74 resultados para functional spatial scale


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Two common scenarios in Geoforensics (definition in text) are considered: the provenance, or localization of unknown samples and the question of sample variability at scenes of crime/alibi locations. Both have been discussed in forensic and soil science publications, but mostly within a theoretical or non-forensic context. These previous publications provide context for the two case study scenarios (one actual, one based on a range of criminal casework) that consider provenance and variability. A challenging scientific question in geoforensics is the provenance question: ‘where may this sample have come from?’ A question the Tellus data can assist in answering. The question of variation between samples maybe less of a challenge, yet variation between a suspect sample within a scene of crime requires detailed sampling. Variation on a larger (tens to hundreds of kilometres) scale may provide useful intelligence on where a sample came from. To summarise, databases such as Tellus and TellusBorder may be used as effective tools to assist in the search for the origin of displaced soil and sediment


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ecosystems. Coastal oceanic upwelling, for example, has been associated with elevatedbiomass and abundance patterns of certain functional groups, e.g., corticated macroalgae.In the upwelling system of Northern Chile, we examined measures of intertidal macrobenthiccomposition, structure and trophic ecology across eighteen shores varying in theirproximity to two coastal upwelling centres, in a hierarchical sampling design (spatial scalesof >1 and >10 km). The influence of coastal upwelling on intertidal communities was confirmedby the stable isotope values (δ13C and δ15N) of consumers, including a dominantsuspension feeder, grazers, and their putative resources of POM, epilithic biofilm, andmacroalgae. We highlight the utility of muscle δ15N from the suspension feeding mussel,Perumytilus purpuratus, as a proxy for upwelling, supported by satellite data and previousstudies. Where possible, we used corrections for broader-scale trends, spatial autocorrelation,ontogenetic dietary shifts and spatial baseline isotopic variation prior to analysis. Ourresults showed macroalgal assemblage composition, and benthic consumer assemblagestructure, varied significantly with the intertidal influence of coastal upwelling, especiallycontrasting bays and coastal headlands. Coastal topography also separated differences inconsumer resource use. This suggested that coastal upwelling, itself driven by coastlinetopography, influences intertidal communities by advecting nearshore phytoplankton populationsoffshore and cooling coastal water temperatures. We recommend the isotopic valuesof benthic organisms, specifically long-lived suspension feeders, as in situ alternativesto offshore measurements of upwelling influence


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It has frequently been argued that multinational companies are moving towards network forms whereby subsidiaries share different practices with the rest of the company. This paper presents large-scale empirical evidence concerning the extent to which subsidiaries input novel practices into the rest of the multinational. We investigate this in the field of human resources through analysis of a unique international data set in four host countries - Canada, Ireland, Spain and the UK - and address the question of how we can explain variation between subsidiaries in terms of whether they initiate the diffusion of practices to other subsidiaries. The data support the argument that multiple, rather than single, factor explanations are required to more effectively understand the factors promoting or retarding the diffusion of human resource practices within multinational companies. It emerges that national, corporate and functional contexts all matter. More specifically, actors at subsidiary level who seek to initiate diffusion appear to be differentially placed according to their national context, their place within corporate structures and the extent to which the human resource function is internationally networked.


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BACKGROUND: Urothelial pathogenesis is a complex process driven by an underlying network of interconnected genes. The identification of novel genomic target regions and gene targets that drive urothelial carcinogenesis is crucial in order to improve our current limited understanding of urothelial cancer (UC) on the molecular level. The inference of genome-wide gene regulatory networks (GRN) from large-scale gene expression data provides a promising approach for a detailed investigation of the underlying network structure associated to urothelial carcinogenesis.

METHODS: In our study we inferred and compared three GRNs by the application of the BC3Net inference algorithm to large-scale transitional cell carcinoma gene expression data sets from Illumina RNAseq (179 samples), Illumina Bead arrays (165 samples) and Affymetrix Oligo microarrays (188 samples). We investigated the structural and functional properties of GRNs for the identification of molecular targets associated to urothelial cancer.

