74 resultados para fluid flow


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Q methodology was used to enable the identification of discourses among stakeholders to the environmental and resource dimensions of sustainability policies and to gain an understanding of the usefulness of Q methodology in informing sustainability policy development. The application of Q methodology has been useful in identifying shared discourses between different stakeholder groups, and providing insights into how stakeholders frame or understand policy issues; and recommendations are made for ongoing research priorities. These insights, in turn, informed the choice of scenarios for an in parallel process of policy evaluation using Ecological and Carbon Footprinting.


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To determine the frequency, distribution and association of genotypes of Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis in invasive and noninvasive clinical isolates.


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Systematic experiments have been carried out on the thermal and rheological behaviour of the ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl} imide, [C(4)mim][NTf2], and, for the first time, on the forced convective heat transfer of an ionic liquid under the laminar flow conditions. The results show that the thermal conductivity of the ionic liquid is similar to 0.13 W m(-1) K-1, which is almost independent of temperature between 25 and 40 degrees C. Rheological measurements show that the [C(4)mim][NTf2] liquid is a Newtonian fluid with its shear viscosity decreasing with increasing temperature according to the exponential law over a temperature range of 20-90 degrees C. The convective heat transfer experiments demonstrate that the thermal entrance length of the ionic liquid is very large due to its high viscosity and low thermal conductivity. The convective heat transfer coefficient is observed to be much lower than that of distilled water under the same conditions. The convective heat transfer data are also found to fit well to the convectional Shah's equation under the conditions of this work. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Rapid and robust methods are required to quantify the effect of hydrodynamic shear on protein conformation change. We evaluated such strategies in this work and found that the binding of the fluorescent probe 4,4'-dianilino-1, 1'-binaphthyl-5,5'-disulfonic acid (bis-ANS) to hydrophobic pockets in the blood protein von Willebrand factor (VWF) is enhanced upon the application of fluid shear to the isolated protein. Significant structural changes were observed when the protein was sheared at shear rates >= 6000/s for similar to 3.5 min. The binding of bis-ANS to multimeric VWF, but not dimeric VWF or control protein bovine serum albumin, was enhanced upon fluid shear application. Thus, high-molecular-weight VWF is more susceptible to conformation change upon tensile loading. Although bis-ANS itself did not alter the conformation of VWF, it stabilized protein conformation once it bound the sheared molecule. Bis-ANS binding to VWF was reduced when the sheared protein was allowed to relax before dye addition. Taken together with functional data in the literature, our results suggest that shear-induced conformation changes in VWF reported by bis-ANS correlate well with the normal function of the protein under physiological/pathological fluid flow conditions. Further, this study introduces the fluorescent dye bis-ANS as a tool that may be useful in studies of shear-induced protein conformation change.


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Natural gas extracted from hydraulically fractured shale formations potentially has a big impact on the global energy landscape. However, there are concerns of potential environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing of the shale formations, particularly those related to water quality. To evaluate the potential impact of hydraulically fractured shale on overlying aquifers, we conduct realizations of numerical modeling simulations to assess fluid flow and chloride transport from a synthetic Bowland Shale over a period of 11,000 years. The synthetic fractured shale was represented by a three-dimensional discrete fracture model that was developed by using the data from a Bowland Shale gas exploration in Lancashire, UK. Chloride mass exchange between fractures and the rock matrix was fully accounted for in the model. The assessment was carried out to investigate fluid and chloride mass fluxes before, during, and after hydraulic fracturing of the Bowland Shale. Impacts of the upward fracture height and aperture, as well as hydraulic conductivity of the multilayered bedrock system, are also included this assessment. This modeling revealed that the hydraulically fractured Bowland Shale is unlikely to pose a risk to its overlying groundwater quality when the induced fracture aperture is ≤200 µm. With the fracture aperture ≥1000 µm, the upward chloride flux becomes very sensitive to the upward fracture height growth and hydraulic conductivity of the multilayered bedrock system. In the extremely unlikely event of the upward fracture growth directly connecting the shale formation to the overlying Sherwood Sandstone aquifer with the fracture aperture ≥1000 µm, the upward chloride mass flux could potentially pose risks to the overlying aquifer in 100 years. The model study also revealed that the upward mass flux is significantly intercepted by the horizontal mass flux within a high permeable layer between the Bowland Shale and its overlying aquifers, reducing further upward flux toward the overlying aquifers.


