116 resultados para drainage pathway


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The topoisomerase I inhibitor irinotecan is used to treat advanced colorectal cancer and has been shown to have p53-independent anticancer activity. The aim of this study was to identify the p53-independent signaling mechanisms activated by irinotecan. Transcriptional profiling of isogenic HCT116 p53 wild-type and p53 null cells was carried out following treatment with the active metabolite of irinotecan, SN38. Unsupervised analysis methods showed that p53 status had a highly significant impact on gene expression changes in response to SN38. Pathway analysis indicated that pathways involved in cell motility [adherens junction, focal adhesion, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton] were significantly activated in p53 null cells, but not p53 wild-type cells, following SN38 treatment. In functional assays, SN38 treatment increased the migratory potential of p53 null and p53-mutant colorectal cancer cell lines, but not p53 wild-type lines. Moreover, p53 null SN38-resistant cells were found to migrate at a faster rate than parental drug-sensitive p53 null cells, whereas p53 wild-type SN38-resistant cells failed to migrate. Notably, cotreatment with inhibitors of the MAPK pathway inhibited the increased migration observed following SN38 treatment in p53 null and p53-mutant cells. Thus, in the absence of wild-type p53, SN38 promotes migration of colorectal cancer cells, and inhibiting MAPK blocks this potentially prometastatic adaptive response to this anticancer drug.


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This study assessed the contribution of L-type Ca2+ channels and other Ca2+ entry pathways to Ca2+ store refilling in choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle. Voltage-clamp recordings were made from enzymatically isolated choroidal microvascular smooth muscle cells and from cells within vessel fragments (containing <10 cells) using the whole-cell perforated patch-clamp technique. Cell Ca2+ was estimated by fura-2 microfluorimetry. After Ca2+ store depletion with caffeine (10 mM), refilling was slower in cells held at -20 mV compared to -80 mV (refilling half-time was 38 +/- 10 and 20 +/- 6 s, respectively). To attempt faster refilling via L-type Ca2+ channels, depolarising steps from -60 to -20 mV were applied during a 30 s refilling period following caffeine depletion. Each step activated L-type Ca2+ currents and [Ca2+]i transients, but failed to accelerate refilling. At -80 mV and in 20 mM TEA, prolonged caffeine exposure produced a transient Ca2+-activated Cl- current (I(Cl)(Ca)) followed by a smaller sustained current. The sustained current was resistant to anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (1 mM; an I(Cl)(Ca) blocker) and to BAPTA AM, but was abolished by 1 microM nifedipine. This nifedipine-sensitive current reversed at +29 +/- 2 mV, which shifted to +7 +/- 5 mV in Ca2+-free solution. Cyclopiazonic acid (20 microM; an inhibitor of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase) also activated the nifedipine-sensitive sustained current. At -80 mV, a 5 s caffeine exposure emptied Ca2+ stores and elicited a transient I(Cl)(Ca). After 80 s refilling, another caffeine challenge produced a similar inward current. Nifedipine (1 microM) during refilling reduced the caffeine-activated I(Cl)(Ca) by 38 +/- 5 %. The effect was concentration dependent (1-3000 nM, EC50 64 nM). In Ca2+-free solution, store refilling was similarly depressed (by 46 +/- 6 %). Endothelin-1 (10 nM) applied at -80 mV increased [Ca2+]i, which subsided to a sustained 198 +/- 28 nM above basal. Cell Ca2+ was then lowered by 1 microM nifedipine (to 135 +/- 22 nM), which reversed on washout. These results show that L-type Ca2+ channels fail to contribute to Ca2+ store refilling in choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle. Instead, they refill via a novel non-selective store-operated cation conductance that is blocked by nifedipine.


