115 resultados para effector-assisted breeding


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The imaging properties of a phase conjugating lens operating in the far field zone of the imaged source and augmented with scatterers positioned in the source near field region are theoretically studied in this paper. The phase conjugating lens consists of a double sided 2D assembly of straight wire elements, individually interconnected through phase conjugation operators. The scattering elements are straight wire segments which are loaded with lumped impedance loads at their centers. We analytically and numerically analyze all stages of the imaging process; i) evanescent-to-propagating spectrum conversion; ii) focusing properties of infinite or finite sized phase conjugating lens; iii) source reconstruction upon propagating-to-evanescent spectrum conversion. We show that the resolution that can be achieved depends critically on the separation distance between the imaged source and scattering arrangement, as well as on the topology of the scatterers used. Imaged focal widths of up to one-seventh wavelength are demonstrated. The results obtained indicate the possibility of such an arrangement as a potential practical means for realising using conventional materials devices for fine feature extraction by electromagnetic lensing at distances remotely located from the source objects under investigation


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A mechanistic study of the H-2-assisted Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx with octane as reductant over a Ag/Al2O3 catalyst was carried out using a modified DRIFTS cell coupled to a mass spectrometer Using fast transient cycling switching of H-2 with a time resolution of a few seconds It was possible to differentiate potential reaction intermediates from other moieties that are clearly spectator species Using such a periodic operation mode effects were uncovered that are normally hidden in conventional transient studies which typically consist of a single transient In experiments based on a single transient addition of H-2 to or removal of H-2 from the SCR feed it was found that the changes in the concentrations of gaseous species (products and reactants) were not matched by changes at comparable timescales of the concentration of surface species observed by IR This observation indicates that the majority of sur face species observed by DRIFTS under steady-state reaction conditions are spectators In contrast under fast cycling experimental conditions It was found that a surface isocyanate species had a temporal response that matched that of N-15(2) This suggests that some of the isocyanate species observed by infrared spectroscopy could be important intermediates in the hydrogen-assisted SCR reaction although it is emphasised that this may be dependent on the way in which the infrared spectra are obtained It is concluded that the use of fast transient cycling switching techniques may provide useful mechanistic information under certain circumstances.


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Capsule Despite substantial inter-annual and inter-specific variance in the composition of chick diet, the breeding success of Guillemots (Common Murres) Uria aalge and Razorbills Alca torda remained constant from 2008 to 2010.
Aims To examine inter-specific and inter-annual differences in breeding success, chick provisioning behaviour and predation between two sympatric auk species.
Methods Focal observations of breeding auks at Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland, during 2008, 2009 and 2010 recorded reproductive success, reasons for breeding failure, prey composition and quality and chick provisioning rates.
Results Breeding success of both species was stable over the three years, despite significant variance in the composition and quality of the diet provided to chicks. Razorbills experienced greater rates of failure than Guillemots owing to chick loss and had lower overall breeding success.
Conclusion Guillemot and Razorbill breeding success was independent of the composition and quality of prey items delivered to chicks. Inter-specific differences in reproductive success may have been attributed to greater rates of predation at Razorbill rather than Guillemot nests.


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While RNA interference (RNAi) has been deployed to facilitate gene function studies in diverse helminths, parasitic nematodes appear variably susceptible. To test if this is due to inter-species differences in RNAi effector complements, we performed a primary sequence similarity survey for orthologs of 77 Caenorhabditis elegans RNAi pathway proteins in 13 nematode species for which genomic or transcriptomic datasets were available, with all outputs subjected to domain-structure verification. Our dataset spanned transcriptomes of Ancylostoma caninum and Oesophagostomum dentatum, and genomes of Trichinella spiralis, Ascaris suum, Brugia malayi, Haemonchus contortus, Meloidogyne hapla, Meloidogyne incognita and Pristionchus pacificus, as well as the Caenorhabditis species C. brenneri, C. briggsae, C. japonica and C. remanei, and revealed that: (i) Most of the C. elegans proteins responsible for uptake and spread of exogenously applied double stranded (ds)RNA are absent from parasitic species, including RNAi-competent plant-nematodes; (ii) The Argonautes (AGOs) responsible for gene expression regulation in C. elegans are broadly conserved, unlike those recruited during the induction of RNAi by exogenous dsRNA; (iii) Secondary Argonautes (SAGOs) are poorly conserved, and the nuclear AGO NRDE-3 was not identified in any parasite; (iv) All five Caenorhabditis spp. possess an expanded RNAi effector repertoire relative to the parasitic nematodes, consistent with the propensity for gene loss in nematode parasites; (v) In spite of the quantitative differences in RNAi effector complements across nematode species, all displayed qualitatively similar coverage of functional protein groups. In summary, we could not identify RNAi effector deficiencies that associate with reduced susceptibility in parasitic nematodes. Indeed, similarities in the RNAi effector complements of RNAi refractory and competent nematode parasites support the broad applicability of this research genetic tool in nematodes.


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The reaction of 1-butylpyrrolidine with dimethyl carbonate to yield the ionic liquid precursor, 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium methylcarbonate, has been investigated under microwave heating conditions and the reaction parameters optimised to achieve 100% yield of the pyrrolidinium salt with no by-products in under 1 h. The reactions of tributylamine, trioctylphosphine, and 1-butylimidazole with dimethyl carbonate under comparable conditions have also been evaluated, yielding the corresponding methylcarbonate salts which can be used as intermediates for the preparation of halide-free ionic liquids without generating any undesirable salt wastes.


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Robust, active, anatase titania films, 250 nm thick, are deposited onto glass at low temperatures, i.e., 2.0 for the photocatalytic mineralization of stearic acid. These films are typically 6.9 times more active than a sample of commercial self-cleaning glass, comprising a 15 nm layer of fitania deposited by CVD, mainly because they are much thicker and, therefore, absorb more of the incident UV light. The most active of the films tested comprised particles of P25, but lacked any significant physical robustness. Similar results, but much more quickly obtained, were generated using a photocatalyst- sensitive ink, based on the redox dye, resazurin, Rz. All fitania films tested, including those produced by magnetrom sputtering exhibited photo-induced superhydrophilicity. The possible future application of PAR-DG-MS for producing very active photocatalytic films on substrates not renowned for their high temperature stabilities, such as plastics, is noted. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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We describe the most westerly known maternity colony of Nathusius' pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii). The bats were identified by using morphometric measurements and analysis of time-expanded echolocation and social calls. The roost, containing approximately 150 individuals, was located in a mid 19th century farm stable block and store house situated in parkland in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The roost was visited on 30 April, I May and 22 June 1997. Over this period, 11 bats were caught: one adult male, five pregnant females, four lactating females and a juvenile male. Direct observation of behaviour patterns suggests that mating groups of P. nathusii may occur in Ireland as late as May. The migratory nature of this species is discussed.