233 resultados para key replacement attack


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There is an increasing need to identify the effect of mix composition on the rheological properties of cementitious grouts using minislump, Marsh cone, cohesion plate, washout test, and cubes to determine the fluidity, the cohesion, and other mechanical properties of grouting applications. Mixture proportioning involves the tailoring of several parameters to achieve adequate fluidity, cohesion, washout resistance and compressive strength. This paper proposes a statistical design approach using a composite fractional factorial design which was carried out to model the influence of key parameters on the performance of cement grouts. The responses relate to performance included minislump, flow time using Marsh cone, cohesion measured by Lombardi plate meter, washout mass loss and compressive strength at 3, 7, and 28 days. The statistical models are valid for mixtures with water-to-binder ratio of 0.37–0.53, 0.4–1.8% addition of high-range water reducer (HRWR) by mass of binder, 4–12% additive of silica fume as replacement of cement by mass, and 0.02–0.8% addition of viscosity modifying admixture (VMA) by mass of binder. The models enable the identification of underlying factors and interactions that influence the modeled responses of cement grout. The comparison between the predicted and measured responses indicated good accuracy of the established models to describe the effect of the independent variables on the fluidity, cohesion, washout resistance and the compressive strength. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of the models to better understand trade-offs between parameters. The multiparametric optimization is used to establish isoresponses for a desirability function for cement grout. An increase of HRWR led to an increase of fluidity and washout, a reduction in plate cohesion value, and a reduction in the Marsh cone time. An increase of VMA demonstrated a reduction of fluidity and the washout mass loss, and an increase of Marsh cone time and plate cohesion. Results indicate that the use of silica fume increased the cohesion plate and Marsh cone, and reduced the minislump. Additionally, the silica fume improved the compressive strength and the washout resistance.


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There is a gulf between the enormous information content of the various genome projects and the understanding of the life of the parasite in the host. In vitro studies with adult Schistosoma mansoni using several substrates suggest that the excretory system contains both P-glycoproteins and multiresistance proteins. If both these families of protein were active in vivo, they could regulate parasite metabolism and be responsible for the excretion of drugs. During skin penetration, membrane-impermeant molecules of a wide range of molecular weights can be taken into the cercaria and schistosomulum through the nephridiopore, through the surface membrane or through both. We speculate that this uptake process might stimulate novel signalling pathways involved in growth and development.


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We assessed the extent to which an invader, Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda), has replaced a native, Gammarus duebeni celticus, over a 13-year period in a European river system and some of the abiotic and biotic factors that could account for this. Between 1988 and 2001, 56% of mixed-species sites had become invader-only sites, whereas no mixed sites had become native only again. The native dominated areas of higher dissolved oxygen and water quality, with the reciprocal true for the invader. Field transplant experiments revealed that native survivorship was lower in areas where it had been replaced than in areas where the invader does not yet occur. In invader-only areas, native survivorship was lower than that of the invader when kept separately and lowest when both species were kept together. We also observed predation of the native by the invader. Laboratory oxygen manipulation experiments revealed that at 30% saturation, the native's survivorship was two thirds that of the invader. We conclude that decreasing water quality favours replacement of the native by the invader.


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In a laboratory experiment that permitted both observations of the behaviour of individuals and the monitoring of small populations, the role of 'intraguild predation' in the elimination of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus duebeni celticus by the introduced G. pulex was examined. Over 18 weeks, deaths in single and mixed species replicates were monitored. Rates of 'mortality' (deaths not due to cannibalism or predation) did not differ between the species. Gammarus cl. celticus, however, was more cannibalistic than G. pulex and, in both species, males were more often cannibalized than females. In mixed species replicates, the mean proportions of animals preyed upon did not differ among replicates with differing starting proportions of the two species, nor was there a difference between the sexes in numbers preyed upon. G. pulex, however, preyed more frequently on G. d celticus than vice versa, and this became more pronounced over time. In 87% of mixed species replicates, G. pulex eliminated G. d. celticus. The results support the proposition that intraguild predation may be the primary mechanism whereby G. pulex rapidly replaces G. d. celticus in freshwater. Integrating behavioural observations with population level monitoring may thus link pattern and process in behaviour and ecology.