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A detailed understanding of flow and contaminant transfer along each of the key hydrological pathways within a catchment is critical for designing and implementing cost effective Programmes of Measures under the Water
Framework Directive.
The Contaminant Movement along Pathways Project (’The Pathways Project’) is an Irish, EPA STRIVE funded, large multi-disciplinary project which is focussed on understanding and modelling flow and attenuation along each of these pathways for the purposes of developing a catchment management tool. The tool will be used by EPA and RBD catchment managers to assess and manage the impacts of diffuse contamination on stream aquatic ecology. Four main contaminants of interest — nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and pathogens — are being
investigated in four instrumented test catchments. In addition to the usual hydrological and water chemistry/quality parameters typically captured in catchment studies, field measurements at the test catchments include ecological
sampling, sediment dynamics, soil moisture dynamics, and groundwater levels and chemistry/quality, both during and between significant rainfall events. Spatial and temporal sampling of waters directly from the pathways of
interest is also being carried out.
Sixty-five percent of Ireland is underlain by poorly productive aquifers. In these hydrogeological settings, the main pathways delivering flow to streams are overland flow, interflow and shallow bedrock flow. Little is
known about the interflow pathway and its relative importance in delivery of flow and contaminants to the streams. Interflow can occur in both the topsoil and subsoil, and may include unsaturated matrix flow, bypass or macropore
flow, saturated flow in locally perched water tables and artificial field drainage.
Results to date from the test catchment experiments show that artificial field drains play an important role in the delivery of interflow to these streams, during and between rainfall events when antecedent conditions are
favourable. Hydrochemical mixing models, using silica and SAC254 (the absorbance of UV light at a wavelength of 254 nm which is a proxy for dissolved organic matter) as tracers, show that drain flow is an important end
member contributing to the stream and that proportionally, its contribution is relatively high.
Results from the study also demonstrate that waters originating from one pathway often mix with the waters from another, and are subsequently delivered to the stream at rates, and with chemical/quality characteristics,
that are not typical of either pathway. For example, pre-event shallow groundwater not far from the catchment divide comes up to the surface as rejected recharge during rainfall events and is rapidly delivered to the stream
via overland flow and/or artificial land drainage, bringing with it higher nitrate than would often be expected from a quickflow pathway contribution. This is contrary to the assumption often made in catchment studies that the
deeper hydrological pathways have slower response times in stream hydrographs during a rainfall event, and it emphasizes that it is critical to have a strong three-dimensional conceptual model as the basis for the interpretation
of catchment data.


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Diffuse contaminants can make their way into rivers via a number of different pathways, including overland flow, interflow, and shallow and deep groundwater. Identification of the key pathway(s) delivering contaminants to a receptor is important for implementing effective water management strategies. The ‘Pathways Project’, funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency, is developing a catchment management tool that will enable practitioners to identify the critical source areas for diffuse contaminants, and the key pathways of interest in assessing contaminant problems on a catchment and sub-catchment scale.
One of the aims of the project is to quantify the flow and contaminant loadings being delivered to the stream via each of the main pathways. Chemical separation of stream event hydrographs is being used to supplement more traditional physical hydrograph separation methods. Distinct, stable chemical signatures are derived for each of the pathway end members, and the proportion of flow from each during a rainfall event can be determined using a simple mass balance approach.
Event sampling was carried out in a test catchment underlain by poorly permeable soils and bedrock, which is predominantly used for grazing with a number of one-off rural residential houses. Results show that artificial field drainage, which includes subterranean land drains and collector drains around the perimeters of the 1 to 10 ha fields, plays an important role in the delivery of flow and nutrients to the streams in these types of hydrogeological settings.
Nitrate infiltrates with recharge and is delivered to the stream primarily via the artificial drains and the shallow groundwater pathway. Longitudinal stream profiles show that the nitrate load input is relatively uniform over the 8 km length of the stream at high flows, suggesting widespread diffuse contaminant input. In contrast, phosphorus is adsorbed in the clay-rich soil and is transported mainly via the overland flow pathway and the artificial drains. Longitudinal stream profiles for phosphorus suggest a pattern of more discrete points of phosphorus inputs, which may be related to point sources of contamination.
These techniques have application elsewhere within a toolkit of methods for determining the key pathways delivering contaminants to surface water receptors.


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To investigate the association of genetic polymorphisms of the interleukin-18 (IL-18) pathway to Barrett's esophagus (BE) and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). Most cases of EAC arise in a background of reflux-induced BE. Genetic influences in this pathway are poorly understood. IL-18 is a multifunctional cytokine implicated in anti-tumor immunity. A number of polymorphisms of the IL-18 and IL-18 receptor-accessory protein (IL-18RAP) genes have been reported to alter gene expression and have recently been linked to inflammatory processes and various tumors, but have not heretofore been studied in BE and EAC.


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Recent patterns of migration indicate that international migrants are not confined to urban gateways. Instead many migrants have settled in new destination areas located in rural and small town areas. While this might appear to be a positive phenomenon for rural areas struggling with decline and stagnation, the reality is that many of these areas are ill-equipped to manage the rate and pace of change that has been witnessed in recent years. Migration to established, typically urban areas has been the subject of extensive research. However, little is known about the way in which migrants navigate their way through social structures as they settle into destinations with little experience of immigration. Using empirical research, this article considers the way in which migrants navigate their way through social structures to establish life in a so-called ‘new’ migration destination. It analyses the way in which government and civil society respond to their needs of recent arrivals, showing how both NGO’s and the statutory sector play an important role in this process. It considers the ramifications for these different sectors and the implications for so-called ‘new’ destinations as they become more established or ‘mature’ areas of immigration.


