101 resultados para magnesium compounds


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A study of the components of the fruits of Kigelia pinnata was undertaken to identify compounds with potential growth inhibitory activity against human melanoma cells, since extracts from the fruits of this plant have been described in traditional medicine to have application in the treatment of skin cancer and other skin ailments. A bioactivity-guided fractionation process yielded a number of crude fractions, which demonstrated cytotoxicity in vitro against human melanoma cells. Compounds isolated and identified included the isocoumarins, demethylkigelin (1) and kigelin 2), fatty acids, oleic (3) and heneicosanoic acids (4), the furonaphthoquinone, 2-(1-hydroxyethyl)-naphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-dione (5), and ferulic acid (6). A number of structurally related synthetic compounds were also tested using the MTT assay. The most potent series of these compounds, the furonaphthoquinones, also demonstrated a cytotoxic effect in two human breast cancer cell lines tested.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia, a bacterium commonly found in the environment, is an important opportunistic pathogen in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Very little is known about the mechanisms by which B. cenocepacia causes disease, but chronic infection of the airways in CF patients may be associated, at least in part, with the ability of this bacterium to survive within epithelial cells and macrophages. Survival in macrophages occurs in a membrane-bound compartment that is distinct from the lysosome, suggesting that B. cenocepacia prevents phagolysosomal fusion. In a previous study, we employed signature-tagged mutagenesis and an agar bead model of chronic pulmonary infection in rats to identify B. cenocepacia genes that are required for bacterial survival in vivo. One of the most significantly attenuated mutants had an insertion in the mgtC gene. Here, we show that mgtC is also needed for growth of B. cenocepacia in magnesium-depleted medium and for bacterial survival within murine macrophages. Using fluorescence microscopy, we demonstrated that B. cenocepacia mgtC mutants, unlike the parental isolate, colocalize with the fluorescent acidotropic probe LysoTracker Red. At 4 h postinfection, mgtC mutants expressing monomeric red fluorescent protein cannot retain this protein within the bacterial cytoplasm. Together, these results demonstrate that, unlike the parental strain, an mgtC mutant does not induce a delay in phagolysosomal fusion and the bacterium-containing vacuoles are rapidly targeted to the lysosome, where bacteria are destroyed.


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Using the R-matrix Floquet theory we have carried out non-perturbative, ab initio one- and two-colour calculations of the multiphoton ionization of magnesium with the laser frequencies chosen such that the initial state of the atom is resonantly coupled with autoionizing resonances of the atom. Good agreement is obtained with previous calculations in the low-intensity regimes. The single-photon ionization from the 3s3p P excited state of magnesium has been studied in the vicinity of the 3p S autoionizing resonance at non-perturbative laser intensities. Laser-induced degenerate states (LIDS) are observed for modest laser intensities. By adding a second laser which resonantly couples the 3p S = and 3p3d P autoionizing levels, we show that, due to the small width of the 3p3d P state, LIDS occur between this state and the 3s3p P state at intensities of the first laser below 10 W cm . We next investigate the case in which the first laser induces a resonant two-photon coupling between the ground state and the 3p S autoionizing state, while the second laser again resonantly couples the respective 3p S and 3p3d P autoionizing states. At weak intensities, our calculations compare favourably with recent experimental data and calculations. We show that when the intensity of the first laser is increased, the effect of an additional autoionizing state, the 4s5s S state, becomes significant. This state is coupled to the 3p3d P autoionizing level by one photon, inducing a triply resonant processes. We show that LIDS occur among the three autoionizing levels and we discuss their effect on the decay rate of the ground state. We consider dressed two- and three-level atoms which can be used to model the results of our calculations.