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This experiment investigated the effects of replacing 10, 20, 30 or 40% of a dynamic group of forty sows on the welfare of newly-introduced animals. The experiment was replicated five times, using a total of 200 multiparous sows. Replacements took place at 3 week intervals, and 3 days prior to sows being added to the group the same number of animals were removed from the group. Sows were added to the dynamic group as pre-formed groups of four animals which had resided together for a period of 5 weeks beginning directly after their piglets were weaned. Replacement rate did not appear to influence overall levels of aggression to which newly-introduced animals were exposed on the day of mixing, however aggression among newly-introduced animals increased significantly as replacement rate increased between 20 and 40% (P


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We know considerably more about what makes cells and tissues resistant or sensitive to radiation than we did 20 years ago. Novel techniques in molecular biology have made a major contribution to our understanding at the level of signalling pathways. Before the “New Biology” era, radioresponsiveness was defined in terms of physiological parameters designated as the five Rs. These are: repair, repopulation, reassortment, reoxygenation and radiosensitivity. Of these, only the role of hypoxia proved to be a robust predictive and prognostic marker, but radiotherapy regimens were nonetheless modified in terms of dose per fraction, fraction size and overall time, in ways that persist in clinical practice today. The first molecular techniques were applied to radiobiology about two decades ago and soon revealed the existence of genes/proteins that respond to and influence the cellular outcome of irradiation. The subsequent development of screening techniques using microarray technology has since revealed that a very large number of genes fall into this category. We can now obtain an adequately robust molecular signature, predicting for a radioresponsive phenotype using gene expression and proteomic approaches. In parallel with these developments, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) can now detect specific biological molecules such as haemoglobin and glucose, so revealing a 3D map of tumour blood flow and metabolism. The key to personalised radiotherapy will be to extend this capability to the proteins of the molecular signature that determine radiosensitivity.


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In the early 1980s, a landmark study identified significant poor reporting practice in UK charities. As a consequence, a journey was commenced with the aim of improving accounting and reporting as a basis for enhancing accountability by charities. Much of this change has been effected through the publication of evolving Statements of Recommended Practice (SORPs) on accounting and reporting by charities. This paper analyses the evolution of the SORP through time using insights from stakeholder theory, and argues that the key stakeholders influencing the evolving SORP have been government and the accounting profession.


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Marijuana smokers and animals treated with ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, the principal component of marijuana, show alterations of sperm morphology suggesting a role for cannabinoids in sperm differentiation and/or maturation. Since the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) activation appears to play a pivotal role in spermiogenesis, the developmental stage where DNA is remodeled, we hypothesized that CNR1 receptors might also influence chromatin quality in sperm. We used Cnr1 null mutant (Cnr1-/-) mice to study the possible role of endocannabinoids on sperm chromatin during spermiogenesis. We demonstrated that CNR1 activation regulated chromatin remodeling of spermatids by either increasing Tnp2 levels or enhancing histone displacement. Comparative analysis of WT, Cnr1+/- and Cnr1-/- animals suggested the possible occurrence of haploinsufficiency for Tnp2 turnover control by CNR1, while histone displacement was disrupted to a lesser extent. Further, flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that the genetic loss of Cnr1 decreased sperm chromatin quality and was associated with sperm DNA fragmentation. This damage increased during epididymal transit, from caput to cauda. Collectively, our results show that the expression/activity of CNR1 controls the physiological alterations of DNA structure during spermiogenic maturation and epididymal transit. Given the deleterious effects of sperm DNA damage on male fertility, we suggest that the reproductive function of marijuana users may also be impaired by deregulation of the endogenous endocannabinoid system.