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Mammary epithelial cells in primary cell culture require both growth factors and specific extracellular matrix (ECM)-attachment for survival. Here we demonstrate for the first time that inhibition of the ECM-induced Erk 1/Erk 2 (p42/44 MAPK) pathway, by PD 98059, leads to apoptosis in these cells. Associated with this cell death is a possible compensatory signalling through the p38 MAP kinase pathway the inhibition of which, by SB 203580, leads to a more rapid onset of apoptosis. This provides evidence for a hitherto undescribed Erk 1/Erk 2 to p38 MAP kinase pathway 'cross-talk' that is essential for the survival of these cells. The cell death associated with inhibition of these two MAP kinase pathways however, occurred in the presence of insulin that activates the classical PI-3 kinase-dependent Akt/PKB survival signals and Akt phosphorylation. Cell death induced by inhibition of the MAP kinase pathways did not affect Akt phosphorylation and may, thus, be independent of PI-3 kinase signalling.


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In the present study we used a combination of patch clamping and fast confocal Ca2+ imaging to examine the effects of activators of the nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP pathway on pacemaker activity in freshly dispersed ICC from the rabbit urethra, using the amphotericin B perforated patch configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The nitric oxide donor, DEA-NO, the soluble guanylyl cyclase activator YC-1 and the membrane-permeant analogue of cGMP, 8-Br-cGMP inhibited spontaneous transient depolarizations (STDs) and spontaneous transient inward currents (STICs) recorded under current-clamp and voltage-clamp conditions, respectively. Caffeine-evoked Cl- currents were unaltered in the presence of SP-8-Br-PET-cGMPs, suggesting that activation of the cGMP/PKG pathway does not block Cl- channels directly or interfere with Ca2+ release via ryanodine receptors (RyR). However, noradrenaline-evoked Cl- currents were attenuated by SP-8-Br-PET-cGMPs, suggesting that activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) may modulate release of Ca2+ via IP3 receptors (IP3R). When urethral interstitial cells (ICC) were loaded with Fluo4-AM (2 microm), and viewed with a confocal microscope, they fired regular propagating Ca2+ waves, which originated in one or more regions of the cell. Application of DEA-NO or other activators of the cGMP/PKG pathway did not significantly affect the oscillation frequency of these cells, but did significantly reduce their spatial spread. These effects were mimicked by the IP3R blocker, 2-APB (100 microm). These data suggest that NO donors and activators of the cGMP pathway inhibit electrical activity of urethral ICC by reducing the spatial spread of Ca2+ waves, rather than decreasing wave frequency.


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Samples of suspended, floodplain and channel bed sediment have been used to examine downstream changes in ediment-associated contaminant transport and storage in contrasting rivers in Yorkshire, UK. The concentrations of hosphorus, chromium and selected PCBs associated with sediment in the River Aire and its main tributary, the River Calder, which drain an urbanized and industrialized catchment, are considerably higher than those in the relatively unpolluted River Swale, which drains an agricultural catchment. Concentrations of sediment-associated contaminants in the Aire/Calder system increase downstream, reflecting the location of urban and industrial areas in the middle and lower reaches, and the location of point source inputs, such as sewage treatment works. The ontaminant concentrations associated with floodplain and channel bed sediment in the Rivers Aire and Calder are high, particularly in the lower reaches. This, combined with measurements of sediment storage on the floodplain and channel bed, indicate that significant storage of sediment-associated contaminants occurs in the Rivers Aire and Calder.


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FK506 binding protein-like (FKBPL) and its peptide derivatives exert potent anti-angiogenic activity and and control tumour growth in xenograft models, when administered exogenously. However, the role of endogenous FKBPL in angiogenesis is not well characterised. Here we investigated the molecular effects of the endogenous protein and its peptide derivative, AD-01, leading to their anti-migratory activity. Inhibition of secreted FKBPL using a blocking antibody or siRNA-mediated knockdown of FKBPL accelerated the migration of human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1). Furthermore, MDA-MB-231 tumour cells stably overexpressing FKBPL inhibited tumour vascular development suggesting that FKBPL secreted from tumour cells could inhibit angiogenesis. Whilst FKBPL and AD-01 target CD44, the nature of this interaction is not known and here we have further interrogated this aspect. We have demonstrated that FKBPL and AD-01 bind to the CD44 receptor and inhibit tumour cell migration in a CD44 dependant manner; CD44 knockdown abrogated AD-01 binding as well as its anti-migratory activity. Interestingly, FKBPL overexpression and knockdown or treatment with AD-01, regulated CD44 expression, suggesting a co-regulatory pathway for these two proteins. Downstream of CD44, alterations in the actin cytoskeleton, indicated by intense cortical actin staining and a lack of cell spreading and communication were observed following treatment with AD-01, explaining the anti-migratory phenotype. Concomitantly, AD-01 inhibited Rac-1 activity, up-regulated RhoA and the actin binding proteins, profilin and vinculin. Thus the anti-angiogenic protein, FKBPL, and AD-01, offer a promising and alternative approach for targeting both CD44 positive tumours and vasculature networks.


