133 resultados para coherent coupling


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Mode-mixing of coherent excitations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate is modeled using the Bogoliubov approximation. Calculations are presented for second-harmonic generation between the two lowest-lying even-parity m=0 modes in an oblate spheroidal trap. Hybridization of the modes of the breather (l=0) and surface (l=4) states leads to the formation of a Bogoliubov dark state near phase-matching resonance so that a single mode is coherently populated. Efficient harmonic generation requires a strong coupling rate, sharply-defined and well-separated frequency spectrum, and good phase matching. We find that in all three respects the quantal results are significantly different from hydrodynamic predictions. Typically the second-harmonic conversion rate is half that given by an equivalent hydrodynamic estimate.


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We investigate the violation of Leggett's inequality for nonlocal realism using entangled coherent states and various types of local measurements. We prove mathematically the relation between the violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt form of Bell's inequality and Leggett's one when tested by the same resources. For Leggett inequalities, we generalize the nonlocal realistic bound to systems in Hilbert spaces larger than bidimensional ones and introduce an optimization technique that allows one to achieve larger degrees of violation by adjusting the local measurement settings. Our work describes the steps that should be performed to produce a self-consistent generalization of Leggett's original arguments to continuous-variable states.


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Using the theory of Eliashberg and Nambu for strong-coupling superconductors, we have calculated the gap function for a model superconductor and a selection of real superconductors includong the elements Al, Sn, Tl, Nb, In, Pb and Hg and one alloy, Bi2Tl. We have determined thetemperature-dependent gap edge in each and found that in materials with weak electron-phonon ($\lambda 1.20$), not only is the gap edge double valued but it also departs significantly from the BCS form and develops a shoulderlike structure which may, in some cases, denote a gap edge exceeding the $T = 0$ value. These computational results support the insights obtained by Leavens in an analytic consideration of the general problem. Both the shoulder and double value arise from a common origin seated in the form of the gap function in strong coupled materials at finite temperatures. From the calculated gap function, we can determine the densities of states in the materials and the form of the tunneling current-voltage characteristics for junctions with these materials as electroddes. By way of illustration, results are shown for the contrasting cases of Sn ($\lambda=0.74$) and Hg ($\lambad=1.63$). The reported results are distinct in several ways from BCS predictions and provide an incentive determinative experimental studies with techniques such as tunneling and far infrared absorption.


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Symmetrical and unsymmetrical ligands containing terpyridyl coordinating units (N, N, N) or a cyclometalating equivalent (N, C, N), connected back-to-back either directly or via a p-terphenylene or 1,3-phenylene spacer, have been used to construct new diruthenium complexes. These compounds incorporate various terdentate chelates as capping ligands, to allow a double control of the electronic properties of each subcomplex and of the ensemble: via the terminal ligand or through the bridging fragment. Electronic coupling was studied from the intervalence transitions observed in several bimetallic ruthenium complexes of the bis-(cyclometalated) type differing by the substitution of a nitrogen atom by carbon in the terminal terpyridyl unit. The largest metal-metal interaction was found in complexes for which the terminal complexing unit is of the 1,3-di-2-pyridylbenzene type, i.e., with the carbon atom located on the metal-metal C-2 axis of the molecule. Investigations of the mechanism of interaction by extended Huckel calculations showed that the replacement of nitrogen by carbon raises the filled ligand levels, increasing the mixing with ligand orbitals and thus the metal-metal coupling. Finally, the intervalence transition was still observed for a bridging ligand containing three phenylene units as spacers, corresponding to a 24-Angstrom metal-metal distance.


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New routes for the preparation of highly active TiO2-supported Cu and CuZn catalysts have been developed for C-O coupling reactions. Slurries of a titania precursor were dip-coated onto glass beads to obtain either structured mesoporous or non-porous titania thin films. The Cu and CuZn nanoparticles, synthesized using a reduction by solvent method, were deposited onto calcined films to obtain a Cu loading of 2 wt%. The catalysts were characterized by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy, temperature-programmed oxidation/reduction (TPO/TPR) techniques, Cu-63 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM-EDX) and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS). The activity and stability of the catalysts obtained have been studied in the C-O Ullmann coupling of 4-chloropyridine and potassium phenolate. The titania-supported nanoparticles retained catalyst activity for up to 12 h. However, catalyst deactivation was observed for longer operation times due to oxidation of the Cu nanoparticles. The oxidation rate could be significantly reduced over the CuZn/TiO2 catalytic films due to the presence of Zn. The 4-phenoxypyridine yield was 64% on the Cu/nonporous TiO2 at 120 degrees C. The highest product yield of 84% was obtained on the Cu/mesoporous TiO2 at 140 degrees C, corresponding to an initial reaction rate of 104 mmol g(cat)(-1) s(-1). The activation energy on the Cu/mesoporous TiO2 catalyst was found to be (144 +/- 5) kJ mol(-1), which is close to the value obtained for the reaction over unsupported CuZn nanoparticles (123 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1)) and almost twice the value observed over the catalysts deposited onto the non-porous TiO2 support (75 +/- 2 kJ mol(-1)).


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Coupling of a soft X-ray laser beam with a relaying concave mirror in a sequentially pumped amplifier geometry using the Ne-like Ge system has been studied experimentally. Preliminary observations indicate an increase in the spatial coherence of the amplified relayed beam. In addition, near-field imaging of one of the amplifier plasmas shows a double-lobed intensity pattern of the emergent beam indicating refractive guiding of the amplified beam with components both normal and tangential to the target surface.


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From measurements of spatial coherence and beam divergence of Ge soft x-ray laser at a far field, the x-ray laser beam has been characterized as a partially coherent Gaussian beam. Double-pass amplification will improve spatial and temporal coherence, spectral brightness and efficiency. Close to 100% geometrical coupling efficiency has been obtained in double pass amplification in Ge. Transient loss of feedback is attributed to mirror structure damage within the build-up time of the x-ray laser. Prospect for generation of coherent x-ray laser beam is discussed.


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High harmonic generation (HHG) is a central driver of the rapidly growing field of ultrafast science. We present a novel quasiphase-matching (QPM) concept with a dual-gas multijet target leading, for the first time, to remarkable phase control between multiple HHG sources (> 2) within the Rayleigh range. The alternating jet structure with driving and matching zones shows perfect coherent buildup for up to six QPM periods. Although not in the focus of the proof-of-principle studies presented here, we achieved competitive conversion efficiencies already in this early stage of development.


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Harmonic generation from relativistically oscillating plasma surfaces formed during the interaction of high contrast lasers with solid-density targets has been shown to be an efficient source of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray radiation. Recent work has demonstrated that the exceptional coherence properties of the driving laser can be mirrored in the emitted radiation, permitting diffraction limited performance and attosecond phase locking of the harmonic radiation. These unique properties may allow the coherent harmonic focusing (CHF) of high harmonics generated from solid density targets to intensities on the order of the Schwinger limit of 10(29) W cm(-2) with laser systems available in the near future [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 115002 (2004)] and thus pave the way for unique experiments exploring the nonlinear properties of vacuum on ultra-fast timescales. In this paper we investigate experimentally as well as numerically the prospect of focusing high harmonics under realistic experimental conditions and demonstrate, using particle in cell (PIC) simulations, that precise control of the wavefronts and thus the focusability of the generated harmonics is possible with pre-shaped targets.