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Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Paecilomyces farinosus were grown on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) modified with KCl to give a range of water activity (a(w)) from 0.938 to 0.998. Growth of all three species was optimal at 0.983 a(w) and growth occurred over the a(w) range tested. Acyclic sugar alcohol (polyol) and trehalose content of conidia was determined by HPLC and found to vary with species and a(w). Conidia of B. bassiana and P. farinosus were found to contain totals of 1.5% and 2.3% polyols respectively at 0.998 a(w), and double these amounts at <0.950 a(w). Conidia of M. anisopliae contained from 5.7% to 6.8% polyols at each a(w) tested. In conidia of all three species the predominant polyol was mannitol. The lower molecular weight polyols, arabitol and erythritol, were found to accumulate at reduced a(w). Small amounts of glycerol were present in conidia of each species; <15% total polyols. Conidia of B. bassiana and M. anisopliae contained about 0.5% trehalose from 0.970 to 0.998 a(w), but only trace amounts below 0.950 a(w). Conidia of P. farinosus contained 2.1% trehalose at 0.998 a(w) and this decreased to <0.1% below 0.950 a(w). Potential to manipulate the endogenous reserves of conidia of these biological control agents to enhance viability and desiccation tolerance is discussed.


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This study provides a novel meanline modeling approach for centrifugal compressors. All compressors analyzed are of the automotive turbocharger variety and have typical upstream geometry with no casing treatments or preswirl vanes. Past experience dictates that inducer recirculation is prevalent toward surge in designs with high inlet shroud to outlet radius ratios; such designs are found in turbocharger compressors due to the demand for operating range. The aim of the paper is to provide further understanding of impeller inducer flow paths when operating with significant inducer recirculation. Using three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and a single-passage model, the flow coefficient at which the recirculating flow begins to develop and the rate at which it grows are used to assess and correlate work and angular momentum delivered to the incoming flow. All numerical modeling has been fully validated using measurements taken from hot gas stand tests for all compressor stages. The new modeling approach links the inlet recirculating flow and the pressure ratio characteristic of the compressor. Typically for a fixed rotational speed, between choke and the onset of impeller inlet recirculation the pressure ratio rises gradually at a rate dominated by the aerodynamic losses. However, in modern automotive turbocharger compressors where operating range is paramount, the pressure ratio no longer changes significantly between the onset of recirculation and surge. Instead the pressure ratio remains relatively constant for reducing mass flow rates until surge occurs. Existing meanline modeling techniques predict that the pressure ratio continues to gradually rise toward surge, which when compared to test data is not accurate. A new meanline method is presented here which tackles this issue by modeling the direct effects of the recirculation. The result is a meanline model that better represents the actual fluid flow seen in the CFD results and more accurately predicts the pressure ratio and efficiency characteristics in the region of the compressor map affected by inlet recirculation.


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Unsteady coherent structures and turbulent heat transfer in a film cooling flow is studied by using detached eddy simulation (DES). Detailed computations for an inclined jet in crossflow by a single row of 35 degree round holes on a flat plate were performed at blowing ratios of 0.5 and 1.0, and a density ratio of 2.0. The correlation between the coherent vortical structures and the unsteady heat transfer is carefully examined. The instantaneous flow fields and heat transfer distributions are found to be characterized by the formation of large coherent vortical structures. These structures enhance the thermal mixing process and turbulent heat transfer to the wall. From the inspection of both unsteady adiabatic film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient, these two are found to have substantial local fluctuations due to the large unsteadiness of coherent structures. The fluctuation of the adiabatic effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient, for example, can be as high as 15 and 50 percent of the time-mean value, respectively. It could result in the detrimental effect on film cooling performance.


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This paper investigated the problem of confined flow under dams and water retaining structuresusing stochastic modelling. The approach advocated in the study combined a finite elementsmethod based on the equation governing the dynamics of incompressible fluid flow through aporous medium with a random field generator that generates random hydraulic conductivity basedon lognormal probability distribution. The resulting model was then used to analyse confined flowunder a hydraulic structure. Cases for a structure provided with cutoff wall and when the wall didnot exist were both tested. Various statistical parameters that reflected different degrees ofheterogeneity were examined and the changes in the mean seepage flow, the mean uplift forceand the mean exit gradient observed under the structure were analysed. Results reveal that underheterogeneous conditions, the reduction made by the sheetpile in the uplift force and exit hydraulicgradient may be underestimated when deterministic solutions are used.


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Concrete solar collectors offer a type of solar collector with structural, aesthetic and economic advantages over current populartechnologies. This study examines the influential parameters of concrete solar collectors. In addition to the external conditions,the performance of a concrete solar collector is influenced by the thermal properties of the concrete matrix, piping network andfluid. Geometric and fluid flow parameters also influence the performance of the concrete solar collector. A literature review ofconcrete solar collectors is conducted in order to define the benchmark parameters from which individual parameters are thencompared. The numerical model consists of a 1D pipe flow network coupled with the heat transfer in a 3D concrete domain. Thispaper is concerned with the physical parameters that define the concrete solar collector, thus a constant surface temperature isused as the exposed surface boundary condition with all other surfaces being insulated. Results show that, of the parametersinvestigated, the pipe spacing, ps, concrete conductivity, kc, and the pipe embedment depth, demb, are among those parameterswhich have greatest effect on the collector’s performance. The optimum balance between these parameters is presented withrespect to the thermal performance and discussed with reference to practical development issues.