RESULTS: We found that the urothelial cancer (UC) GRNs show a significant enrichment of subnetworks that are associated with known cancer hallmarks including cell cycle, immune response, signaling, differentiation and translation. Interestingly, the most prominent subnetworks of co-located genes were found on chromosome regions 5q31.3 (RNAseq), 8q24.3 (Oligo) and 1q23.3 (Bead), which all represent known genomic regions frequently deregulated or aberated in urothelial cancer and other cancer types. Furthermore, the identified hub genes of the individual GRNs, e.g., HID1/DMC1 (tumor development), RNF17/TDRD4 (cancer antigen) and CYP4A11 (angiogenesis/ metastasis) are known cancer associated markers. The GRNs were highly dataset specific on the interaction level between individual genes, but showed large similarities on the biological function level represented by subnetworks. Remarkably, the RNAseq UC GRN showed twice the proportion of significant functional subnetworks. Based on our analysis of inferential and experimental networks the Bead UC GRN showed the lowest performance compared to the RNAseq and Oligo UC GRNs.

CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating genome-scale UC GRNs. RNAseq based gene expression data is the data platform of choice for a GRN inference. Our study offers new avenues for the identification of novel putative diagnostic targets for subsequent studies in bladder tumors.


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Within the last decade, due to significant improvements in the spatial and temporal resolution of chromospheric data, magneto hydrodynamic (MHD)wave studies in this fascinating region of the Sun's atmosphere have risen to the forefront of solar physics research. In this review we begin by reviewing the challenges and debates that have manifested in relation to MHD wave mode identification in fine-scale chromosphericmagnetic structures, including spicules, fibrils and mottles. Next we goon to discuss how the process of accurately identifying MHD wave modes also has a crucial role to play in estimating their wave energy flux.This is of cardinal importance for estimating what the possible contribution of MHD waves is to solar atmospheric heating. Finally, we detail how such advances in chromospheric MHD wave studies have also allowed us, for the first time, to implement cutting-edge magneto seismological techniques that provide new insight into the sub-resolution plasma structuring of the lower solar atmosphere.


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The ability to directly utilize hydrocarbons and other renewable liquid fuels is one of the most important issues affecting the large scale deployment of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Herein we designed La0.2Sr0.7TiO3-Ni/YSZ functional gradient anode (FGA) supported SOFCs, prepared with a co-tape casting method and sintered using the field assisted sintering technique (FAST). Through SEM observations, it was confirmed that the FGA structure was achieved and well maintained after the FAST process. Distortion and delamination which usually results after conventional sintering was successfully avoided. The La0.2Sr0.7TiO3-Ni/YSZ FGA supported SOFCs showed a maximum power density of 600mWcm-2 at 750°C, and was stable for 70h in CH4. No carbon deposition was detected using Raman spectroscopy. These results confirm the potential coke resistance of La0.2Sr0.7TiO3-Ni/YSZ FGA supported SOFCs.


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Fluxes of HCH isomers α- and γ-HCH dynamics were determined in four industrial U.K. rivers feeding the North Sea. Sampling was conducted weekly basis over a 2-year period. This was complemented by discrete studies of events where two hourly sampling periods were used to investigate the fine time scale dynamics of fluxes. Two intensively industrialized rivers had average isomer concentrations of ~20 ng L-1 for both isomers, while average concentrations in the two less industrialized rivers ranged between 1.5 and 5.0 ng L-1. α-HCH concentrations showed no strong temporal patterns on any river, which contrasts with γ-HCH levels that increased considerably during late summer/early autumn following sustained periods of low river flow. Sampling during high river flow events on rivers with differing HCH pollution histories both showed the same dynamics in HCH isomer concentrations. γ-HCH concentrations decreased 4-fold during events while α-HCH-concentrations stayed constant. The increases in γ-HCH concentrations under low flow conditions and the rapid dilution of this isomer during events indicate that γ-HCH has current inputs to these river systems. It was calculated that these four rivers export 30.8 kg yr-1 of γ-HCH and 14.8 kg yr-1 of α-HCH to the North Sea.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of altering a single component of a rehabilitation programme (e.g. adding bilateral practice alone) on functional recovery after stroke, defined using a measure of activity.

