70 resultados para désordres de l’oxydation des acides gras


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This study of the Mahavavy-Kinkony Wetland Complex (MKWC) assesses the impacts of habitat change on the resident globally threatened fauna. Located in Boeny Region, northwest Madagascar, the Complex encompasses a range of habitats including freshwater lakes, rivers, marshes, mangrove forests, and deciduous forest. Spatial modelling and analysis tools were used to (i) identify the important habitats for selected, threatened fauna, (ii) assess their change from 1950 to 2005, (iii) detect the causes of change, (iv) simulate changes to 2050 and (v) evaluate the impacts of change. The approach for prioritising potential habitats for threatened species used ecological science techniques assisted by the decision support software Marxan. Nineteen species were analysed: nine birds, three primates, three fish, three bats and one reptile. Based on knowledge of local land use, supervised classification of Landsat images from 2005 was used to classify the land use of the Complex. Simulations of land use change to 2050 were carried out based on the Land Change Modeler module in Idrisi Andes with the neural network algorithm. Changes in land use at site level have occurred over time but they are not significant. However, reductions in the extent of reed marshes at Lake Kinkony and forests at Tsiombikibo and Marofandroboka directly threaten the species that depend on these habitats. Long term change monitoring is recommended for the Mahavavy Delta, in order to evaluate the predictions through time. The future change of Andohaomby forest is of great concern and conservation actions are recommended as a high priority. Abnormal physicochemical properties were detected in lake Kinkony due to erosion of the four watersheds to the south, therefore an anti-erosion management plan is required for these watersheds. Among the species of global conservation concern, Sakalava rail (Amaurornis olivieri), Crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) and dambabe (Paretroplus dambabe) are estimated the most affected, but at the site level Decken’s sifaka (Propithecus deckeni), kotsovato (Paretroplus kieneri) and Madagascan big-headed turtle (Erymnochelys madagascariensis) are also threatened. Local enforcement of national legislation on hunting means that MKWC is among the sites where the flying fox (Pteropus rufus) and Madagascan rousette (Rousettus madagascariensis) are well protected. Ecological restoration, ecological research and actions to reduce anthropogenic pressures are recommended.


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Thomas Würtenberger, Dieter K. Tscheulin, Jean-Claude Usunier, Dominique Jeannerod, Eric Davoine (Hrsg.):
Wahrnehmungs- und Betätigungsformen des Vertrauens im deutsch-französischen Vergleich
Berlin, Berlin GmbH, 2002


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This article re-examines the relationship between framing and postposition of the subject in contemporary French, using oral data from the French Oral Narrative Corpus. The authors argue that the widely-supported binary distinction between 'SV-framing' and 'VS-nonframing' is in fact much more complex, with some clear counterexamples to accepted theory and others that force us to re-consider the definition of framing.


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In recent years, the proliferation of discoveries has enabled studies of stone tools used in metal working to develop. The increasing number of tools, made mostly from Neolithic polished axes, reveals a typological and functional diversity that remained largely unsuspected. This diversity is an opportunity to understand the tools and address the technical issues relating to the plastic deformation of metals. The operations that are represented here demonstrate the techniques used by coppersmiths with specialised tools.


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Book Review in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions und Kulturgeschichte No. 100 (2006) of Richard Friedli & Mallory Schneuwly Purdie (eds), L’Europe des Religions. Éléments d’analyse des champs religieux européens. Actes du programme 2002-2003 de formation doctorale, Berne: Peter Lang, collection « Studia Religiosa Helvetica », vol.8/9, 2004, 257p.