2004eo shows a relatively rapid post-maximum decline in the light curve [Delta m(15)(B)(true) = 1.46], small expansion velocities in the ejecta and a depth ratio Si II lambda 5972/ Si II lambda 6355 similar to that of SN 1992A. The physical properties of SN 2004eo cause it to fall very close to the boundary between the faint, low-velocity gradient and high-velocity gradient subgroups proposed by Benetti et al. Similar behaviour is seen in a few other SNe Ia. Thus, there may in fact exist a few SNe Ia with intermediate physical properties.


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Extensive light and colour curves for the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2002er are presented as part of the European Supernova Collaboration. We have collected UBVRI photometry from 11 different telescopes covering the phases from 7 d before until 619 d after maximum light. Corrections for the different instrumental systems and the non-thermal spectrum of the supernova (S-corrections) have been applied. With the densely sampled light curves we can make detailed comparisons to other well-observed objects. SN 2002er most closely resembles SN 1996X after maximum, but clearly shows a different colour evolution before peak light and a stronger shoulder in V and R bands compared to other well-observed SNe Ia. In particular, the rise time appears to be longer than what is expected from the rise time versus decline rate relation. We use several methods to determine the reddening towards SN 2002er based on the colour evolution at near peak and at late phases. The uvoir (bolometric) light curve shows great similarity with SN 1996X, but also indications of a higher luminosity, longer rise time and a more pronounced shoulder 25 d past maximum. The interpretation of the light curves was carried out with two independent light curve codes. Both find that given the luminosity of SN 2002er the Ni-56 mass exceeds 0.6 M-circle dot with preferred values near 0.7 M-circle dot. Uncertainties in the exact distance to SN 2002er are the most serious limitation of this measurement. The light-curve modelling also indicates a high level of mixing of the nickel in the explosion of SN 2002er.


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We present mid-infrared observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope of the nearby Type II-P supernova SN 2004dj at epochs of 89 - 129 days. We have obtained the first mid-IR spectra of any supernova apart from SN 1987A. A prominent [Ni II] 6.64 mu m line is observed, from which we deduce that the mass of stable nickel must be at least 2.2 x 10(-4) M-.. We also observe the red wing of the CO fundamental band. We relate our findings to possible progenitors and favor an evolved star, most likely a red supergiant, with a probable initial mass between similar to 10 and 15 M-..


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Resource partitioning by aspidochirote holothurians from Beacon Island, Western Australia is largely on the basis of distinct macro- and micro-habitat preferences. Where two or more species occur together or overlap, food partitioning may be by using distinct feeding techniques (Holothuria cinerascens (Brandt), H. impatiens (Forskal) and H. difficilis Semper) or by particle selectivity (H. cf. pervicax Selenka and H. hartmeyeri Erwe). Methods of particle handling by the majority of species studied are similar, involving the use of tentacular nodules on sediment deposits but H. cinerascens collects particles from suspension in a dendrochirote-like tentacle. The nature and rôle of surface secretions are considered for both types of tentacles and the taxonomic value of tentacle form in the Holothurioidea questioned.


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We have observed DC3N and HC3N in a number of cold dust clouds in order to derive the degree of deuterium fractionation. We find that the ratio of DC3N to HC3N is large, at about 0.05 or more, and discuss the implications of this result for the synthesis of cyanoacetylene. The observations are most readily interpreted if the deuteration of HC3N is linked to that of cyclic C3H2, which is also observed to exhibit a large degree of deuterium fractionation. HC3N deuteration levels comparable with those we observed are found to he just compatible with the mechanism suggested by Howe & Millar, but with adjusted rate coefficients. Freeze-out on to grain surfaces is also considered, but produces widespread deuterium enhancement in many species. contrary to observed levels.


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We present observations of the Rossiter–McLaughlin effect for the transiting exoplanets WASP-1b, WASP-24b, WASP-38b and HAT-P-8b, and deduce the orientations of the planetary orbits with respect to the host stars’ rotation axes. The planets WASP-24b, WASP-38b and HAT-P-8b appear to move in prograde orbits and be well aligned, having sky-projected spin-orbit angles consistent with zero: λ=−4°.7 ± 4°.0, 15°+33−43 and Graphic, respectively. The host stars have Teff < 6250 K and conform with the trend of cooler stars having low obliquities. WASP-38b is a massive planet on a moderately long period, eccentric orbit so may be expected to have a misaligned orbit given the high obliquities measured in similar systems. However, we find no evidence for a large spin-orbit angle. By contrast, WASP-1b joins the growing number of misaligned systems and has an almost polar orbit, λ=Graphic. It is neither very massive, eccentric nor orbiting a hot host star, and therefore does not share the properties of many other misaligned systems.


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We have studied over 1600 Am stars at a photometric precision of 1 mmag with SuperWASP photometric data. Contrary to previous belief, we find that around 200 Am stars are pulsating d Sct and ? Dor stars, with low amplitudes that have been missed in previous, less extensive studies. While the amplitudes are generally low, the presence of pulsation in Am stars places a strong constraint on atmospheric convection, and may require the pulsation to be laminar. While some pulsating Am stars have been previously found to be d Sct stars, the vast majority of Am stars known to pulsate are presented in this paper. They will form the basis of future statistical studies of pulsation in the presence of atomic diffusion. An extended version of Table 1 containing all the detected frequencies and amplitudes is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/535/A3


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WASP-13b is a sub-Jupiter mass exoplanet orbiting a G1V type star with a period of 4.35 d.The current uncertainty in its impact parameter (0 < b < 0.46) results in poorly definedstellar and planetary radii. To better constrain the impact parameter, we have obtained highprecisiontransit observations with the rapid imager to search for exoplanets (RISE) instrumentmounted on 2.0-m Liverpool Telescope. We present four new transits which are fitted witha Markov chain Monte Carlo routine to derive accurate system parameters. We found anorbital inclination of 85. ◦ 2 ± 0. ◦ 3 resulting in stellar and planetary radii of 1.56 ± 0.04 Rand 1.39 ± 0.05RJup, respectively. This suggests that the host star has evolved off the mainsequence and is in the hydrogen-shell-burning phase.We also discuss how the limb darkeningaffects the derived system parameters.With a density of 0.17ρJ,WASP-13b joins the group oflow-density planets whose radii are too large to be explained by standard irradiation models.We derive a new ephemeris for the system, T0 = 245 5575.5136 ± 0.0016 (HJD) and P =4.353 011 ± 0.000 013 d. The planet equilibrium temperature (Tequ = 1500 K) and the brighthost star (V = 10.4mag) make it a good candidate for follow-up atmospheric studies.