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Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are used extensively as biocides and their misuse may be contributing to the development of bacterial resistance. Although the major intrinsic resistance to QACs of Gram-negative bacteria is mediated by the action of tripartite multidrug transporters of the resistance-nodulation-division family, we aimed to test if the promiscuity of the recently characterized major facilitator superfamily multidrug transporter, MdtM, from Escherichia coli enabled it also to function in the efflux of QACs.
The ability of the major facilitator mdtM gene product, when overexpressed from multicopy plasmid, to protect E. coli cells from the toxic effects of a panel of seven QACs was determined using growth inhibition assays in liquid medium. Interaction between QACs and MdtM was studied by a combination of substrate binding assays using purified protein in detergent solution and transport assays using inverted vesicles.
E. coli cells that overproduced MdtM were less susceptible to the cytotoxic effects of each of the QACs tested compared with cells that did not overproduce the transporter. Purified MdtM bound each QAC with micromolar affinity and the protein utilized the electrochemical proton gradient to transport QACs across the cytoplasmic membrane. Furthermore, the results suggested a functional interaction between MdtM and the tripartite resistance-nodulation-division family AcrAB-TolC efflux system.
The results support a hitherto unidentified capacity for a single-component multidrug transporter of the major facilitator superfamily, MdtM, to function in the efflux of a broad range of QACs and thus contribute to the intrinsic resistance of E. coli to these compounds.


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Nitrofuran antibiotic residues in food continue to be of international concern. The finding of sources of semicarbazide (SEM), other than through the misuse of nitrofurazone, present a challenge to the use of SEM as a definitive marker residue for this drug. Detection of intact (parent) nitrofurazone would avoid confusion over the source of SEM residues. Broiler chickens were fed sub-therapeutic nitrofuran-containing diets and their tissues were analysed for parent compounds and metabolites by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry detection (LC-MS/MS). Depletion half-lives in muscle were longer for tissue-bound metabolite residues, 3.4 days - 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ), 3-amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazolidone (AMOZ) - to 4.5 days (SEM), than total metabolite residues, 2.0 days (AOZ) to 3.2 days (SEM). Metabolite concentrations were higher in eyes than in muscle. Metabolite half-lives in eyes ranged from 8.5 days (1-aminohydantoin (AHD)) to 20.3 days (SEM). Nitrofuran parent compounds were also detected in eyes. Furaltadone was detected in single eyes after 21 days' withdrawal of a 6 mg kg -1 furaltadone diet. When 50 eyes from broilers containing metabolites in muscle close to the 1 µg kg -1 minimum required performance level (MRPL) were pooled into single samples, 1.2 ng of furazolidone and 31.1 ng of furaltadone were detected, but nitrofurazone was not detected due to the long depletion half-life of SEM in muscle. Further studies are required to improve LC-MS/MS nitrofurazone sensitivity and refine the sample size necessary to use nitrofurazone detection in pooled eyes as a complement to SEM detection in muscle.


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The concentrations of a range of micro-organic compounds in the Humber rivers have been measured at weekly intervals over a period of 1 year. The compounds include the triazine herbicides (simazine, atrazine, propazine, desmetryn and prometryn), selected organophosphorus insecticides (fenitrothion, malathion and parathion), phenylurea (chlorotoluron, diuron, isoproturon and linuron) and phenoxyacid herbicides (2,4-D, MCPA, MCPB and mecoprop), phenol derivatives (phenol, 2-ethylphenol, 2-chlorophenol, 4-nitrophenol, 2-methylphenol, 4-ethylphenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol), organochlorine insecticides (HEOD, DDT, TDE, DDE, HCB, alpha-BHC and lindane), PCB's and some synthetic pyrethroid insecticides (cis/trans-permethrin, fenvalerate and cypermethrin). The results indicate the high frequency of occurrence of many compounds in the southern Humber rivers Aire, Calder, Trent and Don compared with the more occasional concentrations found in the upland rivers with catchments dominated by low intensity agriculture. The more water soluble herbicides, atrazine, simazine, isoproturon and diuron are detected frequently in the southern rivers with the highest concentrations and abundance in the rivers Aire, Calder and Trent. The most abundant phenolic compound is 2,4-dichlorophenol usually occurring at concentrations <1 mu g/l. The organochlorine insecticides and PCB's are generally at concentrations <0.01 mu g/l, cis/trans-permethrin are the only synthetic pyrethroids detected and these are found in the rivers Aire and Calder at about equal concentrations of between 0.01 and 0.11 mu g/l. The results of the occurrence of simazine and atrazine in the rivers Trent, Don and Aire illustrate peaks in concentration in the spring and then later in the year during the early autumn coinciding with the first major storm after the summer. In the rivers Trent and Don, the annual exports (March 1994-95) of atrazine are lower than for simazine whereas in the R. Calder the yield of atrazine is higher than for simazine suggesting differences in use in these catchments. The maximum triazine concentration observed, i.e. 8 mu g/l of atrazine in the R. Calder, could have inhibiting effects on the phytoplankton and algal growth, although because of the transient nature of the peaks, recovery is expected to be rapid. The only other compounds measured at concentrations likely to produce detrimental ecotoxicological effects are cis/trans permethrin in the rivers Aire and Calder. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Optical Thomson scattering has been implemented as a diagnostic of laser ablated plumes generated with second harmonic Nd:YAG laser radiation at 532 nm. Thomson scattering data with both spatial and temporal resolution has been collected, giving both electron density, and temperature distributions within the plume as a function of time. Although the spatial profiles do not match very well for simple models assuming either isothermal or isentropic expansion, consideration of the measured ablated mass indicates an isothermal expansion fits better than an isentropic expansion and indeed, at late time, the spatial profile of temperature is almost consistent with an isothermal approximation.