DATA SOURCES: A search was conducted of Medline/Pubmed, CINAHL and Web of Science.

REVIEW METHODS: Two reviewers independently assessed eligibility. Randomized controlled trials were included if all participants received the same base intervention, and the experimental group experienced alteration of a single component of the training programme. This could be manipulation of an intrinsic component of training (e.g. intensity) or the addition of a discretionary component (e.g. augmented feedback). One reviewer extracted the data and another independently checked a subsample (20%). Quality was appraised according to the PEDro scale.

RESULTS: Thirty-six studies (n = 1724 participants) were included. These evaluated nine training components: mechanical degrees of freedom, intensity of practice, load, practice schedule, augmented feedback, bilateral movements, constraint of the unimpaired limb, mental practice and mirrored-visual feedback. Manipulation of the mechanical degrees of freedom of the trunk during reaching and the addition of mental practice during upper limb training were the only single components found to independently enhance recovery of function after stroke.

CONCLUSION: This review provides limited evidence to support the supposition that altering a single component of a rehabilitation programme realises greater functional recovery for stroke survivors. Further investigations are required to determine the most effective single components of rehabilitation programmes, and the combinations that may enhance functional recovery.


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Massive amount of data that are geo-tagged and associated with text information are being generated at an unprecedented scale. These geo-textual data cover a wide range of topics. Users are interested in receiving up-to-date tweets such that their locations are close to a user specified location and their texts are interesting to users. For example, a user may want to be updated with tweets near her home on the topic “food poisoning vomiting.” We consider the Temporal Spatial-Keyword Top-k Subscription (TaSK) query. Given a TaSK query, we continuously maintain up-to-date top-k most relevant results over a stream of geo-textual objects (e.g., geo-tagged Tweets) for the query. The TaSK query takes into account text relevance, spatial proximity, and recency of geo-textual objects in evaluating its relevance with a geo-textual object. We propose a novel solution to efficiently process a large number of TaSK queries over a stream of geotextual objects. We evaluate the efficiency of our approach on two real-world datasets and the experimental results show that our solution is able to achieve a reduction of the processing time by 70-80% compared with two baselines.


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The Antrim Coast Road stretching from the seaport of Larne in the East of Northern Ireland to the famous Giant’s Causeway in the North has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most spectacular roads in Europe (Day, 2006). At various locations along the route, fluid interactions between the problematic geology, Jurassic Lias Clay and Triassic Mudstone overlain by Cretaceous Limestone and Tertiary Basalt, and environmental variables result in frequent instances of slope instability within the vadose zone. During such instances of instability, debris flows and composite mudflows encroach on the carriageway posing a hazard to road users. This paper examines the site investigative, geotechnical and spatial analysis techniques currently being implemented to monitor slope stability for one site at Straidkilly Point, Glenarm, Northern Ireland. An in-depth understanding of the geology was obtained via boreholes, resistivity surveys and laboratory testing. Environmental variables recorded by an on-site weather station were correlated with measured pore water pressure and soil moisture infiltration dynamic data.
Terrestrial LiDAR (TLS) was applied to the slope for the monitoring of failures, with surveys carried out on a bi-monthly basis. TLS monitoring allowed for the generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of difference, highlighting areas of recent movement, erosion and deposition. Morphology parameters were generated from the DEMs and include slope, curvature and multiple measures of roughness. Changes in the structure of the slope coupled with morphological parameters are characterised and linked to progressive failures from the temporal monitoring. In addition to TLS monitoring, Aerial LiDARi datasets were used for the spatio-morphological characterisation of the slope on a macro scale. Results from the geotechnical and environmental monitoring were compared with spatial data obtained through Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR, providing a multi-faceted approach to slope stability characterization, which facilitates more informed management of geotechnical risk by the Northern Ireland Roads Service.