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The NF-kB transcriptional factor plays a key role governing the activation of immune responses. Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important cause of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia. Evidence indicates that K. pneumoniae infections are characterized by lacking an early in?ammatory response. Recently, we have demonstrated that Klebsiella antagonizes the activation of NF-kB via the deubiquitinase CYLD. In this work, by applying a high-throughput siRNA gain-of-function screen interrogating the human kinome, we identi?ed 17 kinases that when targeted by siRNA restored IL-1b-dependent NF-kB translocation in infected cells. Further characterization revealed that K. pneumoniae activates an EGF receptor (EGFR)- phosphatidylinositol 3-OH kinase (PI3K)–AKT–PAK4–ERK–GSK3b signalling pathway to attenuate the cytokine-dependent nuclear translocation of NF-kB. Our data also revealed that CYLD is a downstream effector of K. pneumoniae-induced EGFR–
PI3K–AKT–PAK4–ERK–GSK3b signalling pathway. Our efforts to identify the bacterial factor(s) responsible for EGFR activation demonstrate that a capsule (CPS) mutant did not activate EGFR hence
suggesting that CPS could mediate the activation of EGFR. Supporting this notion, puri?ed CPS did activate EGFR as well as the EGFR-dependent PI3K–AKT–PAK4–ERK–GSK3b signalling pathway. CPS-mediated EGFR activation was dependent on a TLR4–MyD88–c-SRC-dependent pathway. Several promising drugs have been developed to antagonize this cascade. We propose that agents targeting this signalling pathway might provide selective alternatives for the management of K. pneumoniae pneumonias.


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Context: Nursing home residents with pneumonia are frequently hospitalized. Such transfers may be associated with multiple hazards of hospitalization as well as economic costs. Objective: To assess whether using a clinical pathway for on-site treatment of pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections in nursing homes could reduce hospital admissions, related complications, and costs. Design, Setting, and Participants: A cluster randomized controlled trial of 680 residents aged 65 years or older in 22 nursing homes in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Nursing homes began enrollment between January 2, 2001, and April 18, 2002, with the last resident follow-up occurring July 4, 2005. Residents were eligible if they met a standardized definition of lower respiratory tract infection. Interventions: Treatment in nursing homes according to a clinical pathway, which included use of oral antimicrobials, portable chest radiographs, oxygen saturation monitoring, rehydration, and close monitoring by a research nurse, or usual care. Main Outcome Measures: Hospital admissions, length of hospital stay, mortality, health-related quality of life, functional status, and cost. Results: Thirty-four (10%) of 327 residents in the clinical pathway group were hospitalized compared with 76 (22%) of 353 residents in the usual care group. Adjusting for clustering of residents in nursing homes, the weighted mean reduction in hospitalizations was 12% (95% confidence interval [CI], 5%-18%; P=.001). The mean number of hospital days per resident was 0.79 in the clinical pathway group vs 1.74 in the usual care group, with a weighted mean difference of 0.95 days per resident (95% CI, 0.34-1.55 days; P=.004). The mortality rate was 8% (24 deaths) in the clinical pathway group vs 9% (32 deaths) in the usual care group, with a weighted mean difference of 2.9% (95% CI, -2.0% to 7.9%; P=.23). There were no significant differences between the groups in health-related quality of life or functional status. The clinical pathway resulted in an overall cost savings of US $1016 per resident (95% CI, $207-$1824) treated. Conclusion: Treating residents of nursing homes with pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections with a clinical pathway can result in comparable clinical outcomes, while reducing hospitalizations and health care costs. ©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To report a new technique to correct tube position in anterior chamber after glaucoma drainage device implantation.

PATIENT AND METHODS: A patient who underwent a glaucoma drainage device implantation was noted to have the tube touching the corneal endothelium. A 10/0 polypropylene suture with double-armed 3-inch long straight needle was placed transcamerally from limbus to limbus, in the superior part of the eye, passing the needle in front of the tube.

RESULTS: The position of the tube in the anterior chamber was corrected with optimal distance from corneal endothelium and iris surface. The position remained satisfactory after 20 months of follow-up.

CONCLUSIONS: The placement of a transcameral suture offers a safe, quick, and minimal invasive intervention for the correction of the position of a glaucoma drainage device tube in the anterior chamber.