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Biocides play an essential role in limiting the spread of infectious disease. The food industry is dependent on these agents, and their increasing use is a matter for concern. Specifically, the emergence of bacteria demonstrating increased tolerance to biocides, coupled with the potential for the development of a phenotype of cross-resistance to clinically important antimicrobial compounds, needs to be assessed. In this study, we investigated the tolerance of a collection of susceptible and multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella enterica strains to a panel of seven commercially available food-grade biocide formulations. We explored their abilities to adapt to these formulations and their active biocidal agents, i.e., triclosan, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, and benzalkonium chloride, after sequential rounds of in vitro selection. Finally, cross-tolerance of different categories of biocidal formulations, their active agents, and the potential for coselection of resistance to clinically important antibiotics were investigated. Six of seven food-grade biocide formulations were bactericidal at their recommended working concentrations. All showed a reduced activity against both surface-dried and biofilm cultures. A stable phenotype of tolerance to biocide formulations could not be selected. Upon exposure of Salmonella strains to an active biocidal compound, a high-level of tolerance was selected for a number of Salmonella serotypes. No cross-tolerance to the different biocidal agents or food-grade biocide formulations was observed. Most tolerant isolates displayed changes in their patterns of susceptibility to antimicrobial compounds. Food industry biocides are effective against planktonic Salmonella. When exposed to sublethal concentrations of individual active biocidal agents, tolerant isolates may emerge. This emergence was associated with changes in antimicrobial susceptibilities.


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Objectives: There is great urgency for alternate sources of antibiotics to be identified. One relatively untapped source of novel bioproducts, including antimicrobials, is organisms derived from extreme environments. Halophiles (which require high salt concentrations) are one such group which is being increasingly explored for their biotechnological potential. The aim of this study was to identify halophilic environmental isolates which possessed in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities. Methods: 73 halophilic bacteria and archaea were isolated from Kilroot salt mine in Northern Ireland. Culture extracts of each isolate were screened for antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity against numerous pathogenic bacteria, including Staphylococcus species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, both model strains and clinical isolates. The methods used included disc diffusion assays of crude extracts, MIC screening, the MBEC assay, and an in vivo model based on the Greater Wax Moth (Galleria mellonella). Results: The assays indicated >50% of extracts displayed antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity against at least one pathogen, the majority being Staphylococcus species, but also E. coli and P. aeruginosa. Biofilms were either reduced or eradicated by halophile extracts when tested with the MBEC device. Further experiments demonstrated that these effects could be replicated in vivo, with extracts reducing the severity of infections and enhancing the survival of infected G. mellonella. Conclusions: The importance of extremophiles to pharmaceutical research should not be underestimated. While not yet fully characterised, based on the data obtained, the halophiles isolated during this study may provide a promising reservoir of novel antimicrobial and antibiofilm compounds.