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Fishing is well known to curtail the size distribution of fish populations. This paper reports the discovery of small-scale spatial patterns in length appearing in several exploited species of Celtic Sea demersal 'groundfish'. These patterns match well with spatial distributions of fishing activity, estimated from vessel monitoring records taken over a period of 6 years, suggesting that this 'mobile' fish community retains a persistent impression of local-scale fishing pressure. An individual random-walk model of fish movement best matched these exploitation 'footprints' with individual movement rates set to <35 km per year. We propose that Celtic Sea groundfish may have surprisingly low movement rates for much of the year, such that fishing impact is spatially heterogeneous and related to local fishing intensity.


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Shallow population structure is generally reported for most marine fish and explained as a consequence of high dispersal, connectivity and large population size. Targeted gene analyses and more recently genome-wide studies have challenged such view, suggesting that adaptive divergence might occur even when neutral markers provide genetic homogeneity across populations. Here, 381 SNPs located in transcribed regions were used to assess large- and fine-scale population structure in the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), a widely distributed demersal species of high priority for the European fishery. Analysis of 850 individuals from 19 locations across the entire distribution range showed evidence for several outlier loci, with significantly higher resolving power. While 299 putatively neutral SNPs confirmed the genetic break between basins (F(CT) = 0.016) and weak differentiation within basins, outlier loci revealed a dramatic divergence between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations (F(CT) range 0.275-0.705) and fine-scale significant population structure. Outlier loci separated North Sea and Northern Portugal populations from all other Atlantic samples and revealed a strong differentiation among Western, Central and Eastern Mediterranean geographical samples. Significant correlation of allele frequencies at outlier loci with seawater surface temperature and salinity supported the hypothesis that populations might be adapted to local conditions. Such evidence highlights the importance of integrating information from neutral and adaptive evolutionary patterns towards a better assessment of genetic diversity. Accordingly, the generated outlier SNP data could be used for tackling illegal practices in hake fishing and commercialization as well as to develop explicit spatial models for defining management units and stock boundaries.


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Massive amount of data that are geo-tagged and associated with text information are being generated at an unprecedented scale. These geo-textual data cover a wide range of topics. Users are interested in receiving up-to-date geo-textual objects (e.g., geo-tagged Tweets) such that their locations meet users’ need and their texts are interesting to users. For example, a user may want to be updated with tweets near her home on the topic “dengue fever headache.” In this demonstration, we present SOPS, the Spatial-Keyword Publish/Subscribe System, that is capable of efficiently processing spatial keyword continuous queries. SOPS supports two types of queries: (1) Boolean Range Continuous (BRC) query that can be used to subscribe the geo-textual objects satisfying a boolean keyword expression and falling in a specified spatial region; (2) Temporal Spatial-Keyword Top-k Continuous (TaSK) query that continuously maintains up-to-date top-k most relevant results over a stream of geo-textual objects. SOPS enables users to formulate their queries and view the real-time results over a stream of geotextual objects by browser-based user interfaces. On the server side, we propose solutions to efficiently processing a large number of BRC queries (tens of millions) and TaSK queries over a stream of geo-textual objects.


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Adult sex ratio (ASR) has critical effects on behavior and life history and has implications for population demography, including the invasiveness of introduced species. ASR exhibits immense variation in nature, yet the scale dependence of this variation is rarely analyzed. In this study, using the generalized multilevel models, we investigated the variation in ASR across multiple nested spatial scales and analyzed the underlying causes for an invasive species, the golden apple snail Pomacea canaliculata. We partitioned the variance in ASR to describe the variations at different scales and then included the explanatory variables at the individual and group levels to analyze the potential causes driving the variation in ASR. We firstly determined there is a significant female-biased ASR for this species when accounting for the spatial and temporal autocorrelations of sampling. We found that, counter to nearly equal distributed variation at plot, habitat and region levels, ASR showed little variation at the town level. Temperature and precipitation at the region level were significantly positively associated with ASR, whereas the individual weight, the density characteristic, and sampling time were not significant factors influencing ASR. Our study suggests that offspring sex ratio of this species may shape the general pattern of ASR in the population level while the environmental variables at the region level translate the unbiased offspring sex ratio to the female-biased ASR. Future research should consider the implications of climate warming on the female-biased ASR of this invasive species and thus on invasion pattern.